THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS Punusmau O! “#111in Tdcph. mc “scripiion Why worry and 5(1ch- Round C 'u'mgu's has}: war/s When you m ï¬ght be mint/y sit ting By the ï¬re munching («z/2‘5? While Prait lrb'ngs up a grafaphone And Record ; jbr to try, Satisfaction '5 guaranteed, Look here before you buy. PRATT’ recent guests. Tebcph :n / “IAN I? [WI W33 \ 3,: AIM! you 7 Miss Agnes Peyton has returned to Chicago aftei a month’s visit at the Moraine. Mrs. H. B. Lindley is a recent Irrivnl among the' winter 341 W. Cent's! \ e (.1 241 E. Park has: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1915 RAT CORN 91.8. A Hamilton Dr. Ell D. HM DENTISTS Suire 4. 5 and 6. State Bank Bldg. 1.29.». 678 menu» mm. In Lct us help yonâ€"for oil heat- er: m Menuâ€"tome are better than omen. The one sun best (or 1) M on. that ptoduca the non has! for at. but cost. ha» 000 with thh Wrath. Hub 3 cold room h_a 'ï¬ï¬‚y"_â€"to_tho magma-agor- Children'; Hair Cutting I Spock“, _ , u w. Cantu! A... 09â€.“. H. P. Thom HM Put Columbia records play on Victor Talking Machines Paimmg and Decorating \I’ (mm! 1 e (.1 HICHUND PARK Choose An on Moraine Hotel Notes Barler. nper Hanging and Occurring Telephony 1098 39 St. Johns Avenue I. M. GATES floater my Pun “.30 pi! Year Lorenz Lung Barber Shop WEEKLY m )0pr L. UDEIJ. '.'.u'k. LJkC (uunty, Illinois Highland l'ark 302 IOTA-Limo 007‘ Telephone 1103 PAINTING â€WAY" (L. HALL And you?! m‘z'. r [051' your sleep. ‘Lm k befurc you WA" P-per Snmvlfl nhovn ll your home HIï¬HlAW PAH m Adunu . ‘1 “411,.“ nus. under . Paul Muzxk. who Underwenl an op- eration {or appendicitis two Weeks ago at the Mercy Hospital. Chicago. ,is improving and “’l†return hnmr ï¬nex! week. The Misses Finney of East Vine Menue spcnt Saturday at Gary. Ind. “h ‘re they visited the big sand dunes. ‘Lhis evening for Ann Arbor. Mich. iwhere he will resume hi~' studios in ‘thu State University. Mr. and Mrs. Frgderivk W. Schu- ‘macher will have this evening fur u trip to the west, to be gone one month‘ 5They expect to visit. boih the Cantor ’lia fairs. Seattle. Wash. Salt Luke «'ity and other points of iiiieres! in i the west. nth: IK‘ in DV nu: U~LMI~ "\u... atlrnlzl-n [It‘llh maxim} m unuknc, cannul Dr UM J. 31155 Adele Everett “'3" houess Tu:.<day awning at three tables of budge, honoring Mrï¬. A. L. Mill's birthday. Mrs. Thomas (‘lemans entertained :hv :ndiex Who are sewing (or the Trimty (huh! huzamr ut lum‘hmn m. Tuesday It Rev. J. Foster Van Event, Mrs. Henry Meuchtke. Jr.. and xhp an.‘ 1’1 iscilla Naereuherg and Anna l'rm-‘kc of aniniu "are ultemhng n K‘ l.. (I E. convention being hc-M m i‘wnuzlc, 111,, tha “'Gt'k. .\lr. Juhn Gurrity of ('ylsncm- nvex.Ue. whn has been quite ill with typhoid {I'M-1‘. )s ruptdly unpruhng. Mr, Lovell L'nder'wuod wxll lune Miss Muyme Sfljestlun and Haas Flurem‘r Simmers will .epend the \u- -|\ end at Lois Durand hall. Lakv Fur- est College. where dlflerem class functions are to be held during the week end. ’1 o'clock with a large enrollment. Th-~ new building is not’as yet completed but work is movmg along rapidly and successfully. ; The local chaple‘r 0f the ll A, u. ‘-'lsl[t‘,(l the naval {ruining stalmn yo» terduy ufternoon as guests of the (‘15:- cago chapter of l). A. K The (wru- sinn was a presentation exerclsv. when {he younx man who had proven mod :ï¬iclent in the naval service wus prw sented with a gold medal Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Boynton and family will return' tomorrow to their home on North Sheridan road after spending the sumxper in the east. Mr. And Mrs. Carl Booth 0! East Park avenue are spending ten days It Washington. I). C., and Atlantic (Ely. The Northwestern Military and Naval Academy at Lake (ieneva, Wm. Furmerly shunted in thus mty, opem-d for schonl Work yesterday evening at Mr. and Mm. H. A. Parkin of East! Laurel avenue. returned recently from th- east, where they spent the sum- Mr. and Mrs. ï¬dward Warn-n are leaving today fer Salt Lukv ('n)‘. Utah. where they will vxsit (ha-ir daughter. Mrs. Harry Evans. for «W» eral Weeks. Ikuu mer Rev. N. F. Suhr preached at a mis- sion festival at l"reepor\, 111.. last Sunday morning. His pulpit was 06- cupied by Rev. Gottlieb $13er of ('hi- cage. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Richards 0! North Green Bay road are receiving congratulations on the birth M 1: son, born September 12. Mr. Oscar Lundgren is {\Hrlhhhg the Illinois University Schonl nf l’hur; macy at Chicago. Miss Mary Potmlz is spendmg thl< week in (‘hicago as the gum! of friends. Mal. Ernest Kuahne, who was ap- eratéd upon last week in thv Augus- mna Hospital for appendicms. m get- ting along nicely and is expected home some time next Week. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Erskine an ex- pecting to return the end uf thw week from the California fmrs nftm being there one month‘ Mr. Joseph Clayton of ('hwugn 1.- spending this week with Mr. und Mrs Herman Denzel of North 89mm: street. Messrs. Fred Genty. James Bowden, Sewald Reblingftnd Harvey Winen enjoyed a hunting trip at Grus Lake a few daysf of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Schnei- der of Glencoe Ivonne had as their ier o! l'hm, \ ) “Lu 3 wsmng :mu Emma Folsom .n Var-Inc, Thug assisting vnll he Mrufamrl George M u 1 Bum. A‘ J. \them, Rn'hard Cranium Morton anor. (reorgr hm Clmn hut- (M- â€on. R. L. findwdy T L. “1mm.- LA. L. Mxll. Mum‘, (krtrude Chandhâ€"w - 1 lilies“ on Sand-x Mrs- 89hneiderk’ï¬vlnston‘ Muss [ix-Hr! and E-yml mother. Mrs. atherine Powers nnd}Fn|,nm Mr. and Mrs. Jamel Stonér of Chicagw Mrs. (L W. Roautler ind luby of and MYS- Ayml 0’ M Mountain. 510.), ('hxcugo will ITTIVQ (omorrow to be Mr. and flu, H, L. Bowen, who‘the guexu of Mn. M. A. Nihilll (If Mrs. Ralph J. Brooks of Riwra‘idc was the guest on Wednesduy of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Aldridge. Mn. Brooks has just'retumed from a trxp to Nova Scotia and Toronto, Canada. Mr. and In. H. L. Bowen. who have lived on Second street here. re. moved to Wukidi. Minn, last week. when â€my willâ€: inlke (heir home in »‘f‘ we m- m by nu- n IKU {kid to «d to accrpt any items mr \ or 1hr Ubscrver. hre 0! Mn! a mum x~ mgm-c m Hu- movmg along rapidly and m )11 Ann A rhor. M ich l | h all Hun: \‘v cdmwda) m Linn-med Miss Virginia Gaylord of Chicago was the week end guest of Min Eva Morton. Mus Bessie Murphy, who has been 1n {he employ of ‘he \VIYL Andersun dry gumis slon- {or 5:4ch yvnrs. “-7 rlL’H 1! her pusmun |u.~1 week. Mr. and )Irx‘ Hutu-n Loyd u! North “In-e! uu- n-crnmg wmgrnt uluuurzs on the Myth of a mu, burn Senna! Min Annie Cobb returned to her 'home on Laurel "emu but we“: Min 3 mnnth’s unit in the out. Mr. [9(1qu Knox it“ this Week for Yule ('ollrge, when he will resume hi.- studies. K I’M†\In h >U-H ,r Mr» \WIltJA .14) v! l‘ulk I." 1 K Arx'.) \ I! u- I’.:\'\ " Hm \ c ,‘u- MW 'N’ ml Senna! "llt‘f! ulv rt-crnlng w-hgnu uluuurzs on the Myth of a mu, burn I‘udu)‘ morning Little Lena [\u-tnu of Wm! lrn' lrui mel‘ue, whn hm been i†for the pust (m) “Woks “11h u-nrlv: fr. N, in improving rapidly. )‘1‘13U1H Hq'-\l(' “F \ (Inn “Iâ€! in .\l:'. l. :nwi runMn (ht-m In «t Jmu: tmth rnmiun‘H h dun!» 'Ium u Nmther pew“ of Mu‘h . u )hss I'Isthrr “T1210, uhu wns [Ah-r {u the l'h’nnstnn hon-pull I few weeks am. suflennx With typhmd fever, hm returned and In with Dr Roberta Mourv until she m 11er to uke charm- »! her dunes n! Elm I'llve M‘hool, Mr. ('V E Svhuufller of New Yurk (My, former!) of ‘hlx vuy. upon! the “an vnd with friend! here. .\Ir and Mrs Walter E. (‘nrr \nH :‘Mdl‘y; tn the†hume an Prospect AH- nut- M the and u! the week. Mr. Ind Mrs. Wh.u- n! ('hlclgu, whu have 0c rapier! [he huuu fur the summer, \nll I'm-(urn to (‘hlcagn on Saturday. 011)“) mg n cunsm this ‘nmdrrguru-n n Maud“) muxnn 1min. lowu, {ur a two werhu' guy ‘\ h! Mr, Wmthmp James 0! Kant (in znl :nvnue had us his guns! uu-r the Arvk Hui Roland McNamn- of (W)! mm, (urm r1} n! Fur! Shundun. Mun Nun“) Mci’hcrnun returned :ut \h' k Zrnm [hr u 0‘1, nhrrr nhc hm- .perzl «Arr-l \urks muturlng through \‘g-Huwnunr National l‘nrk Ind put! of North l’nkuu. Mn. N B Slunr u! (um'ien, Kn- \‘mk. ln‘ vmtmg Mrs A. A. I‘ulnnm, ’1ht' anih Shwrr (1".- (ulemLY h.» plum-d u mlrrnr u! 1hr corner of Vuw .xu-r up nnd [Hut urn-t. Thc mirror, “huh 13 pluvei at right ullkle'l With both Vxhc uu-nur and Mn! “reel. u "my th cu! \rrm-nrr u.’ luh'mnbillfls. uni vhnhir‘ (ht-m In «(H {n' rnuugh Mus Manon Mrnnnr of (Tut-go, who has npent (he wmmvr m Ramm- \\'ith Mrs. Frank R ('uxn. has re turned to her ,uluduw n! l'nn'ervu!) turned to her ,uluduw n! [mu-nu) Pugh «haul, ('hn‘ugu Mrs. Stanlr) Yard, wh- o! Capun. Mm! 0le11 8mg, ('hmn, i~ the gun! .I! 1h" Shh'hi“ humo- â€1h \Ar‘k. Mr~ Mm! 1~ Mum («I lvznr (u jun. (‘nman‘ Ford in ('hmn. .“l‘s Helen (inurlr) Inner lhn su-rk fur Ann Arbor, Mn'h _ when- du- wxll rhlt'r lhs Mn‘hlgun Sun.- l'lmer \AI)‘ Mr. Lyman Hun n-humnl 11nd week 'Ium u'~ Piltlwl'fl 13w In Nmtherr; Mn-hmm; My. Mum ~pem pm" of hx~ um:- ut Plum. Rnpxds, Mu‘h, um! reports u \c:‘) gmni hmr Mr. and Mn. JUhL Ralph um mow .hu ï¬rst «vf â€Huber from them hum:- w Senmd urn-t {n â€.57 UL\\Q'HI1HI| .nenut'. [he hunw {urmrrly m'ruï¬ai 7») Mr mud Mrs, Jnhn L. Rulhmhcr, The Ruthm‘hers \HH go win the house 1|! 25 ("th-11an nu-nue. 31v» If, J Hurtix n! Km‘hulcr‘ .\' Y., whu has 5pc!“ the ~ummer wnh her “stew, Mrs. E, N Wilkins u! Laurel menue. erI return hntm- Hm Mrs. H‘ P. [luvxdwn and dlughler, Mm Alxce liundmn. spvm. 1!»- week an! at Lukv Gonvvl er uni Mn 5mm." n. «humid.» )’ that (ennui mehue are preplrmg [w 3o~u\z- Highland Purk an the h-vth ‘t' UC'm'm-r fur t'lnvmnnh. Uhlo. whvr ‘h.-_\' «Wm-«'1 tn make their home In the Emma Folsom .n (M- \1nrnne, Thug assisting vnll he Mrufamrl George M u 1 Bum. A‘ J. \them, Rn'hard Cranium Morton anor. (vcorgr 41rd Clhm but. future Mrs. (L W. Roautler ind luby of ('hxcngo will ITTIVQ (omorrow to he the gut“: of Mrs. M. A. Nihilll of Forâ€! venue {or two weeks. Mm .Vlildred Mihills left on Samrdly for a trip m the Berkshin hill: in the “St. f1 I‘ HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS My†Non-en Brnwnln- I! m (hr )]j~,\ .\IHH‘ Mr and It .‘I \\ \‘t‘ mohyr [up Ihrvvuxh Wh- Mr. Hm “rumble,†Irv- H lukl‘ â€K‘h‘ \ L: â€11‘ (RIM Ho) \Q X‘IHAIJ h r): u xll nmpen her leh llk‘ 2H ‘Clhmhut- Hr: Fridl) nfh'rnoo! Lhr mother: L. \hnunm uf the pupil. are muted on â€an the- rL‘handhâ€"w '1 whim-a In lent-hm; Spa 1-1 nun and E‘wm- hur. vnll v... raHoâ€"d u. 0.. two hru h\ md m‘n 4| hr! ~lt rur)‘ hn qu lung nu: IH 'iuhs Mt bung completed {M n slum-r. week! ugh! who“! rnuwr h- ive hrM ut (hr h-yh nrhool Mm-dl}. {at-win) and 'I'hmmiu) went...“ 1:! l';l(h “(1'5 L (“mun â€If huun U! 7:3" mm tum, Ln M‘XIM Mummy Hrnmu. ‘h'hnlwr ‘1‘ “\er “I†In“ “ï¬rm! in ‘m uuwi and Hum. th'lr. and nu- x‘hmxuu. drnuny In thr dome-nu uu'? \n- dt-pmtmnvt unrk \HH Iw gn'en .n .1ru~~~n.:kag. "MUM-r}; sown.“ and g uh‘ir UH -~.n\nu-r(mf drpar‘ my)! â€If“; n yum! «turn- m Luv-men .unflmn-tw, [uw'khq-rplhfl, Henngraphy nu! 1);) “Lung The English drpurt mm! “1‘1 097M lnunmen Hugh-h UM put .u â€waxing. the physics: vIrnmnm dirt-Mun qu gn'r lvummuxy um mnnmuun. lrnnovn H ruflmunl Ilrrr‘I :1 :Lnu.’r~(cd, untruflwh n prngrum \In [nah undo-v 1‘ upon cnurmg 1M mum who“: “INK, um he “ï¬led lo pay our nloHur, “hlt‘h in†he â€turned {a hm) ll the rim) n! ‘hr rod-â€um [1 hr :rpwrh {or end. cu-mnx. Fludmdh nn- {u lw rrqunmi In pa) fur xhn! (HM; 'nulrrul um} prcpan-uun fur the Maud.) and Thur-(in) rill-u. WIH hr 'wruur) A wanplrlr pruxrun u! (hr sr~~|uu u: ht pm/lmhr‘i an Thr hmnhvd I Thu-ugh and {hr lhf’IJEII), and uhv Dn-Id> )- M \ virgr-«r {rum Un- luxurn!) o! “1-4‘Uillll.. Mr M N Dummy whn han1h|lï¬Â¢ ‘f ph)h|(ï¬ am} '.~ 5. 37mm .Ilr u! (‘hlrngn l'mH-nxt), Ind Mu:- thrlntnm Murwun, u yuduulo 1!! Unford talk." {or Wunwx‘. uuhmg (â€u-unlmx TIM-u are lrurhtn u.’ ,-ur< "Hui Q'IpQYIPIM‘r um! uric < hmwn from I [urge numb-er u.’ APPIICIHU an In", hex! \n-rk Thr penuvr Mun. uhn anhfld but) tn 1!: pr: .’u-r~ nut) uu‘n, uhnh E J ( nu lexwrl :1! and {hr (h Mr Rut-er! bums “lrhm, \uulmm, Insult-<1 by Mn- ("-(hnmr Ruâ€"d MI! Un, law A renal n, (cm-rat nmnMy Thuruiny mormng (hr M-H v~truclnn 1r 1hr†dlflrvrh! “Hum rhu-f ruum‘xlw The )umora, who numln-y hmuwr. right)‘ and mncly, hau- (hown fur (hrlr prrndrnt Mr (hrrdm. Hmhanln Mun Humphny wall M h‘nd) lu twpâ€. hr! vwvh \lnndn)‘ Nth-her 1!. ï¬an «M‘snu Hf rlflhl o! 101‘. \HH he wry-mud in! brglvnru and nlm 1m mivumw! pupz‘w l.’ 1â€,) nrr â€)1er Manny “mu m! lhh “mi. 1! uqum hr well to cunfrr “uh thv nu Hun), phune “7.3 Min Humphrr) given her [l‘lMJhl! ailenhon (0 IN u.’ hH pupils. “hlfh 1. worth I [had m-u. lu 1hrm flu-r) eï¬urt \HH he run-h- {u nudu- (hr n‘nvk ~m’rcxlful. .‘UI uhw hnu- "‘14, M1." Humphrey m hm rnu- dancer- and hr: [nu-H. m lhrlr any». Ih.!.hy 1hr pint )rnl hlt‘ rMhuHu-t. 1!.IPIQ‘IY up ,\ru 1 ru- .111!" ROW A») r\rLH.K. â€Hutu! Mm 51mm: Thu)“ \1'~, Spun) vuL gar {unm- lnd tht‘ «Hm: \nth ~u~r|mphum \nm hut n17 mt-mhw- “In um innmauun. lrnhonl n runmum .th'n"! :1 mauhflni, mhtruflwh n flurwywm. hs-lnr), \‘l\K‘I\, um» Ur mon- furruxn mummy", and rhurup work axl'l b all mum ï¬nch ("flung the magnum In! M» Xho- nym- . m hr prwwht um! fun: ,1 n (rmr >14» “'11: [W lair! 1: umd remguv â€alum for the mummy )tfl! Hill-1 Fume ( Thrrr mu: hon. pimc-d M dtflexrnt arr> mrr 1hr N‘hooi (vehr (ï¬rm-H .01 pm 1r, “huh are u gnu! mhh ‘L to {he Lulu!) of (he Mhm)! p don. pnn'r High wheth- Y. \'\'. ( (.wwrgr Bony hn) hem rlrrlrd Hm 1hr!" Hu m“ umhrn In M! m. “hm han- rhuxg‘ Hf Hu- .d (ammo-um. groyrlphy râ€.£.l1!\_ and uhv Ln|d> )- (hut I: (h 10" Hulurl, the†ln-n.‘ {our 11-h “mind: 1! Mil 5cm >01 Hm!) fume-e have no! I! in [HIV '.t~1 u, pm) h “jun-gnu. Xw‘ vanh 1 «me each “11h “1er .m ('hnngw [JUL mu. “huh hn Chum-1 tn 1!: prP-Idrvdv hum .,'1 HM" hln‘. ulk up. (uh v1. xiz‘ndrnlm! H z» huped nm‘ at; h’fnfl lhe' Notes a lung- {mini fur n Makmg a upemalt)‘ o! bans on umnvu-d l‘r-‘H mmh North ~\horc lcrnmr‘) nu‘ludmg Rngms Park, Ian-mun: menu Kcmlwnrlh. Wmnvtka (ik‘ncm, Hlfhiiflld Pu: Lakt‘ Fun-st. St-(‘unty undvr mnngnm-s m Hm n-ym Cnnnnunlly rnhancmg while 1hr mu- H: mm“! 1~ mix. North Shore Trust Company Capital $100,000 2 mm. m.†IlAJ CE“ Highland Park Fuel Company Building Material 102 H.133 5!. HM DENZEL. Predict Maybe-c 335 Just received 200 dozen Socks extra ï¬ne quality, 2 pairs for 250, 25c and 50c values. . Call in and and see them at R. W. Schneiders, leading Men’s Furnish~ er of Highland Park. Why not have vour clothing renOvau-d hen- thit week and give our wmk a ï¬ir ma} 7 ()ur CLEANING AND hymn; ()1 ladu-s' and 1,11 , 3': garments. (mental rugx cnrxx-ts. partners. dY’Hli'IM'.‘ piano cove-m. lave cunams. uni, canhm Px- dupin mm by any local cleaner. as we have the ].Ak(.l~1\‘l .mc most SANITARY plant in the West. A wagon will‘call for and deliw} your gamma 214 EAST CENTRAL AVUUE Telephone W PM 265 Tckphonc a North Shore Trust Company Men’u Furnisher Jewelry and Watch Repairing - Speciulty Coal Solvay Coke Cleaning and I’flssing Org-nized under the Banking Law: of the State of lllino'u , # _._A.._.. 212372133 1.5!:- 0|» Avrnua. MORTGAGE BANKERS . SCHNEIDER’S MAIN on K‘E AND WORKS Highlnnd Park, |l|inoil IJIK uln INCORPORA TI ,1) 194B MCACO Divoruy ~81“ I J HUI!“ Cub "l (T , i,‘ .w... a z