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Highland Park Press (1912), 13 Jul 1916, p. 7

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m- *. 10! { tr [hr-u» cth-r. 'his a m: “a, mum i' 0: Kg. INK}: indir; bu flw b‘.’ nub Com Db vn pou- w Ii .«.x bird Der "gr-v 'Ann‘ king. :1: mus ck Phi iiil's hat I" {waged ennz :u-zxr the :11 th‘ "was!“ Popflz Tfiqzz ‘ Ollyl >83»er 1 Dent " m 3“. "P 's‘: hatch {TV 1:15 ym 'Ibutm‘. urge], ”Uflth r}; or of} l by is 1"; Ellis v1 R4» t? ~r >6?! d‘ ‘man ‘0 tw . "bet. v roflrh N22 cot-di- " “Bud" rv. auczod 11. are he- mmmfit 0d p; t't. DH}. k 2 an“ a w: :39ut ‘ ":'poli3 '. "u-ve. 90:303. “if“. 401g 'ained . ’hll’d Slfo" nducx '; on. 0‘) I“! {on ~15 are .‘wr MI Lor' mt! arr HO Yb: H a: BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK Notice of Letting Contract Anne-men! No. 224 Notue 1~ "ereby given that bids will be received. ' - the RTadHUZ, draining, paving with C‘rrw'wte pavement havinga bitu- minous _ rt’rele surface and otherwise recen-m ' - the grading, draining, pan... With Cirrnr'we pavement havinga bitu- minous . r‘firete surface and otherwise ‘mDrovm.’ iudson Avenue from (he northwcwzrit lme of Dean Avenue north- e“Y far 1 Jstancc 0t 2075 feet. including a bridge ' t M located spanning the ra. \Ine Inter w L ting Judson Avenue between ‘ Dtan X me and Marshman Street;i Indsnn Kenn-e tram the south line of Rr‘ier W t '1‘ Avenue suutheasterly to the pm: : madway herein provided for m Kine. .2 \{rr-et; Kincaid Street irom the sum: '7 \ Inc of L01 11-1 Of South Human: \«Jiitlon extended west. north to Uh' »- ; ! mdwav hereinafter pro- Vidt’d ‘ fir-mean Street, excepting (he {is ‘ ‘ ls l\' at the intersection 0! Roger ,\ am“ Avenue; Marshman S‘rcr’ 'v ~ : v w weuerly line of Judsoni Avert ’m mr a distance ot1175i if“. "t ".I' '1 r' e pwed rradway herein pm“ ' “‘- r in. Judson Avenue; Wade‘ SUN" ' ‘ Hm DUHhCHY line 0‘ (bet Dam“. : t it \n m \hrs‘hman Street hete- ‘" hr 31 nvr'hr'rh to the southerly ‘ h S rect including areinlnrced. Estmmtm' zlddlv turmshed Phunc Rt'aldfflCc’ 512-.“ THE ERSKINE BANK It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Real Estate, Loans and Insurance Andrew C. Erickson Candidate for States Attorney Having been called into the service of the United States Government with my Organization. the First Battalion Field Artillery 111. N. G. and sent to the Texas border, it will be impossible for me to call upon the voters of Lake County in person to urge my candidacy for States Attorney. 1 “ill nect ssatily be com- pelled to rely upon the efforts of my friends, already generously extended to me, in this behalf. Thanking you ‘for your support, 1 2m ‘ Respectfully. Major A. V. Smith Iarpenter Contractor and Buiider Jobbing a Specialty GOOD BANK Shop 432 West Central Avenue Highland Park, Illinois Statement to the Public isa ravine In Bronson Street bet man Street and Dean Ave: struct'mg of a rcmfurced cu spanning the ravine in Ju ‘between Dean Avenue am Street; The construction at iconcrete bridge spanning which exms in Wade Sn constructing of a remtor bridge soanmng a ravine Street between Marshman Dean -\venue. all m the Cm :Park. Lake County. lllinoi: m acrnrdance with the orc exists m 5am w; street frum the s paved roadwav he Marshman Street pavedruadway xn R excepting the pave tersectmn of Dean reinforced concrete Nx.) Jul) :00 small to beapprecnaled None rm large 1) execut- The contracxor mll Spanning 1hr ravine Wade Suret, And the be paid In hon! whuh bonds mll draw Interest at the rate or five (5‘ per cent per annum. All pmpoaals or bids mun be lccom» pumedy m- a term-ed chrck payable to [he Presndvnt of thc Board of L<xal 1an movements of the cny of Highland Park fur the mm of not lens than (en (10» per cent of the auregate of the propooal >a|d prnpmal must be delivered (a rhr l‘remh-nt of the Board 0! Local In. pmvemrnu m nix-n sessxon of sand l-nmd M IM- hmr and place fixed herein for m- ”;u-mng at the same Nu prupm'al nr bid Will be cunsndrrcd unless annmpamed by check as hen-m pun Idt‘d The Band or Local Improvcmrm: n- <th l‘ r ugh! [H Inca any or all huh If they deem 1! best {or the puhhc good, SAML'EI, .\1. HAS11N(‘..\ l‘n-udcnt uf the Board 01 Local Im- pmwmenls or (hr City of Highland Park lhtvd at Highland Park. Illinois. Hus liirh dd)‘ of July, A I), HM .’U .‘l I’VBIJV NOTH‘H ii hereby gn’en Phat the Subsvrilwr Adminis‘ruinx of the estate of Laura Ann Dowd Bah-r, dc-ccuwd, will zlttvnd the (‘oumy (‘nurt of Lnkv ('ouuty. n! 1 term (‘nurt of Lnkv ('ouuty. n! 1 term thereof in hv hnlde-n m the (our! House In Wnukegan, In said County, on the first Mundny of September next. 191"». whrn and where III per» «ha hming rlmnu against and vs Into: are notified and roqumted to prv svnt xhe sumo tn saxd (‘ourt for n41- i'xdicnxion. 7,,“ .......... I'HE HIGHLAND PARK m HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS .\()Tl('E! A mceluzg n.’ lhc ettx‘kholders of the Harlmugh-Mxller Lumber Co. “[1] 1w held July LfUlh, 131'}. Ill the ufln'e of the (‘hurles Hurhuugh Lumbvr (1», room one. Sheridan Building, Might [and Park, “1., {or the purpuse 0! vot- l'g on a rewlulion tn dlswlve the above named. Harbauxh-Mlllcr Lum» her ('0. corporation. Signed by :- nmjonty o! the dxn-n tors A. V. SMITH Highland Plrk. Waukegnn. Illumh, Jum tans Ssfiéih’ St REHAB!!- FATS-TI IUILD VOITUII. N you nu: 'm bus-Aw -.n no" via to“ .fl-w yuu nun-r1 “-n-hdnp trad:- mar-um ‘n ‘-...1 . ..!-|. urn“ - 0- Int. {EMMA BAKER gag“. GEO -\l)Jl'l)l(‘.-\Tl().\' NOTICE CHARLES HARBAL'GH. HAROLD C. HARBAUGH alumna-n wu‘d-oln--d "no \‘ud - ma. “ml... 0. A...“ tr- M '0' "I! “Alcoa and nun-r! nut-taut} Main” Adminislmtrix 0! 1h» 0mm- nf Laura Anr I’owd Bah-r deceased ‘. E. PHILLIPS. Attorney for Adminutrntnx Ruom 3%. State Bank Bldg. Fir-:1"? LE!!Â¥"!: (h. 1910' (19 l b They In, I. In cuuvny. in Tho, I. ”bur. tut, D-yo H W.- An NW In “Monica. 0 Lou Two‘v. Foot Long. For mam rwmoul the chu- of the! n- m xx'i or 1-: rlyhlfi-h clown-um mund- n: um- apex of upon'unrr nu hm run-r ~r when Al I l1.:ln killrr 1n mpg-u mmhfll “Hun“! lhrrr unn 1.. gum h [In- nukn mm ”W Hun um! lye AMIn'l-rr u! n.x.n.;- H.- Lr~1 um.» .- bufluiv H . v- Hu- mm beast (but four lit-1H} um- rum ~v 'zmn‘ .- no “Uh! ‘- hl‘r he \t'lll annual Inf-r1 :Irrr Hum .u ”-4 .-. .x‘, \lu- ‘Hmc IbL. n. - (.m now u! nun he I. "(.1 huvu-nv Ilu uum- III nu II lh uml, In .unvt on (b. lulu Imu- tum“;- ll-r plhluw I Illuh‘ V -\ . Alma Fear doe- nM “hr hu-l‘r (w! s 1.5; hu-m |-~In ell»! . , llumernlwllhlu‘ [NHL and nvurd (film a nlmn run l-o-fnv lb], n In llluh QIIR‘ p0“ r Mm VIII) In this rvgnnl let I! be affirmed (In. no elm-hunt burn in Afnrn bu N?! do "“01, paved n blppndmxm-d lust. trun- dlul n clrrun wagon u! (Ike-n ‘bfldml (0r 1: rhh- m the park Tlnm' alt-«p wulklng rullle kuuwn tn the Amend!) mmllv u: vlox-lmm- mmo (mm [will um) are men dhl-nl “nu-In- m (be king. You mny have won the Arm“ I‘h‘pblnl in umhuy. but non-r lo ub- 100!qu (‘hnln Mm to me floor beth lruu lmnl. and an" h-n )0?!” ha- I. nun quhk In rhruw mud: ln the taro of the man that firm u Mm Alarm Agnew 1‘buml-erlln 1n (‘emury Th0 Horror. Thu Won Suppod by Id Us. In an Annuthusc. 81! June- Simpson, who I'll con nected wuh the medical W: 6 Edinburgh univemq. It not can! the dbmverer of chbrolonn. In a an} nu» me am to introduce in on; ploymeul n In unnamed: Into lurk xtcll practice. This wu b 18“ A DOM dl Slr Jinn-n in flrlfl‘rlll) she-u - rum In! the lotus! dlsrnvery or «*hlnrvfm'lll. but ll 1. stated in m-me works that n was discovered vuum- your! prortnul (u h“ tint oxln-nmvul- by In Ann-Hun due (or namvd Hulhrk- And by 1 French punk-nu mum-d soul-Mun In nu time, 1: WI. Dr. Simpson “no [Inna] Its grout value an un unnnlhu-Hr. and the mom in \\ uh I) he mmh- his nm on perimenu null um: in Edinburgh The story goes that In- mm 1:» chloroform on Mane]! and um Inc-dial Meudn They proved ‘u «mum- by Ilmulllmmunly [IIHI‘ [1’1th the table. Sir Junm hnd mn-Menble pn-judh‘c (0 m‘en'ume lrrurv ‘hlom form "an adopted gem-rum In} xhr medical pron-awn, it Influx drummed u one time u dnncvrous 1.. hull!) mornl- Ind "Ugh-n , l'oanmn‘n Weekly The 54-11 rim: duos hm k 1.. of [he (Nd ’I‘rsxuuwul. and pr the glnvth' 1H, m grm «mun (‘leluL won- knuun in (hp mu times In Khulna 1mm 17 UN“ 13 umdr “Y the fulhrull‘ uI-m which llu‘ nun-n. M II "Thrlrn' I “uni ; mourn. l nwrrn tr 1 bank mum-3 m hu- UN“ 13 umdr Ur ”Jr fulhrull‘; hl‘1u" ux-nu which ”w nun-n. uf [lu- (“rho 'hlldrvn of hunt-l “rn- Phfinfidfll '1 In mnhua. llM‘ (”mu m. «mum-v.- the run-mid. Hu- wmmm m» dummuL lln- “tuna (hr ngnh‘ Hn Illn'HI}.1 in-rjl ”ml um) Ju~1~t~r ll. \rrw '2 U! Hm sumr thlplrr “u mm “width" H! [In- legrmlng of s-lxlwtn Him“ the anh-«l album It |~ \n-luu-J Hm! [In hug-(mun m-lrmh-d [hr |~1muHr~ n. 1111- un u! unna- ruunn 1“); '1 M has» UJIm um-d xm mphlnr) . “luv; ulld elm-r) luw‘drl Ind hwu lrn- u«.- n! llu- dmmumi ‘1. n-ngnnlhx HIM! hum uI-mw .\nmx.x (lu- An) mu nu! ‘hlldrvn of [ruin-l “en- ‘ unhua. llM‘ x~;-:u m. run-mid. Hw wmmm Iln- II'JHN‘, (hr ugnh‘ in-rjl ”ml um) Ju~1~t~r llu- dmmumi ‘1. n-ngnnlhx HIM! hum uI-mw .\nmx.x (lu- An) mu nu! Bubylnnmu rum: \M'n- (mun! 1.1m M-H‘ {mt-nu uf rum-u on grnn mum u! (kn-m “-1 m ring» cuLonoronu m suncenvfi llulnm math» hm- u-W-n m-ulurh-n fur Mm in 12'“ nrvh-rod {animal “uh guud Inna strung . mum! (rut the n} ”er lu \1~H lrrlzud in L IHUW!) U! n “ilk: ' v «Inui- Mu! gl: lmprmu-nn-m In: rflgnn p. (‘lurv‘n r run \i!'|~YI|\ urn! Me In nun H .vulmnlned “ W In! \uu «huh (mu-ll} lhfigllug . mcvllu'r, \\ Inn [Had I am an urn-rum,“ x 'fur In: qwru London .h' m-L “Nu, ltho-r Impuulhlo- \ g-l-yun: humu- Ifi’lnr‘“ Fl II Long Tum Ioiwoon shamrg. In HH.’ rlln lel In‘llw “Hr-lo “411 (or! of Chm {M the an! mm- m mar I: half - u-nlury. Ind luv HM- an" time In mun'n memory the and town. won (m (mm dlhl Jud .I run In- hull! Inn an 1”" ”rug-"nu . I‘I alt-v Thflh‘. II mm ELEPHAITS. 3' THE PITCHER’S Box. .- run In- [Ht'l‘rl nl mom: I"!!! g" Armin-o! u unaw- y-r... n-H'nlhm n .mo- Fl luuh I‘ull ln-[uclrfl .1] Tho ‘onl 8mg. ring (Into: [nu k 1.. Hu- days ’I‘rsxuuwul. um! pn-duvln u! an us firm t'llfll1\‘lufl ul‘ [- knuun h. (h.- “qu rem-iv Dublm CIIHO Ron . Vlr'r mmh- ‘1, -I)WV‘¢-d urvh ulnll‘ M \tw I'ukc- or I ..{ lah‘nn! 1H ulm .- 1 um: I) nn-mw .,,, Hu' un- .mJ luminance ml. ryulbd un- nus. or fl- Enough Blvd nlu‘ "I N" Il<~1'lȴ: Yfi‘” (III-1 and hum-- n2: m1 4 'mh Km (31' Ind [hrrunln-l UN’HI‘ [1 hr (31' «-m1 Hr MIL r\ Ill ul.1-n..l~m: .‘l". nr'ln-ru! 'lw m1 V‘Hll unthm um Iwnwn‘n’ ilhv} ”the! H u l lL-I'H MHI “an “ZKH‘” rv-I .‘I InuL’ Hm! f utor HIP“ [um [M 1! hr! ~hn \I 4-H Jullr h I!) I (“I ‘0 X\',T or 1 -I Hyhlrrh ”9.! :unrr lln m-l Kin-r ~r when ‘ 'pluul [hrrr unn x.‘ Jun h the nu Vllrr u! \l.hH.‘,.'I H.- hr~l uhh» Al”! x ‘uu-ux} ulw rum ~v ":nv-I’ n r \ .wrrr Hum .1. m1 .-. .h, \lu- ‘Huul '1. 1 'J, huvu-nv H-a Lnlnr III nlhsdbd lulu lmu- mum;- ll-r plhluw Inuit- “hr (\n-Ilr (ac! s 1.53 in»! |-~h\nd 1t Ind nvmd ”LP a ulmn run l-o-fnn- , dellwrp, )lm Hw nunn- "I 1. permit In (‘flt kI-t h-Ln} In 131K! the uh! "Hm" In! (In plh‘ 1 [u Ilnmi 1-:le”! “u- dqu an!” “:1 and Un- luirk-r Hum-«1 to I ”:4. l‘rhr Yu-I Lu; llnl (nur {m-l wide but In un. urru he mud man. "1 \ Ind 'hrww- (rum «humor mm! vu pk-nnrd A h-u ,u-nrp Inn-r lbw t ‘u undo In {rut mm!- and n, 1 m it I'll. null“ rnllll’ul In fun! 1111 “1!: find M1 Irv! I-mx In. 361an .Mr H In: nmdr I: You l-mut-r run) In r r IHt-r mud in 1‘04“: ('lil IL *0 m h 15;! In the um! um- half Ya-H ‘ Tin-u- "l-an-c" Int-In]; ah!”- n «Hutu of mud: thnnuo hm) IHIII'IIII‘Hh (flu Iulr flunk!) aluminium! n’tnyrllwv 0 I r:;' :n-r r-anv 1;!) i 11.:5mu1mm (I: , nlnm‘ Hw I‘I'Jwr NULL I“‘,hlll1 Thu 71.“! \ I1! “when HM- Innu- I plm‘r “VI [Ion-on 0' Banning and U II In {)0an You: Tntlu‘ ll \- u 0-; 1w! \"Il lnlnl\u1‘nh!\d m- 11. yuur AMEN) M)! v lwn u n-m law! )1 IUIFt‘Uf burn Ul‘luh‘lh|‘. jun! \ ue lo pnuru H U! 1-: Rib) our (-1..- ln-yh 1n «1“ lndh- , "Num- nu-n yruw with mums“ HUM-n men-x, nur A 'I'm- mm. I'M-Ill bill rv-Inod (H grnu He hll rumba] I mun. when! mmu be In. III the kIcIuh-dxe new); uud mdurnl.) all gnmlh m ‘Ifdt‘d Thr l-mx HI} I ‘1) h) phnc um In Hun: lH'l “onl- .0 Inn "01) \\ “\r th r1rllnm1l you an. d.» .md mu 31'!" but» i1. . Tl". uvln' h hr! [pub-M: r III'TIM mun [ml 1 I ulwn polhlul HUM [I 1m- me h; Inn. 1‘”! 1| Lu 1hr Hug»- lh_\ N rH'A GROW. hula uh”): Ill. "I! EH" lbhlL’ [Io («IV ht]! "urn-ho tunn- ul hum-“ww- lids H M m- ha Hu al p JudL‘a All I! Wan Conn-.9 q [J In... ' v “NI! 1 IVI‘V‘ II‘ (In- .» .m [In u.- Iu-mrIMhu 'rl-u‘ fighlmv Ir\m I'M ~ w w an) ”Lt ‘lm \h lhl- ("v- r km \. \.m um mm Hm 1h lb 1‘1" hm NULL 1‘” ha l 'mw IIL'th-l wnu run-11'"! w 1" In ”US: uml In. BUT DON'T SWELL A Nnnrm [unv- ~n-I:!rru!hm “Human; 1 hr h-nu-H-d m l-rn; h hr! “‘H dn 1! for, [In :1 [11¢ vol of Ht-Ln \v 1, In! Inn! 1.! f Mud "I ('(mll xul tlu' um“ 00me 3 «men cu-IMIIU I h: b‘vo‘ooy ‘IIY (1r JG uml In. Ivan-I l'hhndl “I‘D. I V. q. E lamp! y .n HI: ’- hm Min-t 1,,” In lu‘lnu” um h. 1”..."1' S1 muh -Inl lu'n “hf” o-I) hull! 'dH“ “mm: 1 "UM l n ., uu H ln-l Hull IN nl NW" 1! MI ‘ . 1 ‘ . . . $3323.31: Swift's C-eraal Fenian U“ r \ U. . 111'“ ‘1' FOR SALE BY Hue h-I! Ill I53; nut! W hm It I?" d" n lu- H (pk H) Q.‘ St. Joll- rue-1m but!" VENCEL MUZlK Sun: 4. 5 and 6, 5!!" Bank Bldg !* ‘7' m Pm. I“. W \ min) Ave maul-i- mm». Fri-a DENTISTS 2“! MAâ€" “MM“ Chas. E. Russell (ml-l~ Hulda. 515 ngvoodAn. Tel 3/ W'fllll Telephone ’09 m n-uou 956 u m m a h'th..w9-§ Arthur (Hang Amoco“. TIC. Mud- Rubber- A SPECIAL" PM W had Decor-tin. Bananhggn-dl‘lom MPoukry J. Smith JOHN [BACII I Amman Gums: Work of any kind by (luv u! Lona-cl. Cu: 0! Fun” LachlIm Pay. the NW Cut '00.. C. M. GATES ‘ DR. WATSON Drop me a postal card or 'trlephone me and I will call {or F A. TUCKER. PM- 60 North Fm: St. Highland Pull wuwmn Iron Phone Highland Park I472 m (mun-I Hun-r \lrmunu anp u and all wurt uhnul llw Imuur ' .md whim: nun: Rubber Bottles Paper, etc. "rt-sh Hullcr, Egg: and Poultry 331 Ion-ids A... mum rm “4 J. P.STEFFEN Telephone 410 I.“ 87 PAINTING WP», ‘37 Mold Ave Huhlnnd Park

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