612 Davis Street This showing is quite complete, and is comprised of Models of every descnption, rapgmg from the Cth Tailored Suit to the more elaborate foreign creations. A large assortment of imported fabrics, in the latest weave and excluswe patterns, Will also be displayed. You are cordially invited. A wonderful collection of exceptionally smart Suit and Dress Models. C, H. JORDAN CO. 1612 Chicago Avenue. Evanston Ill Every day’s housecleaning day thenâ€"stripped of 90 per cent of its labor. For the modern vacuum cleanerâ€"weighing so little that a child miy handle itâ€"assumes the job and performs it as no broom or dust cloth ever did or ever can do. FUNERAL DIRECTOks’ Tickets $1.50 Public Sgrvice Company We handle the standard makes of vacuum cleaners and sell them at at- tractive prices Evanston Woman’s Club Spring housecleaning-«that annual period of distress for all concerned, when pa also threatens to find another boarding-houseâ€" goes into the discard if your equipment in- cludes an Electric Ian-WANâ€" .Dm ISZJLSZNSIctt “MM . H. MOSHIER COMPANY hangings, floors, walls, uphols- leg, furnituga, bedding. It cleansâ€"it actually cleansâ€" [7y removingâ€"actually rerizov- ing dust and dirt from (gigs, muffledbyFintChmcnmymwenMOIHighhndPnrx AMMONS MUSIC STUDIOS 5TH FLOOR 616 S. MICHIGAN AVE. Saturday Afternoon, March 18th, at 3 p. m. . H. MOSHIER COMPANY 'acuum Cleaner YmameOou'diallyInvited tomakeuseoftheprivflqesofthe CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM Katharine Goodson BVANSTUN JUST NORTH BLACKSTONB HOTEL 119 East Central Avenue Hours9t012a.m..1t05p.m Every dav except Sunday of Northern Illinois World-Famous Piania‘l Phone “9 FOR CHICAGO PRESENTS SPRING l 9 1 6 Painting and Decorating 342 w. Conl Am. m pm Tow W-nP-oorS-Idoo huh-(mi... On Sale Now at the H. C. HALL Telephone Evanston 5460 “No. no; you‘re all wrung." saldia famous angler. "Golf 1:: simply usage wherelu the bull lies badly and .9 player well."â€"Washmgtun Pun. f: â€The misuse or land and quguugï¬.†suggested a tennis chumplou Golf Deï¬ned. ‘ 0n the termm of a country club a group or nongolferl were taking tei A male nongolfer said thoughtfully: “Golf might be deï¬ned as billiards zone to grass " “Suleen on the green. ['0 can h." aid 1 female uongolfer. “Or the last flit-ire:- in the dying be of athledct" lnvervd a young foot?" player. ing against dishonesty. especially: in horsetiesh. as one of the great Engiish failings in indin. he went on. “Nor‘m‘e We, servants of the altar. free {hum yielding to this temptation." Poinï¬ng to the occupant of the reading desk?!» low him: â€There is my dear and Wen- erahie brother. the archdeucon. ngn-n there He is an instance uf iL ï¬e once sold me a horse. it was unsougd 'I was a stranger. and he took me ln."' .‘. Wantedâ€"Able bodied woman Efor house cleaning at intervals. Call, telephone H. P. 319. 39d An Eccentric Bishop. 3 Blshop Wilson of Calcutta hm} as housekeeper a venerable lady who re- membered the duel beIWeeu Sir l'hillp Francis and Warren lfnstiugs on Aug.‘ 17'. 1780. On entering the cathedral on a Sunday morning. fully rohed. llwu sleeves and all. and passing the iK'W where the old lady sat he would Muse and give her the “kiss of peace" beï¬ore all the congregation. and this nlthoï¬xgh he had met her at breakfast. 5 Wantedâ€"First-class gardener. sfeady position. E. L. Millard. Log House. Q 13) For Saleâ€"-Large collie pup. 7 mbnths old. Tel. 149. (ft-pd For Saleâ€"Studebaker autom bile, ï¬ve-passenger. A good car for 500. Tel. 684. . 3 Wantedâ€"Three partly furngshed rooms for housekeeping. Addreap 41 Orchard Lane. 2nd flat. ‘ Spd HELP WANTED Wantedâ€"A competent wash wom- an for Monday and Tuesday of ach week. References required. Ad ess Mrs. Wm. Ewing, 130 E. Laurel Ave. Tel. 1136. ‘23 Wantedâ€"A laundress for two {lays a week. References. Tel. 1007. 3 Wuntedâ€"A nurse to help with ;sec- ond work and to care for two chilâ€" dren of ï¬ve and eight years. Refer- ences required. Tel. 1007. :3 WIntedâ€"Jl‘o do family washing .at home at reasonable rate, handtork. Address 137 N. Green Bay Rd. 8-3pd Wantedâ€"First class dress , king done at home. Reasonable rms. Tel. H. P. 994. 5g-3pd y, best of referencésZ'moderategvgg; es. Will call on request. A ress D. R. 0., Press Ofl'ice. 651-4 Position Wantedâ€"By steady; mu- able man as gardener or houséman. Address C. J., Pre§s Office. apd Wantedâ€"The care of children by the day or week. Tel. H. P. 918 2pd Wnntedâ€"Work as comgsnioial or assistant i_n u_ home by re; ned yam- For Rentâ€"Sixâ€"room house 'with bath, hot Water heat, laundry.‘ ard- 'wood floors, gas and electric ghta. Located at 227 W. Vine Ave“; Tel. 77l-M‘ ' 3f ‘ For Rentâ€" ~AA nicdy fumishedfï¬â€˜oom. Telephone H: P. 405. g {f pd vault space for storage of trunks, at For Rent- Safety deposit box? and L the Erskine Bank ; tf Situation Wantedâ€"Gardeneï¬with 20 years experience wants poï¬ition. Expert with flowers and vege bles. Telephone 997. Dd THE ELLISON SHOP Bo Inn to hoop your property in- urod with D. M. Enkilu Co. nadlhuyoowillknow that,“ m hunted. Boot eonpcniu and Iowa! at... Minniveneqsâ€"viidiviagmt y â€"- moderate priceoâ€"ifl e your urea or mm gown. Yoqr' arded gowns remade For Rentâ€"Six-room cottage; 46 W. Deerï¬eld Ave. Tel. 709-w.g tf For Rentâ€"~7-room house at “9 S. Second St., key at 118 S. Secoï¬d St. For Rent Nicely furnished front room, hot water heat. convenient to b h and tolephone. Phone 149. fâ€"pd For Rentâ€"Seven room hous with bath; furnace heat, laundry, hard wood floors throughout, pore , gas and electric lights, located at l N. Sheridan Road. Address 5. G. Bohl. Holland, Michigan. 3 .mu- 1-“ m mu; , M. Dancing. telephone 268. ,iv' ï¬__rv -_-...- hip mind for all pod- ymcnt of :9 women a girls. In. I'M 815 E. Put Avenue, Teluhono 1066. iii-pd [Jean-ed. Elvin-cl; Am 3,-9er 31m!- oil-ml" gap: , v 'V'“ â€""r America) and foreign. 87 76 810 n wok. Alsoflut Wm“ fumuhod on short notice. P131] R0091 ,_ ,_BunkSttï¬o _ 31113., n. my iflGHLAND 9mm HIGHLAND PARK um. F03 IN. “PM 1016 Republic Bid . 1 209 S. State. St SITUATION WANTED MISCELLANEOUS GOWNS FOR SALE FOR RENT 52â€"31} Cholera. Camera was out recognised oy the Portuguese |n than as I'm back In the middle of the sixteenth century. It has the peculiarity of following a well deï¬ned route. with progress Just equal to that of In Henge Jonrnéy on foot “You wrung me. Jnrley ['51 not grasping l're homered you about the bill. I admin. but I haven‘t been able to mnp anything yet." Not Grasping. "What a grasping fellow you are. Hawkins: You‘ve bothered me about this bill ï¬fty (lines In ten days.“ $hup of the Deselt. Fur H3110!) um] vndurum-r In H'nvel lag In dew-r! I‘I'Klulls the tunnel hus been fuund uuvquulul by um other an tmnl Ila foul ls 2! soft ('llSIHHH. prun- mm- Wt-ll uu'uplod to [be stones null “run-I (not which It Is wnsmml)‘ wnlk- In}: During a Bungle Jourm-y through the Subaru nurses have “‘nrn uul three sets uf shmm. While the feel of the camel. trawling over the sumo wurse. were not even sore. 10. A. Lewis Co. Plans Improvement l of New Subdivision on Wauke‘an Ave. I O. A. Lewis Co.. have designed jand are about to commence the con- struction of ï¬xe two story homes of the “Lewis Expanding House†type, 1in their subdivision at Waukegan IAvenue and Orchard Street. The houses will be originally built of four rooms and by an ingenious arrange- ment, the owner can afterwards add ï¬rst two rooms in the second stage of construction and then add three or four more rooms at the third stage 30f construction. These additions through the careful arrangement of} doors and windows can be added to the house without interference with‘ or wrecking any part of the original, buildings, thereby enabling a man whose house begins to get too small for him, to add to it with a minimum l ‘cost of labor and material. The new- additions to the house serve rather. to make it more attractive than to detract from its appearance and if ‘ these houses meet with approval in1 Highland Park, 0. A. Lewis says that ‘ he will probably build ï¬ve or ten more during this season. All the buildings will have concrete base-. ments, modern plumbing and will be lighted by electricity. i Saturday Evening, It 6:30 O'clof‘. Given? by Parents and Teachers Audjation T The annual girls’ dinner for the? high school girls‘ and their mothersï¬ will be given at the high school, Satâ€" urday e1ening, at six- -thirty o’clock The dinner is given by the‘Paren and Teachers’ Association ‘of th High School. The program is to boa as followzs Mrs. John W. Welch, mis tress of ceremonies; Mrs. Abbie B..i Bastin, toast- mistress; High School†song, in which everyone is to join; “Our Mothers,†Bessie Moon; “Our Daughters,†Mrs: B N Parmenter; I violin solo, Hertha Wyman; “Lookâ€"- ing Backward,†Miss Wilhemina: Schsffer, of Lake Forest, of the class.“ of 1907; High School son which, everyone is to join; “The Hi School Girl‘s Relation to Home, Sqdiool and Society," Mrs Katherine McCullock; a group of Irish Songs, Mrs. Herbert R. Smith; “Today Not Tomorrow " Miss Augusta Krieger; a group of ‘1. songs, Miss Isabelle King; a reading by Miss Alice McElrath; and “Auld i Lang Syne," in which everyone will ;_ join. The menu for the dinner is in charge of Miss Marguerite Tucker. The sale of tickets will close today! After all high school girls and their. mothers have had tickets, any other, interested women are invited to come. i GIRLS DINNER AT HIGH SCIOOL TO BUILD FIVE NEW HOUSES 25 North Sheridém Rggad The “Simplex’é costs} only two cents an hour to heat by gas. It requires much less heat per hour han oidinary Irons and always maintains a uniform, evenly dis tributed heat whicl; does not make the room uncomfortably warm. An ironing thlit takc‘gs you half a day or so by hand, the “Simplex" does easily in one hour. ’< 1' all the heavy piece$1ha eso much time and strength. It will take care of Table Cloths, Napkins, ter Pieces, Dailies, Dresser Scarfs. Curtains, Sheets, Bed Spreads, Pillow Slipq, Blankets, Towels, Night masses, Pajamas, Hosiery, Child. ren ’s Rompers, etc Segue articles, such as Petticoats, can often be partly ironed with the Simplex and th ruffles done by hand. This means a great saving. ' The Simplex {yin kg? per cent of thefamily ironingâ€"anything plain or flats Let u33ub£nit prices on ‘the size for your use N Oï¬h§Sh0re Gas Company iiat'gthei-Simplex will Iron Where it Savés , 7 ‘_ r_v-_.,.-_ v, u. w. l [w] Becauseâ€" The FREE runs lighter for tired limbs, The FREE sews faster for aching backs, The FREE is noiseless for exhausted nerves, The FREE makes a’perfect stitch for weak eyes. The FREE is more beautiful for artistic homes, _ The FREE will give you ‘a life-time of service. Two wonderful improvements make this machine superior to all others-«The Rotoscillo Movement caus- ing The FREE to run as light as a feather, and the Toggle Link Movement which removes, all noise and friction. You cannot afford either for your health or money to use your old machine any more. than you can afford to cook in a ï¬re place or travel in a covered wagon. We [my your old madam Sewing Machine Announcement Estimates submitted upon request Mr. Witten is able to take care of allfspring work at his old address 480W. Central Avenue Tel. 624. William Witten will open a ï¬rst class painting and decorating store about April lst, 1916 in his new building located at 220 E. Central Avenue ‘to be known as Trade your old machine for THE FREE Sewigg Machine Mill-I'M“ This a!" h buy your old-Iodine is good only during 1‘: ("Maï¬a 0/ I“: up add HERMAN F. H. 80ka Lou] Agent 115 W. Park Ave. Tel. 273 (Invented And p-tonkod by W. C. F: 1 1 and Happi- ness for ev- ery woman who buys F on ‘Women Strength for a shon time pays the differ- ence between your old machine and this beautiful piece of par- lor furniture. Tilâ€"e FREE is absolutely‘ guar named for life. We don’t have (9 put a time Inuit on our gum antec, because we know The FREE is built to last a iifetimc. $1.00 a Week Telephone 194 EALTH We sell The FREE madam