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Highland Park Press (1912), 3 Feb 1916, p. 4

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395t. Johns Ave. Highland Park No matter whether you; own a Grafonola or a .l Victrola. 1; No matter where you bought it. Our large and ,. varied stock of Columbia 1* records, is sure to inter- 1’ L est you. 01 Columbia records play IR 011 Victor talking ma 1st chines. Yours for good,ire record service. 5m Entered u ascend-clan matter Mllth X. 191]. It III: pout 05cc 3: Hixhhnd Pnrk. Illinois, wider the Act 0! Much 3. 1379. Albert Levy ............ Chic: Adv. Mgr 8th floor, 20 E. Jackson, 01. W“). 5212 Loretta Km: ....... Doerfleld Reporter John L. Udell. ..... Editor and Publisher Paul 1. Udell ............... Supu‘inundenc Helen Fiance: Connd ...... City Editor Esther C. Bsker ........... Society Editor WhiuflflnYurhMm Punususn Wmu By Jon L. Unau. at Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois Telephones. Highland Put-k 657, 558 THEHIGHLAND PARK PRESS ZMLMAm PRATT’S THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3, X916 PAINTING Paper Hanging Ind Decanting Taking. 100‘ C. M. GATES LOCAL OFFICE 5ENNETT’S BAKERY Certified Milk and Cream Inspected Milk Guernsey Cream Bulgarian Buttermilk Buttermilk Butter The Housewive‘s League in the various cities in the eastern states have interested themselves in a study of their milk supplies. Due to their efforts condi- tions have improved wonderfully and they are en- couraging the production of cleaner and better dairy products. Nothing can be more effective than ac- tive organizations of housewives who will cooperate with the health authorities and the producers an in- ject enthusiasm and encouragement into those who are struggling to improve the quality of milk and its products. The Arcady Farms invite inspection by any organ- izations or groups of ladies in Highland Park inter- ested in our work. We will be glad to assist in any manner in stimulating a greater interest in the pro duction of clean, safe, milk. Producers of the Natural Milk {WW ._ “*9 212 E. Central Ave. Telephone 193 Arqady Farms Arcady F anus mama PARK (F ormaly Rugflu May) > Miss Rose Miedcrgnng of Princeton, i “1.. was the guest {of a pan of last week flat the Charles Ge‘mmer home on North Second St. Mr. Adam Hohman of Oklahoma In: 1 the week and guest at the Edward Eichkr i home on N. Second St Mia Grace Andrew: who underwent an operation on her feet at the Henrotin Hospvul [at week is home md improv- ing rapidly. Mr. Bert Kenning who attends the Univefsity 0! Illinois will-pend thl week end with his parent; Mr. and Mn. A. L. Running 0! E‘ Park Ave. [ Miss Catherine Dean of S. Sheridan le. left last night for St. Louis where [she will spend ten days as the gunk of irclativew The United States Department 0! La- bor, Children’n Bureau at Washington D. C. have inaugurtted a campaign recent- ly for the welfare of babies all over the country. Repreaentativea from dim-rent organization: in thit city will meet at the home of Mrs. J. R. Batty on Monday next. to consider the plan ol having “baby week"l in Highland Park. The purpoae of this movement in to educate parenta in the very important care of the baby, Mr. and Mn. Mather Smith who went to Oakland. Fla., recently to spend the winter there, have come up to Chicago for a few days. I The First Masquerade Ball given by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Linm-d Span- ‘ fish War Veterans will take place nn the ; evening of February ninclcenlh in xhc [post gymnasium at Fort Sheridan Prizes {will Begun-n to the best dressed and the (most comically dressed lady and gentle lman. Music Will be furnished by M133 l Baddaker's Urcheat ra‘ The telephone-girl's annual dance :5 be- lmg held tonight at Ravima Park Casmo. The Ladies Aid Society of the German Lutheran Church will meet at the home Of Mrs. Quardt this'aflernoon. Mrs. Henry C. Breidcn of N. St John: Ave, was called to her home In Havanuh, “1,, suddenly last week. on account 01 the illness of her mother. Mrs. Irving Randall of Lakc Ave. has us her guest her mother. Mrs Charles Dickey ul Baltxmore, Md. I There was an all day eewing meering‘ lot the members of the Chicago Materniry‘ 'Society held at the home 0! Mrs. Freder- ‘ I ick A. Preston on Thursday. January 27m A ' About twenty people were preterit. Forty igarments were finished and ten! to the .' hospital. A great deal ol interest on ; been shown in the society this winter and l ) the membership committee have already ' reported a large number of new members. 1 The next sewing meeting Will be held at , {the home of Mrs. John Glass, all those I interested are invited to attend The ,da'te will be announced later. Baddaker's Urcheat ra‘ The telephone-girl's annual dance :5 be- mg held tonight at Ravima Park Casmo. Mr‘ and Mrs. Rolland Hastings wm rev lurn from New York ncx! \Vtt‘k where they have spent the past month. Mrs. F. E. Marsh 0! Belle Ave. will have as her gucst for the ncxl (m; wreks, Mrs. Alexander CV Dunn of lndmnapuhs. lnd who wxll arrive In this only mm 5.4" urday. M13 J>hn R \Mmrtmlhnn U! Chuagn a! the John (.rcn the put week; len Cll._ Iht‘fr Ihc lhfh who h.» Ix-rn .: films! Ville Mull humr in: last wrclx tn: Reliandg, Will Ma), relulmng l‘) he! Chu‘afln hum:- Mrs J. [1 («rd M E Ccmul Ave. II in South Hulllngh'n‘ Vermunt {or a turn weeks nan. remain unLi Miss Ethel S;cnrtr m m New Han-n where she hu X me In rnyoy the Junmr Mr. William Royer who has been in the south for the past months has letumed home. lOCALAflDPflSONALNE'S I; 5 Mr. and Mn. Mathew Kane: 0! Dou- field An. had :- their Sunday M ‘ Mi. Dori. Flullmer nod It. Hm U [Chic-so. Mia Cathenne Sulhvnn daughta at Mr. And Mn. C. P. Sulluvul that. I (M- uale of the Mercy Hewitt] Tniuilu School, Chic-co unled "and" with thirty other nuns: on the the S 8. la- Ierdam (or France when they are m m the'mteresu of the Mary M (0 do work among the mom The Charles H Warren Co. bu pur- chased I new delivery car Ro‘ulu do I liverieu to Higbwood Fort Shanda- Indv aninh will be made du'ly in addition lot Highland Park. 1 Mm Marjorie Follnmbee hu .5 he? guest. Mm San-h Nowell 0! New Came Mrs Mcrrill Follamboeand Mr. Rog" Vail returned Tuesday from Frontennc. Flonda. Mr. and Mn. Henry S. Vail are an!) m the scum and m" return (be In! of February Captand Mrs. C F. Cum who hue been stationed m the Phflhpinn are the guests of fnends m thu CH], bdot'tio mg m For! Dunno, New York where Capt. Cram Will be “IUOM Mn () Duklnwn Street returned to her home rn New York the week Mn Stu-ct had come to attend the tuner-l of her mother Mn. Funk Lincoln Wcan Mr Egbert Swmrr ha: ukrn up bu- mras wn'h Mr Juhn (Han and Will nuke hu hmnc In Hus (My Mr. Spencer, lor the. past sxxteen month: h. been In Iowa, xn {he ”nut-sl- of (he Belch-u Brochcn L‘umpany Miss Elhc15;cnrtr m m New Han-n where she hu X me In rnyoy the Junmr Frdzw :u-s u! \'.d«- (allege. ntxx witch Luv-r nn Mus \pcnvtt an“ an m (hum Perm. where 5hr Wt“ run-m unm the first 1»! Much Mn Carleton Museiy wrnt cast wuh Mm Spencer and In“ 30 m Allantn.~ Cxly bduu- rcturnmu hnme Pnn The luurlh Suburban Specul mtm max pun- dame In): M- gncn Thur‘dl)‘. Feb- nury 17m ax {hr Wmnetk; Woman'- Club undrr :Pu- nuspu‘PI u! the North Shun- Hanunu Hub Munlr In“ lit in: "lshrd m the j n.” A Hand ”when”: 0! \hu'ufiu . Mr. and Mn. Chulco Flshlcy o! Chlcmo j instrumenul number of I piano Ind (were the Sunday guau of Mr. Ind Mm : two Hahn: hy the Muse. Kruofer. Hiaymond W. Schnndu of Glaxo: Aw. I” of which were very planning. In. ‘ Mm Viola PmsicofF1:k,Win.hure.i"°”'y "no" 2-" I "0' "1me r ltumcd tonghhnd Park to remun Indel- ‘inz "COW“ 0‘ QR “OHNY “‘7 0! ”‘0 milely havmfl been (Illed home aboutyltx‘ll nuoc‘uuon brinnng in mnny [mm wctkn ago on accuum of the m fununlng Yum?" 0' "'1’ ‘0“ “not ion-11mm o! htr muthcr. She wnH mm ’ it uu established In Sopumber 19H iber rclanvu ML and Mn Fqu Baht :‘I'he pruem M‘opt o! the work "ll § Mrs. Wplham Spent" Crosby o! the °“”'""d ‘0' M” W A. Alexander, Cmgress Hotel. k’hncago, let! on Sunday president of the board u! dimmrl, ‘ Inf 3 several work] vml in New York. l'h" prellded It ”‘9 meeting. 8}" ‘Mrs.L‘rosby ls well knownm Um cuy, 0"" ““04 0" Y'IWQN'MJUWI "Id ‘bclng a prommem worker In me anu leader: 0! “Ch KWUP w '3” 0f 9*" Club. and alum): mtgrnled m the act”. ‘ work. Mn. GPO Taylor ODOR. ’0? tea It the park the Friendship (lub, 1nd the !ol|o'- Mr and Mrs. Henry Clo-v had as the” Sunday guests Mr and Mrs. Menu 8 (oksbank of Auslln. The Mugs Louxu and anscNIebuhr of Chicago wen the Sunday guest- of Miss Eva Morton Mrs Montgomery Ward and her daugh‘ [er Mus Marjorie Ward who have been staying at the Murnmc Hotel, loll on Thursday for Sea Hrrezr. Florida for lhc rcmamder 0! (hr wmtcr Commander W A. Mom-n u! lhr l'HL ed States Naval Tuning Summ a! (neat Lake, advised a rrpcmmanvc 0! "INF PRESS Hus morning that rumors (:1 H1: Marin-t xcwrep'demnc u the SRHIUH have no luuudalmn There wan llew cases of scarlet icver which are propcny up lued m the detention hmpnul. The Misses Flu‘dd and Mela Heyner u! MHwaukc-r. \‘Ih were the wee-k end gueals u! lnrnda herr \mllnx the- Muses Mcunch, the L}. L. Brand: and the U H, Brands. Miss E §.| S :mrrs M Human and Miss Vlrxlma Buru‘h u! (Imago wen- aunts last u‘cek 01 Mrs. bdmuci Puhamrnt. Mr. and Mn 0. L. Glenn 0! Moraine ‘Rd. hnve returned from I two week. Vil- iun the south. Mr. Harold Ole-eon who u- tenda the University of Illinois, will spend the weekend with hII parents. ~ The Unwcrsity lemme: held at th- Ravmxa Village House are pIUVIHR m be a great anraumn They are mm. (sung and sumulanug and an- mrarly apprnmlrd by ltmm- who :ulrmi .\ Luge number n! [wnpur :dlcm1u11)rla~l lecture. "South AIIN‘IILEI us a Hunting (hound 'lmmrrrm cwmng'o lecture mll br "(ermm‘ and the Wmld's Alarm”, The lecluxcs are given every Friday by Mr. Stanton Lou u! London, England There are several am of chicken put about town a! the present time. Three children are I“ with It on North Ave. and one child is infected win: It on Mc- Daniel Ava, however I!) cum are very lhghl. Mr Clarence Parliament of NSheridan Rd. has returned irom : three work: nut in Sea Bzcrzc. Fla. Mia laid: W of tho Nor-1m Hold spent last week in Memphis. Tenn. when themed :5 mad at an Edringtoo-Syma wedding on January twentyiixth. [HE HIGHLAND PARK PRES. HIGdLAND PARK mums And In. Ray M06". Ir. 1. Stud- tn, Mr. Richard Schntunpr. In. J. 3. Train. (inn. foliovod by u we“! hour. The pub“: in cot-din“, lnvhod. A Turban Tnunn; Clan m org-mud on TueId-y evening. “Du clan con-tau of ekvcn number! .04 mil be under the mumuou of the poster. On Friday evening, Pobmry 11th, mK.LC.E.willginap-m Nut! Sundly will be (‘hfllflfll En- deavor Du". celebnbn‘ {ha 350! In- nn-crnry o! the ornmutjon. The Lopu‘ to be (haunted 1- Christina En- deavor Fldch!)' 3nd Pom And will be In chum of Clinton Princh and Ruben hmskr (‘urm-r Green lily Rand and hunl Stu-cu Res J Focus! \‘nnEx-en, I’luor ”nut! 01 Wonth: Sunday School 9:30 .. In. Morning Worth”! 10.“, I. m. ('hnslum Plndenror 6:30 p m. Pro-clung Scrvncr ‘7:30 p, m. M1d»W¢-ek l‘rnyrr Wad. 7:46 p. In. The topic a! the Sunday School lesson W)” be: "The Boldm-u of Pot- er Ind Johnz" {ound in Ada mm. In the mormng unite Rev. Vm Ever: wnll speak on the subject, “Y. "9' (‘hrifl'u." unng u hm an 1 Cor. 3.23, and in the evening he will has. his nnurh on Gal. 5-17. "The Chrb~ tun Bnnd." (ago. and Mn, How-rd Pow!!! of Hmhurn, the inter - Inter of Mn. Starry. wen rut-um a! the nuocuuon headqunrton Tuesday 1nd Wodnol- day. ’it was established In Sepumber 19H. :‘I'he present nope o! the work "ll outline-d by Mrs W A. Alexander. president of the board u! directors, lwho prended It Ihe meeting. She then called on repreunuu'vel 3nd leaderp of each group w u” of their .work. Mn. Geo. Taylor spoke for ’m. Friendship Hub, ind m. mu“. mg leader-- for (he (‘ommonwul IUuM Mu Ralnh Mud Flu I'llul ‘Goehu. Mus M-rgm (‘ushmm In. (I (L Alexander. and Min Mutt-n lnhcr crlcbrntmm m honor of the Jubilee ‘nll be [Ivan dunnl the m-mlh The Ply-ax! Maw-Hunt! will In prwwnund about Fol-runn- 2605 Ind will ombrlce I“ o! the Junior mom- be" of the Anon-tum u “H u the Semen. A Vapor Service I'll) be [non early in Mun-h Hm Allen of New York (‘ny. MI” Elly IcCanv my 0! 0w (‘entnl Field ofllu of Chi- Cram MM Surat-x, 1hr grnrul m roury, rehud 3 Wm“) day in In nuoculuon. The mvocuim I'M ‘le en by Rcv. Dobnon of the Proubyuv rum church. [JIM rufruhmonu were nrved and A (one?!) good ume followed. Adnrdud Pot-nary I. "It Advent-Id hum Mr. W. L. Chrk, In: Elvin Und- ul. Ir. Albina Luring, In. 6. lot- m. Hill». Nolan. Will PM. It. to with great Interest n she mid of the work of (he nutmnll board and the rchtmn the local Inothléon burs tn |L Munc VIII furnishod by Y. W. (. A. people Ind conuiltod o! I puma solo by huh-no Jon", vocul duel by Gladys and All" LII-Ion, ind inurumenul number of I piano Ind two Vlohnl hy the Mum Kruocer, I” of which were very planning. In. Mr. and Mn Punch “about, 0! jammed": reccivm. maul-no- :on the bmh o! a dnughler, born Sunday, 9 January Nth. The Jubilee 0! ‘he Y. W. (i A. op «mm! m Highlund l‘nrk’Tuud-y even- ing uuh u recephon in the My“- nun church purlon. The Jubilee marks the mum: nnnivcmry a! the founding of the Young Woman’l ('hnauan Auoc'ntion in Boswn in 1866 and us being mnde a world with celebnuon. The sun! of honor at Tuesday's reception was Mm Mury Lounw Allen of New York City, one o! the muonll secretaries, who in nukm‘ n tour throurh the count] field: llhnuu, Indium, Nkhi‘ln And Wmconsm. Her uddreu “a hub-nod Mr. and Mn. Vencc! Muuk unaided the tuner-l urn-ice. 0! Mn. Muuk'o cou- un. Mr. Thomas And 0! Mil-wanker. on Wedneodly. Mr. And nu cunt I'd] known m Hughwood and ha many (fiend: WI“ be gneved lo hour 0! ha dellh Which uccuned on Sunday, Mrs H K. Summer-oi Nnhullc. Trnn. an: H: gursl a lrw d1): 0! I»! week 0! Mr. and Mr: Andrew Moumhrld Hr.]ollnC.Dulv. chat-bounty mm": [doubt dam Death rapidly improving. Mb Kittie Nolan in 5mm. am a ml at in... um. lb. plop. Firs! Unxlcd Evan Churrh Y. W. C. A. News Highland Park Fuel Company lOZNJdSl. WWW Nah-2335 Building Material Highland Pnrk, lllinoia Mlmm Wimvuhdd lJClUlDLC‘ mettc Kcnilwonh. Winnetka Glencoc Highland P' ark and Lake Forest. Security under mortgagesin this terrnur) is continually enhancing while the rate of interest is altrmmc Making a specialty of loans on improVed real (’Stfltl' u. the North Shore territory including Rogers P?’k‘£"§‘“§“”* Wi). North Shore Trust Company Capital $100,000 Organized under the Bulking Lam of the Stnte oLllIinois A can ducal! broad baa" yurumnts Why not have vow clothing mated here this week andgzwourwm‘kafairmal? Our CLEANING AND 0mm of ladia' and gen! 6 garments. onenlai rugs. carpets. partners. drapeneas. piano oovm. laor curtains. eta. cannot be duphcated by my local cleaner. an we have {he Luzcem and most SANITARY plant in tthe-t. INCORPORATED ZIAWCENTRALAVWE TWWPuiZGS North Shore Fuel 8: Supply Co. PHONE 67 North Shore Trust Company Coalâ€"Coke or Wood Coal Solvay Coke Cleaning, and Pressing lt bums well. The Prices are low The delivery is prompt The preparation is the best We guarantee quantity, quality and satisfaction, be it our Warm Friends MAIN ME AND WORKS XIIJ-ZIIJ [hool- Ava-nu. CHICAGO - FUEL - Makes MORTGAGE BANKERS 180 81. John. Am. HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. Ind decnde for yourwl! but the Ian: rennin un altered We hve up H1 our Adm-mg Whm you come to m to: you can be sure of tutu Incuon. We stud) u then! your pulronaae Prove our vellum”) mum“ YWCA!!!” - I!“ m

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