Whiaflflpahui Entartd u necondchsl mam: Much I, 19H.“ the post ofï¬ce a! Highland Park. Illinois. under the Ac: 0! March 3. 1379‘ PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN L. Unzu. at Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois Telephones, Highlnnd Pnrk 557,7558 John LLUdell......Editor and Publisher Poul L. Udell ............... Superintendent Helm Princes Connd........City Editor Esther C. Baker..............Society Editor Lorettt Knu..........Deerï¬eld Reporter Albert Levy ............ Chiurfo Adv. Mgr. 8th floor, 20 E. Jackson, a]. Wab. 5212 No matter whether you own a Grafonola or a Victrola. No matter where you bought it. Our large and varied stock of Columbia records, is sure to inter- est you. Columbia records play on Victor talking ma- chines. Yours for good record service. 39 St. Johns Ave. Highland Park ArCady Farms 2“ E. Pd Ann: Lake Forest .'\l.\\/llun A All‘Av. - v--_ _ _ , thirst satisfying beverage but it is also a food and a medicine. Physicians recommend it continually in their practices for it promotes digestion and prevents in- testinal disorders. ()ne doctor has declared that a bottle of pure buttermilk is better than all the per- scriptions written for Dyspesia. The ARCADY FARMS produce two types of butter- milk, the ordinary buttermilk or the plain type and the Bulgarian Buttermilk. The later is especially desirable on account of its therapeutic value and is used exten- ARCADY FARM PURE BUTTERMILK is not only a ‘jnn uvyvm... sively as a remedy for stomach disorders Our buttermilks are pure rich buttermilks in the truest sense. They are wonderfully uniform and possess a delightful smooth creamy flavor. You will like ARCADY FARM BUTTERMILKâ€"--order today through nur local office Certified Milk and Cream Inspected Milk Natural Guernsey Cream Bulgarian Style Butter Milk Plain Buttermilk Butter Arcady F arms Local Office (Formerly Ruggleo Bakery) 212 E. Central Ave. Highland Park TELEPHONE 956 If you have not gotten in touch with the Huber Elec- tric Co. on their time pay- ments and trial proposition on the Washing Machine you sure are missing a good thing. Pnpcr Hanging And Decorating Telephone 1098 THURSDAY. APRIL 20. 1916 PRATT’S C. M. GATES J0“ N [EACH LANDSL‘M-E GARDENER Work of any kind by dav or Contract. Care of Furnaces PAINTING 437 Deerï¬eld Ave IIGHLAND rm Miss Wilhelmina Bell of North: IvAveu has returned from the Presby-j iterian Hospital, Chicago, after an? operation for appendicitis. She is‘ idoing nicely. i The Henr) Atwater family of Glen- icoe Axe, will move next week from lthis city to 2613 Hampton Court,i iChicago. l At the last mun-ting of the North Share Catholic \Vumun's League the annual election of oï¬'icers was held, â€The;~ were as follows: President. _.‘ll‘s. William Dooley of Highland Park; first vice president, Mrs. W. E Connor: second \icc president, Mrs. P. J. Peterson: third vice president, Mrs. IE. F. Schoeneck; corresponding sec- ;retary. 5113:: Harry E. Mills also of illighland Park; recording secretary, Miss Sarah O'Brien; ï¬nancial secre‘ itary. Mrs. J. S. ('ook; treasurer, Mrs. J. F. Fahery; directors, Mrs. E. J. lO'Connell and Mrs. M. J. Geary. Mr. anti Mrs. James Hickey of Highwood are receiving congratula- tions on the birth of a son born Sun- day, April lï¬th. Mrs. Carl Kuist of N. Second St... had as her week-end guest, her sister. Mrs. Bessie Stark of Chicago. Mrs. Ira J. Geer of Prospect Ave., is in Washington, D, C.. where she and her son Raymond have spent a number of days. Mr. Raymond Geer was on his Vacation from Cornell University. ILoCAL mmsom mslï¬ Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1’. Juuger of Ruvinia returned last week from u week spent in Toledo, Ohio. (m Saturday the Ladies' Aid Soci- ety of the St. Johns Evangelical Church will hold a cake sale at Mr. George F. Rock's grocery >turc. The proceeds are to beneï¬t the church. There will also be Easter eggs for sale. Dr. and Mrs. ('usey Wood who have returned from California are li\ing at the Moraine Hotel. city Mrs. E. Ward Knapp and son Tom returned last week from Ann Arbor, Michigan, where they had spent the last ï¬ve weeks as the guest of Mrs. Thosu returning this week from the University of Illinois to spend their vacation with their parents are Charles and Tentle Buell, Walter Goelitz. Alma and Harold Oleson. Howard Schumacher, Albert Renning. Leslie XcCafl’rey and Gladys Tucker. Mr. Harold ()leson has with him Mr. William Krieger of Decatur, lll.. as his guest. . Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blatsch and son Mr. Charles Beltsch of Mnraine Road :aPent last week in (‘oxingtmn Kx when- they attended the funeral of Mrs. Bletsch‘s brother. M". G. Ar Gottschalk, whose death occurred April Tth. Th; Easter Izogramme at the Ebenezer Church will he he!«‘ next Sunday morning at ten o‘clock and will consist of a cantata entitled "The Hope of the World." Dennett’s Bakery Underwood, formerly of this Illinois Tel. 193 “A Romance of the Skokie" is play written by Frank A. Brady be given by the Highwood Boys’ Chili on Priday evening the twenty- might? i; The play will be gn en at the Bartlett Theatre instead of at the City H l as preï¬msl) stated There will i other interesting features for t evening. Mr. and His Aich Abercromb) hxié as thcii guexts on Sunday “1'. Mn. 1(- {(0} anensun and tun chi)- ‘iiicn VII: and Mis. I‘red Bali of Ediv: wn I’nrk nnd \11. and Mn. W VillaIt .\ii<.~ Mnignret Miller and Miss Elly iiimm uf P'mk Ridge. ;; ’ \II. and .\lr~. '1‘. [’?l;l: n): had I then gun t~ un Nimiux \h.~.~x.. \HI and lldnnmd licblilg und (hiHIe Mxxrit and Ruth of Chicago, \1: hhme Mr: HL-r'lluxl Awning nf I’m-s Main 5 was lhc \u-ek-cml gum->1 ut the ho c of Mn. Nancy (umpbcil on l’uxk A' . Mr, and Mrs. John he Sugher and «null daughter Mary of k'hwugo and M 1‘. Albert Kiux'dvn of ('m‘rrutmnnlle. “nun. :H'c 1hu gum-sh Hus \x‘u-k 01‘ MY. :wJ \‘na k; ul'L'.‘ 3-1 H|I\\v of (minty I'mhcr Yum nf (mcimmti is the gunk Ur l-lm. In: J. 1». ()‘chH t; mum and m. 'l‘uemluy cvcmng Q;- ln'ured the :~L‘I'!n(n1 ul \hc rcg'u r Luz». :er\ice>. Hy wzll again sp k th owning. Holy 'I‘hursday. Spa: 1 >x'.\1Lo ml} I»: held in the churflh tumulnm mum'mg and the regu*r «Hum h-mmrmx c\c.ll|ng Mrs. Nichols \Vctzel of Waukepin was the gum‘ on Monday of Mrs. John S. Reesman. THE HIGHLAND PARK PI Mr. Ralph Ely, who has been a guest at the Samuel Levin home :or the past three weeks, returned st we:k to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Culkins d family are leaving Tuesday ï¬n Wuukcgun where they will residgiin the future. Mrs. Charles Crouch of Erie. 23.. who was Mrs. J. L. Martin's gmt last Week, has returned home. 4‘ Miss Jane Stafl'ord of Evans‘h, “1., was the guest last week at â€w H. R. Loudon home on N. Sheri‘m Road. ‘9 Mr. and Mrs. George w. Childs’or N. Sheridan Road announce the b of a sun, born Monday, April 17th. “'1‘ l'L‘ Milz‘. Mrs. H. 1’. Davidson and duughxw 311»- Alice Davidson, who haw.- 're» ccmly returned from at Winter spunt m .\\0n Park, Ha., spent the weéak- uml :lt Luke Ucnmu. “'15., “here 1 ey \n-n- gu-sh at [hr Northwedï¬rn Milzuu'y and Naval Academy fornfgr- Milzuu'y and \11\'a| .u'uuemy 101119-1- h 11.†Ih1> 1111 Mr. 11nd 5115.1-21115h1 Morgan ofiN. Limh-n Aux. 11n- spunhng ths “Mix 111 Grand do Tour, 111. {‘ Mlss Adah (l. Grundy of the 2'16- k‘x‘ystlc houw 011 E. (enlml Ave. ' 111 ‘1;c:.1l her \111‘11111111 m-xt week in h :11- '1 hu- Wiltum‘ 1.. Lurk-an fax '1}' mowd this )H’Ck from N. Sheri 2m Ilozui to (huir new home on Mor no h \\l \‘1'11111‘1'5 from Huhbari Woods mve 1:11.011 the H. A. I’urkin house at235 E. 11111101 \u 2111dth1- H. ~\. Par '11: huh.- Lukcn their old house at 41$ E. laurel he. '4 M1 and Mr<.(‘hz1rlos (P111111 qu'ed thin \w 30k {10m their home at 2 KN. Second St. to the J. J. Brand h (1:1 \. Second St. S Mrs. Russell Mott of Ii. Inï¬rol .\\'el will return next Week from, he east where she hu= spent a nulger of weeks. , :‘ In: Sunday ths- West wall of he ruim‘ nt‘ the Immaculate (‘oncep_'0n school was blown down by the stréng “'HIC MI: and Mrs. lilonzn Tyner fund f'umll)‘. who hmo spent the w ter in I’znadczm, (‘ul.. will return to ï¬eir hunw 0:: I‘rnspcv‘t :\\(-. May lstuj Mr. and Mrs. George F. Wrig'i 0f Glencoe Ave. will move May 1st ‘om their home hvre to Iibcrtvville. e house vacated 1») them “ill bet tfen by thetmmer Mr. Hmn “ight‘mn of Clem-02. ‘ Rev. R. Br Schultze who for ‘th: gun: eight \(‘ZU> hmr’Ft-rn n Ie~ ant r t." tri~ tin mud «iuxi'g that time’has Mi'p (“uh-r hf the (hlï¬lgo Lu": 1) hrs family this Week 11‘... “ht'l‘c he will br elder of the Freeport dill h e 2d 3115. \ {LC Road I'mhcr .ll'K) \II M l'l hu )1 r family L-r'lluxl .~\!1lui \u-ek-x-ml L! Nancy (amp vud 311's. Joh lughter Mar ul Mn. [TuVid Bennett of “mu- (hn Svuniuy yuosts 0: Mn, R;._\'mu,.d W. Schncldgr 3: w A \‘e. ‘ Bert I‘ duughL-r )Irs hey \\ ily by NW 1 from Huhbal Iluscnthul (If Unk Park a few dab of thm‘ 1 0h 1hr I'niuul Evung HUZ' years and also “in! I‘nitod Evan: {our )‘rmw Waves i'ith his Week for Freegort. 0 will by the prcsiaing Freeport District; Mm: of El \zuhton wï¬s 1‘ at th: . .('. (0112‘ d vutc l ft â€lb “0‘:ng - at th Dodgy. 101m :11 make {hue fu‘gzn the 1.1â€)â€: of 1.121.. uhbari W'oods ï¬ve I’urkin house ata35 'lishl \lorgan UQ'N spunllng Lh1s “199k , Ill. f‘ Grundy of the 2'16: E. (chiral Ave. ' ill \llss Mildred Mlhills, “hm has spent 3-011 past \uuhr in the 1:1“.th n-- ;t111m-1i and 1s .xpcnding :1 few days [11‘11'11 her 111nlhur. Mrs. M. A11 Mihill.» .3112» Mxl11ll> has returned to her ‘1 m-xt week in h :11-‘ lmnn- 111‘ 13011031 Ave. after spending 1hr \1 11.!1'1' at the \Vun'un k )‘onlr. Kennett 0f rt Mr. and Mrs. Rogér Vail and Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Vail will return at the end of the week from Ashâ€" ville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Snow of Prospect Ave. have returned from a trip through the south. visiting Ash- ville, North Carolina and New Orleans. Mrs, ('athcrine Bock wont to Mil- \‘v’dklkt‘ 11m wrck whcrc she underwent an operation on her ryus in tho Mllwaukrc Hoapital. She 1: doing mtcly. Miss Emma Evans is spending sev- em] Wevkn in Green Bay, Wis. whcr she is \‘i.~itm;: her sister and brother» m-luw Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larsen. Mi» Lulu Hymn. whu hus been 11 KL‘VSI at the R. (G. Evans home {or wmo mm, l’.'lUIH(‘d \his week to her hmxw in ('nlmnbus, Ohio. Mr. :tcd 1‘1 cud. 31e~ Mayor Liglitcmztli In Mr.» J. L. Turrifl' of N, Second St. 'l'lii-H- un- :i l'i-w (‘llullL’t‘S (If r051 iii-mos mini}: plan: this Week. Th Jerome Shin-r family of (7hicugu are coming in lake the Curl ll. Booth hmm-. and lln- Booth family will mou- intn Iht'll' m-w home on S. Linden Ave. The Gerald I’m-Rx will mow intu‘lhe John Harmon home and the llurmons will go into the l’rindiville home, the Prindivilles having boughi a home in Winnetku and will mOVt‘ than: very soon. 511': Mrs. F. I’. Hawkins has as her gut-st Mrs. (‘linton Spencer of New York. Mr. Oscar Bell of North Ave. is spending a part of this week in ('hampuign, Ill. Mrs. John I). Ristinc has returned from Kansas City. Mo., where she has spent a few weeks. "Mrs. W, T‘ Underwood of Ann Arbor, Michlgan, spent. the week-end with Mrs. Wlllmm Lovell. Mrs. Ford “all of Clinton, 1a., who has been the guest of Mrs. W. G. Hately, hm returned to hvr home. Mrs. lelium Suscfl of Green Bay Road will spend next= week in Wat- seku, 111.. where she will he the guest of her duughtmx M 1's. Edward Brown. { ran-11v Ml“ Mm Busch of this cny city 3111-. Martha L. Gail. Mr. Emmi Gail's mother, who is ill With pneu- monia, is improving. f ('hu‘up { Mr 1m At Suturd:n_\"< schonl clcction IH I>i~trict 1H7, E. B. Mum-1‘ was reâ€" 1-lwn-d pn-wh-m of the Ih-urd and Frul (hwrwlmk- umf \V. D. Mum: \n-r; nv rlwtcd meï¬ï¬‚vors of the Hnmzi, .\ mm†nut-Kw†«3%. .\Il.\. R. W. Buckley has as her gum: Mr» â€-1! Tor'rinus of Battle The last meeting uf â€H- Woman's (‘i\ic ('lulv was hl‘ldulh (hq' Village House at Rzu‘inizz Friday evening. The program \\'il> in charge of the Educational (‘ommittqu HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS the mnrzz' ,; “.1! be iv. :En- German language, I'm- (upu- of 1hr H-mmn ML ing: “The Jay of Easter." In the ovcning thsro will be a children's ser. \in'c and u muninn of thv three last ('unt'x‘rmutnm ('Illrseh. This serflce will I»: in the English language nnd 'hv ~(Z'YWA11 uill br based nn "The Sig- 111Er;nw~ .‘F :}n Hpcn S")‘I‘(h!‘l‘.†A! Myth .wz'.:'vu~ kaly comm mfnw “in by mah-hrnit-d T-Iu~i<- huwmvrmtv fur the lmth .wz'.:'vu~ kaly comm mfnw “ill by Celebrated 31mm hppmlmntv fur the oz-mï¬mx W111 Pm rendtrod, Tudn)‘ ISL 31ml} Thy-JAM ur‘x'icv J \\'i',l M: m' MIMI in 1hr «Vining: the .Y'um ;a:.:.vh wr. “The Lord's S-zmw i' H wi F! May service will M- (‘uzï¬fLu-twl m the umrnirzg. thv 'H‘ 510593 )18‘51'5. (h-urgu Harder and Alfonse aycl' rcturm-d Sunday after 8 few )‘3' mail In Madison, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. “(‘IIY‘)‘ ichvr of 8‘ mm IL“) I'I-md hm] as Iht')!‘ gut-s! Sundu) Mn. Fischcx's mother. 1'3. .Ium- Taylor u! ('hlcugo. A {NM “1i .mn d un 'l‘uvxin)‘. Apr 1 ()1 Woman's Civic Club (.‘rrmun Lutheran (hunch 31'“ h d Wullun of ('hicago vi> 1n Huviniu our the week v1.3 and Wither Stem-:1 scu- tthm-k-cnd guests M». .-‘L Muyrr mt Comm {w} m the 212'» TM- shonwm-x Sunday [h Turrifl' of N I‘VK'F In Making a specialtyipf loans on improved real estate in the North Shore territgb' including Rogers Park. Evanston, Wil- mette, Kenilworth.;Winnetka. Glencoe, Highland Park and Lake Forest. Secdrity under mortgages in this territory is continually enhancing while the rate of interest is attractive. North Slibre Trust Cdmpany 'ghland Park, Illinois mm '1, meat. has. . m J. cm. Via raid-u LAUREE INN 316 ‘ 317 East La el Avenue HIGHLAND PAR ,ILLINOIS 316 ‘ 317 East Lagfel Avenue PHONE 67 CoJ Solvay Coke Highland1 Park Fuel Company 102 N. Is! 3:. HERMAN DENZEL President Telephone 335 North Shére “Fugl Supply Co. Telephone- 214 EAST cam}; AVENUE rm W M 255 Why not haxié, voqr clothing renovated here this week mgwe our work a fair trial? ()ur CLEM'JING AND IJYEING of ladies’ and gents gal'nn'nfs. (Il'itï¬tai rugs. carpets. pomers. draperies. piano < wurs e=curtains, etc.. cannot be duplicated b) am localc ner. as we have the LARGEST and most Sun AR- plant in the West. Mim operators have not set April prices. We will ï¬ll orders and protect you in price. _ Coke is 256;)“ ton higher than a year ago. We are booking orders, can we have yours? North $61? Trait Company wagon will-Frail for and deliver your garments oal for Spring Filling C leaning and Pressing Qapital $100, 000 * Orgï¬aized under the Banking Lawi of the Smeiof____ lllinou moï¬rcA-GE BANKERS â€I: can... >26 £028 Suntan: :28... >33... 9:969 - nlpLI ‘ .2. a»! 0pm Under Management of ï¬nms Single and en Suite, Private Baths, :3 Excellent Table, Rates to if Permanent Gmts 230 N. St. John Avenue . . WIEMERS HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. Upâ€"To-Date People know the importance of appearance. That's why so many come and take advantage of our Bk!“ m ladies‘ and gentleman‘s clothing The) haved learn ed that our work keeps them inne“ clmhes an the time‘ The) nu'er have an old looking suit in {heir wardrobe, Cleaningnl Praia: Divan†- 8152 ’2‘