ALBERT LARSON, HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. A. B. HILL, Manager and Salesman Tel. 751-R ‘ Highland Park, Illinois Pure Cream Butter, Perfectly Pasteurized EARLY DELIVERY From April lst until October lst Our drivers make early deliveries to your home We would ask our customers to mark their cards for butter or arrange for regular days on which they wish butter de- liveries made. thereby insuring a regular supply of Perfectly Pasteurized Pure Cream Butter. TELEPHONES Bowman Dairy Company Norrlen Bros. Announce the completion of their New31/2 Ton Padded Auto Van “SPRINGTIME†Use Pasteurized Butter ON LY! Central Petroleum Co’s Red Cross Disinfectant “Waltz of the Water likes†and are now prepared to handle all sorts of long dis- tant and piano moving. Just telephone 547 and esti- ‘mates will be furnished free and promptly. fice 7 W. Central Avenue Highland Park, Illinois Strictly High Grade Bone Filtered Lubricating Auto Oils and Greases NET PRICE 25 CENTS Lyon 8!. Healy, Chicago 101-109 Vine Avenue JUST OFF THE PRESS Excerpt. from ARVlD MAGNUSUN NET PRICE IS CHTS HIGHLAND PARK, 9 GLENCOB. 70 V L: FOR SALE BY For an't». I’ll. h Ana Iboâ€"c- Lake Forest 738 WPARKM We are 7,000 now. In a very {cv years we will be 14,000. We n the Hospital {or our 7,000 and we w‘ need it twice as much {or our 14, - but if we should build the Hospi " and never have to care for a patielfl in it we would still be accompliahi a wonderful thing. and there isn't o of us but would be thankful. I! y will all stand with the Executi Committee of this Hospital and {d the next four days work hand in hand:I with us in this great common cau‘ we can more than reach the goal; arm-‘4 I know the public spirit of Highla Park too well to think that there exen a possibility of failure. We wi get our 860000 and We will have in the “strong box" by next Manda night. I am depending upon ev ‘ Highland Park to lend I hand. U do not reach you in ‘ime don't he: ate to send your contribution or you pledge to the Campaign Committed. at No. 8 Sheridnn Block. We win send your button by return mail. ' mun. every woman and every child; on Sunday Wt will undo of the Cunpsign And an ch poople vlil be urged to give libel In order that it my be brought I successful issue on the nppoin‘ day, Monday. June 12th. Mayor Hastings expresses his very great gratiï¬cation at the splendid my operation that is being shown by Cid. lens in every walk of life in thb movement. “Every organisation and every Association has come togetha’ on a common stamping ground with‘ the citizens of this community in re» sponse to the call I have sent out a“ guneral chairman. I am absolutely conï¬dent of success in this movemen‘ and I am more grateful to you all {at the ï¬ne response you are [hing V this call than you can possibly kno The Highland Pirk boyl' bond ‘n Idd to the general enthuuiaum by (h in: an hour's bnnd concert in {rot of Deerï¬eId-Shields High Schooi th: evening. This band of municinnl vo unteerl in services in th: hope 0! tit in; the Hospital cauu by "auxin ndded interest among the resident of Highhnd Ptrk. Several Large aubxriptiona an ready in the hands of the commit and the moat pleasing part about ' is that many of these have come vi ' out solicitation. being aent to May Hastings or the Campaign Comm tee at No 8 Sheridan Block even fore the subscription was asked ! ()ne gift of $l00 tame from a form Highland Park resIdent now In \1 bums. Another gift of $500 was (Iv to the committee without any solit- union and in fun without any me tinn haxing been made of the Ho pItal work. Tht Highland Park A. R. has sulmcnlx‘d for two shnr of the lluspitnl stIx-k an an organi Lion. The Knight-I of (‘olumbus ha \‘(lilllllt‘t‘l’t‘d tn {IIrIIIsh and mime 1‘00"} III 1h.- llt‘W' limldmx I. At Monday night's meeting Mayé linstmg< illllIUUlII't‘d the IIppuILtrIII-n‘ of the {(IHUW'HIK SItI- (‘unInIItth J, P. Smith. (urth N. KImlIull and W, ‘. Buldwm. All the sItI-s .m {III «up gesteil li)‘ lllghlunli l'urk Tt‘ï¬ldl‘hu “'1“ ln- turIIml uwr [u thu vommittoe and any IIrw ~lh‘.\ thnt may be u - {ere-<1 can lu- u-Ist IlIrm-t In Mr Sn:; nr (“Ithtr «if lht‘ other (“II mI-mi-vrl (If thI.~ I‘llllllllliit't', Too much cannot be said of tlï¬ need of this institution; and each dly this need seem!) to grow more ap- parent. ' It may again be stated that the Hospital will be nbsolutc'y non-w tarian, that it Will be perfectg equipped, that it Wlll be open I! hours of the day and night to n’ and poor, that it will not be I money making institution, thlt it will cut! Yor medic-l. surgicnl and maternity cases. that it will be open to all r putable physicians. that it will on: for one purpose only to minister t. the sufferer, Ind that it will the» {ore be erected by I“ the ruideni of Highland Park {or all the maiden! o! Highlnnd Park. Under the chairmuuhip of Dr. ‘ Johnston Devin. Deerfleld has I new Irate cmniution of campaign. who are sysumtic-lly covering even house in their town‘ A limihr o zaniution hu been perfected “M1 the lendership of Dr. R. B. Jrh Highwood. Report; from Deerï¬e' and Highwood will be mnde It on evening's dinner of the amp.“ workere. purpuu- 4:! [mush-ring In Im- ““1. both puwr and rlvh. Shwk >(“5‘m 3? $1†a ~‘hnrv um! vuwh ~hurv of 3lo¢ gum 1hr hulvicr u MM» In tho man- ugcnwnt (If â€h' Hnspmll. I.’ :1 mi: should became htx‘essur)‘ to Inquxdul, the payments of the 1105pr], what, mcr prupc-rtx lhvn L'XL-lhd umuH disposed of und xh‘ prom-edi dn Mid between the stockholders nf {he an. ciation. It may ugun‘ M- dated Hm! â€will luhd Park I1«>.~pxl.‘nl 1,‘ u nonvdnldt-ra puymg curporuxmn urgunm-d fur I)†Durpuu- nf [mush-ring In [hr ~xc'. (Continual in. M 1) lghlmvi l'urk hand:- i U'u'r [u [hm vommxl ~llr> {hut may be u-rst thnwl [u Mr Sn: GE? success with Gas Range Week duri sented us with the idea that some of ou Water Heater in their basement which ti Duï¬ng this wee Water Heatcr. Telephone 194 h;n"litx)ml allowances for your Coal ing this week only \w an- nmkimy mm 1 '1â€) full details of our plans. er Heater. Ask for ()U! rcpn-smmx- In all NORTH SHORE GAS CO. - I Phe-I’Wr Touring (hr. “090 Detroit . 'l'vruJ‘n-rngrr Rood-(er. SIOTO Detroit ‘ 'Ime-I'Ancngcr (‘abnuh-t, arm Detroit ($0! of Touring Cu and Rumdsler (hford mm or Menu blue; woldâ€"()ï¬fmd maroon. Vat-111* m, at Manor blue. Wbflbâ€"cundnrd duh. prism-ac yrlluvï¬or red. Win wheel. optic m] on Rouble: or (libriolct at cur-rust. You run almost talk to tlns nnnnl. You can lead her myiyhom. “'0 know of Ho mu- whollns ever called on her for tho much, nor naked ol'licr nnythin \llC couldn't deliver. She's like a young ballpliiyt‘r “in lit-cps driving 'cm over the rightâ€"field fence. Slit-'5 there. And the H‘1|\Hll ix ‘(T nmmuficent 8400 r. pun. engine. “'hc-n llhtnr)’ in â€l" business is written. 8“ r. p. in. will occupy 1| tlnrk ch trr. imply because at tlw lowmt lit-eds she saves her ene _', tums up only 500 r. p. in}!!! )0 miles an hour. and 000 r. p. in. nt 20 miles xui huu‘ .hus usi g only 18 per t-t-nt 0‘ her power at such speeds and unlit“ 6‘). to 80 ix-r "“It for winding. hilly madn, bad tunis, and on mwmioiisgwhcn a little extn wgtr gives you [Xiswxsion of the ro Qne ride of ï¬ve miles behind the w eel and you'll own it. Ask your dealer about (balm service inspection coutiins, negotiable at All (‘hulmer‘ dealers everywhere. This. system is :1 most important considention in buying yout‘ cu. YI‘hvy‘n‘ buying lnutor run tmli)‘ n‘. thry'rc‘ hiring moflâ€"«m ability. 1' Blue (’_\'(’.\. brown hair, n rnggnl ’u\\'_ mean Sunni-thing â€"but not so much as they iw-d tn. They're waking ability. Aml that i\ not always me un-d in stature, weight and Wm . ?4ikcwis€ in n our. 'l‘hv)’ lmik h. r \‘rr. loam ht‘r wlwcl- but, note the tire sizes, ink tlw lxyv and stroke of the engine uid tlu-nâ€" ~ - hey make her pvrfomi. 1% . hey make her hit the tmil. thvytill her up the stih‘vst hill The-y lvt her out on the strmgh wny,md they make hcr}n1-lrratc at .slnw speeds. | , . I . . t s the only way thmlgv n at; And we re partic- ulurb' glul, lit-cause wv lune in the .400 r. p. m. Chulmem a car t-hat (mun-rs evvry humun u‘ixhi YéU . G. McPHER.‘ ON rive 81mm I)§tmit eek durixk one week in May has pra- me of ou patrons may havega Coal which 1h y would liketo trade m for an High‘nd Purl: Gm" 25 North Sheridan Road VH an- WM “an (I Ind