3"] Now is ‘ the Time N0 - DUPUCATES K‘OON 131105., Proprietors 125 NorthSt. Johns Ave. ' Phone your grocer today for a case or call H. P. 447 It is cheaper than other bottled water and is pure Want 30th mineral Mam ,_____â€"_ to have your Automobile over- hauled and repaired for Spring driving Moraine Garage Storage Batteries repaired re- built, and charged, all kinds of Electrical Work mandamus-Iâ€" Women Did Not Vote Exceptiu in tho City of Chicago ‘ The presidential primnries Tuesday were void of interest excepting that they brought. out I ï¬ght for county central committeemen. It developed during the day that two tickets were in the ï¬eld for county central commitue. Two fec- tione had gotten together a undid-ta in almost every precinct end the ï¬ght was to get control of the county cen- xtx-al committee. Women did not vote in the pri- maries in Luke county. They did not vote in Cook county in the country towns of the county, but a einzulnr lituation developed when it became known that women 3were being permitted to vote in the\ éprimary at the polling stations in-ll, ;side the city of Chicexo. Just whati ‘geï¬ect this will have on the whole!L >situation in the state will be inter- iesting to determine later. It seems be if the women cen vote in one place lee well as in enother; end if they can- ‘ 'not vote in one they cennot in 1. another. Mormmmm Telephone For Rentâ€"â€"-A l2-room house, 3 baths, ï¬ne grounds, gauge, chicken house and garden. $150.00 per month. ll-room house, 2 baths, modern conveniences, near station. $100.00 per month. . 8-room house, furnace heat, $50.00 per month. v 6-room house, convenient to stem ‘tion, furnace heat. $30.00 per month, Small bungalow, suitablé for two; adults, $20.00 per month. Addresg N. A. Aldridge, Erskine Bank Bldg. Tel. 345. 1r For Rentâ€"Furnished or unfur- nished house of 7 rooms, bath, gas, steam heat; also flat of 6 rooms. modern. Address P. T. E., Pres. Office. I For Rentâ€"Furnished room over the ’ Eost ofl‘ice, lectric light and steam 1‘ eat. Tel. 77. fl For Rentâ€"Very attractive fur-5 nished rooms in desirable location. 1 First class only. 247 E. Central Avei ‘ITCI. 483. t, ‘ For Rentâ€"4-rooni cottage with an; ‘Kaurt of ten acres and barn. Mrs. l 'etter. H. P. 757-W. 7-p 3 For Rentâ€"7-room house with bat lfurnace heat. laundry. hardwo Ifloors throughout, 4 porches. ga ‘ ‘electric light, 3 minutes to train an ‘ street cars. Address Mrs. Gravel 15th :514 N. Green Bay Rd. Tel. 587.1 F'_I{ For Rentâ€"High class modem-o apartments, corner St. Johns Avemm and Moraine Road. Address If Palmer on premises. Tel. H. '1‘.‘ For Rent Nicely hot water heat. m telephone, l’hunc 1 For Rent - Telephone H For Renh Safety dewâ€! b<>?\'c.\ mt] vault space for Storage of Hunks, cut. it the Erskine Bank. *f‘ To Rentâ€"Modern ll-room hougï¬, beautifully furnished or unfurnish with garage. Address S. A. St. Pe ‘, Highland ‘Park, Ill. Residence T ., 442. Ofï¬ce, 179. tf-pd; For Rentâ€"A bungalow, 4 rooms and bath. screened porch. Rear 01227 W Vine Ave. Tel. 771-31 ‘tf . For Rentâ€"Three front rooms 1 - nished for light housekeeping w h bath. also furnished bed rooms. '1 N. St. Johns Avenue. (a For Rentâ€"Furnished or unfurnilx- ed 10-room house, hard wood fl . all modern improvements. sun d sleeping rches; within ï¬ve minu 3 walk to xmoor and rail and str 1 cars. 1026 N. Green Bay Road, al- ephone H. P. 708~M after six p.311. t For Rentâ€"26 acre farm. 8 buocxs [rpm C. 8: N. W. station. Suitable for "‘3Ԡtables, and raising chickens, squabs and ducks. Tel. 248. ‘ , For bath. Rentâ€"Sâ€"room cottage 1048 N. Green Bay Rd- 375 For Rentâ€"Nicely furnished 6 rgm apartment. Near Exmoor Club. l ill rent (or summer months. Telep ne 155. ‘ -pd Firstvclnss dressmaking done' at your home. Terms reasonable, refer- ences. Tel. H. P. 994. 5 pd Wantedâ€"Position as chnufleui 3 on the North Shore. Good referegzces. Address Sam Bernardi, 145 N. Oakley Blvd., Chicago. 7-1;?l pd rur Dnswâ€"u n...» -._ a, with gardens, fruit trees of all Mnds. conveniently located, $22,000 5.. and $25,000 respectively. N. A. Aldfldge. Erskine Bank Bldg. Tel. 345. ‘1 7 For Saleâ€"On account of bre mg up ‘housekee ing 1 am selling fol- lowing artic es for less than 11 f of their cost: 1 davenport, 1 l""rary table. 1 bed, chairs. 1 large roc r, 1 ice box and 1 all steel sleeping :porch ï¬nch, double. Address 212 W. Vine ve. . 6 ! For Saleâ€"Great opportunity; :sell- ing at a sacriï¬ce as I am muvin . :45 gas range $20.00; kitchenh'tabe‘ and two chairs, $2.00; 1 shaving stand, 81.00; 1 cabinet, $1.00; ;‘ iron bedst and springs, $5.00; 3; iron bedsteads. no sprinKS. $4.00; 1 gwing- ing cribb' (alamo) $3.00; 1 lawn moker, $3.00; and garden tool , Ad- dress Hen Atwater, 448 encoe Ave. Tel. . P. 888. . 69d . For Saleâ€"A $25.00 ladies’ cycle. one year old. good condition.~ Will sell for $10.00 cash. Tel. H. P. 1022. R For Saleâ€"Bungalow, ï¬ve rooms and bath, all modern improvtments, hardwood floors and trinr mum to suit. purchaser. (331185131; \ t1 HELP WANTED : WANTEDâ€"Competent [ ener. must be fumilhr with Into . Ila. Good wages. Co-pdent end â€11an an. Addrou Mn. D. F. Kelly. ‘2 ' The Moler Barber Collete 0,13105 S. 5th Ave, Chicag, wants men *1) learn barber trade. ey oï¬â€™er sple‘jdid in- iducements and a short term C(pflete. ‘They mail free a beautiful can ogue ! and ask all our readers to new} for'Ii-té L . “inkedâ€"Experienced girl ‘ r gen- eral housework in family 1 two. Must be good cook and know how to serve properly, of good clpncter, ’must furnish references. Good home and 39931 wages for right gifl. Ad- - m... , . ., For 3.1. , 2 second hand Ford ‘jburirg cars. like new. Reasonable {orq 1: sale. Moraine gauge. [25 N. St. Johns. vc. 7 5;;ssnii, Pfess Ofï¬ce: SITUATION WANTED l’hunc HE) A niwlx h: rnislnd r001" :03 H Â¥ FOR SALE acre farm. 8 blocks {rpm x furnhhcd from man munwm In hath .m 11 1x1: v. ... Wantedâ€"A girl for general houseo work, Tel. H. P. 650. 7 Wantedâ€"Reliable woman to do laundry and general work. Tel. 272'; Wantedâ€"First ch! 304 N. Sheridan Rd Wantedâ€"A girl _f_ Wantedâ€"A girl for general house- work, references required. Tel. H. Pâ€. Wantedâ€"Young girl companion and assistant in light housework. Ap- ply 117 St. Johns Ave. 7 Wantedâ€"2 or 3 unfurnished rooms" near business district. Tel. 558. tf-pdl Riding Clothes in large variety of shades are shown this season by An-‘ derson Christiano, 329 Plymouth court, who specialize in Habit making. Anderson Christiano's name stands {or distinction and individual- ity in tailored suits and habits: they are also creators of styles and per- fect lines. You are invited to look over the many exquisite patterns now being shown for spring and summer wear. (7 adv.) l Don’t keep a COW in the Basement in the shape of a coal heater Where Richard of the Llon Hearti Dwelt In France. 3 ‘erhaps the loveliest spot in all the ‘ winding miles of beauty along the; river Seine between ltouen and Paris i ls l‘etit Andely, Ragged and shattered 1 looking. the stony hills rear proudly up 1 above the placid river and sleepy town. and squarely upon its crest looms the ruin of Richard the Lion Heart‘s Castle Gallant. a great. burst keep and a few bits of massive wall. Once the castle ilaunted its menacing leopard standards against the blue and white and gold of the Franklsh skies. but that was before Philippe Auguste stormed and smashed'it and smashed the townsfolk while he was doing it. Now, ghostly and wan. the stark ruin shimmers upon its hill. with never a single spear to glint from keep orl barblcan. The spears are still grow- 1 lug far belowâ€"the stout young poplars on the river bank and island sentinel- lng through golden days when the riv- er ls gleaming Jade: in the ï¬ery sun- sets. -when it mirrors back every sturdy limb and feathery frondt and all the silent blue nights, when the stars bend crackling down to whisper and coquette and the ripples chuckle softly against the rich brown banks.â€" , Arthur Stanley Riggs in National Geo f graphic Magazine 25 North Shéridan Road Easter Eggs chickens. Bring y our window, Schumacher S Tho Parson Bi'rd. Among the feathered iulmhitanta of New Zealand there in a bird called the [lawn bin]. or tuL I! la about the alze and shape of a hiackhlrd. but hu a pair of deiicau white mm at ita thmat and is a gloaay dark green oth- erwise. which looks black in the aun- ahine. it can be taught to crow. to weak. to whistle tunes, and. Maide- theae tricks. it has a repertory which in not often equaled by any other feathered aongater. At veapen it haa a not. like the toll of a hell or tha clear. high note 0! an organ it can ‘mimic every bird in the hush to per- fection it will break of! in the mid- ,dio or an exquiaite melody and in‘ . _-.A_-- unv v- .. -_,w, dulge in a strange melody of loundn which are impossible to deucflbe. but if you can Lmngino “me communion of a cough. a laugh. a meme. with the smashing of a pane of glam.†it will be lame approach to the ides MISCELLANEOUS ~1va Of course not. You buy, the mikk as you need it. You wouldn’t like the troub e, muss and work of keeping a cow. Also there is no economy in t. See the North Shore Gas Company ciass c'ook, Apru 22_. ILLINOIS nd. badde- ; tor, which 1' any other upon It In: boll or Lh- nn It can 08h to pen In the mid- dy and ln‘ 7 of sounds mm. but if nbtnnmm of a, win; the! as.†It will lA- Drug Stor Highland Fark THEATRt pmm tieWeek of sit-y H15 Sunday. 16th} Triangle-Kay Bee. Thomas H} produnion Featunnx Ben]: Bar e ‘m “The Lg“ Ac!" Story by Le Monte W ron Triangle Keystone Sennen P ' Mack Swam in _. “Hi5 Auto Rui Malmee 2:â€77‘ 4 2 Fat urix '1 Four Acts of VI 'llo ,-, 7 Including {’16:ng 5"†" Tuesday, 11m: Wm. A. Brady Presents Mï¬e King in “A Wounn'l Po ï¬r" ; From the story The Code of Mounnim ‘ by Chat Melville 1 and a Cqmedï¬ i , g ery Mlle: Minter and the vooday juvenile not ‘ Thomas 1‘ Cut?! In ‘ “Dun' plea ] Metro producnon by Hury O. Hoyt i Puhe Now.’ )0; Triangle Fine Ans Preoentl 0de Hm in “Don Quinn. g ada anon ohm Cervm Novel Chester 'nhcy Direded b “I'd Supervised by D. . ' h m 8 1cm 1 “Midi? LI PWQC†from the well known play by twice Balm md Piene \‘edber Flmo‘l yet W Burton Hobo- Tn†Pia-ro- Pmoun! Bhy CgrQoo- 15c Jeane L. Luky Preach" M 91$“??? °‘ 5‘15, New Fire Stalin fl wu-eue Wilmette's ï¬re depï¬mcnt ‘ia now camblished in its 38,000 M! house, Lake ‘and ; at Rtilrosd :venue. It remains lo:- the Villa“ yo: no construct a ï¬ble for the 5'0‘. 00 construct I Pun: nu u..- housing of the hominid their for- age, which at the ppeent time is occupying tampon?! :qu‘ar‘url in a liVery stable 3 block ’11! a belt dil- unt from the ï¬re hoop- bk. Shore Telephony and a anom PlayetrPidlognvh T0 Hm Leonard’s Lawn m0“ "530“!!! m“ Guden and mama , P91! s_ALt BY Maintained by F‘ “ii; 55 uzomnn sun; COMPANY 2:" s-x-s . mug-9 ‘ \Clunuuuu v. .â€"_... - .V,V,, “Pudd'nhoul W’wn" CHRISTIANE SCIENCE READING I 11 East Central Avenue Hou 9t012am. 1t05p. m. Evéry Day except Sunday Wednesda)’. 12}; ‘ Thursday. Saturday. 159; Ann,- He.“ N. . FridEy, nu; Yoq are Cordially Invited to make 'use of the privileges of the W 3m in . erk_ VII!" ‘irstthurch of Christ‘ Fawn-ins Ruud or Pittsburg Automatic Water Heater X‘ 10c drudgery, march-ck- breeking, bone-breaking, nerve-wrecking labor than the remaining six bold. Mr. Heed of the ,, Scientist. House, if you, or a nun in your â€day hId IIICh . job, you’d Mud it u would take it over. There Electric Machine Mfutfunilyofsix. lhephysicdcatofm- m which must be Miami fledrit Washed PubBCServiceCo. y Room: “'2‘? A simple machine. A child can run it. For such isjts ' ecuonttnt all you . vetodo is to run in some water and mg), start the motor then, not wrench and strain and scrub, but just look on. The machine does the mt. of Highland Park Nu: 231 {or