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Highland Park Press (1912), 1 Mar 1917, p. 1

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Nrinlcz' l LAKE COUNTY All unwrrm c”) t-\‘ to. [11.11 (”Inuit I. Ml Hf \Hll. Tl‘ljx‘fl \ ill‘i‘fll lullws. 3'" V in \ r1116" ill} in l,‘.i'l‘\ .il Fli."": 4i. 1 ii‘iwi; u \y . .1" '21s I\ rm 11. 3' that the '.'ill.lEi‘ .~o an"’l fil ‘.:lii'i1 ’i Wirinetka in Llfll' if ' isz'lt‘tory L'ls ser". '01 P'esidcnr ‘ [111:2 1* Sif‘lt‘led t.» ”mm, t1 -.1. othcr north Cc‘lVli'lg s‘vrvtr‘i» frag ' 1 \ ‘ Gas conipzinv in limb!” ' ' vestigation 1,! M5 1'1’ '1 tc'fi. including it trihatlng mains. '0 '1‘“ "’«l exact cause of tliaJrvscn' ‘ and suzgest methd= wfzh“ “’11' mllllte a rocurrerv "1 .' 1r:- ;\t a hearin: be"r 111" Utilities (‘omrrss c.3110 Saturday mafia-4. A I\ i.'-...1~. ‘litlf‘t' pl 1 sulti'i; "'lL'll‘e-l' Still. made a rcpt" 1f i'.i'»~' :1 t. ill of the north <‘* -r1- _i- ' “0 i'lldDC-‘v’d luririgthv \‘ur't'K. s .\ 'T'lt the 21s~ conniv- "s “11's of lyatin; .ini r“!(‘vi:l;.’ l’w‘ obs .< :"1n51:i the il1~tn)'i’i‘e_' pipe, h '. ‘ '11it Web as efficientind vvali'loiz- is 'l" <l‘lifl’l1tl' '1' \\'ir‘":'ti T'ilk 'l'o t'ultival lwri Inch 'Evcry "wit it] Jl'tiill‘ri iii i.~- 'Itl '1‘.ur:.11"is "-1 11t'i: 1- Z:":' This sprint: pm"; ‘v'i. ’-‘Ll‘ .1 " foot of had 1'11 3.5:. p:'_ indwr cultivation i'~‘ ’if . -.v*‘l ‘111 mil- txvated wztl, i- l: ' 25â€"w- were di'tniopds Every empflw 1- 'iw ~ l’ ,5 officvrs all: ‘1- ~‘x11w' f his spari‘ 'ivie gr1'vi'~: :‘or t“?"‘~ 12‘. other stir": Twins. At the r:ll'~'.~7atii"1li‘~ it" Y. i gave spccdc orders " 1* ti». ,. not be an ir‘r‘i 11f to i. ',\ this year With fol r11ts \'.~.t York ml 0:24 and 11:: .El in pric~- until tr.» tr1 :14 precious is _.llam1”-ls .21' j 1,! certainli more necessary, \‘nlivq view: the sit'iition srricvsly in1itl‘ris s'he ird-r. you prusihly can Crow lirt'o iiil'i- ”up; if potatoes» they Will he nerd- ed." in be H ~-‘.ti.1r11 llllii‘\' comprising non mate then 'lf‘" ~‘i-l .1“. from iand: had and 1311i] 1-1'; }.,t. the frost r1 vill Le several 'i-.'r~ s ,m» potatoes "lid :1'. is li-l'l Citi' self sup- portlns in regard '1) Yew-bible; and bprrtesi but will lw in “t position to 5hip carloads '1'1 i‘liicngo and other cities. mchcri at \aval Station About 2.5"” frwn: .\i1cliiA Kan. lndiana. Wisconsin. and lllinoi’s responded to the invitation of (‘apt. Win. A. Moftett to visit the Great Lakefi naval training station on Wamggton's birthday, A fine luncheon wits served by the middlfl to the visitors. after which a tour of inSpection was made. A drill by the brigade was she" (or the heiivflt of the guests. and athletic z."‘l"is‘ and a series of bOXlng conlt"<t4 closed the prom-gnu The day W1? ”10% enjoyable and interesting and all the teachers were loud in thclr praise c.’ :he station votln' Cami” Moi'fett an ldeil t. st. The inv-‘atii1i~: to H; 0‘ . were ('i‘trwl 1 sum! hi- dewfimen‘i. um") If’" methOd of getting with the ediicitor .f “Till everv foot 11f ct‘ »ii';1i acres of :wlil 1.1m 1! firm As soon ftl >1 :rniind there 1if 1.11:1! seeded ctpcvtwl that wii! 1; ‘ it"i, b.- intuit-M‘s c-nfirn ial tench. ili‘ 'iavy this touch ‘ central aging and to f'lnli‘ldf‘fii- tit. m with . [-1110 cmitions iriii 'vwir‘s of tro train- ”! Sutton. Auto \how :If \rmury The Armory a‘ Wri‘i‘szwizaz: has be. a decmpd upon. as thw "ice to hold the Lake (‘ounty \i11tor Show. which is schedult’d ! ~ \iar--'- lithwilth. ittth and 17th. '"l - first dav of exhibition Wednesday, Her-ch ll'h will be de- volt"! ”mph: m inn exhibition of gruclfi and farm. trictors. Pleasure; 3th“ and .1cces‘srirlt“s will be evhibit-i ed on the remaining days. i M‘sing closer tr» v l 1‘ 1 ll lii‘o . i' i: ll Sta- 1 its 11' 1":l1’a'ici at ’1'\' '» 'ii)\\ on i\l!1ltliliii1 l; l‘l iii'i-r Shop “lll'f‘t‘ l"‘\"‘l\'llil: :i uroit lli'Ill 1il‘ Jitr 1. \1'1stii'illx tl.«- :nod1l is .i '1 1'11 [Hi-cw of \vork '1nil ri- ;1..~ win-1111 on \lr ilovi‘inan. iri-lwiwct. “lio dcsigncd it. it is ' _'> 1' i'Jl-l‘e‘s’ lit l‘li‘ l'lll/J‘ll‘ Hi 3! ‘1: :i l‘ii'k. licoiiist- it ri-prvsnnts <[i'l‘n touzird wirryiiiu out (i . ' prti'txcil plin to boiiitif} ii _ 1'11 l‘irk and 111.1kv it I nior~ .2. . ."11 ind ‘.lll\r}ll1tl plici- ii: .x‘ l i1 ll\"‘. 'i" :iiodvl which is tlmw i'wt by ; tic-half ft't‘i is Ill.lil" to .i scalc Mr 1. inch to the foot or in other .t ‘i\l_valliil'iil «if tlii- actual .1~. Th. "Ullillill -H1 the northerly ti-li' .lf iliiizcr Williams .1\vi1.. Will be '1’ 1. \lt‘ i'li--. \\'l.1liini:1r1, 'l p1'1'.1.- \ill‘llt‘il property owner who mulls iln- entire frontago botwecn St. l .zv\. 'ind .ludson Aw- .\lr. Hui-211' s'i\s his plans call in: | " l m. i1~i‘.\\iil! :ili issi 1‘1li ' l 1" 3"\i'l'ii rilll’ts Vii! trill CITY ENTRANCE AT RAVINIA STAoTIN 9 ‘V dfifll. - t', i’ 9 ti and» ii‘iiil’t-‘W‘tW‘f" '11..- 11111 in» largw Lilil’iiUt‘S. The \l‘f'lllii! floor is to contain foili' apart» llll‘llls' son-mi villi-v». four studios for artiets and musicians. :1 restaurant and niniwr garden \iitli spacious Print-ii doors lo'tdiuu out to a roof K.il'iit‘li \(‘l'i't'ilt‘il fl‘iilll llit' Sil't't‘i ll_\' :1 pcl'iztila .\ p1‘i\:itt- alloy t‘\ll'iltllllk’ bctwccn lliu \ll‘in‘- and unions it \Villlnlus li .idinu :It‘i't‘~silili~ from ‘I ling-11' .\\'enuc limit 1‘ tut) [Hours and the (llllt‘l‘ for This center portion, flanked by t\\o tou'vrs. is rocvsscd back from llli‘ main building ”111- to a distance Ilr eight it‘t‘i. by a '.\I M”) “ii" llltl‘ "'lil'llllt‘l‘ ~‘\ll. Til" “h'llt' structure is planlu-d to lw tirv proof, liollou' ill". stucco and pl‘t-sst-d brick construction with terâ€" i':t/.xo iloors and Spanish stylv roofs \\itl1 special Illlt'lllilli L'ivi-n to tbc prescrvation of a quaint lioluc-likt‘. rural characti-r The public (-ii‘t-ii fountain. ”(lili‘illi shafts and \iill lw built from funds llli‘ FL by >llllr to be- procuri-il ii} nancc Committin- script ions. llavinia privati- This f. :1t11rv- will In (-on» slim-11d ‘ to in iiiti -.1l.|'i‘w- lllllili ‘ato grad» thc Johns Avc. of Roger Williams changed A v0,~ as also location of St. Thi- project as dcsigned by Mr, liowi'inan proiidus llllllllilit‘l} for a subuai to do .iiiiiy \\itli the- present uraili- crossing \\ liicli has (‘osl so many lives. As thc strcct at present has considerable grade, thc solution of this problem is simple and the sliuhtly ritiscd railroad right of way can be landscaped as indicated. This becoming a fcuture of beauty and adding. to the rolling contour of the ground rather than being an un~ sightly “iicct-ssiiry evil" as is so often the case. The llaviuia proji-ct is in good hands. Mr. Hocrman and other members of tlic Ravlnia Commission havc spcnt st-vt-ral months in work- ing out thcir plans for thc improve- ment sclit-mc. St. Johns Avenuc at tlic end of town is now occupied by lilt‘ Electric Railroad tracks and the m-noral iniprmcmcnt must wait upon tlii- si-ttlt-nicnt of llii‘ ucw franchise of 1111- t‘li't‘ll‘ll‘ road later in the ycar. \ir. llocrnian says Mr. Whiteman is. :oin: ahcad this spring with one unit of his improvement and the R8- vinia Commission “in go as far as possiblc under the circumstances to carry out tlic plan in general. Mayor Hastings appointed a gener-. al plan commission to consider and mayor and city commission from time to time plans particularly for the de- velopment of the city along the rail~ road right of way with special referâ€" ence to the the dangerousxtradeâ€"crosslngs. Mr. llocrinan's ”It i givcs a splendid llll‘Jl of a proposed improvement that is the first link in a chain of pic- turesque feaures being planned along the entire front facing the tracks. } We believe the Ravinia project will .havc the hearty endorsement of the iHigbland Park Commission a meetâ€" iiiig of which will be. called in the inem future. in the meantime. the ‘public is urgcd to look over the mod- cl at Mr. Bulir’s Storc. Suggestions and criticisms will be welcomed and li'nrifltl‘} considered by illi‘ Commis- last December sion. llurridgc 1 \\'m. it. D. Butler, Chairman. Runner. Secretary. M MARCH PROGRAM FOR HIGHLAND PARK CLUB .lilll\ hltiVllth‘K ll.\.\'t-‘.\' NA'I‘. \llldit'lll‘ Vaildmillc on thc ‘3lth. to llt‘ xiii-ii li_\ "iiroun-l'ps" \ssorimcnt of .‘IM- it‘s for lllt‘ .‘lonth “tutti 'l‘ day ' Hiunlsi'id Park i'luli ;’~ "wuizl-ir monthly program -""iii in: " 'ii-intl‘. of March. As .sizii i’ “i-sents a rival dcal of "iguglt 11.. ‘lii: 1'i-sull is a very in~ inrwstii‘...’ pr lent Stitfll. even though “a; conic, iiwl wntirgly eclipses the, i’ilmlllL' month Vl The tirst llillt‘ \\hicll\_attracls the rye of tin» l‘v'.lili‘l' is. iiii'doubt. Rats 11rd iy “vetting at eight flhecn, when John l{"'lilrt<fk Bangs. the author and lccturi-r will speak on ”We Us‘ ii: Co." Mr Bangs ralkcd oncv bow foro it club and left :i lasting im-' llT“<<ioi1 on his hen-“rs. and no doubt a large number Will llv’flr ‘21 team this year. Another date is that of Saturday l‘VF‘tlllliz. March the twenty fourth. “ii-'11iliv-“grown’ups“will appcarin an |illtlft"ll‘ vaudevilc. These same folks "lllfii’cd the Junior vaudeville given last month. and are now going to put forth every effort to make this “vent as entertaining. The children will be pleased to see the large place that "movies" oc- F'lDy on the program. Tomorrow's motion pictures will he. “Pinochio.” the ninth. "Little Mary Sun- sillnt'," on the fifteenth. “Liberty Hall." on the sixteenth “The Carpet from Ragdad." picture.s will also be <hmvn on the twenty-third. and the thirtieth. on Ussoii’ club holds sway todal’. 071 "‘10 thirteenth. and on the twcntY- «innih. \HXDOLIN CONCERT TONIGHT. .‘i. E. CHURCH Vlr. R. (i. and Young People to Give Af- fair to Bcncfit Bulldingr l-‘und Tonight at the Highland Park Methodist church there will be a mandolf'n recital by Mr. R. 0. Spring- er of Joplin, Mo. There will be a program composed of local talent Continued on page 8 Springer of Joplin, MO; l’llleSS .H'I’RECIA'I‘ED l\ I.Ut‘\l. l’l l.|'l'l\ Ill-i. It. l‘alilii llnbwn of l'ri-sbyti-r- inn t'lturcli Stu-alts oi‘ tiur lllL’lI \‘tiiudiird of Iii-ailing l1 “11 voiiisw .ii illi' :innounccâ€"i 1:1 ,r- .vt l't l’rusliytcrian i'hiit'cb l #11 day nioi‘nin: il1i- pastor paid l 'i’wtw 11 [Hi liniplLl ('v11'ln'i‘.lllitil .imjxrt-u 111ml. .r llwltlulul i‘.l"lt l’r-ss in sayiuL: ‘-\lil1 H1 t"< l'llbl‘l.‘ 1l11-.t1|« ii-islw of tin l‘lllli‘i’ll iii pi'oilllitv its ihtl'niw- in Ho i‘lllltlll‘i'ill). l \\'n11i1 l1: '1l"\l this opportuni') of >1N‘flklllll »1." iii. splendid Work and inilui-uci» 11f lln Highland Park l‘rcss. Which is no“ i-clvliratinu its anniversary. l'wssilily tlii- public docs appreciate ‘illl‘ l1-~:irty \iillinL'noss of this pnpcr iii i':i'l'i-:isi lilt‘ lililllt‘llt'i' Hf illt‘ chitin“ 1 . 11' ilo- roiiiniiiliit). 'l‘lw hid tli.tl 1:1 pnpt-r L'i\‘i'\ s1. niucli spil‘i‘t‘ to church nvus', i» :1 ill:llll‘l’ “hit-h .sl1oi1lii irous- o'ii' irratituilw. and call forth ruin-s ~l'1i‘1< of H111 sumo". t‘o'ilpv led with this fact is the. other pr:ii-»nortli_\ tr.iit of our home] llllllv 1'. y-;1ln~-ly its lllL'l concvritiom of iiil' diunin and quality uliit-li th ion: to :i pain-r [if its kind. ilnly rc- lllt‘ ivillt't' iii the leditors. i asked Whether I thoiitzlit lllt‘lli narrow in refusing a paid advertisement. which in itself was not indecent or had. but simply went 1). “lion in \V [15 below their standard of the best. and the batch of advertisements was refused and returned. The danger is that we. the people of a community like this. are “it to be ‘too critical and not "..i'ily appre- ciative enouah oftiie good it .11 :i papcr lmv ours rcally docs. l.o-t's itivc them a lli‘lplllg hand. and a word of ap- preciitlon." LtN‘H. ROY PLEDGED T0 HGNORARY FRAT Harold (Heron, Graduate of lawn] lllirh School in 1914. Receives High Honor at l". of l. Mr. Hamid Oleson a graduate of the class of 1914. of the Deerfleld Shields High School has been pledg- ted to the Tau Beta Pi fraternity of ‘the University of lllinios. an honorary . electrical engineering fraternity of all college>\\ This is quite an honor as only a vefi' few members are selected from each school and Mr. Oleson was the ‘inly one chosen from the Junior 01355. Some time ago Mr. Olesou was pledged to the Etta Kappa Nu ifrat and has br* ‘ne 3: member of it. it“) To Sui: "sxow ; warn)" MARCH l0 \laruucritc Hark. tht- Popular .\ct- rcss in a t'liiirnilm: l-‘alry 'l‘nlc to IlciII-lit \. \l. 1'. \. l â€"_._. .\l:1ri;ut-ritc (Ilark in "Snow White" lwill he, [llt‘ attraction at thc High- lland Park Tlieatrc on March tenth. Tin-re \iill iw a lilillllll'f‘ at threc thirty and in lllt‘ t'\1'lllllg then: will1 sevcul rcuular tuo shows at .1nd o'clock. Tlierc are two prices of tickcts, our for adults and another for childrcn. The affair u'ill benefit the local Y. W. C. A. land everyone should consider this an iopportiiiiity to see this charming fairy tale depicted by one of the most popular of screen actresses. lit‘ ”10 lllllt' .‘darguoritc Clark, having won one of licr L'rcatcst successes on the ‘stage in an adaption of the Grimm 'iirotht-r's beloved fairy tale ':Snow {\Vliitc.” has dusted off the darling ilittlc costumes which she wore in the {play and has donned them again for the Famous Players version of the story. it is said that the mo- ition picture goes straight toy/the .oriuitial story for its source and that ill]? iconccption in ever; .iftall. Espcciiil ‘atteution has been given by Director J. Scnrle Dawley to the machinations [tor the witch Hex and of the wicked iquecn Brangomau. wnlcli can be de- lpicted on the screen as readily as ‘the author set it upon paper. because 'of the‘trick “hOlGKer‘hY of which phi .iioiion 1.1.-ture 1i.. ra permits. 1‘ The s.or:' of “:51: iv. Wh"e" is unl- Iversally beloved and .z'ii‘ have a treâ€" lmendous appeal to children 3 HEALTH DEPARTMENT STARTS (‘AMPA [UN l t Spitting In Public Place: is l hlblted to Stop Spread of Dis- ease. Public Should Aid i. The Health Department began a campaign last week" against the I ‘ forbidding the spitting Spitting on the sidewalks floors of street cars. or in in public. or upon public bufldings, is prohibited and all offends on“: will be subject to arrest ac‘l rosecution. The Health Department in aiding to stop the d iseasc. spread adaption is true to the Grimm. Pm- 1’ “CASH AND CARRY” PLAN ADOPTED lN WINNETKA RElll'i‘ES TH E H. (‘. ill“ to the, Merchant and Con- sumcr and is Well “'0er Local Consideration .Winnetka. which The Press believes iis worthy of consideration by the local lmerchants. lf adopted and carried to the consumer. igressive Grocery of Winnetka is call- :ed the “Cash and Carry Plan." Every .article in the store is to be marked Eat the lowest cash price and so sold 2to those who make their purchases in person and carry them home. Le- :livery service will be maintained for itliose who desire it. but a charge of iseven cents an order will be made for this service The Progressive Grocery has not abandoned the credit system of doing Ibusiness but in the future will make !a charge of one cent for each dollar lor fraction of a dollar in credit ex- ftended. Under this plan the cus- itomer pays for just what is bought land pays for it at the lowest cash _price. The advantage of delivery service and credit is also available " i"iil|[lnu(-tl»tlll page \‘ i IP‘lT li'WEK’S PROGRAM AT LOCAL’THEATRE .llotouiy f‘dlton In “Chicken Casey” ’ on Ruiidly, Ethel Clayton in “The Bondage of Fear” Tues. l i The folowlng motion picture shows will be given at7 the 106.3] theatre next week Sunday. "Chicken Casey” with Dorothy Daton: Mon- day vaudeville and "Pearl of the i"The Bondage of Penn" Wednesday. ‘Douglaa Fairbanks in ”The Ameri- fcano." Thursday. “The Enemy:" Fri- iday." The Right Direction." with ‘Vlvian Martin..The Secret Kingdom yand a cartoon comedy. Saturday. Y. should W. C.. A. benefit. Marguerite Clark to cross the nilml have the hearty support of the public in “Snow White" atthree thirty in their roller this! on? nine o'clock shows in the evening. rcéommend to the: ultimate discarding of‘ L. I System is of .‘lutual Advantage; A plan to cut down the high cost 01" ‘living has recently been adopted Jn_ .out in every detail there will be a dc? icidcd advantage to the merchant and ' The plan as outlined by the Pro-V ACLHISYA ATPURE COI'NTY PAPER HAS SPAS.“ Pictures Highland Park as “Nestv l i’ of ('rimc" and "0th of l liaw Violators". Uh f Fudge! i i . - . ‘I.;ilw tori-st and Highland l’ark host of i‘rinic in ixiiu. County,“ and ”Lake Forrst and lligilalitl Park are lilllllf'ilr of Law Violators," are scare- liozids (lipiwd from rmwnt millions of ‘a Wankrcaii papa r. 'l‘lios» accusa- tions follow the rvccnt findings ofthe arand jury llL‘i\'iill'll thrr-r i'iw-rc ri-turnrd against lfor selling liquor -Two of these indictmcnts were against men doing business outside the city limits of Highland Park and jone was a local drug stée. This fsame paper says editorially: l talent. license. local without “The grand jury investigated i many cases of law violations and i one thing may be said to its. 3 credit sit did not show partial- ity to the aristocratic towns of --~r Lake Forest and Highland Park. but, instead. indicted druggists and others there for the sale of liquor contrary to law. This to the credit of the jury and State’s Attorney Weigh because it is a pertinent fact that in years past before Mr. Welch was prosecut- or, Highland Park and Lake Forâ€" cst, the home of the "reformâ€" who would reform other parts of Lake County. have them- selves always escaped the in- vcstigations set for other porâ€" tions of the county. In fact. these same people, who would investi- gati- other parts of the county l have always insisted that their territory» Lake Forest and High- land Park» was “bone-dry." that i tlic observed! And what does lillc grand jury Slum? it shows that Lakc Forest and l Highland Park iq the territory i where more boozc has been sold ' during many months past than i in any other part of Lake Coun- ty. Imagine that! it shows that the nest of crime which lilt‘ grand jury sought for was discovered. not at Fox Lake. not at North Chicago. not at Waukcgan but at Highland Park and Lake l’orcst. the towns which ordinarily have looked up to as a little better than the rest of our humble abodes.” l ors." law was l)( t'll We do not know wlivthcr thc writ- er of the above is trying to slam ;Higlilnnd Park or trying to be funny or whether or not no is really in- .noccnt. but we do know him to be noisy and perfectly harmless. Speaking of Highland Park as a ."nost of crime" :is compared with 1Waukt-gan. F‘ov Lakv and North jChicago is wearisomc and positively without a spark of humor. it is an iabsurd and wilful‘dlstortion of facts. 3 The» pitiful thing about it all .is gthatthc writer did not back up his latatcments with real factan the same paper was printed the statement that ‘seventecn indictments were brought lagainnt residents oi North Chicago land six against residents 0; ‘Wau- {Regan on the same charge. together lwith many other crimes committed. {Police records of Highland Park show that only seventeen arrests for drunkeness have been made in Highland Park during the pm you. Waukegan baa that many each we“. We usually overlook the conglomera- ltion of junk which “decorated" the inept page of said Waukegan m ibut this latest spasm was most un- Epnrdonablc. i The Press does not uphold those who have broken the law. in fact we ifeel that they should pay the penalty , :but we do object to Highland Park Ebeing called "nest of crime” and .“Hnthed of Law Violators" because ::two or three of its citizens saw fit ito scll booze without a license. l immovr SKATES BEFORE l CROSSING Tnlcxs â€"__.. spread or disease. by posting noticeslArmy:" Tuesday Ethel Clayton in To Avoid gem” Accidents cm“. I'm Should be Coupe d to Observe ill-pk Ital Did it ever wont to you mother- the danger of allowing your children truck with lag-rock of the afternoon and regular seven and a. little boy‘whihxcm,-mm Continued 091M 8‘ , . HESS iiiiiictmczita1 . ”ml”. w‘-<t vvr‘.

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