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Highland Park Press (1912), 30 Mar 1916, p. 2

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Miss Humphrey’s Wednesday even- ing dancing class will have a masquer‘ ade party on Saturday evening at the Lincoln School. There will be a farewell reception given in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. .1. Foster Van l-Zch at the church parsonage on Thursday evening. to which all of their friends are cordially invited. Mr. and Mx's. Joseph Leaming an- nounce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Harriet Louise. to Mr. John E. Fast of Chicago. Mrs. 'Joseph Learning was hostess on Saturday ‘nt an afternoon for her daughter Miss Harriet. meing, whose engagement to Mr. John Fast of \‘hicago has been announced. Mr. and Mrs. Learning again entertained on Sunday evening for twenty friends far their daughter Miss Learning. The Philathea class of the First ['nited Evangelical church wzw enter- tained at the home of Mrs. Arch Al)- ercrnmliy on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ber-hens and Mrs. Hoke of Glencoe will be hostesses next Thurs- day afternoon to Campbell Chapter Guild at the home of Mrs. Bellrens. Mrs. J, L. Holbrook entertained a number of Lhicago friends at the Cordon club, Chicago. on Saturday The following essay was written by Helen Watson of the eighth grade at Elm Place. This essay on “Why Highland Park Needs a Hospital," is the prize winner eswy of the eighth grade. Honorable mention was given to Elisha Stubbs and Oscar Stuenkel. Recently we published the seventh grade prize-winning essay by John McBride. and mention was made of the honorable mention going to Sey- 50¢ SKIRTS 50¢ mour Jones and Elise Lauridsen. For these two prize-winning essays Mrs. Everett has given two shares in the Highland Park Hospital Association. Helen Watson’s essay is as follows: “There are many reasons why High- land Park needs a hospital. and I be- lieve the subject may be considered under two heads, namely-What. it means w the community and what it menus to the media} profession. A hospital stands for preparedness, and by being 30 prepared is a safe guard for public health in emergen- cies, contagious disease and general nursing. In emergency cases the hospital often proves a life saver. Under the present condition emer- gency cases have to be taken to a hos- pital in a nearby city. This delay often proves a serious handicap to re- covery, In cases of contagious diseases, es-il ‘ peeially with children, it provides a: way of caring for them, that is im-i There 1 possible in the home. The quarantine , classes 0 is more faithfully followed and by so 1 year. doing guards the community against:5 The cll the spread of disease. It does away'noon and 'with quarantining the entire familyzthineentl for weeks. lclub’s act High Class Launderen French Dry Cleaner: Phones l78-â€"l 79-471 Dont forget we can help you n‘aterially vxilh your household laundry. rugs, draperies, (IC. when you start your spring housecleaning. The Social Side of Life Elm Place School Notes V‘I‘ ---‘â€" .____ _, nf HA". Felt Moss. W011 and Hosk Mann-sacs, Pillows; Cushionsa Rug and Carpet Cleanmg and Repairing. L turc Repairing. Refinishing. We guaran‘ec high class ‘1 ‘ l -‘ , A II 19'WeKCinm1 Ave. Highland Parkgm. ’Ladies’ Skirf - Special North Shore Mattress Fagtqry For one week only Beginning March 27th We will Dry Clean and Press all ladies’ skirts ARE EXPERT_ MANQFgCTURERSA .. Cn~:nflc a for 50¢ each “Wm Local Affairs of the week By the Observer is im-i There are to be no more sway ‘antinemlasses of the ()ssoli Club for this by so 1 year. lgainst!5 The club program for this after- ; away'noon and the annual meeting on the familyzthineenth of April will close the {club’s activities for this year. guaramee high class work and entire sat- isfaction. Work called {or and delivered? We Retail at whole- sale prices. Dealers in Furni- ture Q‘C. Phone 1 15 Little Florence (‘low celebrated her tenth birthday anniversary on Tues- day afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock. Nine little girls and one lit- tle lmy were present and enjoyed the games planned by ‘he little hos- tess. Decorations were all in pale blue. Mrs. Fred Schaffer of S. Sheridan Road was hostess today at luncheon for sixteen guesxs all members of a Euchre Club of Chicago. Mrs. A. Knudsen will entertain the Euchre club this afternoon at her home on South Green Bay Road. In cases of illness 3 hospital pro- vides a quiet. restful place, where the patient may be free from household annoyances and cares. It affords the best of nursing, and lhe latest con- veniences and methods known to the medcial profession. which are impos‘ siblc to have in the home. A hospi- ml is health insurance and should arouse a civic pride in keeping our city healchy. From the dvctor's standpoint iti means greater efficiency. It provides. him with a more complete and up-tooi date place in which to work and ob- serve his patients. His orders are more faithfully followed. his labors-l tory tests are more complete, his op-i erating and also sick rooms are more- \ sanitary than can be had outside the. hospital. He is better equipped tol safeguard the public by being pre-; pared to make complete water. milk, and food analysis. The doctor comes in contact with other members of his profession and by so doing an exchange of ideas takes place which tends to promote efficiency and arouse in him more in- terest in his profession. With a city like ours, standing for progress, with its fine churches, schools, clubs and homes and what they mean. why not a hospitai in the interest of humanity." Ossoli Club 5; Box Springs and Upholstering Furni- xnk "3-3 There are good motion pic‘uresi 09-}planned for April, which are ‘Ripi ore- Van Winkle”, with Thomas Jefferson,‘ the on the sev,enth a motion picturq lee-1 coiture, by Mr H W Foster, 01'! the} ”9-1.861 Telephone Company, “ThegMoâ€"i 111k dern Seven League Boots," on the eleventh, Albert Chavelier in “Myl Old Dutch" on the fourteenth, iand; motion pictures (subject to be' anw nounced later) on the twentyâ€" â€"ei hth. All the motion pictures begin} at seven -thirty. On Thursday. 1the thirteenth at twelv-e thirty. the Ossoli Club will hold the regular annual; and meeting for members for election of1 ota officers. The annual meeting pnd' ‘3'" election of officers for the Highfind ' Park Club, will take place semi-Jami the fifteenth. There will be no enter-1 ,tainment on Good Friday, A’sprill ltwenty- -fourth, there will be a “some iand daughters dance," and on Ethe‘ “dflftwenty- -sixth, the children will be “1'9 given a party from four to sit. The _ ,annual dinner for members of the W" club will take place Saturday evbn- thejing the twenty- n-inth. There Will'be the cards and dancing included in the en- - tertainment. 2 with and lens 1ote 1 Inâ€" city with A. will meet My oven‘ Apru 4th. Mn. '1‘. C. Williams will talk on Civics, being a member of is new Civics Comminaeion and th ughly conversant with the subject at has to do with the beautifying an care of the city, she will bring some. knowl- edge that will be valuable‘ju at this time of the year. This Civi Com- mission has divided the city i to sec- tions and each organization 'in the‘ city is asked to coâ€"operate in is com- ‘ mendable project and give as iatanoo wherever possible. It is hopéd that each member of the Mother-is Club will avail herself of the opportunity to know more about the “City Beautiful Plan” and will not nly at- tend herself but will bring her riends This talk is open to all and {will be followed by an informal disCussion. Mrs. C. G. Alexander will sing; The Friendship girls enté‘mined Thursday evening in the Ass iation Rooms. Light refreshment were served ,and a general good time fol- lowed. i The 0 v. B. Commonwca} Club under the training of their Header, Miss Craig gme a wry clue? little sketch at the Eastem Starwooms i'rhursduy evening for the; Star. H‘hose taking part were (Donna iShelton. Horence Brown. fannie 'Webster Pearl (-arrity, and gleanor ‘Bartku 2 The Handcraft Club meets; every Wednesday evening at 7:30.§ Some very pretty articles are bein fash- ioned under the clever guid . ce of Miss Shumaker. the instructor; l The motion pictures for‘tomiarrow levening are to be “An Expositiott Ro- imnnce," in which the entire Viller “Brothers” 101 ranch of wild West para {formers take part. Those who i‘ain’t {never seen it wil west sh0\"“ cer- ltainly have missed a great pit of life. and this picture will really | e of ‘much interest to ewry one whb en- ljoys. the fascinating Western pi'clures ‘The “Little Lord Fauntleroy" spict- ures on Pridm Were excepticjnally good and attracted a large numl*r of 1 children i The Xothor’s Club of the Wednesday evening Aprilé 12th, Miss Marie Mayer who pluy‘d the part. of Mary Magdaline in thin Pas- sion Play of 1910, will gine The Message of Olwramrnergau zit the Dezrfield Shields High School.. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear a mexsage from one who has had' ctual experience in this soul a irring drama presumed lay {he simple olk in the Bavarian village. Speciallrates will be made to all School chikfien. ‘ The April program is beimz‘igpre- lpared {or the members and p50 ises :8 \en pleasant one. This m \h's \program lands the social activitifs at “he club for the season of 1915;916. The Association is the recipibnt of new desk \he gift of Mrs. L. M. Bergen and much joy prevails.I It is a practical attractive piece of}, fur- niture ani adds greatly to~ thetcom- fort, conveniqm-e and looks the Reception Room. ; Highland Park Club Arcady Farm Certified Cream was awarded silyer‘ medal at the Panama Pacificiz Exposition. g If you have not gotten in; touch with the Huber Elec-§ tric Co. on their time pay»; ments and trial propositiofl5 on the Washing Machindg you sure are miséing a good a thing. , E '. W. C. A. Ne; Starnooms the; Star. rere (Donna wn. .Fannie and Eleanor throughout the home lend ah air of refined elegance and cozin espec- ially if Colonial Drapery fa ncs are used. Motives for the d us are: gleaned from the world's best art sources. Whatever the size on purpose of the room you wish to bea ' ify. you will find appropriate designs. olorings and materials in our Colonial Drapery Fabrics. Let us show you sufiestions for the rooms you are going decor- ate. Dcmgns {or Valunces mished gratis. Showing comprises: 3 Birchwood Cretonnes...18c yd \36 h. Magnolia Crctonnes 25c yd :1. Baronet Cretonnes, ”35c yd Murie‘ Sllk finchintz <94: yd gfucy Reliance Tapestry 38c yd Braii Hillcrest Tapestry (double _ z. SpfigPréPE fie“ facud .......... Terry Clmh Drapcrws (double (aced V U , A stock of 35 pie:es of the law t soft finished curtain fabrics, whi , cream and Arabian. plain of printed . border effects, yd, ,...29C Flu Curtain Roda, Bran. extyndl to 50 incheu. ench . . ........ 25c 35c Cumin Madras and thg 29: We VViShItO announce the remov- al of ourrlce Cream Parlor, Can- dy and Cagar Store from St. Johns Avenue :to our new building on the Cornéér of Central Avenue and Second $treet, Where we will conduct the most Sanitary Par- lor on the North Shore. We will carry a complete line of Candies, Cigars amid Creams. Come in and see our Store. " 63v yd 9 G.‘ Lencioni’i‘ F you anticipate any “hpusecleapi‘ng” needs this spring, prudence should dlctate bujvmg at theyowf prim tomorrow and Saturday. Floorshine Oil Maps Triangular shape, adjustabie long handle I 25c bottle of oil at ...................... Carpet Beaters in smooth whne 25c and“ 1; lb. size. cu'z ends. taped mp, heavy for Friday and Saturdav ............ Wamnted solid backs. will not warp. Filled with selected stock, as. sorted styles 15 and 106 Nan-shrinkable. tor sun. dard Loop or Cap or In vened Lamps, all prices Ind styles. Also globes and fixxures. GOLD DUST-vFairbanks Gold Dust Washing Powder 25c packages. ....................................... 0mm Window Shades Green Opaque Shades. heavy muslin. automatic spring 29 rollers, 3x6 ft ............ C Fine printed effects surfacezeiihwnvighed. hsed {or bathroom or kitchen. . , . , _ ................. , . ........... 7 12-quart Water Pails-galvanized Heavy steel, strong bail, welded ears, dou- 29c ble seamed, 40c value .................. Scrub Bruiheo Highest ‘grade yellow laundry stock, special purchases, 3 but for ............... Too well known to need description, regular pnce 10c 25‘ straight. For this sale only 3 cans for, ........ ~ No phone or man! orders Cu Mantle. Méprsficks with steel head and C01] Easy Monday Soap-Large 11 ‘oz. 20 in. Floor Mops â€"~No phone or mail orders ~Window nv Shin 7 Oil Pdnted Shado- hades. heavy Oil painted opaque. shades. ch spring best, both Sldes well finish- ....... 29c «1.3mm. _... 48c Linoleum Matsâ€"18x36 ’ -4. Old Dutch Cleanser â€"Small size 5c packageâ€" Shades»- Whllt cotton. specxal Is Here (or furmture. woodwork and auxomobik. 1‘“. off all dxn and grew quichi); gnu-serves me fin: ish. JQLBLZScJZubOLSt WWW chemicalh treated 1;» sorbs and gathers dust . , lk sprmg. each, 10: 75c saze Tobey Polishi' “ith other thh 6% 19c

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