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Highland Park Press (1912), 9 Sep 1915, p. 2

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Ravinia Park closed on Monday evening with a great crowd of very enthusiastic people. There was an all all day picnic given by Sprague War- ner Co. to all their employees, which attracted no less than one thouâ€" sand people. The Chicago Band, seated in the stadium, furnished mu- sic all day. Games of all sorts, and races held the attention of the crowd. The afternoon concert in the pa- vilion, by the Chicago Symphony 0râ€" chestra. was an exceptionally good one, and was enjoyed by a large number of people. In the evening over two thousand opera goers lis- tened to “Pagliacci.” all of which was given in place of “Martha," which was billed for a part'of the evening. OWing to Mr. Walter Wheatley‘s ill- ness he was unable to appear. Danc- ing in the open air ballroom afforded pleasure for many dancers until mid- night, when the park's gates were closed on the 1915 season. The Euchre Club met on Monday night with Miss Louise Weiskopf of Oakwood Ave. Miss Genevieve Mott entertained a number of friends at a supper party on Sunday evening followed by opera at Mrs. Louis Shezzly of Waukegan Ave. entertained the Euchre Club last Thurs- day. The pnze wxnners were Mrs Charles Freberu. Mrs. Nels Nelson and Mrs. Fred Tucker. Ravinia Park Those entertaining at dinner parties. in the open air came at Ravinia Park on Saturday evening are to be: Mrs. McLeish. Mr. Chambcflain, Mrs. Kane. Mrs. Mornsey. Mrs. Mawbly. Mr. Ben- ,'amin Marshall. Mr. George Upton. Miss Jackson. M155 Langdon. Mrs. Schuhe, Miss Spooner, Mr. Leo. Ernst. Mr. Rav» enscroh. Mrs. Boynton, Mr. E. Stonner. Mrs. Lnlenfield, Mrs. Pinner. Mr. Dicken- son and J. H. Green. I Deerfield News Items Mrs. Richard Supple was one of the speakers who addressed the teachers at the Cook County Institute Normal School building. Chicago, last Wed- nesday upon the subject of “Organi- zation and Maintenance of Parent- Teacher Associations," citing as an example the excellent work done by the P. To A. of Deerfield. Miss Dorothy Supple is the guest of Miss Carol Bates of Longwood. Miss Winifred Supple left last Sat- urday for Springfield. 111., where she will teach household science and arts in the Palmer school and general sci- ence in the Enos Junior high school. The Union Mission festival, which was proposed for next Sunday by the Evangelical Congregation of Deer- field. Highland Park and Shermer- ville, to be held in the St. Paul's church at I’Ieerfield. is called ofi beâ€" cause of an ordinance passed by the Board of Health, by which people are advised to abstain from any gather- ings that possibly might help spread disease among the cattle. For that reason the service in the St. Paul's church next Sunday will be as usual, but Rev. Lueder will preach on mis- ainn work and the collection is to be A sermon xor Lam) preached by Rev. Hrsl morning. when honor “'8! laboring men. Evening he resumed this month, the beginning. of the set Miss Louise Huhn will ofl'icers and teachers ( School at her home Tue )lrs. Peter llofl'meicr was the week end guesl bert Roggo. )lr. Rudolph Kerlherg tives in Mackinaw. Mic Mr. William Carolan Kans.. is the guest of hi‘ and Mrs. John Carolan Mrs. R. E.‘ L. llolm l-‘ulis. Penn., is the hi 311’s. Frank Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stryl were the week end gues nt' lir. To 1.. Knaak. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Chicago were the week Mr. Haunchild's parents Herman llaunschild. .‘lrs. Robert Scott ( was the guest of Mrs Wednesday. ings that possibly might help spread (jhic disease among the cattle. For that Mr. reason the service in the St. Paul's Her: church next Sunday will be as usual, “ but Rev. Lueder will preach on mis- wzis sion'worl-z and the collection is to be wéc appropriated for missionary purposes. \I L A moving picture show will be held . . as t. in the school house Friday evening, Phil September In. ‘4 The Misses Grace Schlie and Elmira “,1. Rockenbach left Saturday for lleKalli, ‘9,“ where they will attend the Normal l’la; school. Misses Eleanor Meyer and Winifred Plagge and Mr. Ewald Winâ€" -‘ ter will attend the Lewis Institute. 1“ Twelve pupils from Shermerville who ‘11 (‘33: formerly attended the Carl Schurz High School at Grayland will go to .\ the Deer-field Schields High School the this fall. The Social Side of Life; Your Fancy Curtains Cretonnes will need cleaning “The Reliable Way." Ask your neighbors how they like the work we do for them. They tell us it is “The only Wey." And mind you it is seldom we ever lose a family wash customer after we show them what kind of work we do. Better get in on this we will save you quite a lot of time. labor and money. .~n .-‘ . High Class Launderen and French Dry Clunen Rffiable Law Phone us at178-179 or _______ By the Obocrvcr sec! on Monday Mrs. L crowd of very mined There was an all COUHH, a let! ms; mu- 111., where she -ience and arts nd general sci- or high school. festival, which Sunday by the Lion of Deer- and Shermer- the St. Paul's : called 03' beâ€" passed by the hirh oeonle are Mr. Rudolph Kerlherg \isited relu- ti\es ir. Mackinaw Muh. last Week. Mr. William Carolin: of Garlind. Kama. is the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Carolan. Mrs. R. E: L. Holmes' of Beaver l-‘ulis. l’enn., is the hnuse guest 0! 311’s. Frank Peterson. M r. and Mrs R Strykei of ( hungn “ere the week end guest: at the home of Dr. T‘ 1.. Knaak. “mm Vocal Affairs of the week Mrs. Joseph L. Holbrook enter- mined Friday Ind Saturday for her COUHH. Mrs. Grenville Howard of New York City. who is a guest at the W. R. Rufi’ner home. Miss Mary Joyce of Pittsburg announ ces the marriage of her sister Catherine Constance :0 Dr.John P. ()‘Niel. Wednes r “U"‘J h'u'” .' ' “ day Scpmmbcr first. 3: SL Paul's Cathc- â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""‘â€" dral Pmsburg Pennsylvama. [)r. and More books entered recently Mrs. 0‘ \‘iel will be at home after ()clo- chen (,{cal Slnlesmcn her the 15m at the “crime Hotel. [Peru l... “V I Fvflo nnrnrvainpd ten quests :Secrcu 0‘ [he Hohenxollems Mrs. W. J. Fyfle entertained ten guests at luncheon yesmtday complimentary to Miss Dorothy Schofield. whose marriage to Mr. Blasdel Shapleigh takes place next Wednesday. The table decorations were white roses with place cards of bridal suggestiveness. After luncheon the guests sewed on' lunch cluth: which were being made for the bride-elect. to Miss Lill'nn Ctrlson of Austin was >01 the week end guest of Miss Elda Ho- On Monday evening a large crowd at- tended the iniriation of five new members to the Mystic Workers. Mrs. Keehan or Chicago who is the District Manager qt the Mystic Workers WI: preseng and gave a very inl'ercsting talk. Me'mbers are working hard {0 get new members and several names were proposed. After very dainty refreshments dancing was enjoyed. .4 Mrs. Lawrenc'e Mills of St. Johns Flatt entertained informally at twelve tables of bridge on yesterdav ahcrnoon, com- plimentary to Mrs. Urenvnlk Howard. Mrs. Ruffner's guest. Mrs: Adele Ext-rel! aSSIsted. Mr. M. C. Conrad was pleasantly sur- prised on Tuesday evemng “hen a num- ber of friends and relatives came in :1) pass the evening. Thu! guests were en- tertained on the porch whwh was pretty in decorations of flowers. Mrs. John Irwin Marshnll of Protâ€" pec! Ave. entertained at a luncheon or. Tuesday sixteen ladies, who sewed all day for the Trinity (‘hurrh bazaar, u» be given in November. Mrs. Albert J. Hunter 0! ()lk Perk was the guest of Mrs. Reichelt, Jr., last week. A sermon for Labor [my was preached by Rev. Urshorn Sundny morning. when honor was given to the laboring men. Evening services will be resumed this month. the hour {or the beginning. of the serx‘ice is 7:30. Miss Louise Huhn will entertain the ofl'icers and teachers of the Bible School at her home Tuesday evening. )lrs. Peter Hofl'meier of Chicago “-1.; vb.- wool: and guest of Mrs. Al- )lrs. Peter Hofl'meier was the wegk and guest ber'. Roggo. M r. and Mrs R Strykex of ( hungn were the week end guests}: at the home of Dr. T‘ 1.. Knaak. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Chicago were the week Mr. Haunchild's parents Herman Haunschild. Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Gunckel hd I chellnneoun corpohte as their week end guests Mr. and )lrs. “pen"! not hermabm'c enumornlz-d Philip McMnhan of Ravenswood. l' bll l'br F "I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Karch spent the par Ewing?“ .pumgc Li- wmk and at the home of their dtugh- mar} (er, Mrs. F‘nnk Saeman of (‘rosu “WM"! lndcbtednm hi“- Bondod mdehledneu nnd In- ) 1' ". Hams, “‘5‘ lend xhermn due for the “'n'K 9'30 at u": uuunc u. u.... _..._... . ‘ (er, Mrs. F‘nnk Saeman of (‘rosu “WM"! lndcbtednm 1"!" Bonded mdehledneu nnd In- ) 1' ". Hams, “‘5‘ lend xhermn due for the )1. Ad 3 . F k P u: on h d “st-l )‘ur 19% r ar rs ran e rs - Cub-gr Dupe.“ Fl“ as their house guests over the woe}: For "pen" in nubluhlng Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McClasky of Chl- find munuinin; ”who! or plant for the collection cago. And diapoul o! “ring... renberger‘ Haunschild of and guests 0! 5 , Mr. and Mrs. 1 LAM-rtyVille B. H. Kass Dr. C. J. Duh I.“ for Chflllcodu, Ohio, in his automobile Sunday even- in: MDI'. B H Kn“ Ion for \OIuIn, X "Tucsdny evening, when he will‘ bathe guest of Mr. W. A. Colo. Mr. md Mrs Prod Honnborw had as their guests Sundu Mr. Goo. Enter! 3nd Mr 1nd Mn. Robert Eggen of Chic-go. The 8m Scouu with their Scout Maater, Irwin Plume, enjoged In! Week In Lake Zurick. The Misses )l()t‘F of ('hlmgo were the \nek end {we-1!.- 0{ Mrs Fred Lindsey. Mr and Mrs \\ Mr Hugh and :01 Paul Mr and Mrs Frank \nrc and Ian child- rrn 0! Lh: J30 and Mrs Julia Larrnll of liver.“ “or: rhe neck end guest! 0! Mr. and Mrs S '5. Lose. Mr. Fluyd (lunckel and daughter Verenc. rczurn:d Sunday evening Mom I re“ days mm m (‘vllesburg Mr and Mn. E I’. 0:!chan had as guesxs Sundav. Mr. and Mrs Bnckncll a! Lake Forest. and Mr Funk Keupcr o! Hnghland Park U! u.’ sin-M “ark.- nnd nut-n repair- Sin-d Lighting Fund K” Fox «heel lighting purponn ne General Saute Fund Fur max: uumng 3nd rep-ir- ing sewers Ind sewer lyi- of term and outlets of ”me of Special Aunt-out Expos-I Mr, Aug. “'mh-r's house wls slruck by lxghlnlng Tuesday mghl Mr Alex Wnllman us on me suk 11;! Mr. (Leora: Herrmmn I. nunng hm parents ML and Mn (2 Hermann 0! ”Mord. Wis. Mm W T Ward Sr Ind Mm W Ward Jr, and (amnly who hue been gJesls at the home of Mr. md Mn. A. Jarvxs returned to then home ()alesburg Tuesdn); The Plince mum-u... Log 01 the Tnmbcr Cruucr Lam PlnrAmericnnum ("bet Llule Buflalo Robe Beck When I was a Boy In Belg-um Jomkhccre ()n the School Team Earl [mmha lump-mu Hmhgrader RIIM Blind Spot Formal: Anne of the Hand Momgomcry Ron-garden Husband “lddtmn ldyl or Tum Furs Eaton Fldehty Hunt” The Huuw m (land Taste he Wolf The Rambm‘ Trail Grey I‘hc Luv-51c Mcddlrr I‘lIrymple The Well L‘unsxdered harden Km. Installing Ethnency Mclhods Knocpptl Standard Cyclopedia of Hurtwullure Thl.‘ 135! Will be hf cmudnnhle n.- (arts! to all flower lc-ven ll 2! conced- ed m be [he be" relcvcncc .ulhonly (n. (his why“! We plan In 1d the \niumfl clnumle except durma those months whcn so m-ny people mu vnh to am- suit the set no |hurx nohcc. that n ml! be necessary to kNP ”W” (or rcltrencr Beiludflndbythcâ€"dldtho (‘ity of Highland I’u'k. LIL! Coun- ty. “Ii-db: Section I. That an and Appro- prutmn lull making npyropmuonl {or corponu pupal. fa the (my 0! Highhnd Yuk {at ti. 63:31 you bcgmn‘mg my 1. 1915, and coding Apnl 30. 1916, “I dull-rad the 2nd day d July. 1915, a V‘Qd Hu- 3rd day of July. X915, I (but nftgr publish-d u pmidd in, law. enty ‘saémonm doll-n. hvm‘ been heretofore lag-Ill, nppmfinud for year beginning lay I. 1915. um! end- ing April 30. 1916. be sad tht am. an hereby ln'ied upon Ill property suhjxt to nation wuhin the (‘ity of lhghlnnd I‘Irk. u the name in u- sessed and equaliud for tube and county purposes for the aid rumm YORK Thnt the purposes (or which said amount of sixty-five Miami two hundred Lnd seventy 1915370 00) dol- lur~ heretofore npproprintd Ind horo- hy lent-d rupedjwly gr! I; folk", to wit: Fm Ind Snlariu 0! (MM! Fund For he: Ind ulnr'wu of (‘ity (lfltccn . 810,170.00 Strut Ind Alley Fund I” :r mamtmmng deplrumnl ELKIDQCHHK. inspection II‘K (-xher ex nus m con-cc hot. local improve menu («nor-l Ind (‘01!th III cells-co.- Fund or men] nnd contin‘en! miscellaneous , corporate Toul nmount levied...,355270.00 Section 3. The City Clark 0! the ubllc Library Notes [on for \‘olmifl. .- nhd nut-ct s duly “5, . x915,- mm 1:: "de 5! 11" of the sum of In!) [1 mm and uv é- all-n. hvtnr been v noprwfil‘d ’0! 3‘ and daughter .lhu II I!" .l lhe hbruy Jomkhecre End Tomphm Rune Formal: Monkgomcry \\ nddcmn Eaton (.lnpcll he Wolf Grey I‘alrymple n Km. lil- Whne Yunnn Gram Muhuvelll Hailey 31.47000 I) “It proved Nance :- hereby 'l“.\ to I” per-é thcrr non- mar-ad mm tho (it; (‘ounnl‘ 11'. of the City of H: wood, (ounty of Mn)“ lake Ind Sum “lino“, have or- d I0" écn-d (ht! there flu“ b:- constructed the"! nd 1nd slaw Ind under Ruhr-y Id {0r Xvenue an d cinch niury uwor “bald {mm and ronnorung ‘71 the m-nhoio | “If-1 hm: locum in [hilt-y Avenue 805 Id Chd- {on north 0! (hr cmhr hne of 5‘lo I am. Avenue, ILd noulbcrly m and Rail- VOPQF‘Y in Avenue tn I ' t 150 he! north (‘in 0‘ bf (he I.ur(h Into an: in II- nd a -|x n.rh unit-q not to ho be "“1 Ltd in aim; and and." Noah Annu- rumm from and connecting with the pro~ your! .1! in R-flw Avenue. Ind :h mid vest in and North Amuo for n du- vd two hncn of 3” 1.1L 'flh Infin- VO) dol- holo- nnd m .0 connection ,d hug. than. in the City a! Muted, lake County, mm The «dunno. {or the my: on file in the 0M o! F.“ 0.9 (‘|_ty ()0: a! sud City, And the folk", o,no.oolr Court of Luke ('mmy. Sum of “film“ for tn “new! a! the cm! in! mud impmvcmcm according m lho :l-cncfiLL Ind an IMH‘.“ monk" .‘.,u(x».m hlv'lnt been nude and nun-nod to and coun diode! N . 63), the and 4.30000 harm; thou-an u-xll hold on u» ‘17!) day of So (ember. A. I). 191‘, It 10 o'clock A. .. or u soon month" an the human: of m. court will per» 1,000 00 3,330.00 3.800 00 ‘he SPECIAL ASSESS! ['23 T Slid ordin-nce provides that [in up thrift“ Amount of usd smut s ! be divided unto the imam-mm harm; intern! n! a. run of five «5) 7 cent per unnm. A1 per-on: dennn may file objoo Hm: In uid (our! {on said day fund may Iprlr on the harm; lad oft bmlkc their nu- MIL CM! A. Andorra!“ The non Ippoxrlod by the Prnf- dent 0 mo Board 1.! Lord lmpmvn- menu to nuke and Ineumont laud n Hkghwood. “Emmi. RM: [mad I! Hkghwood, “lino“. ‘ mh nil) n! Scpu-mlurr, A D ”15 ‘ Th: ("hrnu-r. Endoli'or Soti‘ty' ‘wxl! hold a and and Inutineu meet-i mg m the rhun‘h pu‘lorn tomorrow evening A! 7;.‘90. The plans {or uu‘ (‘hrulun Endou-or prqrum {or the, mnur will be dn-ruud -\ rim um” Apprm‘d: SOVL 3- Beginning Saturday, Sept 11m and Lastmg 1 w [crumb PARK LIJJNOIS Prnhnrnan ( huuh \nlcs Fiflt \lllaool on Gods. use: 9-! Gun Fri-in» Double Phat-outwit Rmv 7 White pure silk crepe de chine waists in auractive styles. button trimmed. all sizes. The famous “K8; E" mat e neat checks 0! pink white st' fight pants,kimonos eevcs waist band. Whit: tape trimmed 2 to 6. 89: K 8.1 E Romptn. blue 5; white unpc Bluk or while. 3 grades to ()1qu from. III “In, dependable qunlmn. Broken loo 0! hoe neck- var, lace. 0111“" 0' M Inn-125:”! Zpu'kr‘St SOchiuHm 35c $3.98 10r Han Non . . at )0: Silk "m rred Collar Suppoflv 7: 1!! Dim 5hlf‘dt. gnu-I3 and l 10¢ 5011C}; Thu u m: mm! smponanl mnnr} uvmg . ur hue ever ufirred The rnhrr Mme :3 I u! the mom! dun“ punk rc-dudmn Mk Muun Hm prnr . uln rum!» U" ml sun t‘. arc rxummhnan Imam: u! a marsh pan m (In! all than penum'; mnrhandnu ,vh hrhnr 1hr Innal o! la'. gmx‘h Wumrn‘s prmlu :1 WM! drew gmghmr pen ulr laun,‘qu3 an vuvfly t:|n\n1rd, neat aivlrt flruuprdful\uu7‘(m\rn mm! m 4 rHensnc inn Rtad $4.50 values now SZGS 3 50 " “ 1.89 2,00 “ “ l19 1.25 " “ 89: Men! Profit by these Reductions on Seasonable Furnishing: All am In mu puvorm plum bownm um Fremh (*ufln $1.50 M filfl M 3H9 The ma! hu 9! (he It'll Chllmén [mum-«Id band. lenghu. entitled crmrh. whm .Ion‘ .mgny flykt. neatly .12 sun on hand 1k Red Sell Lunch-m, in! a 25c Pnnxrd ”use! Mr dram N Apruo Cunshamt. Nut and 12§£1Cxclme drapflnn. 1% 1n ' . I‘m 7“. I'Inlk 'u‘ fi'iafiéiu-a Choc}: mom )5: Pure Linen Crush, r0! Bowman Dairy Company; Wl-l l‘l‘HUhl Bowman Dairy Company? rush round thread kind vd nwrl SAMUEL LEVIN, the Jeweler 120 E. Cont“! Avenue ' fut (Mon yd ‘ II drama: hmonm )6 l ut and white (hat yd , 1% 1n \ndc, yd l )lh lib m, 10 vd Im A 1?.” In! mummy: lam \ ”Hume-d “and: 1", Mun-r! Sabnu mu nn’h Mslr h1- vu-H a: thnrd “11131301 L mru ( lulh 1m krd hum." laundered(unsmmmmn ham: 8475 values how Si” 2.25 " 1.99 1 75 " “ 1.39 1 1’1“ ” ” Ll! Strand-“Ham 20. Tnmmmg Buttons, ouch Ex Sundmn' Drm Pam-n blm‘k 129v Beading 1am. VhIH‘. yd pm‘es The Butler with the Klild, S\\cct. Delicaec Flu'or BUTTER Perfectly Puteurized shon “can km‘t nun“ uppnrtunily Mn: :3 m the rmdsl uh uh “xthm up 311 summn appat unduly nu ()uv 121 Vine Avenue Pure Cream HI(.|H.A.’\I) PARK 9 (.lb.\(ul~ 70 and broken Iz§¢ Simmer MM. hmmrvic Ihrr we turn lumen u! sue? sure! who) prayer“ his“. bread find if" “is map an n, can u rrlH)‘ nib-ii vauunrt YO! hf! In undtm'h? ‘ i heal wm‘k um! worn w hnmc “-1! u not it tr thuu‘hl of b\ the ‘ a ‘3 n‘, hm» hand ”rah rvrn I dem‘exm 3! gm' duo: (um um";- I GEAIH'S HOME BM on W 1...... ”All 7.! Splendxd qualiliu; nmth tannn-dwhito I 1 t h mmratting trimmmgr ' SLIM A. $1 7!» valuvs. DOW 1-35 Pretty combination Gingham D re Sscg, light or dark plaids Sizvs 8 to H 75c .Neu Gingham Drrm b! 10 yr!- Gris Middy 81m 85c $125 Girl: Dresses Talking Machines as well as Watchfi, Clocks and Jewelry REPAIRING 20 W .WMO/ y.” Ia'sZSchu u! all main < 4 59c

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