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Highland Park Press (1912), 16 Mar 1916, p. 5

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~- Wood -- Charcoal rnur E015 WIEMERS 'r Md: EPORA TED ml Pressing 2 Trust Company :21] 3 100,000 - 1948 E AND WORKS id Park, Illinois under the Banking 1e State of Illinois 'uel Supply Co. GE BANKERS Avenue John: A venue \\ >lvay Coke (A(./!l r '5 @QE‘Am Fuel Company Material rust Company Telepbme Mild Park 265 V‘ n “LL" 4 unmet: this President Telephone HIGHLAND PARK. ILL, i cw. Suite. Private Baths, Tablr. RchS 5) CHICAGO )‘Our garments INCINS s" Lmd gent's >. crunches. r dupizcatcd \RM‘EST and Divemy has this 8152 JUDY Cain n the :. Wil- Caserta School or Dancing. 211 Madison Street Moose fiall, Waukeg an. [11 Antonio Caserta Sari Fields formerly Danse D Hiver Studio New York. All the latest dances correctly taught. On: Sun. Fox ’ Waltz, Two S'tep Trot. [Inflation Results Dream "'altz, Waltz, Parisian Guaranteed Marin andFan- Tango c1 Dances Rates to Classes, Clubs or Three or More Couples. Private Les- sons by appointment at your residence or our studio. Classes Monday and Friday Evenings. Social Dance Saturday Eve- ning. Special Notice: we have a Staff of Four Teachers. Open 10.30 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. “The Fuel Man" Cor. Fin! Strut Ind Elm Place From Sept. 1. 1914 to Jan. 31, 1915 1 sold 190 tons of Solvay Coke. Over the same period this season Sept. 1, 1915 toJan. 31. 1916 [sold 614tons of Solvay Coke. These facts speak for themselves. If Solvay Coke did not give sat- isfaction in ever? respect 1 would not be selling three times as much as I did last season. TELEPHONES Cheaper and Better Than Hard Coal ‘ Bowman Dairy Company Use Bowman’s Safe Milk D. L W. Scranton Anthracite Some Facts About Solvay Coke ' Largest Stock of Cut Cordwoodin the City Funk J. Buker President Fou} things are essential in the produc- tion of safe milk. viz. Dairy inspection to keep milk clean. Perfect pasteurization to destroy pathogenic germs. Bottling in the country to reduce danger of contam- ination before bottling and abundant Re- frigeration to arrest the development of bacteria. With the advent of Spring you may contemplate building on the North Shore. Bowman Milk is safe guardederom cow to consumer. Loans on Real Estate If so, you may desire to negoti- atealoan from reputable people on reasonable terms. We are prepared to laccommo- date you provided your security is right and we urge you to consult us before looking elsewhere. Highland Park State Bank FRANK SILJESTROM 101-109 Vine Avenue f HIGHLAND PARK, 9 l_ GLBNCOE, 70 Clpihl und Suwluo $80,000 Br J. M. Appcl Vice-Pros. of our baking. your youngster will be as happy as he is healthy. The things that make our bread so superior are: first the ~ very finest tlour; second. the employment of the most skillful bakers; third the absolute cleanlmess of our bakery produts. Can you beat that com- bination? Geary’s Home Bakery Raised on Bread Pocahontas Smokeleu in all :izes 2b w. Contrnl Ava. Waltz, Two Step Dream "'altz, Martin and Fan- cy Dances C. 1'". Cult Satisfaction Guaranteed Give Phone 65 The Garrick Club will hold a meet- ing this afternoon in the English fclub room, those to appear on the iprogrnm are. Dorothy Baker, Betty :Bacon, Maybelle Bolan, Ethel Cole, luscar Meyer, Hamilton Quaile and ‘Claratta Reese. i From this time on there will be no lmore evening classes in gymnasium ion Tuesdays. The Monday and {Thursday evening classes will con- ftinue. Organized teams of volley iball. basketball and indoor baseball pare the features of this work. Great ;interest is being shown and a good :deal of amusement is derived from ‘ the games. r I l On Friday .evoning ~ the light weight went to Chicago Heights and Next week class games in basket- ball will begin. There‘ are to be three divisions, light, heavy and ban- tam weight. The Senior Class has decided to give as the class play for 1916, a Shakespearean pageant. It will be parts of different Shakespearean play and already promises to be a very artistic production. The Junior Class debates, a part of the Junior English course, are be- ing held this week in the English club room. The questions being de- bated are the munition question, the Philippine queujon, the Mexican question, and the quostion of com. pulsory military training. ClVlCS COMMON - STARTS, SEASONS WORK The civics committee met March 13th in the ‘ council chamber, Mr. Everett L. Millard in the chair and among other business transacted, passed the following resolution: “Resolved that it is the sense of the Commission that the Board of Health be requested to enact such regulations as will enable them or the city to thoroughly inspect all premises and order any cleaning that might be found necessary." I‘HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESSJIIGH] Ninety-five per cent of the citizens of the city have indicated their willâ€" ingness to co-operate voluntarily. The five per cent who are not, should be made to, through regulations made and enforced by our executive offi- cers. under the rules of our Board of Health. (Continued from M U way the breeding of mosquito: on their premises may be prevented We are accustomed to think of many of the tropical and sub-tropical cities as being only partially civil- ized, but the sanitary rules installed by our army officers in many of these places are being strictly adhered to, by the native authorities, with sur- prising‘ results. , In the city of Havens, there is weekly inspection of all premises. the inspection being made by a uniformed ofl'icer followed by an assistant with an oil can, and all standing water is either drained or oiled. Although the weather is practically summer for the entire year, only during the rainy season are there any mosquitoes. Flies are almost exterminated. “Mosquitoes, are so far u known, the only means of conveying ma- hria." The‘work of the Highland Park Sanitary Association h£s been asâ€" sumed this year by the ivics Com- mittee appointed by Mayor Hastings. There was no _cost of administra- tion, the time of the ofl'icers of the Sanitary Association and the ladies of the Woman’s Club being donated to the cause. Last year, the Sanitary Association headed by Mrs. T. C. Williams, Mrs. R. J. Beatty, treasurer, and with the efficient work of the members of the Woman's Club, did 8 great amm nt of preliminary work. The'city was di- vided into twelve districts, with a chairman and committee in each dis- trict. Owners of lots where stagnant water was standing were notified, such pools were sprayed with crude oil and lcerosene. Unsanitary condi- tions in various parts of the city were reported to the health inspectors and committees in the various dis- tricts of the city made independent inspections and reports. The association raised through lib- eral subscriptions by citizens $284, and expended in wages for oiling and for kerosene oil $155.77, leaving a balance on hand for the use of the civics committee for this purpose, of $78.23. Assistant State Entomologist Mr. Schalck spent Wednesday of each week in Highland Park, and with our health commissioner, Mr. Huber, made {our complete surveys of the entire town. Through the, co-operation of the street department, many holes were filled with the dumpings from the streets. Broken sewer pipes were mended, tin cans removed, from ra- vines and vacant lots. Small pools in ravines were drained, sidewalks repaired under viaducts, etc. High School Notes ! Mr. Get. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. George C rr. Miss F. Green. Louise Hnflmanng‘ Mr. James Hepburn, Mrs. Kefley, 1‘. J. McClorg. Miss Anne Pandur. Kiss Rosenfield, Mrs. C. A. Spring, Mr Tuker, Mr. W. Z. Thom~ as. ToneflWillinms. Advertibed Mnrch 14, 19l6. The fifth grade pupils at Elm Place are expecged each year to furnish to- mato plalits to all pupils who apply for them; and both 5A'5 and 58'! have alre dy started a few flats of an eArly sp es in the plant house. Lat- er on the] will plant more extensive- ly in hot beds out of doors. Interesfiing results are obtained by potting it January vegetables from the “rooticellnr”. such as beets, car- rots, pardlnips, turnips, and cabbage stalks thdt have been stored for the winter. Pots of these homely bien~ nials are how sending up leafy stems and will bloom before long. Those who havd not tried the experiment of‘pottink such vegetables will be surprised at the beauty of individual plants aséthey respond to the treat- ment givdn to house plants. War Eight Yar Old," by Mrs. Kath- erine Giding of Glencoe, which story has the distinction of being one of the greatest ' hort stories written within the last .ear. After the program the foIlowing'g hostesses served tea: Mrs. Orrin Kgller, Mrs. H. A. Dreiske, Mrs. Josgph Schoeninger, and Mrs. George (kn. A large number of members at- tended tic last meeting of the Wom- an’s Civic Club on Friday afternoon at. the Vgillage House. Miss Anna Morgan‘fspoke on “The Ar! of Ex- pression," in a beautiful exposition of her arm? Miss Morgan spoke of the difierentgcharges that the arts have gone thr§ugh since their first appear- ance up: to the present day. She read “Th? House with Nobody in it," by JoycefKilmer, and “When Hannah Since the first week in January the various rboms at Elm Place have: been supfllied with blossoming plants which th pupils themselves hav.e forced in bloom. Each room bought'i its oxvn g‘Upply of bulbs in October; potted them, and stored them in cold 1 frames (“it of doors. The paper white , narcissus; were brought in late in’, Decembe a part of the hyacinths, j tulips, da odils, etc. in January, and the remahder of the bulbs in Febru- , ary. Th4 bulbs withstood the severe weather hell and now there has for1 some we¢<s been a continual supply. of floweri for all the rooms. 1 won thug basketball game with the score 17312. The game on Wednes- day with Lake Forest Academy was a defeat“ for Deerfield, the score be- mg 38- 9A Tomqrrow afternoon Wau- kégan high will send its basketball team tozplay the school team in the high school “gym." This will be the last gamib of the season. Elm Chicago Laboratory 25 E. Washington 51.. Chm Thenfiecimen of Filtered Ice Wllerfmm your plant receded Apri126. 1915 shows on examination: The ater plated on spent-l media and incubated at 31 canes C. for“ houn shows 13,800 bacteria per c?bic centimeter. n, t , .. ... v Gus formation 12 per cent 5 Acid production none Preslfinpdve tea. for presence of sewage con- tamirfimon (colonbacilh) negative. This wncr is .312 [gamble water. P;ux:ity Ice and Refrigerating Company 16-324 Deeriield Avenue. LEND‘PARK ILLINOIS Adverthcd Letters Place School Notes man’s Civic Club 3 out of doors. cubed Letters What we; particularly wish to con- ' l \e) at thiC time is that the whole project is fieing planned with great v modesty 8 along careful business \nderson, Mr. and Mrs. Miss 1’". Green Louise. r James Hepburn, Mrs. I. McClorg. Miss Anne. L Rosenfield, Mrs. C. A. l‘uker, Mr. W. Z. Thom~ illinms. Mnrch 14, 19l6. Wm. M. Dooley, P. M. lines. Th peration of the hospitll will be stained in a small and econ- omical maz‘ner and be allowed to broaden on” as the requirements end means of me institution will permit. _loyd M. Bergen, Chairi n Executive Committee. ‘ . T. Boynton, J Chairman eye a Means Committu. Chrome Laboratory, R. W. Webster ‘ Director Chemical Dept REPORB EIBARRASS HOSPITAL Lip Read’ V teaches "the eye to hear". This “My is easily acquired through our complete ‘ respondence Course. By learning to read the speaker‘s lips you can again enjoy: the comforts of conversation without embarmmentâ€"throw away .11 mechanicalgyearing devices and re-cnter society. (Continued from page 1) ed to pra .lcally install our hospital complete. kSo that all contributions from now will apply to the endow- ment fun ; All will agree we be. lieve, that ,fhese subscriptions direct- ed toward fihe maintenance of the in- stitution 3‘ even more necessary and valuable (in those devoted to its creation. It is in fiiowise planned to appeal to municipal taxation for the support of the hosfiital. Such reports, so far as the pretbnt committee is concern- ed, are abéilubely without foundation. Hundreds gof hospitals throughout our counti, organized and main- tained as rs is planned, are in full operation tpday and we have yet to learn of 87‘ single one which ha- closed its Qbors in failure. Highland Park is unr’rtaking nothing extraor- dinary or mmctical. but simply fol- lowing thfi'; successful example of very man‘l sister cities of leaner Wealth anaintellectuality. A good lip reader ”Ido- botnn his deduc- to a manger Write for {xix booklet. Cleanfér; Presser and Repairer of Ladies and Gents Fine ’g Garments. Goods called for and delivered 10 KM St. Highland Park Telephone 372 Elffipctrical thtracting Let u' five you an estimate on electrical work of all kinds. Ejausewiring. Power Work, Installing, luterphona,’ yacumn Cleaners, Heat Regulators, Fixtures, etc. TELEPg‘DNE 490 ‘T Highland Park 1, If you :mt Ice Absolutely Put. 2 is anactured A! thin Plan. WINM‘ITKA ART. ICE CO. Yo; Clothes are Rm‘ned by hexpaienoed Talus Spits Sponged and Pressed 50¢ an“ HP M. LEVIN the tailor Put... Winnolh 1030 crhon. H. P. as W W! '9 C”- I}. SILJESTROM “342’! EH. W. Huber Electric C0. General Electrical Contracting Highland Park, Ill §If You are Deaf Read This 314w KENT. am] Dinributou E Phone H. P. 34 ’hone Deerfield 7 'cl. Glencoe 385 ‘. ANDERSON School of Up Lung-n... Kama City M My work is expat-land Manly Personal attention given all work mnmpkafmvhichmwbmmed to ushranalvsk taken {rumour Water Purifier and Fihatlhowodthxhcoma'medfourzrmolhme perUnitdStuagullon. mmudmicamrm- i: matterxnd butch-vs: ill med.thu the ntuia-bolutdypumlndl ueiceth-t you are mhmmnnmylhuummthedty ofChiuoootnymburh-nm Verytmlyyoun. merChemiulCo. WCGreenGen’an. Purity lee Retrial-Inn; 0, Highland Park. 11L Fir! Put-act: Gncn' : Ice Cram Sir/re. 2m 3‘ Cem :1 Avenue Second Pmcind. Hixh‘ood Luv Hull Third Freer-ct: FIR Simian. nghhnd Plfi Pgmfl'. Precinn, Highland Put Press Baum Fifth Precxnct. Puniy'l Hardwm Store A Ticket of Progressive Business mendeservin" :3 ywwpport if For Commissioner of Highways Distrja 2 Election, Tuesday, April 4,1916 For Your Consideration Th: Grm Che-cud Ca Pdhopeafmm7ano§p m For Township Office- For Assistant ,Supervisa ARTHUR W. VEBCOE WILLIAM E. BRAND For Town Clerk LYLE GOURLEY Chimp, Illinois PAUL L. UDELL For Town Collector Conservative Ticket Au. Won Gum For Assessor Telephone 341 By Petition ADrflZl. 19)

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