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Highland Park Press (1912), 8 Jun 1916, p. 2

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‘nhkfit‘ fami on Saturday afternoon at a lawn party. Sixteen children Were present who enjoyed an afternoon filled with games and general fun. The beauti- ful picture gallery was a source of much pleasure to the children. Re- freshments were served on the porch amid table decorations of bridal wreath and tulips. When the chil- dren bid the hostess “good afternoon" each one was presented with a bou~ quet of pansies which gave a final touch of color to the afternoon. Mrs. John D. McDougall of N. Green Bay Road entertained the chil- dren of the Willing Workers' L‘Iub on Saturday afternoon at a lawn On Saturday afternbon Mesdames Charles Jaeger. Noble Cnndall. and Frank R. Bot: will entertain at tea for the Ravinia school teachers. Miss Catherine McCawley enter- tained at bridge on Tuesday after- noon On Thursday evening, June lst, Mr. George Hesler, Sn, celebrated his seventy-seventh birthday anniversary. There were about twelve of his rela- tives present. and some of these were {10m Chicago. Dinner was served at eight o'clock, and the decorations were in white. bridal wreath and snow balls being the flowers used. Charles and Ruth Bletsch were host. and hostess to the members of the Senior Class of the high school at a Fete Champetre at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William The Worth While Circle met with Mrs. Frank Sheeks of St. John’s Ave. on Tuesday evening. E. Bletsch on Friday evening. The lawn was lighted with Japanese lan- terns. and the house was beautifully decorated with pink roses. Games on the lawn and dancing on the porch, music being furnished by a two‘piece orchestra, were the features of the eevning. Refreshments were served in the dining room.' The guests spent a. most delightful evening. Cunpbell Chapter Guild will meet with Mrs. Elmer Brown of North St. John's Pllce on Thursday afternoon June 15th. The G. B. C. Club will meet with Miss Lauru Fischer of South Green Bay Road this evening. The Luther League of the Swedish M. E. Church, Highwood, met with Mr. Edgar Sever-son of Highwmd on Tuesday evening. Careful and economical houzewives have acct-med the above rates on enme finished familv washings because lhcv realize the large amount of laundry they can have done at small cost and the great convenience it I: to hau- us m: it away and return it finlahfd ready to use. Think of having your blankets, dresses. waists, exc. as we“ as the your wash beautifully laundered at the above rate: You will also find our dry cleaning (he finest you 36 pcs. at Sl/zc each 60 pcs. at Sc each 100 pcs. or over at 4c each The Social Side of Life No. 6 and 8 N. Sherid;n Road Telephone 54 Save 25 per cent HighiClau Llunderen French Dry Cleaner: Phones 173-179-471 by taking your Cleaning and Press- ing to MOLDANER HUMER’S newly opened Cleaning and Pressing Department, one door north of their Tailoring Establishment. Goods called for and delivered. Rehab! W999 Local Affairs of the week 1199?: Park By the Observer TAI LORS Ave. Sunday evening in large numhcr of relatives came to help Mrs‘ “hark-s Sack celebrate ha birthday all'll“l'l‘- _ saryr Cards were thv ‘quturw a" thr- 'hool evening. )er. Robert Fagzm and V" ‘e of Mack.Kutzer Vin-Te awarded (ht fir~l liam prizes and Mr. William Erlld “MI The Mrs. Mack Kutzer the consrlutim: 1,... prizes. Dainty rcl‘i't-~'him-i'1~ \V’ti‘ were Mrs. James Hopkins of Chicago, formerly of this city, was hostess to day at luncheon for six Highland Park ladies. Mrs. Elisha Gray was hostess on Sunday to twentyâ€"five guests, all relatiVL-s, who came to celebrate her birthday anniversary. House decora- tions were of flowers. Miss Grace Andrews will entertain a number of friends at Exmoor on Friday evening at a dancing party. Preceding the afiair Miss Andrews will have as dinner guests. the Misses Marion Mahan, lsobelle Watkins, Helen Skinner, Marion Swan. and Jeannette Horlick. The young liltilt': are schoolmates u! the L'rm'ersxty School, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin Marshall enter-tinned at a cabaret dinner for tWenty guests on Thursday evening for Mrs. Harry Beeman of Orlando. Fla. The house was pretty in decorur [ions of fiowa-r‘x The guests enjoyed dancing betweer courses. On Monday evening qu' Ruth Benson was hostess to twelve guests at a party in honor of her birthday. Games and refreshments were the features of the evening. Pmk and white weTe the decoratlons n>edt pnzes. served The tiny kindergarten pupils of Miss Annie Cobb will have a birth» day party on Friday afternoon honor- ing little Mary Elizabeth Bird at Li- brary Hall. The Junior (‘luss zit [ht high school will give the annual Junior [‘11an at the high school Saturday evening in the boys.‘ gymnusium. The chum-r- ones will he Miss Adah (F. Grundy. Miss Alice Mcl‘llruth, Mrs H. 1-1. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. J, L. RothA acher, Mr. and Mrs. (Jordon Bun-ha nan and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sandwivk. Already a great number have pur chased tickets and those in churgv look for the greatest "prom" in thy history of the school. €\¢|’ 53W Highland Park rest of Messrs. Harry Enchler and Georg. Schuman WI“ entmtmn 1hr Lulh‘! League of the Phangelicul ('hurch h the assembly ruum of tho churrh lh‘l ('VCHHIK Mr‘ and M15. humid S. Buynt Wrrv: hm! and hair“ at dlnnvr Tuesday evrmhg, hunurnzg Mr. Bay 'nn's blrthduy ux.1\rrx;n_\t (nxd~’ we [hr feature nl' [hu- (wrung Tnl dvvoratmns wur Ir. uni, \ainlx a blue and L‘()\'€X~ “we and fur twrh nuun h) sixtyme intends {rum Chi- cugu who came u..t to Celebrate (hair, fortieth unmxersur). The nftermm was spent iighhm-elhg. Refreshmen Wen- seth‘d m 1ht eve-mug. and I; {ore the gumts hturvted to (‘hn‘a . they presented to Mr‘ zmd MN. Mm son 11 beautiful gif', .\h~~ Jennie “Witt-1.. n L-nrher fit Elm I’lure, vntrrtuxud a number of, {I‘M-l.«!~ mm the treuvh Friduy evemn'; The graduating class consists ‘ twvnty-eight pupils and it will be at: tervsting to not» that m every ch” the boys outnumber the girlu. This year there are eighteen boys and tan girls. The regular school work w close on Thursday afternoon of ne week. On the following mornin 1 June 103th. the pupils will numb ' in the nuditorium to "ct-he honey t able mentions and promotions. g“ Spocml cxrrviM-s wil Wodmmiuy ilftrrh'mh, . celebration of Hug I’I' (In Tuesday nth-moon and cvenin Jum- 13th, the “1.1mm! z-xhxl'it will | held. Miss Gertrude Spaller, one of t] promising younger artist; of Chicag has submitted color studies for pr posed Mural paintings in the hall": of the Kindergarten building. The: will be on disphy in the pren: building during this week. On Monday afternoon Elm P plnycd the In! 3nd finnl game of Miss William 8. Parks. former? a fourth grade. u-uchcr 1n Hm Plna who has been studying in the L'n versity of Chicago, wanted the who on Friday Mm.- Parkea will 1.0.1 in on open air school this comin winter. Among recent visitor: It Place Wen Professor 0. Gillel, he! of the Pnctice School. School of Ed cation, and Professor Phitu. head the Science Department. [HE memo PARK Plflss HIGHLAND PARK ILUNOIS Mr Elm Place, School Notes mtl)‘ Warm 1H Men' I and Boyn’ Spo ;Shim 50c to $1. 50 l‘rcparr {or your null “the hut summer daysto come. Sport n: with the low cut neck, roll collar d abort slenes- (he ldeil but we: I shun Plain. colored or lancy Itl’lpts.£t Fxrsx grade, all Wm)! {mu m (as! blue dye are xavc at any p: Q 'I’hr'sr garmrnh :nuuld k“ II-day not 16“ than 845K) and mn ul‘l be (h 3:.an All Sue: frnm 1810 40m.v\a1 .2 with 5 bhdco, compl A perfect safety razor wuth . . , u ‘4 Penn Safety Rang A $1 The Overalls made like a fimon sun Easnly slipped on, perfect Clo pmln hun I Made of best quallty We )can or khaki \ [nth 8 roomy pockets. nmcmcm I) plawd ~ . A d .\l r‘ Mercedzed and Fibcf‘fiflk Wash Tiea. 25c, 35c 50c t’ncc $1. 50, $1. 75. $2.50#$Z.50 The Suit for any work under the Sun Blue Serge Trou‘crs $4. 50 value. at $3.75 UNION-AEL Attractive will be held 1:, June. H'h l'u-Tvm Wm fimdny "flot- . “0;;an dlnnvr a Mr. Baya- yclr With Decrfield Grummnr 5(‘hkwi nnd defnted them all}: - .~mn~ u! 10 to 2. Thu gum not (1.1; run; plctui the glme: for Ihu )ur, but 1134» drmdmi who “mum hwy 1er “Run (’up" {or (my Mar era“ “Rug (’up" {or one Mar The “Hay (up" an ptpnchtrd by Mr. Willmm Ru) of Decrfield, :- member of Lb:- Khoul board but )(‘II' to the Grimm-r School tum”, 1nd whnchcvcr Ham “on the non mum-n durng the yrur would hen» the ‘UP fur who your. 1! thin {tum was nu. ceasful {or 1hr“- ya" 9):) vmuM haw: swie possum-non o! (h (up. 1..“ year [Akc Fun-M htd t; lhu your Elm Pluto hm Lh- honur u.’ rup Mn} keeping IL ”bun-r) (m Thumdn) mur'my on n'o-d Hu- deuth 0! Mnrglrr! Burke, r! ‘hr Evnnnnn Hmpnul. She \Ilu Mun m lrellnd, Wm: fur!) five year:- u'd and up ‘0 (he hme of hrr death Lep! house {or Father Gun Burml took phce I! De Kalb I( Krn o'clock Silur- dly morning. (‘ur “run Bay Rd. and ‘lurrl Au' Rev, (‘ (E. I'nnngsl. l’nmr ”nun of Ser\ 11‘. In smug Ind r'u r) O'thllml "the l'nm Rune" uni lu- guru Mu» lunh liflt‘fl'll' vnll read the Mur) and flu- sunxs \HH be rendrrvd Iv) {Pm rhnlr The story L! min-HM'I) mums-hug. be mg bun-d on {nuts and Iclln the Mary of ”IV mfiurncr u! a punk rum- «m one girl'u Me. "The Will and the Way" will be ‘hc topic {or discussion In Chm-tun Enr duvor. The manna vnll be m churn 0! PIN: Huhlc. (‘hlldren'l In) “A” b‘ Mimi-[Wt-d next Sunday. Th.- N'n 1” m the morning wxl) commente- n! lrn uklmk Ind wnll Luke (he plnn- of mm thv Sundny Schuol and the "10”.!!!“ Hr \xce. The pmgrnm wxll comm u! n perm of mxummn and song: 1:) [hr members of the Sunday School The offermg vnll be used fur umk n {he- Humc Munun firM. 1!: ”1r (”-11le a: 7 4.1. n wrunâ€" The pulvhc nrr remix-Hy mun-d 1o nlund them- u-rncu. The mid-week prayer unice win be he‘d on Wednendny O\rv.mg at 7:45). Eu-mng Serum Mld»Week I’uyrr Wed int United Evnn. Church Correct Styles in Summer Blouses (>1 famy nub vmlc wnh plam unit (will! and cuffs mur or punk hemslm hing ind ball buuun‘. also hne tnmnmi urgandy blouses. All tun 4nd laxgr range of ixyics A xrcaxly \Inrd ulnunn u! vapulul “Hr-n. prque. (thud nn 1nd h‘mm (om!) ('Imhu. perfntly (allmrd full Han- sklru m the spur! cfln'l \hdc aunmg Ilnprd gnbfldmn m {uh LHIUHl-xh, Ildt flaxr rut. tum pmkrzx univ- nth, pear! bu! $4 75 tun Inmmrd Spam} 3! Extra fu‘l I i d t h, sattrrn pennants, with permanent suit Iznnh drop rump. firmly hnnhni Mann ‘hllt, ”(hen with printed rum" alum all over ,H’Inlrd mm. m a good range of (Mora, flbnu ur a'nniutr 1v shadow prr-uf 1nd tub pron! Has hc want band Our regular Kori ol 2?. uumrn‘n w white hlxle hoot. sun I? In 10,. pet m («I 1n every respect I \ not 19 \' nut 10!. (‘hUICc per pan C R‘ White Tub Skirts Armor Hate Hosiery $1.25 to $3.50 Shadow-proof Summer Petticoats $1 .25 Women's Suniner Underwear Carter's Envelope U-Snitl Lmrlope shit-a are [momma V"! POP“ ulJr Linn Karma-tn huvf I reputation UT long nandmg and thru- glnnenu VIII hrlp susum n Beaumul (me put: 13b» nu, perm: zn hnun. and dupe 7R,- 0-H They frilly need nu pubhnty m I rapid ullmg arr-p! to ntncl nlxenlion In (hem lovely M \ embrmdered or tucked, lam cape Inn 01 Frem h mpndy. Inc: 2 trimmed, worth $4 at . 31.50 Voile slow at $129 Hut 1'” pubhnty 1o Ifin't to IHYIC1 "UL” Lmrlope shit-a are [momma V"! POP“ ulJr Linn Karma-tn huvf I reputation UT long nandmg and thru- glnnenu VIII hrlp susum n Beaumul (me put: 13b» nu, perm: zn hnun. and dupe 75c bpn'ul a! uxth all a]. thr lntuxn dun-bl: u 10!!le underguuwnu Lo" sleevtlm nghx m umbrella knee ‘1 hoe sen-urd Kt’th m extr- huh! wrlym Th:- mou 09:”qu ‘suln an hm lot vour och-«hon lunP lup Crochet has top or Ihrll finished m £1: low round cut or I \' neck, nrrn :11; x uldr! “up. w Regulu and nut 31“ Memdc and Athem U-Suiu Summer Vein for WWO!) When you bu ywrnmdromkothh-in In an. m“. ‘h.mum1’h incompuriaottwith anyothunoo-dddcftho “in rxtrn wt“ h! I gnd {alv‘c $2.65 12 ttho/o Extra weight A. . McPHERSON Hig _ nd Park Garage ( ul in n 5:» 59¢ EEG: LIN- romeo». nos: You ‘IH find Nu Mlcull I) no I « Ina- than u. on... U» .1 puma!“- degrading an (M 0’ Mn (1- “Infield. $1.25 $1.75 $2.00 3:25 rindrlnl Novelty Middie‘ for Mkm 50m? ext. I [OM mooeu. IIIIOI‘CO pl :21 ‘m unll or 9161. I“ whit: or y (0| 1 n and hem tome um: making on: wuh we: Sum 12 to 22. .- 3125 to $2.00 L‘ ‘1 Washable Sport Cod! ‘Ihe papullrilv o! theta muddn u mmuk. )r Bold urmng stripes 1n odd comblnahon min” 41) well represented be“ m tun-boned .drm m um tor mnaa Ind women tailored of fine \\ hm t that th< 5.130 “Cl Hr»? Saf I‘mdm («MC 0' thuruu "11““ 01 Bo

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