PRATT’ PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN L. uni-M. at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois: Telephones, 7 Highland Pa:k5§:l, 558 W Price $1.50 per Year in Adult: Entered n secondclass matter March 1. 1911.3t etc your ofï¬ce at Highland Park. llhnoxs. under the Act of March 3.1379: _ THURSDAY. APRiL i3.i§ié 7 John L. Udell ...... EditorAend Publisher Paul L. Udell ............... Superintendent Eden Frances Comet ..... City Editor Esther C. Baker ............. Society Editor‘ Lorett- Kress .......... Deerfleld Reporter Albert Levy ............ Chica Adv. Mgr. 8th floor, 20 E. Jackson, el. Web. 5212 A number of Highland Park people, interested in the Woman’s Building Association of Northwestern Univer- .sity, gathered at Fields for luncheon on Saturday, to hear plans concerning 1the new building at Evanston dis- _cussed. The building is planned to 1be a community centre for Evanston, land is for the purpose of housing all ithe Women's campus organizations. ! Mrs. Sarah Tewxberry Cathcart of lGeneseo, 111., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0. 8. Brand for the week. Lenten services are being held nightly in the Ebenezer Church this week and next. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN L. Uozu. at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephones, Highluid Puk 557, 558 No matter whether you own a Grafonola or at Victrola. No matter where you bought it. Our large and varied stock of Columbia' records, is sure to inter-i est you. , i Columbia records play‘ on Victor talking maâ€"y chines. Yours for good record service. i I I l '39 St. John: Ave. Highland Park Lake Forest 244 E. Park Arc-t ARCADY FARMS CERTIFIED MILK is y: produced in your neighborhood, for your u fresher than any other Certiï¬ed Milk you c; and is delivered to you direct from the farm. We do not ask you to take our word for the superiority of ARCADY FARM dairy productsâ€"we want you to visit the farm and see for yourselves. We will be glad to send our car to the Lake Forest stations at any time to meet visitors if you will make arrangements before- hand either through our local ofï¬ce or through the ARCADY FARMS direct at Lake Forest. Certified Milk and Cream Inspected Milk Natural Guernsey Cream Bulgarian Style Butter Milk _ Plain Buttermilk . Butter Arcady F arms (Formerly Russia ngery) 212 BrGentral Ave. Highland Park Tel. 193 Local Office TELEPHONE 956 PAINTING Plper Hugh; and Decanting Telephone 1098 JOHN IBACH LANDSCAPE GARDENER Work of any kind by dav or Contract. Cére of Furnaces . M. GATES 437 Deerï¬eld Ave HIGHLAND PARK I LOCAL mp ransom NEWS] Mrs. C. P. Sullivan was in the Art Club this week Miss Martha Ingersol hns accepted the position as bookkeeper for the Chas 11. Warren (‘0. dry goods store. Miss Anna Ingersol was. taken to the Evanston Hospital last wesk and was operated upon Saturday for up- pendicitis. She is doing nicely. Mrs. Frank Miller and children are spending two weeks visiting relatives ahd friends in nanviue, 111. . Mrs. Edmund H. Eitel of Indian- apolis. lnd.. formerly Mi.“ Helm Messinger of this city was the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. I). )leninger last week. Mrs. Eugene Wilson of N. Sheridan Road has as her guest Mrs. A Terry of St. Louis. Mo. “A Night Off" is the name of the play which is to be given by the D. S. H. S. Alumni Association at Ravinia Park. Friday evening, April twenty-eighth. The seat coupons which can be obtained from members of the Association are exchangeable for reserved seats at Schumncher's Drug Store after the ï¬fteenth of this month. Miss Marjorie Small who has spent the past winter in Santa Barbara, Cal., returned home this week. Mrs. Grant Green from the Isle of Pines, West Indies, visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Richards of N. Green Bay Rd. had as their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mowers and children of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. James Dewey of Lake Forest. Mr. George Bailey was taken to a west side hospital Sunday and was operated on for acute appendicitis. He is getting along nicely. Mrs. Barry White, who has been conï¬ned to her home with grippe for‘ the past week is able to be around again. Mrs. Arch. Abercromby and baby daughter, Helen Jeanne, were the guests last week of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Dickenson of Edison Park. Mr. and Mrs. w. K. Booth of chi- cago. who have just returned from England spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Booth of E. Park MILK is your milk, for your use. It is Milk vou can obtain Dennett’s Bakery Sullivan was the winner Illinois Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. ’Durha of Winnetka’ have rented their hot for the summer and will arrive 11 June ï¬rst, to spend the summer “Ledgemere,†the summer homel Mrs. Durham's parents, Mr. and M‘ Robert B. Gregory. 1;? The next meeting of the Weatml ster Guild (Beta Chaptex) will ta place Wednesday afternoon of n1 week with Miss Ethel Van Riper ‘ hostess. Announcement has come Irom new York of the birth of a son to Mr. am] Mrs. Arthur Sweetser, the latter b6- ing formerly Miss Ruth Gregory,w wqx known here. (4 Mr. Phil de Anguera of Onwen Av.e left on Friday for Boston, Mas , where he will spend ten days \isitiik old college friends Mrs. Frank Matthews, who has made her home in Minneapolis, Mi ., was the w:ek end guest of relatiwa here enroute to Terre Haute, Indian}. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. War returned on Saturday from a sevei 1 months’ stay in Florida. *1 Mr. Edward Meachtle was conï¬r id to his bed a few days of this weï¬k with an attack of the grippe. a Mrs. Fred Zahnle and daughter Corrnine returned Saturday from In month’s ï¬sh with relatives in Foijtd du lac, Wis. Ii Miss E. G. Turnley of N. Sheridnn Road returned last week from Florf'da M'here she has spent the winter. ‘ ‘ Mrs. H. Canï¬eld Wolters and V" 0 children returned last week f “m I'I‘homasville. 6a., where they he" ;spent the winter. Mrs. Benjamin Bird was an‘actï¬le worker on “Tag Day" for the be h t of the Belgians held on Satur y along the north shore and in Chica 0. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Peterson 50f W. Vine Ave, had as their Sundry)! guest Miss Amelia Petersen of Dedrâ€" ï¬eld. “ Mrs. G. W. Potter and daughl‘er, Miss Verna Potter of Austin,, $311., spent the week end with the Andtew Bloomï¬eld family of Glenview Avg? returned from Virginia Hot Spri gs and will leave next week for Frdï¬h Lick Springs. ' h The James Hopkins family "ill move this week from their homeigon E. Laurel Ave., to Chicago where éey will make their home in the futï¬re. The A. W. Fletchers will move into the house vacated by them this wfiek. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. L. Curtis ï¬ve MacGregor Willits, who attgds Hill's School in Pennsylvania, is spending his vacation with a nu er of friends in ThomasvilleLGa. , Mr. and Mn. Robert Fagza of Highwood announce the birth IE! 8 daughter, born Thursday, April gth. Mrfxflarry Daniels of Racine, :ï¬'isq fornwrly uf Highwood. is making: his honn with Mr. and Mrs. Vencil Mpzik of N. First Street. ' 5* ' Mr. David Anderwn of Chifngo , ‘14 was the week cnï¬ guest of M Sand Mrs. James )1. Grant. 3 The William Pusslwnder 1mm Silminge‘. families me both i115 amine for the measles. Mr. and .‘II'>. Leo Haak g,- N. Set-0nd 8L, have as thï¬r gues .V Mr. Huak‘s father and mother ML; and Mrs. August Hank of Madisorg is. (‘Iasse's in “First Aid to ti!†In- jured" are being held in th city under the auspices of the A ‘ican National Red Cross. Anyone . ) deâ€" ires may call upon Dr. H. J. hann who wlll gladly furnish furt formation on the subject and (3 how other classes can be organize The Department of Health rts fourteen cases of measles, e of scarlet fever and one of chick Miss I‘lrances Wavrunek has her house on Ravine Drive - " Young of Chicago, who will 9 in Saturday. \liss erunek wil {can this week for northern Wid’nsin where she will spend a few ï¬{nths with her relatix es. Mrs. John A. Bunnell is i *aris, Canada, where she has gone t bring her daughter Miss Margaret innell home. Miss Bunnell, who hends school in Proxidence. R. 1., Wu rend- ing her vacation in Paris,a Riggs was taken with pneumonia. Bunnell and her daughter wila turn next week. a; Mrs. D. S. Boynton has guest Mrs. Edward Anderson istee, Michigan. \Ir. Edwin Phillips of H1 Wis , is spending mo week! 1 mother, Mrs. C. G Phillipa! Sheridan Road. I has come from New j? ' der anii} F.‘ both inigmâ€" is Ilaak . N. ir gueï¬ .V Mr. Health sasles. rf chick nek has Drive - " E.†ter. his : her Man- Mr. and Ira. C. 1611mm“ on being congratulated upbn the birth of a- daughter in Orlfndo. Fl!» They ‘ d- I, _L-..L will return to Rizal-M l'lrl» lwuv May 1st. é ' The Ossoli Club thve charge: of the opening of the h 1117 Sunday afternoons from two ï¬ve for the rest of April. Du the summer months the Library will not be open, ibut the club will mm arrangements to open it ngsin next fell on Sundsy afternoons. Mrs H. P. Davidson and Miss Alice Davidson have returned from Avon Park, Fla" where they spent the win- her. Mrs. James L. Martin of N. Linden Ave. has as her guest this week, Mrs. Charles Crouch of Erie, Penn. Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Ullmsnn go to the Moraine the ï¬rst of May, where Dr. Ullmann will spend the summer. Later on Mrs. Ullmann will go east for the summer. The new home which the family is building on Or- chard Lane will be ready for occu- pancy in October. At the “tag day†on Saturday to ‘beneï¬t Belgian children, the North Shore Chapter D. A. R. collected one hundred dollars. Thin work was car- ried on throughout the nation by the I). A. R. The Elm Place Parenta’ and Teachers’ Association meeting which was to have been held yesterday 31'- ternoon has been postponed until early in May. Mrs. J. w: Prindiville of E. Laurel Ave., was hostess Sunday evening at a supper party. Yesterday afternoon tile ï¬re department made a run to Roger Williams Avenue and Kincaid SL. Ravinia in less than ï¬ve minutes. The alarm was turned in on account of burning leaves which might have resulted in a serious ï¬re. The ï¬re truck has many times proven to be one of the city's best assent The Ladies Aid Society of the Ebenezer Church will meet on Thursday afternoon. April gwentieth at th‘ home of Mrs Montgomery of E. Park Ave. Miss Bertha Harbluah will assist Mr. Charles Dennis. baritone. at a recital to be given next Tuesday evening in the Music Hall at Evan-tori. Min Harbaugh will play two group: 01 ‘piano numbers. Miss Hubaugh and â€1'. Dennis both graduated last‘ year from Northwestern School of Music. “The Message of Oberammergall" given by Miss Marie Mayer It the high school last evening was oft‘ reat interest to many people. Her till a moot impress- ive one, was beautiful? illustrated with colored slides. She t Id vividly -o{ the wonderful passion play, its effect on the little German hamlet. and on the world in general. Everett G. Wou 35m wife to Theo J. Knaak, W. D. $1. Lots 46 and 47, blk. 8 in Deerï¬eld Park Land Im- provement Association sub. in Village of Doerï¬eld. 4 Edwin F. Osterman to Theodore J. Kmmk, W. 1). $1. Lfit 22, Osterman’s sub., heerï¬eld. Benjamin Lowenmtyer and wife to Edwin C. Day, WD $10. Lots 1, :3 and 3, blk. 77, City of Highland ‘ E. P. Osterman 9nd wife to Geo. jlierrmann, Jr., W.. D. 310. Lot 9, IUsterman's sub. Dérï¬eld. ' Park Benjamin Lowenmeyer and wife to Elsie M. Day, W. D. $10. Lost 11, 1:1, 1:5 and 15. blk. 77, City of High- land Park. I Wm. J. MacDonald and wife to Bob 0 Link Golf; Club, W. D. 810. Part S. W.‘ qr. sec. 26, Deerï¬eld Township. C. N. Kimball and wife to Joseph llelhaye, W. 1). $600. N. 50 ft. lot 10, blk. 8, Wrenn's add. Highland Park. E. M. Snow and ,f‘wife to Lillian G. Burgess. W. D. 310. Lot “A†blk. 25 City of Highland Park. Carleton Moseley and wife to High- land Park Presbyterian Church, W. 1). $10. Lot 14 (ex. W. 110 ft.) blk. 523, Highland Park. Elizabeth M. Anderman to John Griffith, W D. 310. le 49 1-2 ft., S. 99 1-2 ft., N. 2 acres, lot 236, Lake Forest. E. W. Brown aha wife to Bernard Steffen and wife, . D. $500. Lot 4, Brown‘s sub. High 00d. The next regulfl‘ meeting of the: North Shore 0111*“ D. A. R will take place on M day afternoon at 2.30 o’clock at t home of Mrs. Harry D Faxon. 1â€the paper will be read by Mrs. ï¬nma Morgan on “Courtship and triage Customs." There will be m lc in the form of songs. Mrs. J. Looming and Mrs. Sewall Truax th sregent and vice- regent will give reports on the Sum Conference held at Ottawa, 111., in March. REAL ESTATE Mums Lhore Chaï¬r me on M dag lock at t 1 ). Faxon. 5"the y Mrs. ï¬ftm 1ip and Irri vill be m ic i Mrs. J. L‘Lel North Shdre Trust Company 1‘0“." ouux c LCl A nun mette, Kenilworth {ï¬ll-mm.†Glencoe, Highland Park and Lake Forest. Security under mortgages in this territory is continually enhancidg while the rate of interest is attractive. 0 bland Park, Illinois ARTHRIVHMhu'I-l . Minna“ le.“ LAUREL? INN 316 - 317 East L311" 1 Avenue HIGHLAND PARg' ILLINOIS PHONE 67 guildgiï¬g Material Coal§ Solvay Coke Highland Park Fuel Company 102 i. 15! 3:. HERMAN 0mm, President Telephone 335 North Shdre Fuel Supply Co. Mine operatcrs have not set April prices. We will ï¬ll orders and protect you in price. Coke 1: 25¢ 1' ton higher than a year ago. We are boo ng orders, can we have yours? 214 EAST cmkju. AVENUE 14.5.: W Park 265 North Shore Trust Company MAIN omenmn wow 212338133 Lincoln Avgâ€. CHICAGO Telephone. l ’ Lincoln - {948 Div Why not have vour clothing renovated here this weak and give our work a fair trial? Our CLEANING AND Drama of ladias' and gent’s garments, otigntal'rugs. carpets. portiers draperies, piano covers. lace curtains, etc. cannot be duplicated by any local‘clwnerjs we have the LARGEST and most Sunny? plant in the West. v~ _ ‘ wagon will call for and‘ dclfoer your gamut: ' cgpim $100,000 Organized under the Budd!!! Laws bf the State of Illinoil MOR‘IGAGE BANKERS Cleaning and Pfessing Open Under Management of #_ ____ 4. Rborhs Single and en Suite, Private Baths, ' é ‘ Excellent Table, Rates to la, Permanent Guwts 2'30 N. 5!. John Avon-o . WIEMERS HIGHLAND PARK, ILL frail. you can feel as- sated that it visits us rqulariy. is our business and we take special care xo turn out your dresses. waisxs lingerie and daimicst gar- ments in a perfect con- dition, equal m new. Give us a trial and be convinced. WhYnseuDreu “aim Looks immaculately and attractively Diver“, - 8152