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Highland Park Press (1912), 10 Feb 1916, p. 2

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may for Niles, Kid!" et their home on Onwentn'e Avenue. Tneedly evening. Thirty guests were zpment who en- joyed games. end refreshments. At the next meeting of the Alph- Chnpter o! the Weetlninster Guild, on Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Miss Cether'me Yoe. lies Isabel) Ward. who is I missiomry sent out by .the Guild to Jepen, will speak on her work in Jam. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Evuxgelicsl Luthenn Church gnu I {smell p‘rty for Mr. 1nd In. John Smucr, who no luving this week A vnlentine social will be given un- der the auspices of the J. U. G. club on Fridsy evening. February twelfth, in the room above 0. B. Brand's stu- dio. Plans on being made for a most pleasant evening. All are welcome to come snd have a good time. A small sdmission fee will be chsrged, the proceeds of which will go towsrds furnishings for the Ebenezer church parlor. Dorothy Gardner was hostess to twenty-four of her friends st 3 sleigh- ride party on Tuesdsy nfhemoon. The Misses Evelyn and Doris 01i- ver of North Sheridan R ad will be host- esses at a Vhlentine dancing party at their home Friday evening. Miss Edith Fyfl'e entertained at a dinner party Friday evening for a number of friends who later attend- ed the Girton School Junior Prom. Mrs. John; Glass of Cary Avenue, will entermitl at ten tables of bridge this evening; Master William S. Forrest of Mont- gomery Road will entertain twenty- two friends fihis afternoon at a sleigh ride, and later the guests will be en- tertained at supper at the Forrrsx home. The affair is honoring Master Forrest's birthday. Mrs. W. J. Fyfl'e was hostess on Tuesday at luncheon followed by two tables of bridge, honoring Mrs. Cnine, Mrs. Richard Crawford's guest. The luncheon table was dec- orated with tulips and jonquils. The Misses Yoe are to be host- esses on Saturday at tea honoring Mrs. Dwight: Cooke of Oakwood Ave. Ravinia folks are busy indeed mak- ing preparation for a Washington dinner and entertainment which prom- ises to be most interesting. There seems to be an air of secrecy which makes everyone most anxious to at- tend. It will help make the evening more gala and characteristic for those who so desire to come in costume. Everyone is most cordially invited to be present Tuesday evening, Febru- ary 22nd, at the Ravinia Village House at six forty-five o'clock. A small admission fee will be charged. Mrs. Fayette Munro entertained the committee for Mrs. Walling's lec- ture and a few friends from the city on Wednesday evening in honor of Mrs. Walling who spoke to them ' - formally on many topics and ans r- ed many questions. On Friday afteyioon, Lydia Gul- ing of N. St. Johns Avenue. enter- tained twelve of Her little friends It a birthday party; The children en- joyed the very po ular “gnbbag”, 1nd each child ca ed home a prize, in consequence. An afternoon just filled with gangs? and general fun, followed by vary good ice cream and a lighted birthday cake, was spent by the children. Yesterday Mrs. John Grenville Mott of E. Laurel Avenue. was hoatess to eight guests at. luncheon followed by auction in the lfternoon. By the Mrs. George E. Pett of Lincoln Place entertained the Philathea Class of the United Evangelical church on Tuesday evening. About thirty young ladies compose the class. The Social Side of Life heart we are continually Watching for. anything that may be of value or interest to you in regard to better service. We are in a position to secure for you. at small cost. A S we always have the interest of our Patrons at for marking underwear linen socks. blankets etc. These may be had In any color on a white ground Sample may be seen at our Town Office, 124 E. Central Ave. High Class Launderen and French Dr! Cloanen Phones 178, 179, 471 t H» Woven Names, Monograms or Initials Phone us for prices and other information R5369? LEW Local Affairs of the week or R 11% M On Thursday from 8:30 to 9:30 baa- ketball and indoor baseball will be the attraction. The Tuesday evening clams will organize basketball team-. All of the“ diflerent teams will chalâ€" lenge outside teams and it is hoped to make this new feature very nt- trnctive. On all evening: the pool may be used from 9:80 to 10:00. The oflicerl and nonwommluioned oflicere of the Deerfield-Shielda High School Cadet Corps are: Company A â€"â€"Captain. George Bolan; First Lieu- tenant. F. Doty; Second Lieutenant. E. Claw; Fint Sergeant. A. Bowen; Second Sergeant. A. Killer; Third Sergeant, D. Radke: Quartermaster, K. Waldo; Corporala, L Iareon, 1“. Spencer, R. Corie, G. Buchanan, R. Mason. Company Bâ€"Captain, I. Pratt; Pint lieutenant. Kine; Sec- ond Lieutenant. l1. Oreborne; First Sergeant, R. Shols; Second Sergeant, H. Scott; Third 30mm. P. Oh; Quartermaster, 8. Baldwin; Corpor- ale. W. Schruen. C. Hahn, L. Smith, Both games were "thrillers," and were great encouragement. The Stu- dent body stood loynlly behind the team in this as in other grunt-x The winning of the heavyweight \ictory places Deerfield in the first division of the Suburban League- with Evan- ston High. New Trier. and IaGrunge. Other games outside the Suburban League are to be, Lake Forest Acad- emy, Oak Park, and Waukegan. The Monday and Thursday evening gym- nasium classes {or business Ind pro- fessional men are to begin “setting up" exercises between the hour: of 7:30 and 8:30, and from 8:30 to 9:30 teams in volley ball and hnnd boll will pnctice {or 3 big tournlmenL Miss Augusta Stuart of Lake For- est. who has had charge of Iatin classes at the school for a number of years. took the city examinations during December and passed them. She has had a call from Nicholas Senn High School where she entered upon her duties this week. Miss El- len Dwyer of North Manchester, ln- diana. who is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Illinois, is temporarily in Miss Stuart’s place. The basketball team went to Oak Park last Friday night and won the heavyweight game by the score 27 to 13. The team lost the lightweight game. by the score 17 to 8. ' Mrs. L. M. Bergen will entertain at. two tables 0! bridge this evening 'honoring Mrs. Luscondo, Mn. Ull- mann's guest. Saturday evening is the date set {or the celebration of Lincoln's birthday. The school glee club, and orchestra will furnish music. There will be also readings appropriate 19 the occa- <ion. Dr. Charles Brock will spealr. Informal dancing will take place af< ter the program. The new semester begin on Mon day. and twenty new pupils were ad mitted. On Monday nftemoon the Parents and Tenchers' Association held 1 Very interesting meeting in the Eng- lish Club Room. Min Helen Young, the visiting nurse spoke on “The Health of School Children." She brought out helpful points concerning the (00d and clothing of high school children. An infonnnl dance followed. uvuvu nu. u.-u. uâ€"v\vlluv' â€"._. y.- mann's gueet. hon of (he Lord'n Supper In- heed ' upon First (‘orinlh'unl 11-30 1150.. The next dmner-dnnce “ the M“ who united With the church were Dr. raine will be given on Suturday even- Ind ””4 T. l- Knuk. Inna 5mm. ing. This dance wu postponed from H“, ld. Knuk. um," Theodore, last Saturday evening, on uccount offlu‘) And Rudolph Knuk {m m the talk by Anna Stmneky Welling .l-Zungehcel Anecuuon (‘hurrh of M" 9"“ 3"“ "‘“mm‘i 3" beam.“ In on. Km): from the Ann: Strunsky Walling at dinner on Second Prubyterun Church of Rich- Saturduy evening before her lecture mond lndienn. Ind Ir Smut On- “ the Trinity Parish House born from the Bloor Sun-d Baptist Fâ€"_â€"Tâ€"+_T_â€"'-â€":Lhunh of Toronto. Chanda. High School Notes On Monday evening. February Nth a masquerade and carnivnl will be gin-n unilrr the nuspices of the l’|r« wilTvavher .\.-<socmtiun in ihe AIâ€" ~onihly Hall of the l'rerficld grum- nmr \‘chonl. The evening's enuruin- mcnt is to ln: iliVidt-d Into two perL oils, from fi€\(‘n thirty unlil nine o'clock Will be devoted to the chil- dren, who will dance the old {Ishionod dances in costume. lining a grand march. Virginia reel, AL The "- mninder o! the evening. {hut in from nine unlll twelve o'clock, the old and young people who will Also be in costume will enjoy I (find march. the old fluhioned Ind modern dnnco en. Various other Amuumonu In oflered to (hone who do not 'llh to partake in the dancing. Then will be a number of booths, such u in l‘TC‘m, fortune telling. and confoni, nlno numerous midwny nun: nhovn, An eflorl in 31.0 being nude 00 have this enteruinmen! I roâ€"union of nll the old when And llumni of the Deerflold school. A "null Admin-ion he will b. taxed etch pcnon. which will May the expense of the mus-um: Ind any excess rill be and to bolp buy some 0! Lb. nun] mppllu which no noodod in the nfioul dopu'v menu. 1150?.T.A.oruod|-¢t cordinl inflation w (in public And um everyone lb com. And blp nah Advent-I baton liu Bernie. 1'. Banning. Ruth Berg. Mr. W. J. Gum. lint Ann- Holt, In. I. bit. It. Alan. J. hmn, I. E. Unit. In. Bum Nelson. Ir. Jnnn Rm. John 8M. Emma Smith, Iiu Vanturi. In. Rob. Wilkm Lo! the Illinoil And-Saloon We. lnpoke I! the cveninx umca in the .I‘resbyler'mn church. m The Mine- Mnrie and bonus -Kreu Ind Mr. Elrl Knu who ban been the center of nanny 50cm func- ’hona I! the home of their hunt. In N. MrKellIr of Fargo. N. IL, Ind Mrs. P. Month-n of Minneapolis. Minn. for the punt [hm wnh re- turned to their home in Decrfidd Sunday morning. it: A moving picture show will he held in the School Assembly Hall Friday evening. Hn Saturday evenlng Mr. and Mn “T A. “'hiting of South Lincoln Ave- mm, Were given I plenum rurpriu by twenty-fiw of their lleerfleld friends. the occasion "I! to celetinto their !|l\'er wedding anniversary. Each gun! presented Mr. Ind Mrs. Whiting with u silver dollar. The fea- tures of the mening were card: and dancing. Mr Arthur End" and Mr. L. Pettis. won the men's prize: and Mrs. (J. Beecham and Mn. Steffi: the women's prites. Following the card: and dancing dainty refreshments in three counts were served. .\ grind hall will be (wen by the Ueerfield ('amp h‘i‘vl Modern Wood- men of Ameria. u Andemn‘n HA1] Saturdny night, Februnry 120:, Good music Ind I good time in nuurod. Deérfield News Items The LAdiu’ Aid Society of BL Paul'l Evmplkfl church “I enur- uinod A: the homo o! In. P. Ron- mel hurl-y flux-noon. The Minus Eldn 3nd label Hom- berxcr were (he (out: of Mn: 88k Jacobson of Chicngo Sundny. Mr. and Mn. Romnyne Stryker of Chicago, were the (out: H the home of Mr. and In. 0110 Knuk lut week. Miu Anna Quinn of Chicago. run the guest of In. Peter Dufiy bu week. Mn; L Penis. Mn. R. Scott and Mn. Whiting were Awarded the pru- es It the Five Hundred (‘lub winch Wu delightfully annruinod Al the home of Mrs. Frank Hempuud Tuesd-y aflcrnoon. Mr. (‘nrl Rommel hu Luna! mn- uuiom fur I ran! party {0 be given at hm home Thurndny nenmg Mr. and Mrs. R. Noun-erg of Seatllm, Washington, former rendenu of harm-Id, Innounre the birth of a daughter, burn Suurdly. Jnmury 2901. Rev. ()nborn'l Sund‘y morning sermon to the children wn from the text: "1 tin do A” mm;- through (Thrust winch strengtheth me.” The sermon introductory {o the celebri- uon of (he Lord'n Supper vu hood upon First (‘orinlh'unl 11-30 1150.. Mus Anlhnn)’ u.’ nghhuni Purl: was the guest 0! MI“ Mildred \th mg Wrdnemil)‘. rm: memo mm PRESS. mom‘vmm erd, Field Socnury Ir ‘ An A“ m ‘ The mod tom-rub“ lllmry fora-t7 fun Noon! In Mud!- 1810- ' lk-hael Chub; I PM mm or lump.- mum Chub. who I“ In MI 001m. peril-d m I m: nun from «no \I'Ihl“ no ' {one man rum "count-It A. I. Brandi” tells the lot, In I. an ‘ an Antonin-f“ xiuuz 1; - Ii 3 £606.93 It... 3- g I... .8 .1. 1-82. «33.5. i .0 «'33.. '23 0‘ In; I" 9:1. .95 r 933 {II I. '5 avg I. Orr-II will. or. an... I! 1 {all I g In. 13... on «I? Boo. .- all. as 51' 99 In. 91.9.5. 2-: Ii... ol- "I! u not only hid lute w lull of your palm and numb." ny- Ibo don‘tof. "but I reflection on your Ind. list-nae Ind knowledge of null-lion and good bank. We the mu I‘Ir from (be llme win-n the dune of Illne- will have to he nn‘ounln! fur "annually. Mon-act 000ml. Baud. m. Jul-- III-Ida. In»... M Filo. Ho Wont. kWh! an you mum at. In. My? n.-. Ira- lIl-Ih; It '- (13. to to hone Iboâ€"M. II! b a. cum haw-coo a. .6 to nilâ€"l "than at It“ and“ h- ngo.u|dyoo MNOIU" W. He dream n In In and lo hula mud n help in pun-mm; about. nod to that end he Idrucllol I "tell your fncndl how well they look" mun-ml. WHEN YOUVGREET K FRIEND. According m Ibr century of I). Cohrndo board of numb. the human u'uem Jun autumn; henn- lo moo up under lb. annulus of web (nu-(- lust "in other word-n. nuun- In no longer going lo 1:- Mumq-d fur Ikkm- when n in Ilmply the n-Inll of “nor-m. II- «llflonnce 0r wrung run of “flu" Do you not mm It woflb ("111‘ the [In In“ not mm It I dm‘tur'l Men I [1']~ We do: So hu-ro you: “fly Goof-n2 you are Ram- Fe A"! Mexican. and Joan of m. Mull WM. Which Yuk-Lu" M Toll Him H". Locum. Pm. and I. How I! Chou! hm. "It; (Rom. um mun, ,uu In- luau“ Ont-T" Md you "or native mm )m: pvrk up. no mallet but poorly you were tooling norm. when Oonu- frk-ud greet. you In «In! I1]? LITERARY FORGERIES. WWW‘ Hun Vii-“33 VII- M "of extra weight lounging robe velour 15c Khan- Vclout. 11rd ...... Attractive flonl And convention “WV”. P ' Gray or light ground: Wed 4 8123:3835 and tilâ€"aids. heavy flexed quality {v1.00 M Gowns omen '3 well mad: heavy flan- ndette gowns lau- shipment. 110 munâ€"unnum- nre looking Ono?â€" 5.10 of Men's Coat, Etc. Minoan-atgtMP-dm lldenyCotcdudnal‘fe” mush-Lulu; lawman-«sun, Coke Ovul- Wuhan-Sent.» 15.qu...” mumsmmau: 'lhl'udlnl" chl'I-uluu-du-H-u $1.65 12c D.LW.$cn-h- PM Smoked. Some Facts 'Abo'u't Solvay Coke hMMImMuhofllh‘wr'tidme-n mflch I WMJC‘MH the Cu! FRANK SILJESTROM SO: RIC-II C-Ild 'I“ In. I Broke! 1i Everww. Bavaria and Wilson r03. brands .OOW cut-'0 Shot-u .. lots and discontinued lines, all sizes. Sui». Shim and drawers, finest Merino garments at 25c Amour Pluto Hod-q, pr. Black and whine, fine or mednum weight, all sizes. 35c BM Scull.“ Hoot, pr Regular or out a'wa, black, tan or white. fine lislc. Ni- ‘llhll bl. uln- b SLTS :1 50C Turn: and Hats. choice 35c I‘d” TmnhhllSul Also nut Span Hats, 2.50 value at 81.68. 50: mm. Jan Logging- Thith lam black. waist length. 1.25 grade at Woman'- “Athena" Unbn 1/ A. O. Christman Call Highland Park 756W and ask about this new invention. Do it Now Guaranteed to Save Fuel. 10 Days F rec Trial moth“ me! hiked and we a prove It 1! you'll let m. The a batch baked fresh new day tho-I how popular I! I), rvrn wnlh to” who formerly dId the” uwn MU.- Try I loaf or w of II and on'I let {be unit-“neg 01 both.“ with home blkmg any Ion“. You Skeptical? Be Convinced LOCAL AGENT 335 W. bur-l Av. Such Bread M Olin Salisfactiu ,- $285 Give

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