,0“! ial Illinois Ell Number 43 A LECTURE Q! In en; Pl" 31¢ law In ï¬l thlh cleansed the leper: hk‘ misvd' Laurus aftvr ho had been dé-ad fouri day~1 the woman whom the Scribe» and Prurisvos hrnught to him he red (Hun! In cnndvmn, but said unto her ‘, “Gu and sin rm murv".~â€"al| of this in; fumllrm-nt of God's luw.-~clear evid-i Pm'w that (ht-r9 is no law of God that} m m ~hnll sin. suffer or die. Thar which was law and trm- in in .IMLH' time is uperutiw and true {why ,\lr'~. Eddy t'lilinh f vavm-‘x that it in ‘1 r< t‘m- t'hrhr twuohimz; 1h ,\lr'~. Eddy t'lilillh for (‘hrislizm Sl-lvm-r that it l.‘ ‘1 r~~-di~'cm‘t~ry of tlu- l'hrid Iwuohlnu: [hm it is sl‘ielh llll' Had In dn thv \\'nl'k.~ thv Master «mmnnndwd, it is necessary to uhidc «rm-ti) by the principle laid down. Tmlny loyal (‘hrlstian 'Scientlsts Vhr'l-uulmul [he wurld urv doing "the w~urk~"'. thereby fulï¬lling God‘s law; hu') huu- rtnwhvd that spiritual un- ivr~tgunllng “ht-re they can truth- "IW m:- with Mrs. Eddy: “To thnsog mumâ€: on tho sustaining inï¬nite“ 'mhx 1; big with blessings." H’rvfucv.‘ <vn~ w- (E anlth. Pam-VII). \'r «luuht mam} uf )uu hnn- prohâ€" lwm~ tn [nu-t and hu'w come hvr» (in \w>' Ir "nrrv |~ anything in (‘hrlatinng Scum-w rhur vii] giw- you relit-f, In _\:lr2~1;uniun uf this. thi< (‘hurch h.†1 m m- “1th u.‘ this evening. a nu-zzflwr ur’ rhv {hard of chxurvship of Th» \Inthcr Church. Thv Fir<t Chum-h of Christ. Scientist in Boston. 3145.»; one who i~ well qualiï¬ed to address ynn on the subject. I take plnnsurt- in presenting Edward A. .\Iwr'*m, (“ S. 8.. of Cleveland. Ohio. gl h mmt u-v :tml (-untrnl of Emperor (‘nn- “Twine the power to heal the sick‘ ’w ~1~iritnnl menus. which had been prv-wnt in the primitive church for: thrw‘ hundred years. was lost. How came such a change? Had spiritual pow-r ceased to exist? No one would make such a claim. This spiritual- pmver was not dead. merely loan; What caused it to he lost? A careful <tmly of the history of those times shm's incontrovertibly the reason. Evrlcsinsticiam with its forms and ceremonies. tending to exalt and per- pvtuate personal worship. and mater- ial power and influence were respon- ~!’\‘~-. Centuries elapsed before Christ- “unity could regain the vital spirv it Hi power which its Founder had thwity could regain m- it ml power which its Fou Dmvided. Religion. according to [hi \"i- A: may be defined as the forms through which me' ih-ir concepts of God ant cummune with Him. But [I rnligion? DO ecclesiastical Hm organised uctions of «mate reiigion according u dard oi the Founder of Ch :4) flu-ning. Dec. l9 in l‘hurrh Edith-e. Sprain-r In t rmlucml by Robert I’. Walker In)\\> T‘m- application of science to reli- m i‘ [m doubt the most vital ac- lug‘lhhlnvnt in the progress of man- :sz Unwrialism had kept human. Hr many cvmuries groping in the 'hm-mh {also concepts of «unite religion accOrdlng to the stan- dard of the Founder of Christisnity?‘ “n the contrary. religion is a moral' and spiritual fact. 8L. Jamel 8.111., "Pure religion and unnamed before God and the Fnlher is thin. To visit 'he- intherleu and widows in their â€fiction. and to keep him-elf unspoi- md from the world." The nondeur 1nd reality of Christina“). then. understood and appreciated d. Coniinued on page 3 ‘ FA" Ursa-nu... _-, 3w (Man nr. (h.- law :1»: XX Chapter of Exodus we And God spake. . . .these Words, . Thnu shalt have no other gods mm" In Science and Hvalth 3|â€). Mrs. Eddy says: “The (‘nmnmudment is my favorite It dcnmnstrmes Christian «:xz-~< thrnugh falsv concepts or l~tiunity. The reHgious history of World since the end of the third "lry nï¬nr< lessons worthy of our -[ careful study. Under the In- :lml (-untrnl u! Empvrnr (‘nn- u-vl 111 Mb Srl Think nut mducing the speaker of the Mr. Robert P. Walker spoke ix; I assume that every one lmlimus in a supreme power; u everything that exists is 1 by and is In conformity to (‘Iflhz â€h JRE 0N iClTY 1'0 FLOOD PONDS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE} FOR USE OF SKATERS . \IERRIT’I‘. 1‘. S. B.!RI-ll’l)RT IN (‘HR‘STNIAS TREE mc- (End. “'0 can huvv hut (h.- l:\\\' 0! God. (‘hri‘t m‘ Svrmmx an â€10 Muunl nk nut that I am come [0 u law, or {he phuphols: I mu In destroy. hul m ful- run] (“"11â€â€œ1 ‘ the power itnnl menu?" to the POPu‘M't “ the acts and men onm‘ d and seek '0 But [I this true stical rites Ind , of men 000' were respon- I plate larger omcers q x‘fore Chrlst- "‘ Inga deptrtmem and 8 “Ml 39“" 1 (ties generally. all 0! Founder had ‘, sary to care for the 3‘ lo! the lnstltutlon. ’ the popularl It Is expefled that bout J: built?) “The worite ristlnn vo- hut _ t‘hri‘t Mount , â€no [0 There was u short busineus ses- sion. during which several bills were ordered paid and others adjusted; al- ‘50 estilnatt‘s read. nminly those of _('unnectml water and sewer systems of aninin Woods Sub-division. At its. close. when Mayor Hastings- asked if anyone In the room had nught to my before adjournment. Mr. \ ill Si'hnii‘k rum- and mum un inform- all report of thr lately appointed com- mittee on u cnmmunlty Christmas Tree for Highland Pnrk. Hk‘ sninl that it was tht' sense of the jets: 1 ‘ conunittu- that there should be such to tul-{a tree plnwd this Christmas season -i ,. A|.n PuMic Service Company (0 Fur- ni~h Light Free l'ur Four \izhh Commencing Sunday By I’uhllrlty ('ummlnlson Last P‘rlday's councll meeting was fully attended. Mayor Hastlugs and all the commissioners being in their accustomed places at promptly tlw o'clock. Ht- suit! than. it was tht' sense of the; cmnmittu- that there should be such a tree plm-vd this Christmas season. in {hr husinvss distrtct: but that (he, ( it) should he 3.4km! this \enr (0 asâ€" sume the rxpense 0! such an under-1 taking. (Ming to lhv shortm'ss 0H time given to the Cummilu’e In which to not. it was ducitlml impracticahlo‘l to cnndum n canvas ur uther sollclt-1 ing campaign. u Commissioner Buhr vauaImed Mayor Hastings with practical 2mgâ€" zestions made by Mrs. Pyï¬e and oth- ers with rvgnrd to locating. lighting and ornmnunting the trov: also the proffered help of tho Public Service Co. in Wiring it. nml donating iL~z v-l icctric lighting for four nights. After furtiwr inquiry into cost and fncilities. the council voted to plan- $|UUJ|U .it lllt' disposal of tho com- mittee who in conjunction with Mr. Ruhr. us rvprosontntitv 0f thv city.1 were commissioned to execute the plans of such :1 community tree. Its location on Central Avonuc. n lie-w {rot east of St. Johns was looked: iupnn with favor by the counsel. The-v ’four nights of its iilumninntion werel i In. lwuin Sunday. tin- 2ilh. I Its locntlon on contra fe-w {vol east of St. Jnhn‘ upon with favor by the c four nights of its illumn tn lwuin Sunday, (ln- 2 Th» mayor sugm-xhul purlnwnt nf l’ulvlitr llvnll <m~ tn it. (hut \kzning pu ml nml all pmsilyln m. givn nur clllzt‘ns :\ L'uw sumo tinw on thv-u- fvxti Vaudeville Monday and l-‘nnnlc- Ward In “Wltchrrattâ€. and Burton Holmm PIrturq-x Saturday ‘Tlu: mntinn pirmrvs nt the local Theatre fnr next week are, Sunday. "The Honorable Algy,†with Charles: Ray and Athletic plclures: Monday,l Vaudeville and comedies: Tuesday. “The Heart of a Hvrn." and 80113‘ pictures: Wmlnesdny. Anitn Stewart‘ in "The During Diana." Hnghie Muckl Comedy; Thursday. V'inln Dana In‘ “The (‘ossnck Whip." nnd Mnsty Suf- fer; "Her Fathers~ Sun" nnd Krazly Kat Cartoon; Saturday. Fannie Ward in “Witchcraft." Hnrhun Hnlxm-s Pictu res Banklnx Room M IAN‘II mu..- , Belnx Remodeled by llmmor i and “IN-r i Zimmer and Huber have the con-l tract for extensive remodeling o! the interior of the Highland Park State Banking room. A force of men are now at work. The changes contem- ‘plate larger ofï¬cers quarters. a sav- ‘lings department and increased facil~ iities generally. all 0! which is neces- ---v to one for the growing busine- Zimmer and tract for exten interior of U“ Banking room 51‘ AT H W A 1' K [-26 To Earn Wnukesan 0‘ to deltvor C \Vnukesln ‘ ple any 'h will call for IIR' n. Wnukegan on Saturday will be may to dellvor Christmas pacluea from \Vnukegan people to Waukoun poo ple any where In the city. The! will call for the packages and deliver them whenever um! however wished- \ HX'I‘ i BANK ALTER \TIUNS lone, h: Dellverlll (‘IrIM- Package: to Variant WEEKS \HH'II-IS [ed that the ‘ ,bout .Iammr)V M Loo-l lmtltutlan Id by llllllor d that tho/De- nllh and Safety pom!" hv flood- mmm“ urwd to â€(VI and whnlvâ€" \(in- nights work 1|“ y In. Scouts Tln- ro-gulnr mow-ting nl tho .huuwlmhm liv~ \Hh‘ hvld :It the CH) Hull nu Mnndn) o Tho- cwupt-rulhr spirit I- mm n hurnmn n-munded ilu n-wrlwrnuuus lhnmxhuul nn-(u- In \Vnuernn. \Ihlrh (h.- .-\\H‘l'|flllnl\ « hupm- In dru-Inp lulu u ‘9‘“ ul rvuuun lern- is nuthlug m chvvrlnx and m hyunrd of QC .unl (umlmno-nmlly (hh I~ [hr vï¬urt" [nurlhn-r “nh “urgnnhnlmn†'l’lu- un-n lwhind (Md unruly um] Hlvsllll Jo nut not pn'rfum'lnrll). 1hr) Aarc- lllt'll “h Imls- ‘llrt‘t‘ss. (hen-fun Klu- Anuclnlluh, u .| rralil): “II! be u SU(‘("'.“ and “III .Ide Ihv I‘Q'slwvlhr munlclpullth‘r anh ('Ullllllllllll), “11!: n- Hnnlrd l‘upllu progress. Manny nf lhn- muu-m- hinr lulu: HH- hvln-l "u hurdl) \HII m'l-ur In uur 41.x} Hm m~\\ de-luptnvnlâ€. or H I~ Inn In; '11- This nrgnnluulnn I~ (In- unlhnuxm Ibll>‘i.lllili'â€â€˜ \\~- Innv hcurd u! ll~ hlrth uml nnh lhv Ill“( ~lrule- m In- hmrn of n,- Iwnrmmu unr 'l‘hv h:|h~}uh 4L1)~ :ll'l' J u! Hn- lHUIIl(‘I]MI|IlI".~' Y'II' Inqut‘ [U AvHur‘ h. In ull‘ “'h) .‘lll'llltl mu ll|l~ I‘UIII md vnjmlm: vmlrulu and n! uur (‘unlnn-m :uul n-nuu “ML in n mum In ~ll’vHL’H u rt-allmtlon. Hull (hi \Iill Kih' A mwlnha-rahlp .\lr Ward (Hllllllllh'q' 4 Hlv "\rc'lIHL’. III (‘Hl phunr t‘nnumn) In . unn- uniform 'Irlhll.†AIM) Hu- uuvulioll hrumll) lllu‘tHN-Il Hlv Fr‘nu'hhv (‘um «mm 1†“hlt‘h [h'\c HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS. «HUI! H! in \\ ‘uh-r, 4nd Hn plum ’md llII [ARI-I I-‘ORl-‘ST HRH THl'RS. mum!) Ken! H-H’. ,‘l‘lyvl‘ ( umkr {or [hr .md 111 â€lb m town Ken! 3 ('I‘ [An- Form-t n coman-A werv in! Thurmlay mun nah! put up by the ï¬re department." Flu quin- J b: Ip n! lhh Mr. and Mrs. (‘lnw escnpeu n- om-- xero venlher In their bub rob“. Thus clad. they Ilded the are tighten- In resculng I for ankle. o! vulne from the burning home. The chlld- ren and servant. 3an got cleu o! the house without mIIh-p. unplu- (he mn munuor In which the nu look command. The are «tuned n 11:30 H‘aulty wlrmg cluwd n. It I“ -L~ __-4 lo (‘1 Th Thr Ih-In u! mumcipul \nd nu 'I‘:|\ \‘uluulinl H Io-~1~ Hr (hr lu“n~ [u m Y1((dlt|l| In mm!) of rnnmuvtmn “uh (hr ('11 I'r‘mrl UH HII' â€I!“ r‘hl v.. u mmw NIHHJIM- .Hu! l'rowldrm Sulnnrl \I un‘inlllm for Friday «V th \H u{ len- nn-mlw lum'Hu-r “ill! Hn- HUI†[Ht-Ill‘ l-‘irv DrpunIm-n llll'lll Hmm‘ u! c'zu'h n \,-<(»<'I.|tlull. fur lhv pur L'vrlliulh “ill: 1h.- mm [awards â€In .uiuplhm applicable. l‘ln I] \'Pl\ll Thv \Lm-r m-r ~upp|> mmnlcl Hf ever! The Association of North Shore Municipalities (In Ill Inn-ting." ‘hnw- II (‘Iuw Rr~ldrnrr nml («no "outrun-d by FIN In fller u‘ Ilflorh a! \"nlnmnn \M‘) â€urn-Hum mm: mm“ xivn A mnn- mnmprvhvluu \ml Mnyvr NI: |\ IIIL’ Thur-day [I I S (‘lnw'n $100.th home 3! Form-t and pncncully all of In 11: werv dentroyvd by Hume! 'huraday night. dospfle the htrd ‘IHAH Ind (In [HUIIICII‘ JTc-rrd I‘l' ~H' whrltnr Ul’ HM! HIV 3; huh! plum .nnl “Mn-r ‘I .~.|II|II\II‘1|YIO'~ n 1H HM 1;“th I||l!..|11 “Hull “Combined Effort"â€"“0rgamzauun" n ar‘hlmmw quvulioll «I! \ [NIH Mrs. Clo" esctped ln no" Ier In their bub robot. they Ilded the are tighten- : I for uncle- o! vnlue pu nu I‘D" \\' \\'il|ll ~lru|r m In- In «nun. UHIIHII HM uni m-n. menu: 0! Ihv Aum‘lmhm of Nnrlh 1 the CH) Hull nu Mnndn) o-u-nlnl Ha- ‘plril I- mm n hurnmnmu- rhnrd n- , nerhernnuus lhnmxhuul um- lHll. nu. \lhlr h (ho. \‘Mumllun n! ,\nr1h ~‘h lulu u ~put ul rvnuun IN): ‘0 chm-Win): and Mu «ï¬brlh. .|~ llv thh I~ 1hr hyunrd of lln- \~A1I(’ hum}... IHHI‘r ~IIHH HlL'lnnuut I‘ .w .HU )n‘ul‘ III IIIIHIHII ‘r â€W purpuw n1 1h.- ulm In \lru uiuplhm 01 um! illllnlllnu u ll! \H lam Mllinm. HAI |l (‘Ulll'N Sun†rl \I Hadlnu- h.u- LIHHI Hm My two-ulna. unmur) 26m, 1:“ mq-lnlwh ..! Iht' Ausm'lmhm 1 Ihmhl‘ v»! HruIHI Hm Hand nun-m, Suw-rmlrndvnh a! 5 art» uf 1hr Municlpul|n--- Pun ho» purpu-n- n! KPHIHK an mun v...“ m \Ir“ u! "romhhnd .r NHL")! II xll "many volunteer I'M Ind .m‘ .\ II»! n! â€Ir V'HI'HII‘ 1‘17 and mhm.‘ numul‘n mm do-ullm.‘ “11!. H.- ~|lu.\11uu I'NWQ‘ [hr prI'N-ll! nmnnrr :nnl «'Hh'lpl|~h" ~, ..! Highluu! Park, It n'mllun Mix-ugh! {with ('HUII ullh lh- Liv-*Illl [u anlu) .| m of thc- nw-rxq ('ummlltn-e «m \hllng plan 1N T.†rumlnmnt) II! II uni rhnmln- pur HI .11 m~cuuntlng will IN“ \1X|)Hr l/“l- I'h nh) und Huwllmuhlr m h‘ctru‘ lehl IIIK HI- umvd Ill unmu melrd l‘upllul, I- \ r'ln- hinr lulu: slur. H'll |llr~ mu! \ â€up ,. .ul) {ul‘rt‘ihlinï¬ H thl~ mru ULIYUI l I unHurm rrxuhun “tr-(PI‘I r In lhv \uhKU.†\~~u(‘i:\llnll “AH lulnin H In plnnl Hll hrhlfl mu! YUM)“ \IIH! r uh HM uH‘a IHH lu\\Â¥l~ Hml phumplu uni lrrhiuihk’ 1'! (h.- v n-Hl leHV S. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. ‘.916 [In- \A huh h gI-l-IUK" l'l-hth' â€mm In MI I mIHIiclpnhlh-. u‘ Tn\ Valunlhlhp. m nul rrrmmm mth in A‘LIH m “hose {In ("Ml nrn d: pAH HUI mmlo' (hr ! Ink Hu- unhx u 1n and prrn HI! ‘1 II [he uulhuuu > Th human “Ilh Hu 4" nrtlch-u \Ihlr!) H;- born In! NH {Mlnlh out. vu-rv don-Know! ulnlrl out. \N'T‘ The Pal Once I'Hl N Ive-n up in ‘lcn lhlny tn the morMn. on (‘hrtu- in» Day with an: mun-n by ur- 1.mr. All Pam! Pm! \HII he deliw-r ed‘n- It runw- In On SUM-y Ill porcel- oomlng in in! be dollvend. but If anyum- I|Ih0l In have uoch null top! In the post once until lanky. the oath]: would be plou- c-d to (In MI H milked A" W71 More- And I" d)! (‘hrhlmu l'nrrrl r»: “III to Drlhrrod «a ‘II- day uni Ind-y. 0.0 (‘u- rkr lit-"wry Ind-y. \\'1'H1'H('I Hll-H'l' In"! NWT IDFFII'l-I “PPR T0 {In (In b4 In (In I11 J5“: :lnh l» blu-hl mhlnml [he hnu'u IIL'IHI rllv SI Huh! H Vurlh .‘Uulrr Munirlpnll ML hm'rmhrr l‘lh rhnrd und Un- mun! '1.“ Huh \nurM (rum “I! erl ‘tlurv \‘IHII'Ipn'HI-n \ .umllh nmu- lnm DH â€II f S! rm (- HI hmmh’ \‘m-(‘Iul Hm \mH lull “nah-1113M: rhl I qulrkh to NH nrmu «run: mm In ~14"- ’ Thry ~ucmdc~d In mhx uwlh u! H'- hu‘ â€IIV' «nun-H llll llw Hm: In h d Ulrlhn'h' UV H) fr uh I .\ Hl IH |?\ rd \nll'lru \lr \Hu-H Mm rt hu-«o- 'ht) \Hl Hll‘ll rmhllu <1 [ r\pqu In -I Am. wuHh 1 main :1 xrlnv. . qnum! Thu mm:- «-\m plhm ;. ï¬n-nu-u In In“ M HI» 1.! HH- n! n fr: and Inc-m n!) lln mm‘l- lhnl u H h ro-frrvw mllh â€my Iu {hr dual! x'ln'nl‘ (0 H10 nrmu- nnd '1! In un'r um- \H In Aunx‘ln! In! lnlflnullfl In. M \l h i-‘vnhrhlu hurl] "I'IIVH'I‘ pin commnu- H. Hut H. 1'. "ANN†Hm ulll hlun d: l'bl! l1: 1N1 HA nu n! Mp1 [I hmldln‘ ‘rum mummy mu; m mum m CHRISTMAS PROGRAIS IN LOCAL CHURCHES 5}]:va sl\lu\ \T H‘Il INN HM wrlh'ld. Hixlnu-od nml Ruin Imih-II m Jnin in 1b? Silu- inu «of (11thth (‘Imlm Hugh-n 0pm I’mgnm (.unh MN \ l’ H I'Iun I I Huh Night. uh" :H H In M. W Dunn 1 (hr mum uddrrn Ha pl (ul -pt~nh~r and Ilmn Uni: HI lh- mind» 1-! I hul ‘hul In turn uluv \h hum: rnxlm-«u-d H - Iszaunm build "um and In (‘ ruin" HI “I [In I H Ic-H .1- In llu mm. u! ‘1 Huh .uul lhul l‘ll HI p-n- u S] 0001M hand In- pan- IIH- mhrv rounlh~ . mhrr Mun-o cpl 1hr llhlx-L “Antonin. *1“ hrlrl my cum"! but ‘G real; D“ 5"" Inn.- And 2‘ NM. p1! slaw \«iunlltm â€I cum, II Iunld lllo' nn, 3min under the flflr .td pun. lml tn hum! I“ It rm uh only fnnv wan u" H!) H lh AL‘L" ['1' {In g | ,mmmo t I 1 null†“UV nmht \u 'H’ h: M :Ik Hu \\ Ml! h IN )1 mm"! r: yul €1qu.» Hui Mu [UNI 1.. n 14th I‘m-mu n I“ I“ u! Mrnml \nnuunm paid lï¬nlll n; 1-. II†mull. u! dn-HnV- and H H H “\a Mom! I“|H In! lvnkc ll-Ind- III llu .ï¬prlnl IHNHTIZM \I l- I~"l‘ (I rrtr rum! n \\'nnhflfl‘ Dunn I In H- mm HIJ m†uh“ fllu LN thlnr Mud [-ro'rnh m uppnml [1» In rnml-uu-d VII†muvul qun mum lu-nlu ht "It In- nu 1‘uro« {If Hun-l yum...†ï¬lunuf h- ~pu|u H wrinu “I uhL A l'hrIv-Hnn- “plums A \ umnullvll ‘3' Ihn p! H v T1 :ndc mun!" Hun lhl anfl HM \mwrupï¬uh- Mom." and Mnr'nu w nlï¬nia: Sinx- ('vh-hnh- Hu- Yuk-Shh. (‘hriflv "In. mu- Trw-s. Fund) and I‘nw- mu rub Iur all (‘hiltln-n In! «nun! \ hm l1:lll|"|" I|1\¢ H II)!“ ,1 000.000 n’ ï¬ndlnl‘ 3. ;. pux‘Hl u I L" \1 n Mu ’1 (m1 )a Inn H'd «'hu'ulh 1.! “III-11 l“ paid x “in!“ N." «.HH Ill. I V m Jun at“ Ill up fun I II. Hw |nnulflnl “he". [ht Must N11»; H a! 7 30 (v‘rhwk A NII.I|NE\ T0 |' \ RTlt‘II’ \TI‘I lmdu HI! hurl†will (We a (Llhhll‘ In um.†H11 .u \ 'L:'.x- uh Hm prnpum, t-Hnnuny “Ulnly rhnruuv rm and n rlrn-uphvm "I HUH u! \hr (‘LV‘P‘ \ lll‘l1 ’l lwru 5pm ml M Lunar) Hui mm I‘M M TM (‘hrhllmar h) thr flundn) ’ 1: PM†I 1H m l’hrh-Imnr Ibo m .1 Nu mambo-n of H11- C author Iround I Hahn-u mum. and "-ch put-try m \‘ulonde M-uon mun-t H ht zlullfnl lllHa HI 1H XIIAM‘ A (mu-Una: prI-u n‘ “HI In yum, I‘ll h I!" hr 1:. with! ‘nv‘lnl mld» In hh'fud‘l I\ l gm «'mmun x- (mm ht'l\ 1.- Hm \ull in mm: “IUWI‘HS ('HKIh‘TW Ah‘ (‘P 1141! H Tracy I.†VII") «ow In ‘5'! I R" “IV-n- II 32! I- Hwnru-r HruI lulu-d [\nmu-llrnl H 111w lllxhhmd Purl hllulv-u u! Hu 11 l I \n-H \I. Julun thth‘ IMrI run-d ('nntrrrnl Io. (‘hrhllmar Fl-rlhnl mynnxed Human) ht'hlnvl vlll ha [Iva-n 1|.Izl4.t anNHII I~\I-hln|{ nl I " [Hut mm lhl pl‘htnn llu- Nb 3 special pruxvnm taking part In lhe Christ- rlsu Th1 [unlrnh mud .~.|.4.._»'ll Hmlhn‘ My MY Hu-p- [n H: )hl 1] m upprupv MI H mm! Kin? Y (I. u Hundn) MU h hut-(Huh rmhylvrlnn M 1110 ' Tr! I: II) um u. hruu!‘ u L Tum-11m x411 muln (‘hurrh H ‘Il III nmkr HM H vlu n 4m (‘hnumm Eu und “I†New \‘vnr'r nllhl Y\ “‘1 :nhr \ anxv-Hfl‘ rlmh Hu uul Htltl‘l inlu I! \AIH In- run-n .\1\~h'r\ l'tny mm \- !.l« h Hm Hu Sn! . Red ('hrhllun it! I- "h' M'. {‘HYI \ unul â€I ll laflu-rnn Volume Sihxurl “I†h! «mm: lN-r 23 1n†1hr church Vi†Ighu-u tree \o “n! pug-try cmmrrmnl M'l\|(‘l und mm H. lhe « 4.! l r! nihnwnl mI- dvrornuom 1m all \H h n! Mm! “Nd H10 (hurrh l0 thh nu Ihlu n thI {0! HM u‘ull T!.: n uH' M‘ AHvllll’: HIP nfhv x In: M â€ku Km†Vumruml 1|»: llu nun» h"! \Stl lt-vilxre (‘hlldn l>( ( IL‘N‘Y‘. .m of \All! he \1nu'r ) inn! ““h'd l (Wand (1) you! IHHPH (‘hrlM Rudd â€A H mu Mild (HA HIJV‘ TIEF M4 â€0| wtâ€