PAGI mar qmmmnwm l-‘or Bonkâ€"Furnished apartment to May ï¬rst Tel. H. P. 268. 48 For Rent ()ne furnished bedroom. l buplness‘ Phone H’ P' â€9‘ Address 719 80.. A well known lawyer: My business S“ Johns Ave â€twuuld lmprm‘u as Hlahlund Park For 39-5â€"11 room boule. COWOY‘woud be mure prosperous. and there Onkwood and Sheridan 91. Phone 441 would be but tew man Hulls. whlch “Inhlnnd pu-k. “pd are a loss for everynnv. Including For Beltâ€"11 room home. Corner Onkwood and Sheridn pl. Phone 441 Highland Pork. :1 pd For Bentâ€"Safety deposits boxes n 33.00 per you. One hundred new boxes just received. Highland Park Sum Bank. M For Bentâ€"Convenient front once on libero! terms. Highlmd Pork State Bank. t! TM Fur §ll9 Fur coat. masonnble. gmnl as new. 207 N. Second St. 48 For Sale Baker Electric Coupe. man drive. lonther upholstering. slip cm‘vrs and chains. paint and batteries in good order. 3150. (‘an be seen at Bockor Electric Garage. 48 from Fur Sale Lot of chuiu- family an<. zwn with calves by their side. Pru-w from $45 to $100. Inquire at 2“ .\'. ï¬rm-n Buy Rd. Highland Park Ill. Phum- 72*«IL “pd For Sulv Fresh young cow and calf, TE‘]‘ 952‘ 4B For Soleâ€"Fine old property. good buildings Garden. fruit. chicken house muse. etc. Building sites for At least 4 bungalow. Address C. 8. Press Ollice. tfpd For Slleâ€"All or any part of 50.- 000 shares pain: 7 per cent nnd por- ticipation Box 145 Highland Park. 4649M For Sulaâ€"in Highland Park. “1.. at 225 E. Central Ave.. 3 2-story resi- dence. 12 rooms. attic and basement. 2-story born. chicken house. garden, etc. Lot 90x192. Alley. price 88.500. This property is offered for sale to close a trust estate and will be sold For Saleâ€"Exceptionally ï¬ne sta- tion wagon. also llght spring wagon Tel. 245 . t! on very reasonable terms I! desired. Robert L. Davis. manager. First Trust and Saving Bank. Chicago. To Rent-- A comfortable modern 3 room house. brick. with lnrge lot convenient to trains and schools. etc. Moderate rental. N. A. Aldridge. HS Olencoe Avenue. Tel. 345 HELP WANTED Wsntodâ€"Girl for general house- work in small family. Apply NO Glencoe Ave. Tel. H. P. 459. 47 SITUATION WANTED Experienced Ste-ogrlpher would like position two or three days each week. Also will do extra work at home. Telephone 557 during the day or 155 evenings. tf-pd Insure your property with W. Brand. Losses quickly settled. 15 Sheridan Road. Wantedâ€"83.000 for one year. 8 per cent, Ample security. .1. E. Savage. Box H5. Highland Park 46-49pd We do pleating. hemstltchlng. pleatâ€"edge. button and button holes. all kinds of sewing. repair all makes of machines and rent new ones by week or month. Machines sold on easy pnyments. liberal ni- lownnces on old machines. Singer Sewing Machine Shop. 19 St. Johns Ave‘ 47-509d The Moraine Garage will hereafter be known as Koon Bros. Garage. (48) Lostâ€" Crank handle to Overland Car. P‘lnder will recelve reward by calling H. P. 771 W. 48 Louâ€"811ml; and white fox terrlor. female. answers to nune of Wlnnle. Dluppeared Friday. Plnder return to Mrs. A. R. Ctrqueville at lortine Hotel and receive revnrd. 48 [mtï¬A seaiskin collar. Tues. Jan. 2nd on South Linden between Sheri- dan and Rm‘ine Drive or on Ravine Driu- between So. Linden and St. John<. Finder please return to Mrs. Fur Sall- Kitchen range. wan-r (â€r a rvw mt. Cheap. Must sell this \\'(‘k‘k. started and .n vamp ‘8 ;. wrmon hn T. C, \Viliams. 425 80. Linden and receive rPWard. 48 Inst-"Black dachshund. reward if returned to 311 Hazel Ave. Tel. H. P. *76 43 Pol'SD Found» Door key. Owner can have same by paying for this adv. and calling Press once. 43 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SA LE watt'r fur 46-49 No. l. Whm do you think would be the result I! the churches of Hkghland Park were crowded on Sundays. ev- ery Sunday? 1'th question was put (0 reuldenls as to the effect on their myself. A Doctor: Well. I don‘t know, ex- cept thm I wouldn't probably huw as many calls on Sunday mornnlng. the causes would probably dlsuppeur. More people though wnuld come here to live and that Would beneï¬t me. Would be glad to see lt anyhow. A Prvnclu-r: He couldn't talk fur :1 raw mlnulos. Then he so! CVQ‘I') VA“). A Mayor: He smiled ,, tlne smile and a church guer'a smile He sald: ;‘"1 would be more proud than ever of imy position. and what a more won- !derlul place than ever Highland Park \ l would be". A Policeman; Well they'd atlll need me to catch the outsiders. They re only a few mean ones here *anyhow. and they would' nt llve here llong after that. Personally. Oh. :I know ld he hettt-r ofl. somehow. i A Woman: My husband wuuld go 1'tou. and I would he \vr) happy, even happler than 1 am. the latter A Mon-hunt here to va, promptly. I gain In vnlmn see It and his A Laborer (‘mwded vhun‘hes’. And vwryhm!) could go“ (Remark: Ew-ryune mm mm.) Laborvr' Yen. but we wnuld all go If crowds went. (Tho exmnpk- u! â€w thing?) Oh. I dun': know. but everything would be twlter. and I guess I'd make more money. A Real Balatt‘ Man. â€you [unr- untee that. I‘ll get my Company to double their interests now. It would In: tine. I ought to go to church nmrv too. It helps a mu: Another Woman: Words don't just express my thoughts. only that I know (hat this mmdvrful plan- would be more so. The people do so much good now. and ot couru would do more. It's maxnlflcem [0 see u lot of men in church. ll. would b. magniï¬cent in the result. And huw \w wunu-n would work to keep them there. 1! many husband: would say next Sunday morning; “Shall we go to church this mornlnc wife?" many wives would be. oh so happy. Maybe the wars have start- ed men thinking. Oh yes. it would make so much more happlness. Let's go: and try It! SITUATION WANTED Wmtedvposltlon as gardener. A-l references. James Kelley. Highwood. 41.43 pd Wmtedâ€" Position as sudener. middle aged man. capable of taking full charge. Address 1063 Alnslee St.. Chicago. Ill. 48 [0d and it will rmon ho-hm- long Talophono 909 Automobile Tins, Monk Rubbm A SPECIALTY Drop me a postal card or telephone me and I will call for J. Smith Ply- tho Highest Cut Prices 60 Novth First St. Highland Park -rchunt: Bring more people ‘ lh'v, Mure would pay bills ly. l «mu pruperty; It would vnluen um! lM-sltles I'd like In and his face smlled as he sald muwmk Iron 90mm: nuts Rubber Bottles Paper, etc. Fresh Butter, E“: 1nd Poultry 3] Icon-jab Ann: HIGHLAND MIX. Ill J. P.5TEFFEN Telephone 410 at this wonderful plau- ure w. The people do so now. and ot couru would It's maxniflcen! In see u Then he 801 probably be In couldn't talk “ drum. Pro-idem Em am saws : AT 0031 9mm; Bullish»- Sml Will m 0% m In um SII. CIUSM16IIBH IAWSHELLS No Chum For Proï¬t In Thom U040! PM“!!! Tun. ï¬rm Cnyoâ€"Poï¬ibh Explanation o! the Price. Mud. by on Engliah Firm Which lid. Undor All Ame-icy! Manuholunn Speaking recently before the Term uln (‘luh of l’hllndelphh. [nun-m- h armor-plate at a certaln relorlty on lm pact. I! la lmpoouslhle to foretell the- exact condltluua of the test- We had made large quantltlu of ahelln In the past whlch had been act-opted But ln plarlng thls partlcular order (hr 5 lmrtment altered the anale at which the tested ahella must plan! armor plate. The result. however. haa been absolute lnalnlllty on our part to pro duce In any quantlty. .Ihella whlch will meet these novel tests. In fact, we know of nu prove“ of pmjertlle-malt lug through whlch lt la poulhle to pro rluce ln quantltlel ahella whlch will mnl'urm m the requirement; Grave. Pro-Idem of (he BeIhh-hrm Stu-I Company. “Id In part: In I wouIIar sense Bethlehem IAIN! rru‘l the Amerk‘ln pmpIe. I-‘nr «ample. though we have [won .Ihle (0 "Hum III Europe nlmuul In) prim. We have Adhere-(I. In our charge-o [U the l'nIIt-d Stile. lion-runwnt. Ic m:- hash of prIoeI estublI-MI I-efnrr IIn- war henna. We agreedâ€"If [he Goverumem Would unndun It; plans for I huh-ml plum ~ to make Armor for our Nnvy at any ("141’ the Govern-will Hull night (‘vm u‘drr lair. Our urdnnnce pllntl are It the (Us pawl of 'he nation It I fur opt-nun: mu. plus I until mnnfln, um- uvhm the Government lave-[meal Ind d1- pm-latlnn. One of the notch] need. 0! the MI navy ll lumen-Inch [um-gun- um) feet long and mmble of bunllux n 2000 pound shell wltb such [nun-r um! accuracy .1 to MI I 50 foot nquarc ur» get [Inn-u mne- Ivuy. .,_n_ We have undemken volunurfly lu cmmruct. at - coat of $4.500qu I plan! ï¬tted lo build Iuleeu‘luch ‘uul. Under no concelublc clmumuum-n can orderl which In any not“. for this plan! pay even I hit return on the Invntment. Comlderable comment In- t upon the fact that I Brut-h lurer recently bld lea (ban mauufncturen for lulu-en teen-Inch shell: for the navy I am nnlhlo to Mute (be bad- upon whh‘h [he l-Znnllnh Md wu nude. lI Ib0u|d be remembered. hon-even that (his Nd Iran for I speciï¬c the“. um plea of whlrh Irv helm: sent over {m lestâ€"a teat not yet made, Two youn- ngo we [not un order for 2400 fourteenlnch urmor-pkn‘ln‘ shell- u I (-onlrm-I pflce of $763.1“). ‘0 be delivered within I verulu am 0! We had to pay 2| urge penalty “be only â€name-(lun- (or making use shells are that they Ibnll lu- of a certain the and mull plerrr The result In um up to now on that contract of 87113.0(“ we have put Intu actunl openlttng expense $447.90“ ‘ and have been pounllzed for non-delivery 3495344.. 3 (Hal of 8M3.6‘.’5. with nu rvveipts whatever. <uvb Wu the expenonm In the ugh: of whlch m- were called upon recent ly m luld for slxteen-lncb shells We lnld all these shells It npproxl mntely (he name rite per pound .- (but of a rundown-Inch shell mntnm of one your «:0 upon whkb (bet: ernmem nwnrdnl contracts. 6 0V We hive not the ultghtat Ide- 1!th prom there will be In the mnktn‘ of these shells. We do not know that there wlll be any. There |- no cert-In ty that it would he pouible for l- to dellver I shell to meet the ten. For pincer: In that any Md 1m Hons ll "exurhlu We bid on (be new bank-crutch- sums which Navy department upon» Ifter ellmlnltlnn or our hnoh, found would yield n proï¬t of Ieu than ten per cent. “'9 agreed to assume run for Increased Cont: of materills And In bor. that made It poulble (hut thew contr-cu might yield no proï¬t run over. And inhale Iblpbufldcfl cook! no! alter the lnexonblc co“ “(-0 and re duce bkll to early name- or lhr Navy Department. the price- I" talked â€exorhiuul." 7 The coat: run heyond the “noun: up pmprhted by Congress on the bank of the coat estimates nude I year 130‘ It would be I real lav-nun to be- relieved or this nan! construcfloo. 15' proï¬t (mm It cannot p-thIy umonm to much. and (he mum-It’ll"; u enot mom. We hue determlncd to man IN: nfl'er to the Ame-dun Government. "I! you win build two of the hub Tuners In Government n.7, yard. we will lulu-I me other um n (be :- ‘erulnod um! u! hufldlnx the Ihlm in he (:m-«rnmcm yard; without Iddl lloml expense or commluionu 0! any Land. We I'll! also mutnct to UN â€Ur ships may for urvk‘o M O! the Covenant slum" been In the Navy to scum r Md nude undcr loch condl 'exurhlunt" In unerly untnlr ommcnt bu been nude but I Brill-h manufac M In. than American for sixteen Ind tour ELMENDORF 0mm Seven Scum the Work“ AMuIichoumey Mr. W a the Pinno TEES-Jim You candiminate AmmdtheWorld v.4. :nâ€"i'ifiuâ€"u. u ‘RADMNTFIRE†Gas Room Heater Manhattan [SPENDABLE schedules are an im- portant feature of the improved service on this new North Shore Electric line. Hax c you the latest dcscriptiw foldcr and timc and? You really ought to hm L‘Hllt‘. lit-conic familiar with thc running timc and the limited and local stops. North Shore Electric trains will bring you anywhere you wish to go, north or south of Highland Parkmnorth as far as Milwaukee and south as far as Chicago. In Milwaukee, North Shore Elec- tric trains run direct to the heart of thing: at 2nd and Grand Ave. In Chicago, the Elevated (which meets North Shore traim at Cen- tral Street, Evaneton) bring: you to any part of the city. 30 limited Trains Pay [Iv-Week, February 19 to 24 ‘ / You are Cordially Invited to make use of the privileges of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 119 End Central Avenue Hours9 a. m..t06p. m. Every Day except Sunday Maintained by Firm Church 0! Chnd. Scialtbt. o! Hi‘hlnnd Park WWWCES: Sunday a m, at “1‘5. Sunday School .mmodmm Iollo'in‘. Wodoecday Evenma maximum! Sonnet at 800 dax nmm-muslocals and "'\ "l.|1‘ Numb" F r k (in ‘ «HUN IV'MII won (1011‘ vmrr new poop“ II any MOI!" l-IH U'NI'HI um‘ld midMKh! n1 Iwn. 1h llu mun-mp them rolnthr m chum e! mu 4;! ahino-r Ht Fl‘l‘l machine» "(w II he «4.1% n hum! 1n que mn the of machnms WM mmpnny I'Hr-h “mmmn n m tom» â€Wm mad! 31 un'lmfl‘ n hm-r nvhmed lhl 1n )uHY‘ um! I)! \uhmn Ih «in urll Hf To le ld‘ke ruulll)’ ‘ rommumw "h“ â€pol. “mm. “H. wet my: dv.‘ '0‘ rhip “0“ III! d question é Tho'mwd I" pupnluf‘l.‘ kl)! rH.-\h8 Hm non com leh (1‘ MY? “3 A‘ H A- “a â€Will refund ‘0 pull â€(m ml!!!“ '01 Ar- rt'lflL â€19 out vqun- 0' their new! W ed in â€W “'1 "Well! Jud‘fl M. not have â€â€˜9 h“ dgmyon app?“ "(e ,(w prom: “mi?"- ‘ higher" (rihul courtr 1“ “W A“ rmlulh ( pl-("Od '0 be 1 the unlmnl l anncï¬pntod ‘ {nu-6 ul‘ fl! are prov‘nl' pnnnr IN I nf \ï¬ yt-url- MU March 1m†h o’clock a! Mm Ann I Wanhc-un with M' “4 an mumd John Rand m Lumn‘m‘h‘ )1» Av“ \urk. H» IV" durer! l.‘ quirk†'ly 1L0? MVP 3K0 â€-13 (H) John. Rhu- ".“" Old Ya“! ï¬n! nl VIA it) “n )‘f and u. r: ’x M “,1 tum†n WhH'm n! MI1H"‘ Hut-Inn (y H. mm!!! ml. ‘9'. m-nnnew In}v (Maw! a rll‘ \u‘l’ll‘ 0!, “\‘F ï¬nk? UH nllull [q \H .44 l yum-I \\ H‘ H 0M \l nu I Iâ€