Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Highland Park Press (1912), 2 Mar 1916, p. 4

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mmrmmss? WMSIRmeim Entered u secondclun matte: Mud”. 19“. I! (boo-t office at HIM Park Illinois. under the Act of March 3 1m .â€"\ Punusm Want It Joan LUmi at Highland Plrhhke County Illinokl mm“, mghhndhrkwj, 558 NO matter whether you: bert Love of lit-Kalb will be week. end guests at the M. (T. (‘onrad home Own a GrafonOIa Or 8;,” MvGovern Street. VICtrOla- Mr. and Mrs. D. Olson and Mr. " John Nelson, Jr., of Chicago, were NO matter Where you the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. bought It. our large and John Nelson of S. Second Street. varied StOCk Of COlunlbla Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Schneid- Ler and daughter, Florence. were the records, iS sure to inter"Sunduy guests of Mr. and Mrs. : El K I‘ ' ' . est you. mer (If of (hicngo l Mr. and Mrs. Paul Udell. Mr. and C01umbia records play; Mrs. Walter Cope and Mr. and Mrs. .John L'dell and families spent Sun- on Victor talking ma-i day with relatives in Chicago. chines. Yours for goodi The Misses Margaret and cum- record service line Thelen of Oshkosh, Wis.. will be {the weekend guests of Miss Viola n“ n "qr-Inna iPansie. 39 St. Johns Ave. Highland Pg]: John L. Udell ...... Editor md Publisher Poul L. Udell ............... Suyorlntondent Halon Frances Connd.-...._City Editor Esther C. Baker........-....Society Editor Lon“.- Kress. ........ Deer-field Reporter Albert Levy ............ Chico Adv. Kgr. 8th floor, 20 E. Jackson, cl. Wlb. 5212 2“ E. Put Anne Buy Through Tickets ‘ at Your Home Station The attentian of residents in the uuburban territory is invited to the facilities which the CHICAGO 8: NORTH WESTERN RY. has for the sale' of through tickets and check-. ing of_ baggage from suburban sta- tions to any point in the cpuntryl 7At most lsiations interline fick- ets are carried in stock and at othexs they may be seemed on comparatively short__po}fce. _ Ticket agents will be glad K0 render any assistance possible in making sleeping car rcs:rvations. securing tickets and checking bag- gage through. ltatiolu are good only for travel locally between such stations and cannot lawfully be accepted for baggage checking privileges to points bevond Chicago. To secure such through checking of baggage, through tickets should be purchas- Through tickets to points east and south of Chicago include transfer of passengers and bag? gage between stations in Chicago. so purchase through tickets from your home station and thus add greatly to your own convenience and advantage. An Important Consideration Commutation tickets I: e- tween Chicago and suburban ed from vour home station to destination. Tel. 8|2-R TELEPHONE 956 Anna C. Nord Gnduate Nurse 120 I. laud An. HM Park Tie United Drug Co. is go- ‘I. to given one cent ale u Schumcher'u Drug Store Math 16, I7, and 18. CARPENTER mumm- All kinds of new and repair work neatly done. Wages wc an hour. To]. 742-R or address Highwood PRATT’S Paper Hanging and Decor-ting Tolephono I098 THURSDAY. MARCH 2. 1916 JOB N 1 BACK LANDSCAPE Gunman Work of any kind by dav or Contract. Care of Fuxnaces F; S. COURSON C. M. GATES PAINTING Nd: 437‘ Deerfield Ave‘ WWII PARK i The Portmanteau Theatre of New iYork, under the auspices of the il‘lx'unston Drama Club will present: lths following'plays gt the Evanston Woman's Club. Friday evening, ;.\Iurch third, at eight o‘clock, “The :gMoon Lady," and “Gummer Gurton's FNeedle." On Saturday, March fourth, lat two P. M., “Six Who Pass While Ithe Tentiles Boil," "The Trimplet," [and “Neverthehss.” will be given, ;and in the evening, “The Lady of the :Weeping Willow Tree." Dancing will {follow both the evening perform- !ances. The proceeds will go to the iDramatic Department of the Evan- lston Public Library. “mama-330mm The Campus Players of Northwest- iern University, Evanston, are to pre- ‘sent “When We Were TwentyDne" ‘at Ravinin Park, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Doty of E. Cen- tral Avenue, have returned from a three weeks‘ absence in the east. Mr. and Mrs. I). S. Pate, who havei been spending the past three weeks.’ at the Congress Hotel Chicago, have 2 returned to their home on Waverly Roah. ' Mrs. L. T. Barnes of Boston. Mass., is the guest of Mrs. James L. Marâ€" tin of N. Linden Avenue. Miss Edith Morrison of Westernâ€" port, Md., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morrison since last October, left last Week for Portâ€" land. Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Carque- ville are at Palm Beach, Fla., where they are spgnding two or three weeks; Mr. E. P. Sedgwick and daughter. Miss Mary Sedgwick, returned last week from a five weeks’ shy in Havana, Cuba. ’ Mrs. H. F. Payne is in New‘York for a three weeks' visit. Mrs. Frank Warren' had as her guest on Friday Mrs. Charles Wheat- on of Austin. Mr. John F. Curtis of Linden Ave- nue, left for St. Petersburg, 1-13., to spend the balance of the winter. At the masquerade dance held at the Winnetka Woman's Club on Tues- day evening, the prize winners were, Miss Alma Dixon, end Mr. Arthur Fruenhofl'er, for the best dressed couple, and Miss Seippe of Winnetka. and Mr. John White, forthe most. comically dressed couple. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swan of High- wood, are I‘Pceiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, born Suh- day, February 201.11. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carlson of Highwood, announce the birth of a son, born Monday, February 2lst. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Stratford entertained at dinner on Sunday to ten guests. Mr. and Mrs. Neale of Lake Forest were the only out-of- town guests. Mr. und Mrs. Fredrick M. She-1e of North Sheridan Road, are among the Highland Parkers who are stay~ ing in Pasadena, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Udell. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Cope and Mr. and Mrs. John L'dell and families spent Sun- day with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Mersch of North Avenue, were the week-end guests of relatives'in Chicago.- Mr. L. F. McClernan of E. Central Avenue. is spending two weeks at Palm Beach, Fla. where he joined his family. .Mr. Louis Kreidler who sang at Kvainia Park last summer, has sign- a contract to do principal roles in the Chicago Grand Opera Com- pany {or their Season of 1916-17. Much interest is connected with Mr. Kreidler's joining the opera company and all those who haw: heard his ex~ cellent singing are quite enthusiastic over the fact. Mr. and Mrs. I). 015011 and Mr. John Nelson, Jr., of Chicago, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson of S. Second Street. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Schneid- er and daughter, Florence. were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kurf of Chicago. Miss ('hurlotte Welch spent last week-end at (‘hampnigm 111., as the guest of Miss Esther King of Lake Forest who uttmds the stutc univer- slty. Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Dickeuson and um children, Dorothy and "Buddie" motored here from Edison Park on Swn-Iuy and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Abercromby of Lin- cnln I’luce. Mrs. M. (I (‘unrud spent the first part of this wvyk Visiting her son and daughter-in-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. (mum! at Woodstock. Miss Helen Golden and Mr. Her» bert Love of lk-Knlb will be week- cnd guests at the M. (T. (‘onrad home rm MvGovern Street. ‘ Mrs. C. P. Sullivan and daughters, jMina Helen and Marguerite, spent. {the week-ind with relatives in Mil- iwaukee and an ded the funeral serâ€" '; vices of n rel; Saturday morning. 3 Miss Margaret Fitzgerald was the ? week-end guest of Miss Ruth Lenhof ! of Chicago. Mrs. C. C. Buell will return on the fourteenth from Camden, S. C., where she is in company with Miss Wallis. mu Isi‘bell Pitts left this week for Wenkegln where she has accept- ed I position end will make her home with her ulnar, Mrs. Antone Martini, formerly Miss Florence Genest. For some time there has been a great deal of dissatisfaction owing to the {act that it has been impos- sible to reserve books as was for- merly the custom. Because of the complaints which have come direct.- ly to the librarians, an effort has been made to remedy this trouble. The Illinois Library Extension Com- mission wus appealed to, as to what is more commonly done by librar- ies in this regard. i ()n the advice of the commission the following method will be adoptâ€" ml in the Highland Park Public Li- brary. Anyone may reserve a book by leaving at the desk, 3 post card ad- dressed to himself, with the name of the hook! desired. These cards will be filed in order of date receiv- ed. When the book comes in the card will be mailed, and the book reserved twentyâ€"four hours from mailing of the card. Mr. James E. Latta gave his talk on “Fire and the Fight Against It" Tuesday evening at the Highland Park Club. Kt. the invitation of the Club the Business Men's Association, th Young Men's Club. and the mem- bers of the Fire Depnrtment were present. Mr. Latta's talk was illus- trated by wry good pictures. Any suggestiqns, especially in reâ€"l gard to books desired will be cor-i ‘lially Welcome. Every suggestionl may not be acted upon. on accounti of lack of demand or of funds, but. all will be carefully considered. The: library board and the librarians can better serve the greater number if‘ manyiexpress definite desiresi ‘ I Highland Park Woman's Club I > Mr. H. H. H‘tchcock returned home last week from Pasadena, California. In another matter, there seems to be a little misunderstanding; that of the library’s willingness to re- cei\'e suggestions. Material on Baby Welfare Week has been sent to the library from the Department of Labor at Washâ€" ington, and is available at the IL brary for reading. Mrs. L. Barrett and small son of Texas are the guests of Mrs. Bar- rett'l mother, Mrs. Ellen Clark of McGovern Street. Mrs. Barrett. was formerly Miss Nellie Chi-k. The regular March business meet» ing of the club will he held at Trin- ity Parish House Tuesday. March seventh. at two~thirty I’. M. Nomi- nations will be made for the follow- ing ofl’icerl: president, firsx vice- president, recording secretary, treas- urer and three directors. Under the auspices of the Ossoli Club the Highland Park Public Li- brary will be open on Sunday after- noons from two until five o'clock. No books will be distributed but all books and literature will hie/available for reading. Mr. Bumstead. publisher of the Lake County Directory, and his staff of workers finished taking the city census Tuesday. Mr. Bumstead tells us there is quite an increase in pop- ulation compared 'with the census taken two years ago. I The Highlzmd Park Transfer Co. purchased the James H. Duffy Ex- press Company this week. The members of Khv philantfirOpy c0mmi\tee of the ()ssnli 3114 Women's Clubs met with u representative of the hospital «executive committee on Monday afternoon tn discuss plans for Compemtion and assistance in the work of fund raising. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond [lean and Miss Catherine Dean an- in Belleail‘e, Flu, for a four weeks' stay. rm: HIGHLAND PARK mung. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Public Library Notes Annie L. McKenzie, Librarian ‘ Mrs. I). L. Tate wilt return this 'week from New York where she has ‘ <pent two weeks. Mrs, F. H. Sargeant and Miss ‘Alicc Sarz'mnt are in Sea Breeze, Hui. where they will remain for one month. On Monday evening a large num- ber of people witnessed a very good production by the pupils of the up- per grades ientitled “Old Slavery Days.“ Miss Grunewald who origi- nated the playlette and was ably as- sisted by Miss Jewett, deserves a good deal of credit for such a splenâ€" did production. The life and times of Lincoln were beautifully portray- ed by the children who took part. The leading parts were all well done and the pantomime work was excep- tionally good. The Junior Buys' Club under their leader, Miss Craig, gave a Valentine party at the Port Clinton School Fri- day evening. February 17th. A very pleasant evening wan spent. Miss Edith Morris of the North (‘hicago School was a week-end guest of Miss Craig at the association. A library case containing over a hundred volumes, the gift of Mr. C. N. Kimball, was placed in the head- quarters last week. These books were carefully selected for their educa- tional value and are to be used main- ly in our Highwood work, where good reading is difficult to secure and where it is greatly needed. The g‘lft is one that appeals to all who are working with growing boys and girls, and the donor has the sin- cere thanks of the board and com- monweal leaders who realize what the books will mean to the children who meet every week at the Port Clinton headquarters. Baby Week will be celebrated this afternoon at one-thirty in‘ genth us- sembly when the children will get to- g'ether and tell “cute sayings and do- ings” of their little brothers and sis- ters All “sayings and doings" are limited to children under the age of six years. There will be a prize for the best saying. Miss Jewett’s c1188- 5 will render a number of lullnbies which will he followed by pictures of the ”Madonna and Child.” The Young People’s meeting will he led this Sunday by Mrs. Byron J. Stevens; the hour is set at six-thirty. Today the Missim Study Class of the [.adies' Guild win meet in the «*hurch parlors at two-thirty. Dr. Evans wm preach again on Sunday. T'ht' Pageant of Sisxerhood was presented Friday evening at the Elm Place Auditorium and brought forth favorable comment. The manage- ment and those taking part deserve great credit for the success of the undertaking. A mllection will be taken for the “Gram Dodge Endowment Fund" at this time. Fred W. Schumacher will have 35 one cent sale March 16, 17, and 18. Elm Place School Notes Baptist Church Notes Y. W. C. A News Fort Sheridan Building Material: 316 ~ 317 East Laure] 'Avenue Highland Park Fuel Compajy North Shore TrustCombany owing $100,000 HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS LAUREL INN 102 N. 1m 11mm nmzmpmam rmbig Making a specialty of loans on improved real min the North Shore territory including Rogers Park. Ev n,'Wil- mette, Kenilworth. Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland 1: and Lake Forest. Security under mortgages in this te ' ory is continually enhancing while the rate of interest is a _ Ctive. Highland Park, Illinois “mun w, mm; Pr-Id nu 1. cm, Via haiâ€" L J Coal -- Coke -- Wood -- Chaim] PHONE 67 North Shore Fuel Supply 60. If You Figure closely, you will see tha! clothes to give satisfact- Ion and to repay you for their original cost must be carefully looked after. It 15 real economy for you to send your garments to us Iegulady for We believe we excel in quality. merit and service. A trial W‘” convince you of our careful attenllon, excellent workmanship and reasonable pnces. A wagon will call for. and deliver your W 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Telephone End-l Put 25 Telephones Why not have vour clothing renovated here die ‘5 week and give our work a fair trial? ‘ Our CLEANING AND DYEING of ladies’ and safe garments onental rugs. carpets portiers d ,_ i piano covers. lace curtains, etc. cannot be d3% 3 by any local cleaner as we have the LARG most SANITARY plant in the West North Shore Trust Cqmpanil CLEANING When you want fuel you want the best with prompt delivery, we guarantee this Coal Solvay Coke Cleaning and Préssingl' MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 21234133 Lincoln Avolmo. CHICAGO Organized uhdet the Banking Law: of the State of Illinois MORTGAGE BANKERS Open Under Management of MRS. WIEMERS Rooms Single and en Suite, Privatquths Excenent Table, Rates to , : Permanent Gusts ‘ 230 N. St. John. Avenue INCORPORATED HIGHLAND PARRJLL

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