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Highland Park Press (1912), 14 Oct 1915, p. 1

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{mix patrons E (*lil‘ Shoe 17 St.- ltlixq, at 12 She fifteenth it.“ ‘s better , ‘ili Ne better ‘ i . lfivures’ are Spec: \Vl‘liCh slice repair re of your be installed your friends [lléll'lBI‘S our HL ,.. lti 25â€". h Heater} llroiigliout __ le, Coal, Wood l of extra l tire an»... . side idler. . lo the lcein ' plete. see it. 5 Co. ry Catherine Strinén f“. _ 0 years :i resident d all. Thur-«inf; night, Sewn” Home m immblq. 55“ tveruies, Chicago, 3M ‘ eighteen months. Finer“ re heid Saturday dorm“ you Catholic church. vi“ 1. (23»... reading the germ.- y ir.tr""l.v‘r‘.’. at Lake {0‘0“ ' g .... born a Mil- 15-34:” ii ii. 1869, its 5" the bu 'ilt‘essing bill. b. for T‘.\) years. Redd” . t... -' friends in mm“ . Srrz- :e~ leaves to M" Aer. Al's. Fred Nofln ‘ . Wis , a brother, urge” d at swpson, Mr. “end a of Chicago. 7" . E M“ l‘i‘llm‘l‘ ..i, .. t if t .. _._.__..,P _. Number A.) LAKE COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOLS TO HOLD CONVENTION HERE AT THE PRESBVTERIAN CHURCH OCTOBER 21 AND 22 Five Sessions Will be Held: Thursday Morning alt 9:30, Thursday Afternoon at 1 at 7:30, Friday Morning at 9:30 and Friday Afternoon at 1:30 The forty-rifth annual convention of the Lake County Sunday School conferences: gsoclatlon Will be held at the High- junior room), Miss Irene Rockenbuch, A land Park Presbyterian (‘huriii on Thursday and Friday, October 21 and 22. Among the speakers me Mr. Hugh Cork, who is the executive head of the Illinois Sunday School Associa- ion and is always warmly welcomed l by the Lake County Bible School workers; Prof. I“. C. Eiselen, Ph.D., of Garrett Biblical Institute, Evans- ton. one of the greatest Bible teachers of America and who has for several years been ill! active member of the International Lesson Committee; Mrs. M. S. hiniorezinx. author of :‘The Un- folding Life," “A Girl and her Re- ligion." etc., well known as a writer and speaker on young people's work, is Superintendent of Elementary Work of the Methodist Board of Sun- day Schools; and Dr. J. S. Duncey, a Chicago pastor and a member of the executive committee of the Illinois Sunday School Association. Following is the program of the five sessions: Thursday Morning. October 21 Beginning 9:30 A. M. Praise service, led by A. C. McNeill. Devotional Bible study, led by Rev. Daniel Bryant. “A Well-Organized Bible School as Judged by an Expert" (based on Athearn's “The Church School")â€" Rev. H. G. High. “The Needs of Our Schools"â€"â€"(a) In the elementary grades, Miss Irene Rockenbach; (b) In the secondary di- vision, Mrs. M. S. Lamoreaux; (c) In the adults division, Rev. Rudolph Erickson; Ed) In general management, H. D. Faxon; General discussion led by Mr. Hugh Cork. Appointment of committees. 12:00 o'clockâ€"Adjournment. :30, Thursday Evening, Simultaneous «in the o'clockâ€"Three Elementary 2:45 leader; secondary lin the senior Bible school room), President L. J. Yager, lender; iidult till the church audito- riuml, .\Ir. Hugh Cork, leader. 4:00 o'clockâ€"Adjournment. 5:00 to ilzthâ€"eb‘ocial hour. Thursday Evening, Beginning at 7:30 llev'otions, led by R. t'alvin llolison, Ill). Music, Libertyvillc Presbyterian Choir. . ' Address: “The Personal Factor in ‘ Teen Age Work," Mrs. MRS. reaiix. Lamo- Ut’fering. Music. Address: “Slim and His God," Dr. I“. t'. liiselen. ‘ no ... Friday Morning. October Beginning at 9:30 Praise service led by A. C. McNeil]. Devotional Bible Study 'led by Rev. Daniel Bryant. Reports of President. Secretaryfi Treasurer, District Superintendents, Department Superintendents, and Township Presidents. General Discussion: "How to Reach. the Front Line," led by Ge'iernl Sec- retary Hugh Cork. Five-minute talks on “Church Acâ€"j itivities for Boys and Girls" by Rem; Rev. J. E. Robeson, Rev. J. F'. Van- Evera and S. W. Chidester, DI). 12:00 o'clockâ€"Adjournment. Friday Afternoon Beginning at 1:30 The unable t he w ‘condition. I ’ LIKE TAKING cmov FROM A our " REGULARS RECEIVE A SEVERE TRIHHINC Jugglod the “I, Sphere at Their Will Regulars 'L. H. Sweetland, Rev. H. G. High, Sunday by 3 “or, of 1:0 to 0, Rev. R. Erickson, Rev. J. W. Funston, ‘ the worst d representing this city. 0 come back, as his arm be- came sore after the third game and as unable to get it into working and hearty. The Waukegan team must its collection of Tuesday P ' Se ' ledb A.(‘..VTN‘ll. raise Wice y C u be given credit for v ' ‘ . I b '. Devotional Blble study led y Rev Sluggers, as they certainly did hit the Daniel Bryant. Address: “Training for. Service"â€"â€"â€", reading in the and class Correspondence lb) Training l8) course, Thursday Afternoon. Beginning 1339 school, 1c) Community training school Praise service led by A. C. McNeill. â€"General Secretary Hugh Cork. Devotional Bible study led by Rev. Address: “The Church of the Fu- Daniel Bryant. ture," J. S. Dancey, DJ). "What Teen Age Girls Desire in the Address: “The Challenge Bible School," Miss Lois Greene. Community," )Ir. Cork. “What Teen Age Boys Desire in the Installation of otl'icers. Bible School," Joe Gibson. lzllll o'clock»Adjournment. of the OVER ONE HUNDRED STUDENTS REGISTERll FEDERATTON OF (Lula. TO MEET l i Very Popular. 1 Thursday October th at the Highland Park Club Home Proves Night School Many C lanes iOrganixed (bcr one liiinlred people registered The Federation of Clubs of the . . .l- . althc liici. on .\Ion<lziv evening Tenth Congressional district Will meet “1" mill! >«":ii>l work, The billowing With the (lssi-li Club in the Highland classes were iirganized: woodwork. .Vlr Park club house on Thursday, Octo- Robert W Sclini-ider. director: mechani- cal drawing, .\lr Pertz. foods and house- hold management. bliss Tucker; dress- m' 1001 her Lil. Morning Session: Board meeting, 9:30 a. m. making and millinery, Miss Edniundson; business English, Miss Grundy; Type. Business meeting, 10:30 a. m. Iriting, bliss Manson; bookkeeping. Mr Speaker, Mrs. W. l. Thoniasz‘ “The McLain. shin-t hand, .\Ir.l€~ing. tiym~ Woman's Peace Convention at nlsium elitists were organized for Mon- The Hague." day, Tuesliy, Thursday “TWINS Luncheon, 12:30 p. m. Am 730 to 10m. Monday and Thurs- Afternoon Session, ‘2 O'clock: dly evenings are set aside for business Ind protessinnal men, Mr. Rothachcrin Chime. Tuesday evenings are for young men over eighteen years of age. Miss Reid Will have charge of the women's 59" Umnasmm work- on the same eveninfll The s't'immmg pool will be open for use. N0 classes in public speaking and chorus; m were organized, although if enough l and man: “Public OtTice." Luncheon reservations t to Mrs. J. McGregor Adams. ATTRACTIONS AT LOCAL THEATRE Nth instruction is made, classes may be organised. IAKTHAAIDSOCIE'TVTOHOLOSALE lbeseen Iof the . .“Sold,” de icting a wo A“ Sort- of Fancy Work to Be Sold in This stirri‘t’ig fiveâ€"part [‘an H.” Fm!” and". O“. 29 lmake an indelible impression on ds of all who witness it. C. be featured in Thursday Oct. 21 and 22 ______â€"-â€"â€"â€"- v. t The Martha Aid Society of theimin ‘ SWedish Lutheran Church are mak-;Smith Will ‘ ‘ ing elaborate plans for their annual~Glayde's Honor, sale to be held in Library Hall Fri-,on Sunday night, “Vieieniig, October 29. There Willi . ' ' be all sorts “f aprons. towels. quilts., Mary Pickford Will appear inuone and)“. etc . on sale and supper Will be l her 8"““9' Ch‘r'cmnnuom' Rags Served. The sale oponl at 7:30. The by Edith Bamaro Delano. and nine o'clock. Public is cordially invited to attend. October 17, whil seven On Saturday. Pauline Frederick wil , in a thrilling photo-production l celebrated emotional drama, man’s devotion. ' and tomorrow. photoplay will Hiiildiiig the member of lht' Aubrey ‘ resented by Mr. i narlc- l. (.rant. sec :‘mumffl, o» ,m “John retary of the local W'. l'i. Brind. J~ M~ Appt'l. ‘A‘T'm'wn‘ 0! the into an: ffflllfpfil in". sir-rm ”uh lon Wednesday and Thursday evenings . of deliver an _" evening, hll ball on the nose. The game Went ii (Wu innings iit Mil t'\t'!. break, and thr- s-cttlml back in their “(irrati- of the u p.ri-iy civic uquir, the fiiiis, no doubt, seats expecting to lost to Waukegan ' one of .‘Qi‘ Ullr usual pifi'hers' battli-s, but ii: third inning DutYy placed ii single o\er second iii.d ('nppic l'ioniii i‘KIllt‘ up and hit one (nor the fiance Iliglllziml si'iiiwl lliiiillic'r l'. lll" humor, giving ll'khl. and (hr) third “'llt" lit'lll fvr y . . Minn. l\\-l i'.;l l-.i‘.sii'.i-:., .t'. iiw. “shim-gnu p. pull ‘~l4lil.‘ll hitting I ‘.\ .is mi luil' i Rivas l' '.l‘.i* ll-ili‘ii- linif' mus illl'l g liiiii ll llllll \\.|\ thuziglii out. \i‘lrli‘il Tux! lill.‘ U". Thl"l mute runs in the fifth iii.d 4111b 1!»- '.\iili 1iir.t\\i-li‘s iir'ii pull. ilt'l lit <l lit'l<ili' l'iii'k liiml {lll' fourth Wini- I‘d-i liils, rirui :ii vl it lii-iizr This-r inn-ii- lllt'i. ended hiid iimiisscd l'.’ runs. juring his arm any more. lars will possibly hair liafferty or ,M,,,.,.h,,,,,,.w A on the slab for Sunday and (m ,5”. ,._,.,.,,,fi..,,.,., Moran Will be assured OT I minutes in “Jim-gm . Speaker, Senator Lawrence Y. Sher- than llowmer, fi-el discouraged, as the l fighting all the ('antwell has decided to re remainder of the season. not want to take any chances of in- The Regu- the loyal fans should not ioys Will be the fans gmnl game. v lcouvumonoru LASSOOATTON l t ' to be shown here=Mc l 9 2.5m, Sn be should be hand early Sunday, , gun at \ Ll TI‘ is» the game be. bound train. i(’l\€ Hr-_.._ __ The Building and Loan Association . l ' ' ‘t ll [A ague of ”mom is holding it“; “Sir”. and "it are 0“ Th: Highland Park prmmrd m Mr. the Highland Park State Bank, will Proper light a pflnldrd m ”H. friendship Ind TMV ‘convention ot t'hampaign. Loan A ssm'utlon LOOSE BY A SCORE 0F 19 TO 5 TORI GREATER HIGHLAND FARE ASS'I Cantwoll wu Unable to “Co-o Bach". Waukogu'e Collection of Sluggers efeats ever given a team (‘antwell was (my; fur The first («it lllt' him) hit tlic fun r H: iiglit sci-red oi: ilil\l.‘i|'|:.l‘ Wiiiikcgiin the- game harder next Sunday. Elf't' for the a! he doel N"- Street Cu Capable of Maintaining and be on I. I. ”AID T0 RETTREON PENSION Mrs. Janet Wolch Cole Don... Fro. ”by-out Agency Me. To Deal. on State And Road Couture-tic a «inductor to R!!!" m Pen-ton After it: )Mlb~ lf»,IuUU days” the rails. I. J Menard of “nuke-gm. .s to be retired on pension by the Chi- cago Northwestern Railrotd Corns pony, which cunmrntion he has served- inopt diligentJy four scienthis of his life , Ni Menard in to be paint-nod ad the lulu-r part iof the month, and hr purposu lu bi'l\( the balance of TH! life with his uife and family in Wau- kcgau MI Menard first entered the employ of the .N'mthwotrrn AU years ago as a fieighi Lulu-man. Attention to duty won him immediate pronioliun, until today hi ..~ ranked a. the tuntli oldest Tlihl'l Hi llii (onlplll)'b employ “l l'llu' labored w your. for the Nurthwntrri. railroad, and I Might m) that l have trait-led at least )le miles each u.’ the light!“ days 1 have worked oi. the rails." and Mi Mrnard «in I SUNDAY's Gfle; WEI) [ROY Pi \fthlvRN. L liguriiig 100 "llll'b a day. Mi. Mari» ard lilo l-‘nnl Traveled over 1.41:1,000 miles H. the 40 years. cmzus MEET cm _ , , COUNCIL ON TUESDAY 1...:‘“ar‘..::;:. trim?“ Third lln made 20,291 round trip!‘ min-en “’aukogan and Chicago. Fourth line traveled the equal of 100 trips nr'vouu tlhc continent Fifth Ila» traveled the equal of fit trips around the world. Mr. Menard ll well known to High- trips Officers Wore LAN!“ and “on of Con-in“ Appointed. A. F..- ibu-Auuc Gathering was Proton! greatly mined by them. In. Jan. Weld Get- Door” By Publocily Conn-lulu It must be most gratifying to our Mayor and Commissioners to realise that uhi-n they call upon the rituenl To attend ape-Ciel meetings and to do special work the nuponsc l) prompt Jami- G Wolch of Waukogan. Thil “as particularly evident last rv cning when the Mayor in- uted some of The citixens to meet the (it) (ouncil for the purpooe of con- sidering the ailiisability of forming a committin- to be ki-oun as "The r lllfll‘liulid Park Association." and in take the prove her grmmda for asking the up arluon by the court. in the relations of the well known at tome) and his WITP. hence when th land l‘iirli commuters and will bcimm of ”mm“. ., Judge Edwards Saturday morningwumw WM . in circuit court granted a divorce win a" mu“ m... Mn Joule Welch, wife of Attorney “ah“... the": up ,lanl-auaallllgun "with. Ir. “clch made no contest of the coat me in I- - I.” I“ lo. application for a decree and the onlylof work 3650.” evidence introduced was that given by ‘ talk the matter Mrs Welch and two wiuiouea tdbnde of Cowl-lion It had been known for some time that their was marital incompatibility FRIDAY‘S $1390! A INTO" Dun,“ We and - Ml 0‘ Garbage Nat on - 5h... Ta‘ on Wa Filtration By Publicity (' Iii-m It was almost I ha Idl)‘ for th. ('iiy (‘uoiicil last l-‘ri ; there was little business to tron rte-no ordi- nance-a - no complltnu Tn the ab- M-nce of Mayor Has gs, (Tommie- sioncr Willi!) took hi place. Com- missioner Hitchcock w not present, but Commissioners r and Huber were in their place» at all call. The minutes of the last moe rig were read, and with om corn-chi approved. b‘ow that the leper 0 longer If- fordi- a weekly exmtnv ant. We hlVO the dumping ground:- and the dia- ponal of garbage to in rest ueâ€"â€"quita a problem. After 1 ('ouncil ad- _iourm~d an informal to hug was- held when; Mr. “liver of v ii (‘Ily intro- duced Mi Jennings. Chicago rep- resentative of Waller ‘t Pierner of New York, who was re to give in- formation concerning . chlorine gas apparatus for filtering akc water and making it fit for all p n v. . A tank of suitable also for on needs attached to our pumping stat - would cost. $600, and twenty cen a day for gun uould be the ex . tun involved; it sounded extremely Italy, the moat mmvincmg argument favor of this form of filtration boi - that Bubbly Frank. in the'atockya a district, and formerly a try-word 1- all that is ill- smell'mg and unsani , through thin procee- bu been tho gbly W- cializod. Wdukogan nd the Great lakes station have adopted this »wehoarnomoreo(tuopldlllo lin Waning-an. ‘nu . “no” lforthehondltwe ‘lddorlvo. A tea-uh! undersea- Wielâ€" Malone! - Huber, who was di with the health com . ' ’ later. It might be perianced in the sub . c through the city cl k. (but of consider-ti 'w' I M‘ placollntho roll!“ to consult and "port * ‘if persona ox- t would make nuggoltioml to the C mil, in writing, for those who a ll ' lhauu \'ff‘iill.lf m l : ' l n" >0 :- .ctgue ““1 I r P Hiter by the .‘iu' uA'i-r llfnllf 3 null" all the pre- (‘iininillll'rl UT Ll)? Huiiig to the fact that plui‘i- m’. Ailitl I'mlrui‘r nous!) {mined up Mrs Welih lhunle- time ago the close frmidi- of lhr i‘uutlll' Were not not [ilk-lion for diun‘re WI! filed by have to foot the prin ng bill we hope that future ordinan . are not to be satin an! irr. this will... ind-l go to prrn at once. prised an) more bulky than one we already no on. li.|\(‘ to pong-one a full uc- ll ” stats-d m“ M” Welch l, to have. “'e rullu tall contingen- i. ..z of tile prim-wings of the meet «um n mm,“ ., Mum"). w,“ in rice should be not. possible, in an ll iv ii. lrn‘l view, suffice it in any which she “,1, rturh ‘4”, a veer “r m ordinance, but we loo mliu how that the sons... of the meeting was and m“. N“. up vim” n, .u "my”, man) little sum" ht be piled into l'..i'lll.' ..s) n law»! of a waiter M”. “m,“ lm> 1M.“ mm her ”up (‘umniinioner Bahr' little repair box and help fill up the . lm still needing Highland Park \ssru lllllhll, arid “‘hllt‘ riili- at .‘ulmlunvhfl, Hub, for [40an attention if the cont printing, which .‘lllI llil} (lubed lht'lf fill (Li- \l;i_\n' :iiti-il lt~ temporary ihfllY 1mm. “r. lilii' ’ -r tlii 4-1!“ N i'. 1'” ("L““WL' on ,Nuitb ileum-vi strdc't. “'“UKTKITI. " b’m‘ "973' N‘ ' My done, mum ll‘.l".‘-I"r \lt'lt rm tut .’ i ”(for for -M, “r“h' h ”J court order. P‘V' he rut down some at. (be ll'lll' 1-: U‘ u )i..- ‘Til|.ll..fl'i. Mi h” “[1,. 3:,” a month . “Ki ll" liltitl“.' .ll l.n.:1i.u', Mi _ m .1». 3'" 5, h“... ,. W. q. ., (M), M, lru- Employment Agency Succee- m f .- ~ . ‘..‘i.â€"» - . l[\ n. in. Nivc-inl-ri l of lint your a free "”' ’” “I“ \l“~ RT" 1’51”"! 1‘ byflr. M" e'Tl’llU-an‘ iit agrm _\ “in. opc-m-d in ‘C v" . PI . ls l- Tlt'lllllll '. Thumus and Mr Pill! llahr “angry”, h h... been conductod by [i . III P II - ;l.'l’ nthi-r im-nilwis of the t‘olllllllllr' CHANCEUITTEDSCHEDULEONCJIJ. 70 Miles pot Hoar lltlll'f‘ s- v ‘i..e n I l \l.. l\ .uxn um i 'I lie new i ?. ucni “in h.“ in ;l '. :. 1... rs and In Miluluur l ‘i-i..r at? w minute's 51mm Highland l'llh ll fifteen iii nule; aflrr can Pi 'i In! from 9 if. a ill iiniil 9 l‘i p in V n h tnnnd ll llllfl\ nine minutes All" rain til-ui ham 7.?! a In until 61‘! p 'i. and unit ll 83*! The new alert (4'. [P.PHTH piiri'hlnnl wrrr designed ripen-{h 'ur ll'nVlH‘l train . l . demandon the part of those who desire' Pic “- “R 'Wodnoodnylldil' Bel“ Holdi- Cw Ill. Today "In" lb" I”, combos-d mm 1m" lti) H I‘ mourn repair” of ms'nuinmg TU miles per hour The steps lie on ilvsig'icrl l‘ial eni‘nn r Tl‘r seats 1:: ulllr and Cimi’mla'ilr hut-r: \rntilatmn I. ..r~ A- '2'. hra! I'rrvprv II pro '.lll i'm'utri lu mam '“ml-“on'Tnd by l tain a tcnipcutou iii Til .tr.in> in [tin weather To nuke asst.- ..rnr doubly auic brood 'ddn” “ the banquet 0"“ glue are: and in: unit: il‘lilln‘ Intern subject being "The Homeâ€" Fresh dunhui‘ nut.- -) tllbprnud hum 'ation, is it worthy of our bubbling mum-ins \moliing rump”: merit in each or wide and u‘ Captain. mid Mrs. J. W. ('ook. whooe' “w - (mi) purpuu‘ was to find employment for deserving men and Women of that . Al . Wu ml of ”he Highland . Park Business Men s Auomation Tue.- ‘lhui the agency hai- been a . . from a" day night the taco end-(ion of their fart that pmpluy ment has been found "‘1’,“ crntmttec r 03"qu “It" for lab men and women up to the ...“.lz'mrx . :the ..me ee pll‘M‘fil time This is considered nnl . ' “mu,“ ‘ ul C", Lt‘lltln‘ ""1““ "'“mi' Commie-ion. which ' udeo Mr. J. P. L People HT “'Ouhr'ln and non the WUC‘IEMM Mm Mm. resident. of [Alu- Forest and High- MNLC 7‘ Kim- I, 4.. , land Park me coming to depend more mmmk.u-. .ommeodatlon w. and more on the free employment t?! installation 0,. ”4 Mt] tmcrete agency iur the-ll bin-d help, realising ”flame...“ ,. «medal-mp. that through this source they are able P0." m be ",4 . distance (,1 150 to pt the most dependable help. I“ cum 0.. . an... (mum 11.. . . . ‘00!!!ka install-tit will coat approxi- 'lolh-cdcoeltoadtondm motel! m M . m “u be meet-ml! 0‘ the l‘ke raised am the- neo- men. owner: be of banana-I property nd by private sub- Everybod II lnvucd to con- . The commiiicc lot neocutiuo Ilf. Mr, n. Mi l A Blow. . MI Dale burr! Grant city (‘unit-lrlt l-Ulf‘fflfl ll shown A I'll'flll livunl) lluard of Supervisor- in to the near future to take up ocn'ptioo. iilbute my mum. rolled iii the mallet of deciding what sort of road construction shall he uduptnd for the exlrlialnn of stat: aid roads I'hlch‘ Lakel‘dlhl. Mr. F. W.C - .. land and Mr. Om A Illt to Weaken- A corutn town has sudi a poor the citizens got will be rained on next IIYTHI' in county 1 Superintendent of Highway. Rus- , poll has received from the state board; a rough estimate of the ml of dlflQYâ€"l (if mud construction. and ntlro.‘ ‘0” out kindr mu. tho-c naive-n on hand the bound together and had large sign painted "viii m on file method of construc- a. put up i- m. r a. building as Mumdrflth which‘ntobofollowl: 'Dn’t Murphy built watfrom Wank-on and out “Mg” ... In... is. uni-mu at in» van. lullnad sun as. a C “...... w-uw.-e-, 4 y: -».

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