I By the Observer Among those occupying boxes on Fri~ f Miss day evening at the Wagner concert at hostess Ravinia Park were: Mr. and \lrs. C. T. I at 3 din Boynton. Miss Boynton. Mr. Sanborn Lwith (la Smith of New York. Mr and Mrs. C. G. ing at Alexander. and Mr, and Mrs. George'feature: Mitten. and Mr. F. J. Baker of Winnetka. ‘ town gt The solists of the evening were: Mr. Evansu Morgan Kingston and Mr. Harry Weis- If eye bach. Mr. Kingston sang Lohengrin‘s beach t Narrative. and as encores. “Parted.†by day “-h. Tosti. and "Nirvana." by Adams. Mr “(my Kingston. who was overwhelmed with memor' “clamors for more." was accompanitd‘versarv by his instructor at the piano. Missiostun'} Evelyn Hatters Edwards Mr. Weisbach ‘ cow b0. withihis violin. charmed as usual. the‘cosium very large audience with the Prelude to 3 games . “Le Deluge" by Saint-Saens. Next “'33- I enjoyec ner evening will be tomorrow mghtga part when the solists will be Misg Beatrice Wthh( La Palme. singing “Dich Theure Halle'“ ()n : from Tannhaeuser. and Mn Walter: Rubblv Whe.’ .ey who will sing a group of songs. ’ of her : “In Bygone Days." “The Pipes of Car ; occasio don‘s Men." and “A Burst of Melody." Lannivei The sixth student artist day will be held as usual in the pavilion at Ravinia Park on Tuesday afternoon, August third. The artist to playis Miss Catherine Kittelsbv. who is to play on the piano Mozkowski concerto opus 59. The or- chestral parts are to be played by Mr. Kent Wanieck. Both students are promising of a brilliant future. Miss Edi‘h Davis was hostess at a welch rarebit party at her home on St. Johns Ave., Saturday evening. Eight guests were present. Miss Lillie Bell of North Ave.. was hosiess on Friday evening to thirty guests at a dancing party. Mrs. Sidney W. Miller of Prospect Ave; entertained eight ladies at luncheon on Wednesday of last week. Sewing and a social time passed the afternoon hours. Miss Gladys Tucker was hostess at a lawn party at her home on Thursday evening for twenty guest; Games on the lawn and refreshments served in the house were features of the evening. The Social Side of Life on his regular route This rate is for YOUR particular beneï¬t. CONVENIENCE to YOL. Hand our driver when he calrls for your laundry. High Clan launder?“ and French Dry Cleaners RUSSIAN BLOUSE BREAKFAST SUIT Chas. H. Warren Co. Highland Park’s Heldqwtm Reliable Merchandise These Suits come in a variety of colors and sizes 11mm Vocal Affairs of the week PHONE 110 Miss Helen Warnef of Belle lwe._ was hostess Friday evening to fourteen guests at a dmncr party. A ï¬ve course dmncr with dancing between courses and danc- mg at Ravima Park afterwards. were features of the eve-rung. The outwi- town guest was Mr‘ Charles Barlow of Evanston lfei'eragay day was spent on the beach by the children, Friday was the day when little Julia [)onnelly entertain» ed twenty two of her little friends in memory of her eighth birthday anni- versary. The girls all came dressed in costume. Red Cross nurses, Indian flll'l.', cow boy girls, and red. white and blue costumes were in evidence. All sorts of games were played and later the children enjoyed bathingr Luncheon was served. a part of which was a birthday cake which delighted the children immensely. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Fred Rubblv entertained twelve little friends of her son Paul's at 1 birthday party. the occasion c lebrating his second birthday anniversary. Fifteen friends of Mr Charles Tinison of E. Central Ave. surprised him on Sat- urday evening by coming in lor a supper partv followed by dancmg. A very pleasant time was reported by all. The Misses Charity McKenzie and Marjorie Thompson were greatly sur- prised on Saturday evening when eigh- teen of their friends came in to help them pass the evgning. Games. mu‘ic and very dt‘iiL‘XOUS refreshments sened at ten o'clock, passed a pleasant evening. Mrs. Robert Smith entertained the card club at her home on Friday after- noon. - Among those reantly entertaining at dinner-dances in the domino ball-room at Ravmia Park are: Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Alexander, Mrs. McGregor Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Crandall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Mauran,. on Wednesday eve» ning of last week. and Mr. and Mn. C. T. Boynton on Thurs‘ay and Friday evenings. The dinner-dances are be- coming quite a popular pautime. .00 ' In a SAVING and a YOL'R dry cleaning (00 for l I; l‘hgnday evening Madame: Thoma. ‘Ru l and William Rudolph of Hulk w emeru'mod twemy-ï¬ve guests 0! I! din party ax lhe lanet'l home. We 00 ‘ (:3an being the celebration 0! 01¢erth ldly ‘nm‘vcnarial A ï¬ve coune dimer? wu rved on two artistically decanted ‘ ubl . Garden flowers were In evidencl ev when: The out-ol-lown guru; mo; cludgd Mrs. Edward Welch ol Wanke- ‘ gan, Mus Rudulp'. of Rnumn, Mn. Thu at Welch and Mrs. N, Wink of Hi; and Park. Mrs. WA J. Louderback of Moraine Rd , Mrs. WA J. Loudcrback of Moraine Rd , cntetulned the bridge club It luncheon on \chneuday 0! last week. M's. Henry W, Boyd entertained lb. embgoxdery dub I! luncheon ycncrday at hgr home on E Llurcl Avc. 0‘ Monday afternoon. twenty Mend:l of Mn. Le Baton Drurv. who hvu at the Laura! Inn mm her daughter, Mn Annn' M. Atwater. helped to celebrate her mndrth btrthday anntverur)‘. Mn. Drury's mom was I bower ut must beaumul flowers. and lovnng meme: (rum numerous friends were telrgubhed to Mrs Drury A very dchghtful mum‘alc formed a part u! the alternoon'l entertamment. at whtt‘h ttmc Mrs A, U. Halon pllyt-d the pretty tmnucl, whtch haqbccn played at Ran'lma Park recent} ly‘ (-er ntuut' u.» rendered by Mr:- damt-s (ark-ton VuL Henry Atvutcr. and Miss Manon Manon, whu sang lung: tn thctr usual gran-[u] manner, uhtle MIN Luhdrll playrd a few or her own curppustttons «m the piano A: rrlrrnh- mam mm: a gay/Iv ltxtztcd btrthuny \Jkt wal tn exidvrtte lrs H. 1‘. Butler 0! Waverly RU. m l“ cnlertaxn al thrce la >ln of hnduc on i-nda) nemng for her l‘lhcr Mr N H. Busty of New Yurk uh ) 1: her gum. In. L T. Huntun wxll cnzcrum the Dr Ill! Readmg \lass tomorrow mmmnx 3! C! h mac or) S Snendan Rd The clubs utter an micro-1mg an" 0! read my, now ammuncu Ill last mccunu lo talc plan- in lhc early lull Hrs Juhn â€˜ï¬ Scott 0! “ mnrlka lurncd mar her ground. lo a unnol' lalflraux vivfms,‘ lur Arden Shore bmeï¬t lnu cvmmu The tableaux rcprrwnlcd In anélem Es»; man lune Engluh smut-nu. F11 Amngcluus and Japnnew pnnu 1km pictures WCH' posed un an out dcku plat form vivfnts,‘ Int Arden Shore b>neï¬t int lutweek. evmmg The tableaux represented In5 Mr. White! Footet o! Ctucuo. who has j anétent Egyptian tune. Engluh portnttk‘bï¬n vmtmg It the! 0‘ M! W E ' F11 Angeltcus. and Japnnew pnnu The i Sci-chum to: the put mouth remarried to pictures Weir posed un an out dd†plat 1 hi! home Sunday evening forth ' Mn E D. Nichole. 'bO ha been flit-3 ‘ . ~ 1 R15. John tnennhe Mott ul L Laurel ; mi N the home 0‘ Mn. Louie†I ; Ate. (Illcltdlnrd a number u! tnrndn at Dr xe on Tuesday evening, le Eltzafx‘th St-dguuck M N Sher: (1 Rd, wu h»)‘tc.-9 to eight intends un Ftï¬hv .tttrrntmn. July twentv thud at a btnhdtn p.111) Games and dam) te- . treshwwnu hunted .1 deitghtml after- noon tor the attic ï¬lrlt Mrs. J Mdhegurkdmnn and Mn. R®crt (erguty wxll be book-toe: un )V’anesd.t_v eu-mng next, at a “taunuy Stmpel" at sou-n (itlt-tk. The upper w tch tam be sewed m the Want) II. If; Arden Shore Encampment u lot the h§ard of mJnagers. ï¬ve year subunbcn, atâ€! a law â€tends Fifty guests int be p I sent. After the supper It: eotertatn- ment by the camp guest. mll be ngenA The sxxth chtldren's (‘ay at Baum. P‘l’kh Io be a wry pretty and qwtc c‘borate plzylette tn uhwh one handled ‘aa'd twenty (Hencue ChlldfC. take part. The httle plny, which u entitle! “Cum derella tn Flower Land," 1: to beam It one tony ï¬ve hatctna and muuc an td form a large part of it. The date in iThursdly liternoon. August ï¬lth. the ,phce Ravinia Park. A good time no :ptomieed to ihhped that the usual enthusiasm [or {chtldren'e dny wtll be shown. ell the children and it I. I 1‘0: Austm. m. [0! the put two weeks. n. :turned to her home In WNW; The Museum-dye end F'MGoodâ€"i man (“named the Munich nod chic , L‘mted Embed church on that In" ‘ ‘ Tum-day “term The W '0" .t'tcummon urn-"The Almeria-31ml." I ! ruminant among the nodal event- 0“ itheputweel tn the meeting 0! the iMu Sum: Chi which Ill may.» terumed by Mia Gloria Enchant at the c mth home 0! Mr. W. E. Butch.- Tnunday coming. Mtet ' the and Immune ol btptne.‘ ("chum '- I tenure. at which Mn- Lorene Kraut-I the mtol plum And use evaded n ‘beluutul mum by the hone-e. and ’ Mn- Magnet New 0‘ Penn. N. D. Em unused the count-non win. AM! the cud clue I very dainty Inch.» hi two courlee me and end “M1 W {matted bv the Edi“ w‘ 1 Pomt needle viaroh In and 1 ~mu.w.ltndcal R. A. an ( lmicecree-noculmthe tum o! It. QR N. VntThundey neat“. Mn Dr.nw.moaol Milwau- keewutheguetolHnWJl.†â€tweak. Thereoflumthly Maddie Wotan-'0 Ute-loony Socï¬ty o! the i Mn. Robert Gregory u“ be hasten , , mmorrow at iuncheon tot Mn Edward United 3mm church ml! 5' ha“ mambo-not In Peta Perry Til. {Hodman of Winnethl. Thirty [villbepreeent It the luncheon whk { will be uerved on the porch overtooking The guest: ml! he «poetly out-of-town guests keen Wm- ; Luke MlChifllfl. neth. Sammy the lath let: which val echeduled lot Saturday em all m up. pootponod nag! m. I_.I_ ‘II-ï¬ â€˜ Min Don Johmon untrained tout wen friends 01 her brolhct Prod. II I bench pan) on Sunday new the oc anion celebrating h'u birthday a ldvemry. I Mn Marshall will be bout“ on Wed :My afternoon to Cunpbtu Chapter gOuild at her home in. Luke Fond. V Four scene- of II Trenton. open by ‘ «dim given. Toe-day cream. at vial: Park. to m menmthudutk Announcement is made 0! the mam-3c of Mist Jane Zahnlc of thin city. to Mr. Barry Lab! 0! Chicago, IbicF took plug In St. Anthony'l Catholic Church. Chi- ago on Tuendly. July twentieth ll nine q'clock with high mm; Rev. J. Denmer bald-Ling. The bride in nitcoded by her sister. Mn. Benjlmin Shiflleu 0! Chap. while Mr. Nichol†Lehr acted as best mun. Mr. and Mn Lehr will puke their home in Chime. Mn H. B. cum will autumn sixteen m mday at 8:11:00! It luncheon And ' Ind twelve guest: on Sunday at ‘hmua Park. to an mementhudulk ‘hndm.u1‘rommwim in baud lul costume- nnd acute: and its trunk Octimwuceruinlv w l awuudedby audience which despite Inclement {her an mthciemly large to be en- twat, mmy cunun call. me in [him-d upon and graciously given. The ' .llmvinc roles were Inna. Mm Not- nn Kinsmen. Leonore. Benin: Freeman, ‘oum di Lunt. Louis Kramer. Axucm, - Iorence Mullord; Inez. Leonor: ‘ Heck. ind Ruiz. Pnlmxro Meow Ernst Knock: acted {he 09-". Theopznu m be 'ven next week are: Cannons Run- uu and Lohcnarin on Toadâ€; Thai- ‘ nd Manon Wednesday. Riso‘flto; Thm y.Secm of Suunne Ind level. 0! the } Liladonnu, Saturday and II Tmtore on ï¬unday HIGHLAND PARK m mom PARK m oc- ‘ sr banal dimer ]‘ COfil ‘4. when he tamed- thy ddeno. capedunhumd. f Mater Adolph Band at†Scouudwwuw(l utheinth'tolthe w ï¬n ‘_.L Dcerfield News oupcnntcndmt Mr H LNoou. â€cond- uy superintendent; My. Irvin Plane. temperance â€mumâ€. Mm Clnrl Enact emenuned u» Altar und Rotary Society 0! the Holy Cm church at be: home Wain-idly uncr- DOUG Minn Florence EM!!! and Trix Hull] 0! Chicago wet! the unkind you“ at the home 0‘ Mr John C. End“. Mr and Mn. Henry Scum 0! Diet"- me wen- 1h. guests of Mr. and Mn Fred Hortnbomfl Sunday. "on: Man 0! You dull chm I tho-- and. 101 the Lord your God. He II in am ï¬ghuth (at You, no He hath unwind You" was the text 01 Rev. Orthorn‘o Sunday [running on man whtch gum ed the pound-ne- 0! lb: indindunl kn that dun ol mamauom. Jody". leaf «:00th and moving number what we luoe nah! ol the sinuou- pouibilma 0! one man Eva lands: a "nun. nu...“- ... “Inn-burg. Ind ; The Maui FAIlh PH“. nod Johanna. Smuh of Chuagu enyoycd the "tench ll Kllburn Cit) “II I Mu. Virginia Locd 04 CH†D Vinit- ing at tht baffle 01 he: nu. Mn Gnu Penn Laura Suyker w“ the [nut at the home (A Mn. Herman Fabry of Dado. En 33.58.. g :3 go] E 10:: 9.2:. 193' 1' 0331â€". yo!.‘.>.inx’ z. >. a 5.303‘80E89o F... 1 ‘4. F z.<l:.~.rciua 0.388. Sum} the tub m: m n- ochednled lot Saturday um and m was pouponod unï¬l m. July 31‘. M11 Kluprode and Mn A“ 'dr Ind .00 Chuiel oI Galena m (it gm 0! Mn Au‘ufl Winn: In! ad. Mr. nod Hm Ralph Klq at Wall. mmMnnn-ollrnmd ms. P.Hutchboo$ondoy. TMScP-nl'ubuucwwnotm- ‘Thundnythhwocklmon PM. hi! aommmolunmm , Naxsumywummmh‘ August. the m in tho St â€I churchwxllbcmw ‘ Themalu monthly Mn. club SLPnul'I Ladle-Md flu be h“ la! ’Wedndly u an ran-56.n- cl In ;Pr:d Hmbenu. ; Sand-LAWBtllhoSLMm â€mum will minimumâ€- mawnuwnamm Ill "ayflun‘inll‘k “amour! in GO- nnn. Themdond W MWM mountain-h In the am Ends! in vilfl'ln rtlltivfl in ll " | Bonan Dairy Company â€I Zalnfles Ridgewood Farm Dairy .' Past-1w! Hill: and dream {II 1749 1. E1- nu Mm Ewman Dairy (gompany M Building ‘aterial â€Coal and ‘ eed GOOD B ltsQldandS as THE SCIENCE OF BUSINESS IS THE SCIENCE OF SERVICE The Butter with the Mild. Sweet. Delicate Flnï¬'or Perfectly“ Vi’asteuï¬zed 121 Vine Avenije l go; all makes of Ta ing Machi as ell as Watcha, Cl ks and Jewel EL LEVIN, e Jeweler 120 E. Cour-l AV 0 Pure Cream HIGHLAND PARK GLBNCOE. 70 Phone 67 DRINKMD FEAR pan- nnd whuh-mny “la and fun \ .mgz ‘ arr jun! Tthl \m w wnh nur “new mmx Hum qurmhcr At Our Soda Founhhf; Our mm,» and 1mm jug“. REPAIRING Whrhbis} ’0 Home M Wile-MIA“. if W's WU drink. QI‘I! {or I '11“, ting 1 0r n; ind: Thou to N2! rud of u ruW‘ 116} i h. l ’0“! dub HM n0. .un‘ ‘ 1rr.‘ M mt I“ Yo: I» ()1 I)! l» (If 0f: