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Highland Park Press (1912), 1 Jun 1916, p. 6

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A. B. SANDERS, Local Repr. Tel. 75 l -R Announce the completion of their New31/2 Ton Padded Auto Van . Norrlen Bros. PAVING THE Address Internationol Correspondence Schools Box 6953, Scranton. PI. Tell me, without obligation on my part, how you can co-operate with me in training my employees in the line of work I have checked. ( ) Commercial ( ) Electricity ( ) Advertising ( ) Engineering ( )Salesmanship ( )Shop Practice ( ) Drafting ( ) Orâ€"â€"â€" Ask us about any special course. It is probably among the 275 other courses we have to offer. Name and Title Compan Swift ompnny Beech-Nut Packin Co. Consolidation Co: Co. Omega Port. Cement Co. Browning Engineer. Co. Gentlemen: Our purpose in posting this notice woe to keep in touch with men who were trying to improve themselves so that when osportunities nose we would have on file information :3 to prospec pective can tea {or edvanoement. I find the men who have “backbone" to do some atuy ying outâ€" side of working hours make good men And hnve something to them Yours. very -u"-.._â€"v..... --_--_.. v-._-._-- .v w---_, T.ryJOH§SON, General Superlntendent S. have trained or are training employees. Crocker-Wheeler Co. Yule Towne Mfg. Co. Wood En ineering Co. S ncer rask Co. T 03. Maddock Sons Co. Kolb Baking Co. W.S. Merrill Chemical Co. and 251 railroads and other industrial concerns. Firms that have asked the l. C. S. to furnish them trained men. U.S. Lighting Heat. C0. Pennsylvania Railroad Ohio Oil Com ny New Jersey inc Co. Toledo Furnace Com any Lackawanna Railroa Page Woven Wire Fence Bervick District. Berwick, P... Inumtigml Cognspondenchchoolp, Sqrpntop, Pl. The trained-man problem has been solved. All over the country business concerns. large and smell. and in every line of trade and industry, have found in the International Correspondence Srhoolu a medium of training and a source of trained men that has simplified one of the greatest problems in the building of an efl'icient business orga nization. The letter above, telling how the American (‘nr 6: Foundry (‘om- pany picks men for promoti on. is just one example of this new develo ment in business effmcncy. “Business executives eve rywhere,” writes Herbert S. Houuton of )oubledny. Page J.- (bluplny. President of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the “'nrld. “Ire finding thnt education-l work such as the I. C. S. has been doing for mnny years in of great service Ind value in building up more intelligent and eflicient employees." Firm: for whom the l. C. Central Petroleum Co’s Red Cross Disinfectant AT LAST--A UNIVERSAL Office 7 W. Central Avenue Highland Park, Illinois and are now prepared to handle all sorts of long dis- tant and piano moving. Just telephone 547 and esti- mates will be furnished free and promptly. B. HILL, Manager and Salesman Highland Park, Illinois EMPLOYERS' COUPON Strictly High Grade Bone Filtered Lubricating Auto Oils and Greases. AMERICAN CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY For the Employer Who Wants to Train His Men To build an eflicient organizgtion you must have trained men. and you Cannot depend on finding them in other organizations. The but way is to pick “comers" among your own employees, and develop them. Your problem has been to find a satisfactory way to trnin ’ON these men. The International Correspondence Schools sand :e Schools ready to take this responsibility. They an do the very thing PI. you want done. They are prepared to give your men exactly on my part, the training you want them to have to mske them self-reâ€" _e in training liant, resourceful. pmgressive, able to step into big jobs snd work I have assume big responsibilities. Some employers buy courses {or selected men. Some Irish! ‘hexr men to pay for courses. Others reimburse their men for thv prwe that is paxd fur their courses when they have cumpletcd them. Stxll (){hers simply rwummend I. C. S. Courses and then encourage those who take men. And hundreds of concerns ask the I. C. S. to recommend trained men to them. NOW YOU CAN PROFIT BY THEIR EXPERIENVE . For 25 years the I. C. S. has been {running men {or mhuncement Over 1.800.000 persons have enrolled {or Instructmn by Its hnmt‘rstudy mv'hod â€" 125,000 are studying right now in ".380 courses covering every u-vhnirnl trade and every phase of businessâ€"advertming. salesmnnshxp, m'cuunhng. and many others. Making the Employer See the Advant‘ge of Having His Men Trained by the I.C.S. And Making the Men See Thin They Cannot Afford Not to Enroll Berwick, P... Jumnry 27th,1916 'l-‘Ifi;'cot;|;;nVâ€"will br'mg (hé plans. No matter how small or how great your needs, the l. C. S. can help you. You may have 1 Jingle promising employee whom you want specially trained {or ndvertiaing or selling work. or a bookkeeper whom you would like to develop into an expert accountant. 0! you my hnve ten, or a hundred, or a thousand employees in your lant or oflice who nre 1004 workers. but lacking that specie skill you would like 1 em to have. Telp them to equip themulvel for hater job- Ind big er responsibilities. MAKE THEM MORE VALI'ABLE 0 YOU. The I. C. S. in reqiy {Rh I pnctlul vuy to do it. All proposals or bids must be it- companied by a certified check pay. lable w the President of the Bound of Local Improvements of the City a! l Highland Pnrk for the sum of not ku than ten (10) per cent. of the lggre- gal» of the proposal. BUARI) OF LOCAL IMPROVE), Lâ€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"“â€"‘_â€"‘ MENTS OI" THE ('IT'I' OI" IIIGII- Mr. Alfred Mac:- n! Londun, Eng LAND PARK: land. Iddrcued the prayer mean.“ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1‘“ °"°”‘“K- ‘ ‘ bids will be received {or the construc-: This Afternoon the Munumry 5'30" 0f 3 Six (6) inch 93" iron VIM Study ('lnu of the I‘dltl‘ Gmld wnl .mnin, with "he necessary lppurtcné meet In the church parlnrl Thr an ances in St. Johns Avenue. beginning; . I. , and connecting with the preeent four nuel meetmg last week a the- (.mld (4) inch wgter mlin ending opposite‘ elected the Iollowmg oflicers: Mn ‘the sogthwestfrly corner of Lot”, George M_ Howe. preside-L: Mr._ W tBlOCk ‘5' 0.! P' P' Hewkms Addition" E, Blind. \‘lce president; H" II. (E. ‘and extending from thence southerly? . ‘parallel with end twenty-six (26) feet' ””1- "mun" 1““ :L J “mv [west of the “surly ling of “1d sgi'trusurer; chuirmen (I! oomnntteer liohgmvengefiffor n distggcefof flve‘lfflra. George bhnle. hhilanthmp)‘; y un an tyâ€"two (5 ) eat. I ~ . . v lwhlch point it shall connect with In}??? “cg: . “hunch “u” M” fexisting six (6) inch water mlin; in ‘ 111nm "' ml”‘°"‘”y' :‘the City of Highlnnd Plrk, County. Io! [Ake end State of Illinoh. u e; lwhole in eccordence with the ordin- .SI’ECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Ince therefor. Said bid- will be .\'(). 226 opened on the 2nd day of June, A. D. . 1916 It the hour of 5:30 o'clock P. M. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Ill person: interested Out the (‘Ity et the office of the Board of Local 3(‘ouncil of the (‘xty of Hi‘hlend Park. Improvements in the City Hell of the City of Highland Park. LCounty of Luke end State 0! Illino'n _â€" __....___ ,,,, ’_ Said proposal must be deln'erod to the President of the Board of Local Improvements in open union of llld Board at the lime 3nd phce fixed herein for the opening of the same. No proposal or hid "I“ be coniiderrd mless accompanied by check .3 her“- in provided. Thn‘ “MAN! HY. [.«Hfl rewruw ”he rxght U Alf ink 1." (h?) deem phtmr good. The specific-flow Ind blunk ro- posals will be furnished I! the 0 ice of the Board of Local Improvement! in the (‘xty Hall 1n uld (fly. The contractor will he paid in bonds. which bonds wiil draw intern! at the rate of five (5) per cent. per annunL M4 NOTICE OF LETTING l‘HE HIGHLAND PARK m HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOlb 'u’ei u! Hmhin ;.- :‘mh, \ 1) 11a? “JEN! of (he Bunrd n! lmnl 1m I’V‘VI'TH‘WEI" of (hc 121) u! ngh All cmploycs of this plan!' ‘vho uc uhng Correspond- cnce School Course: will ileum file the" names With the undersigncct E .\'.-\.\H'EL M Amt-amen! No‘ “D” HASTINGS f’ur'k, “Imon. Improvemcnu “19“! any UP I tun! for (h. CONTRACT, Amos-inn Car Foundry Co. : W'. 5. Johnson. Gen. Supt. NOTICE Murray Blpck, Ll ‘ Sud amfimrnlu no pay-bk- rn h :- ‘xnsullmcnu. wxxh mttrrfl I! (hr rue lof fiu- (3! per u-lum per ummm «m -uIl Inutailnumh {mm uni uflrr dun kn! luur of Y‘r-t \r’un'hrr A?! penum- dnlnng may Y’r c-Pvlnwhunl :' sun! 'rnurt Inn’nrr sax-1 tin) uni m.) nppr-r fill: the hunz'x um! muko ”near <1v ({rnst \‘SPEUAL assrssnax'r mm”: M) 226 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN (o I” persona inure-ted Out the (I!) ‘iCouncil of the ( xty of Hi‘hlnnd Park. :(ounty of Luke and Shh of [Hindu Qhu‘lngy ordered that Itchinn Avenue .from the West (‘orporuu Limits of .Lhe (‘nty of Ihghllnd Plrk. flux to .the Wenterly lme of the pan-d rundr way In Green Bay Rlud. he gnded, drum-d, curbed with combmed con crete curb Ind guuer. pronded ")Xh hutch basins, pavod “'th In nnphllnc lend-m pan-men! nnd olherwxu improved, the urdlnlnrc for the name ,‘beinx on file In the oflnco of the (fly Tierk of and rlty and h-nnx npphed to the ('oumy ("curt of KAI: mvunt)‘ improvemenu arturdung I» hand”- ,{or In Inseunu-M u! (be rorlr- n! uni Iand an :uenmcnt (hen-o! hnvmg barn mnde Ind returned (0 sud (ourL the finnl hurmg thereon In” be hnd ion Un- lOth day of June. A. I). 1914?, Mr 1| noun {here-fur In the bunmnn in! the court vnll penmL I’ll“! In”). .\ TH' Un the 0 you“ page I! ploycrs eu-ryu' ere In find) men to pick {or promohon thing for employers to know. Baptis! Church Nptrs TO“ BIG BUSINE IM \5‘ Mt 'R‘I‘t »\' Uflnmr nmu 1' '- Hflnmr nppr 1' I him A “rump :h‘ "on Mlnululurln‘ (‘0. We un- alwlyl very Kind (0 learn that! We hung )uuug men in (he prrnre preparing fur Idvnm‘erm-M Ind we “1}! Luke pleanun n: thxng Mr. Smith nlong Thr (heaped: Ind ”hi0 Runway (‘0. “’0 are highly planned to hear (.1 1hr prv gm“ 0.’ Jam" "Norwich Mn. of hu Iysw we (‘nnndrr hnu- n hnghrr future \ll ue Ivy rumor, of the effort he n mnkmx through \‘uur rnrteupundc-me “hm-h- (u fit hlmpeif {m uhnfiemom lnlrrnllionnI Hamster (o. o! (‘unndm le lnlrrnllionnI Hamster (o. o! (‘unndm [Ad In 191;! we cn‘ngcd I your“ mun I! n balmy of 8'2 00 p0 dny u. uurk in our fine! ~trurtunsl shop In young mnu hum, dur- mg the pan )‘rur. ne-rly rumplrlvd the mun-c 1n structural wee) He no ("day the suprrmtrndrm 0! our plum, drawn. I good ulnry, an)! furl) men undrr film, um! the (‘hnnreh {or hn futurv urn \cr)’ bright. upnre “hm final like [ht-u- ‘nlr letter- “It Khrw un vou nlnni not lo hun- l. C. 8. “thing? “'1' ahnxflti be pumped lw he!” {run )1sz HY Highland } ‘ prugrru they nrr mummy .‘N-w Brit-1n Hue-Mn: (‘a Xan: gbd b lam our Mr Mum-11y [Mu-to. We do l!.)1h;l.x \Ir Hr (“gone in our empin) whu n- lufln )' Nth-h Hui it. he uni. (u dvxuu- hm hm: to study “lltlnll Foundry and Iron Work: ark, 11!. “av For the Man Who Wants t3 Train Himself r uh I m run-Ll 1 1h» pngr from me of Lhc- rugged ‘(mrrrna m this counI Thrn Ink )nurulf Um- queitjr, l'nder as... circu 5. TRAINED MAN 7 i mrr:_ \(il' A} HIIU) .NU'I TU Ill-I A5 I.( Scranton, PI, - Gondomen: At the Mme o my enrollmont l m employed :5 a mat hater. Sever-l monun lnur e Genortl Suptrlnundom published I notic. to the arm that All young me‘ who were studying in I corru‘ondonu school should file their mm” ”()1 him. I m the 46th to upply. . l wan flu-n rhlrge of the ruck Shop all“. ,3'ourl truly, .p. . . nu: n" . \‘vn Intern-non“ Correspondence Scranton, PI, ‘ht pmry a! A new dm (~10me! xr‘ modern bruins“ efficiency - ‘how am- ”: {hat run-L lramod h)’ the In rnqunAl Cain-penance School! In uh uh- her-un- they CAL 1-4 «h pen x! mm to unite good. Thu! n- In inpomnt nmn- I)!” mum: 10 pm It .‘m I ( F. (tuned men “M them I (Munro Us gm nhrnfl.‘ 11 run-AL. (but how I!” x: r} {n TM” TIJ .u’m )h‘ I Waukegan, Illinois We would ask our cu.0mcr’l to mark their cards {Of butter or arrangt for regu laudays on which they wish {utter de- liveries made thrrebv msunng a regular supply of Perfectly Pastcunzed Pure Cre‘n Butter. TBLBPHUN 8‘ I‘ IAfI Y DELIVERY I mm \p I lst unul October 15!: Our drivers makg early deliveries to you; home Bowman Pure Cream Bytter, Perfectly Pasteurized ah JUIIN IIIACII LANnxArv (.AHDENI’ Wotl M lm blind by d m L‘mUu‘! \mr n! Fm PI an 11., or uh: n Atherhnhg . .mc Sllrnnm: ‘l-r ”w M Use l’aéteurized Butter DNLY! Fresh Butler, [1“ and l’nullr) .“ 33] ‘0‘!!! Avenue .l. P. STEFFEN Unr \ 0L HIGHLAND PAIL IU 4 (T Irrrmqfl Aw- 101-199 Vine Avenue ‘x to uh up, the I. C. 8. bu - homeâ€"aludy course “ Man} «1! the foreman Advenmng Mun-gen In «hp Aumnmnx, or other oommorrml linu? l, C. q a: 1!.I’YMIY-1 morough ever prep-red. And no mut- a. V ind .r the l l' S n Lrllnmg that will qutllfy HQ: Aflma I W n Button Am - Win! Puma lb You ‘an1 I ' ova-000d W “gm. ’0. n ’ oly-All- unto-«Lamb» ”I on '0‘", . .".:.‘:'.::'... -WWM "r.“ 7 fihooln, ' Iucmchi Titian i (1:;- w EDairV Company (he experience of other: just what any can hr \u) m umple‘ Mnrk Ind mm! thl couâ€" rum:- 0! I no" plan for your future 32.52.. 3;? .. Palmer 3 row. 12.: 3 l mu mo BEFORE YOU LOQI l7. um um exocuuvea of concern: in I“ line- 3 Int-n m their employ who ll“. ltudying 1 "man:- Uut they an urging their man no Ln: a man u in I. (‘. 8, student phcoa him hrrrnl m this country. “Hing what they l'nder Ozone circumuuncaâ€" Pad-l“ I-IJAI-u VENCEL MUZIK Sun! ‘, f) and 6, Sum» Hank Hm. Huh- m quu rut H NIL I‘- D«. Earl D. Fund DENTISTS w Cam-3| Ave W's Hub CI“ gawk, 8N.Socond$troet RALPH SHANNO Juury 17, 1916‘ Lung SHOP Hughlanc I'm L

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