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Highland Park Press (1912), 28 Oct 1915, p. 2

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fié One of the prs-ttie: the season wa: that ( Thayer. daughter of Henry J. Thayer of N and Mr. Theodore (f. Une of the prettiest weddings of the season wa: that of Miss Mildred Thayer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Thayer of N. Sheridan road and Mr. Theodore (f. Errinzer. Jr.. >01] of Mr. and Mrs Theodore (L. lir- ringer of Los Angeles. Califnrma. which took plat: zit the home 01' the lu'ide's parents. ThursJuy evening, (butcher twentyfirst, with Dr. Jenkin Lloi’d Jones officiating. The bride was i-harmim: ll‘. 21 simple gown of white bride’s satin made in the em- pire‘style embroidered in pearls. with ~lu-ves of duchess lace and a full length court train. Her veil “an held L!) plaice with lilies of the Valley; ~lie «urried a shower bouquet n!" bitter- :.y .yzWeet peas and lilies ut‘ the \al- L031. The bride \\‘d< zittcmleil by her father who 23w her QWZl)’ in mar- riage. Cleaver mail Sparl'ord Thziycr stretched the ribbons. Three pieces of Benson‘s urvhcstru furnished muâ€" brother of Mrs. Beardsley and has just returned from three months' hospital service abroad. He gave a most interesting talk of his expe- riences. Mrs. Arthur W. Jerrems of Linden avenue, was hostess at twelve tables of bridge yesterday sfternoon. Aut- umn leaves were used in house dec- oration. Entertainments this week and last for Miss Margaret Nye of Cleveland. Ohio, who is .the guest of Mrs. Merâ€" rill Follanshee. are: Five tables of bridge on Tuesday, given by Miss Marjorie Follansbee. and today sev- eral tables of bridge at the Moraine, Miss Catherine Cashing. hostess. Mrs. John Irwin Marshall wu hostess to six guests at dinner on a-.....a.u ”main! at her home on Saturday avail! Prospect nvonue. 0n The Social Side of Life You can have your entire family laundry; van-Ling Ipoard, bedding. table linen, etc. called for. washed, ironed and delivered'at 65¢ per dozen. hdkfa socks and stockmgs If each. Shins. collars and cuffs “st price. of ..... | -_A hm. vnur flat mark 12 We will rough dry pcs. for 35¢, 23 pc: We are nmkinz a spec Cleaned (or 256‘ per sq ober 1801‘ Scnd us y during house cleaning High Class Launderen and French Dry Cleaners MMEW iry your wearing apparel and iron your pcs. for 60“ or 50 pcs. for $100. Phones 178, 159. been! rate on (Mental and Domesnc Rugs Dry square Vard during the two weeks beginning 0c!- i \our bnlnkets quilts curtains draperies etc Local Affairs of the week Special Bv the Obocrvqr On Thursday evening Messrx John and l'aul L'dell at W, Vine avenue. were pleasantly surprised by fourteen friends who came in to celebrate their birthday. Card:. and music passed the Mening huur-~ pleauntly. The! Alpha ('hiiptvr of the West- minster (luild met at thc hnme uf .\lr~ l‘ilishu Morgan mu X. Linden :ncnuc. (In Tuvum)‘ :ifh-rnmm. The study Of [hi' ”cw lnmlx was taken up. llr. lmlmm lell th: Ilenvtmnul‘. The next meeting will [Mkt' place 0n Tues- day. Nmemlier ninth, at the home of MI". (ll-urge Wright un (llmwne avenue. with .\lr<. Lylr (lnurley and ,\lr‘~. \\ right .i.~ ht)sll‘$.~t‘\ Tomorrow afternoon at Orchestra Hull. whure the ('hicugn Symphnuy Hull, whvre the ('himgn Sympnnuy (lrrhestru has begun its winter con‘ Cort scum“, the Solonsts ure [0 lm Mr. Alexander Zukowsky and Mr. Hurry Weislmck, in the Bach 1) minor ('Ulu‘r'rh‘r fur twu‘violms, and Ban- tock's "Fijine at the hair." It “111 he renwmbered that both Mr, Zuk- owsky and Mr. Weislmck played u' Raviniu l‘urk this summer. Miss (‘uthcrine Dean was hostess on Wedm-sIlay of last week at lunch- eon, followed by mm tables of bridge complimentary to her guest. Miss Marie McShane, of Omaha. Nebraska. Yellow Chrysanthemums decorated lhc lum‘hcun bible. newspaper wnwu \ pruhl In ”W'Hthrs puln: In x r 1'. («5:le 1 h\' mlHl‘t' of El “W'hnlsm‘u'r thing aOtW ! 'r Ihn.;:~ .lrt- lu Hm..." .nx thi, \\ ’ure 5 l}, »\ purl, lure, m lmhum v: nulrmw r1 lhmg II llu'lx’ lrx- AZ lht-H- lw n: \ [mun lhlllkh U ‘ Public Librl Books enu-md at .n-r \‘n ntnmlmr ' Miss Mona Bahr WI“ entertain twenty of her friends at a ilnllowa'- en party Saturday evening. Miss Valencia Rafferty of Prospect avenue, was hostess to eight out of town guests on Friday evening at dinner. "Mrs. Alfred Oleson of Monine "Mrs. Alfred Oleson of Moraine Road, will entertain forty friends at a Hallowe'en party on Saturday evening. The guests will come in costume. , - ' Mr. Samuel Knox of S. Sheridan Road was beaten at five tables of bridge. inlormally. Tueaday evening.‘ Mrs. A. B. MacCaughey will be hostess this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon at several tables of bridge. both parties being part of a aeriea which she ia going to give. Other bridge parties will follow later. i Mrs. Mather Smith was hoeteu to twelve guests. Tuesday evening at ldinner, for her gueat Hisa Smith of ‘Pueblo. Colo. Teble and houae dec- iorations were of Hallowe’ en auggeet livenees. The flow" need being the naetursium. After dinner bridge and dancing was enjoyed by the guest- Mra. D. M. Shaw will be hoetaea this afternoon informally at six tab- ?les of bridge. Decorations will be in! fall flowers and autumn leavea. Mr. Wnlur C. Hnuly will entertain with n fnmily dinner on Saturday evening to «)0me his brother John C. Hately'a birthday nnnivernary. Twelve guests will be present. all members of the funily. Mr. nnd Mn. R. J. Stephens of Laurel avenue. celebnted their thir- teenth wedding tnnlvemry on “my day. Forty guests enjoyed dlncmx. The out~ofâ€"town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Searle and Mr. White of Chicago. Miss NeHie Lly Ind John Thomas of Evmston. Mr. Ind Hrs. Jnmea Thomas of Winnetkn, and Mr. Ind Mrs. Frank: Chc‘widden of Lake The Beta chapter 0! the Weatmin- ster Guild met 'at the home of Mrs. Henry Martyn Bacon and Mm Edith Moss yesterday afternoon. As thu was the first meeting of the year nothing definite‘wu done. Miu Mary Sedgwick led 9e devotmnals. and Mrs. Bacon read. Mrs. Gerald Van Schnick wu host- 93; on Tuesday lflarnoon It ten table: of bridge for her guest. In: More! a! Savnmh, Georgi; Decor- :tions were 0! roots. 471 (in work 12 ’bilong. '11:: party momma OI" Inna E Chicago. ' A number of children from High- ‘lund Park MI! attend the Haliowe’cn party at {he Girmn school in Win- metku. on Friduy evening. Mr. 3nd In. F. McDomld bow of South Sheridan Road wen lion and hosts“ to twenty Chicago lrhndl at dinner on Sunni-y tuning, fol. lowed by informal dlncin‘. m "on. wen number- 0! a W (has to which Ir. and Mn. Lav. bilong. The party mownd om from NE ONE NEWSPAPER IN ITS DIN CLAS (From “The Scoop,” ('hicuro, of Sememtm 1». 1915.. Admtrutlon {or The Chnstmn Sci ence MunItor Is uanIrutIon for 3: newqmpcr, WIthout reference to the sect tor I'hIIrrh. or prufeuuun n! ch he! and [Illn'lu’t‘l \"llh thch it: munr VOIIY‘hls It, 'lhlt curtnoctlun' Is numInIIl merely ()ne-Ipurt-r o!" II page In euh L'uuc II gIVen to n doctrmul preachIm-nt. Invnrtnhly well urItterz, “llh nurr a word that could‘ offend a nutrhellmer Exceptln‘ that small spun, The Monitor is n newqmper In a rlnu by Itself. It print: all the news of L“ the world. That phnne as here applied means a great deal thch to other ne‘lpupen Is not Included III the news domain. Thu one wldens the! dam-in to Include exer) department of life. It suneys munkmd {mm Chm. to Peru, and clunly. uncly, (we. you I dilly record of all human I'lirl. Science. art. Industry. litenture, hIItury. sports. humor, all the better thing's, tumr WIthIn Its scope. It hll only ll'!‘ ll!u(hsluߢ~»lruthâ€"-f0f all things, tum“. Hum tln) to day It In at at: I.,.l lIlvrmi I-iut'utur. It Is nirrt tn Iuneét) ,w far In novelty u decent. It never pnnt‘ a queltlonuhle him. The polemw or prupnpndu work (I! the rhumh that owns I'. 1- taken rare of In uther publlcntmnn. The MonIuIr I:- llttImuluU.‘ In that It beers LI M‘L‘tullult tItlv Mlul .‘ run .«t-«tnrmn Its edItorIal mInd n [mud mu! Uri}, Tht- emturml puxv n u Inmlrl all newspaper wnters could study vnth prutlt tn KlI("H.\('I\r3 and gnul tn the” pulnlzr l'. l'nllu\\~ 1-. rptnt and let te'r lht' hIl\II‘t' of St. Paul. “Whatsuexvr thlllflh an [Inn what- aorn'r lhll.)5~ .Irr lu-Ilcnt. utIathu-r :I...u‘ .Ix lll\'t. “tutu-mm thlnxn Books enu-rud at mg September: oonngc. Galeâ€"Kindred Hour”. Dubâ€"“Somewhat in anu.’ Allenâ€"Sword of You“. "Women Ind TNnt'" ‘â€" (Arn'u but funny uoriu.) “Men and Thinn"â€"MM'I 5-“ “Men and funny non...) People. Brownâ€"Jiuw to Teach Anthmtx. Futon-Conqucrin‘ Jaw. Burryâ€"«(Tny o! Dom... Sargent-lhndbook 0! Bolt Ph- vltc Schools R1!L¢nhuu:~â€"14!Uo Book 0! lodr ern Verse. By “A ('yrrmnn"-â€"l Accuu. Pepperâ€"A Vows Fr-n an ('mvd Hodge! Tho Early Church The first nxullr I“ day mocha and luncheon o! On Tnnlty Guild was held I! the Parish Noun. Ion- dn)‘ Saving for the War wu the order of the any. Frum now until .1“! the bamr, Nmenflrer twrn!y-Uiird. then 'll1 be Ill day meeting: os'or)’ loudly bl the Tn'uty Pun-h House. for b-mr work nap! on Nov an: Ihn‘h n 1hr remain MUD. of the Wmn'n Auxilur)‘. Luncheon will be and n 12:30. Army a. hunt am working chapter 0! the Guild In” be glad 10 fill my «don for wort. Rmehlrlâ€"â€""K." "Barumeua" «NIVII UCCIMUHI (;llih“'0l‘hy-~'rhe leunds. t hurt-hm” Far k'ounlry. hope-«Valley of Fear. Malletâ€"Ludy Aft. Md arthyvr-Senphicu. \Mh‘onâ€" Ruxglu of Red Ulp‘ Uppenheim~â€"l)ouble Tnimr. Boyerâ€"Jew of the buy A, Forteâ€"V'llley Road. Widdemerâ€"Why Not? Gilmoreâ€"~0llivnnt Orthm. Amineâ€"Mn. llrtin'l Inn. Burnettâ€"Lou Prince. Beachâ€"Hour! of the Desert. Pnrkerâ€"Monoy Matter. houndâ€"Around Old Chum: Grantâ€"High Prieluu. Chesterâ€"~Tho Enemy. Leeâ€"Aunt Jane. AndrewHAuguu FinL Huenlonâ€"‘Pmdonce o! the Smithâ€"All the Children 0! All tho ubhc Library Noms Trinity Church News Hr! ion. tutu-cw: (hmgn Ih|1.g~ me inn-- ~ an» uf (nod re- |\ \IHur. and If think ull Unu- the hbnuy dur The Docophon Mud. Poomblo by "I. Loud 'po-kmg Tohphono. \ ;'.-u uhn. uf \vumiuunr-Iu In um um! |‘-IIIL‘1.I!HHH In Mr! ”If mud «'1'11 "\Nlllh'Y m [ht- wa «I! pic-nun! and dun-Min- :1” uned- 1n hnu. none of lb:- ukl lum- \rthnpn-I- ul-HH)‘ at all Mr um} and often due- Mum! an (In "Mm-m- side of llw Mam- fhlu Mi ILxleu and put! I rlnr qune con inn-db; In xlu- IHIII‘UIPIH o! the nu dlo-nw Th0 dummy nnnu-n wllh a] wad: Hm- 1-f munn. «ti-mend ln ”run-run lune- Nor In Hut all. fat I. turn- .od ll’hb Ml bold "IV- MI Inna. [Ick- up m. fret and ourâ€"(who ndl In a very 1mm. manna. The and of the damn)”: “to. l- Ibe loud winking [W0 and o! uh gamu- urtou- victim mar-cu. AI L Inn be M. both are "smut by than... Nata" Waugh! u 09!"! Then Toma. Pools. Sammy In the world‘- bbtory b no" humus-uh: than the slut; 0! lb Alp- Tv-n c (‘er mlllhm year- I“. you “N; r" man. - lung uni-n Inn of INIIAHI. a «‘rlvk 0! Gun" In (hr rnnbu «‘v'usi. “MAM I'I, from l‘ranuw HII‘I‘HJ human-d! u! lull“, (in lln- 11m- (ununui hug- Ink-uh om bur-tn "uni ntn-n- uum mum- mm "an n- .umnm 13710:"! nu I an MW an old «mum-m um rum outlaw inln H liq-nu. 0! mud. sand. ‘11?" “Pro 135-! 001' cm llhflhrf ll ‘50 ‘II ln: \u-ul nu uum tho lum lmuw 'null («4, nun-fly u-n mils. Huh-k. Tlrn II Ln! autumn-d I ”I up mung: nu- utmalm‘ «tumour forms run-«1 - hurt band "or I.” m»- In” m. an!” Hu- rurku. moan-d urn-hm] nm'arh‘d "I. Ill“! "I. 'I H-rl an) umbuun! lo 11.. («mm In. of muumum dwin- Ibd will“ “I" u-rhnd - hum-land [Ion hour ulnn' (Mo rlln lid a". fiver 313.1" Ind ”chum have I... wulpmnng mm "an I“ and" Inn like. nod v-Heyu lhll VIII film: III": M. mvul Indian-our: «moan..- and nH'uoI-t‘ -~“"- "0" . .\r\l mum-1 n uhh h Irlll II“ I WONDERS OF THE ALPS. FAKEO VENTRILOOUISM. __ , I ‘ bu good reason to come be" We have assembled here, the most comdctc lines of comfortable winter underwear: Garments witha TCPUUIHOD. You are apt no ggt mtccqble we?! When you buy I manufactures ltnc. who has to uphold a reputation, the William Latter Co. has .“Carter’s” Knit Underwear for ladies, children and Infant. told admivoly Inn They are conceded the but American-made gamuâ€" Awaroed thegold medal at the Panama-Pacific Expositjm Inn-SI I 'ul W317!) To appreciate that suits you must see them. It is the best garment 01 its kind at this pnoe. Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, extra sues $3.00 I“ '0‘ MIMI $1.” Light weight Merino wool garments m sxlvcr gray, snf‘, and flexible. bound to gwe comfort, typical Carâ€" h-r fimsh wnh high nm'ks hmg sleeves A we" snubbed line. with a [‘9 Women's flora-d Vth and Pants 3!. fit smnuy uhur Ml Muir: Woman's firvu d Union Suits 5* b31113 Unldrcn‘s tin-(H1 l'nmn Suits. 50: h 7.“ C mkh rn's flnu-d chszmd Pants 25: to St jar d PM”, the lending m of this communityâ€" Every Woman interested in Depéndablg Knit Underwear AAâ€"A L... Wilson Bros. Knit Underwear for Men} n \nll Ihvw Imam lllf‘unlh (rough- Mn ml lunar mm mm ll- Complete line of the most de- sirablr weights in (an. gray or Whitnlr'nion Suits for men of all swes SI. 5125. $1.50. $2.50 II $3M “Hatch" OwButtou Union Suits SLOO'gnd $1.50 II no Wool “8 lo: Eopuolly odopud to info-a wen: beau-r a! the oo'toeu ol tenure ond worm: plum and!!!“ an com oi ham mm mm 2. 3 and t. Flo. Mod-o Vooh o-I Pmolouo- so: A “c Fmoot ribbed woo! (mm- in mm hum I lo £ you: Voou ungk or double heooud‘ 50h o-d Wool Ida-h M Wmm womb! on" bonds In 3 nus, but nude tvtr odorrd ll the Inn pnce u! . 1‘s Bowman Dairy Compan‘ TILBPHUNES Bowman Dairy Compa‘ with a "put-tine for war and comfort giving nts 3 I. as: Woman's Merino Veߤ _ Pants 1.“ I.” SAMUEL LEW’S Jewelry 5‘ Come in and hear the New Reginaphone a combination of Talking Machine and Music Box the, latest at Women's Mu;:‘b;Ԥuits 1.00 to 2.75 Children's Marine Union Suitslfloh 13 Boys' Merino UnionSuits , V . Lu)“ 1,“ The Butter with the Mild. Sweet. Delicate Flavor Perfectly Patten-ind 121 Vine Avenue lzoLCu-tnlAn-uo 5 HIGHLAND mu. 9 ¢ ouncoa.» ' Trun‘x Face Powder “'hlll 0! SUV" Ma's Cm: (hi- Sit 78: Heavy n‘bbed comm w- ments for (all wear. snowy white, Dutch neck elbow sleeves. drop seat. we; 4 to 16 years, heavyenoudl for fall and winter war. Canon’s Muh- ngu a. g... d on." u. 0L. A variety of styles and weights in gray or white, drop seat or closed crotch the most perfect fitting, finest ribtied suits , ova shown, sizes ¢ to 16 yrs. ()ux chfldn-n n shot («when I: rrpldr mm the menu-It hm- o! rrhublclm-twraL such btlndt In FAut'MM Shoal. 0-3:qu Shoe-s Mr . speak tur tlnrmsflvn AH mmon hand It reawnablc "firm-too. It Tiles I Pile of to untidy our cum I woodcflul how much 0! will cm and ma peopk can at IQ" cum more. And my d but customer: :1! won- ! In mud-u baker- dual-Id But an Ion; as they can '1 I excl-Hem (hing- hen duty '1 avoid the bother 0! home H That'- I hint (or you. GEAIY’S EDIE m/ ”W.Wh HERE ONLY 50c D,

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