kw; KE ate AD SXHCSS ll 1_-'Jlllllll President Vice President ‘ Cashier lmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr53 Hrah Schmns Hotels. I‘cp't SKnrmA-tc. Luw pnce. (‘.(~‘-' paymentx We want wt; and will help Wu. Dame. Fur further mt’ormatzon address hcre 101: acres wail Nrur (nun Telephunr. Sc‘xcn- “'1! Consumptn‘n ‘ the sunny (.in wms {n hmkz __ - ‘ .A-,.-‘ m.“ The above illustration shows a Bo'x Window and The Perfection Shade Adjuster running against the stop hold ing in the sash. Clark Wall The High Cost of Living 10 N. Second Sf. Lencioni Bldg. VTdep Goods Called for and Deliverd Cents suits made to order $15 and up 3422 Lincoln Ave. Chicago Resources over $800,000.00 FRANK J. BAKER J. M. APPEL C. F. GRANT Highland Park StateBank One Hundred Thousand Dollars Walter Blumer Not 3 Laundry Man or a Driver Am an Expert and Reliable Man nm-r ï¬rm, klnnrrh, n c !« .An- urkn‘imn, nn nit (was! A t‘nmxsand kr- money (-asu-r than A. Home Cr-lun)‘ I‘cn ukc ynu mdx-ywndun! punt, Banks, \ â€(Mfr and Hotels, I‘cp't ‘ Expert Cleaner and Dyer If not, we would advise you to make your reservation at once. we are offering to loan. on Real Estate in Lake County. Numerous applications have been received for part of the \ Joe A. Blank Have You Made Yours? You Made Your Application? Sewmg Machines Repaired, Called for and Delivered. Highland Park 'I‘clcph me 723-\\‘ -\11mukcs of watchm. clocks and Jewelryfor. cam-d repaired and delivercd Watchmaker and Jeweler Sixteen Year: at Schneider's W. E. Waterhouse 114 Bloom Street An equipment that will permit the proper light in a room is a valuable asset, not only in saving the ex- pense of artificial light, but in saving the eyes; and eXpense is seldom spared in seeking the best in ven- tilation. lhese features mean health economy, and in a facton or ofï¬ce greater efficiency The Perfection Shade Adjuster is just what its name implies. It can be'lowered from the tOp, and raised from the bottom, to any desired adjustment. and with perfect ease. You can regulate the light, and shade just such portions of the room as desired. See the working gnodel in our store. A Shade that will allow light and ventilation; at the top and bottom of a windows covers the ideal situation with reference to shading window and ventilating a room. More Day light -Better Ventilation ' No Awnings ’ Perfection Shade Adjuster Tdephone 372 Interior Decorators 370 Central Avenhe Telephone 342 i Surveying and Enginceï¬nx. Typo- graphy Lnnducape and: Construc- tion Work. 20 years if) Engineer- ing. Surveying and construction. Phouo Highland Pull 985 FIRE!- arms (mom may. mm. Lax. rm. Tel. Gal 1 . mo ‘ Tn'nity Episcopal Church In}: mcrnLANDn Chas. E. Rtissell Piano and Organ Pupils Accompani'st Coach ‘ Orgtnill and CboiriMnater um um no County Survéyor GUY WEBSTER The. ï¬nal entertainmelnt of the Lym‘um Bureau will be held at the School Aésembly Hall (ln Thursday eveningNMarch 29 at 8 jp. m. This concert; which will be given by the De Keven Quartette ls to be 113’ place of the Jubilee Singeriq. Season tickets will be honor‘ed and all those who attended the performance of the Jubilee Singers will be admitted free 0! charge. .; { Do you suppose that there would aha a vacant seat in (my Church, uny- lwhc-ro. ll‘ people thought that the end '0! things would be nGxt month? {Wouldn't you be we of‘the crowd? {Tm- one. who knows' this best. is God. Continued from page 2 a {(-w informal talks refreshments were served by the hnsstesses Mesâ€" dames Oscar Beécham and E. B. Jordmi If a member wishes to )eave town and take up residqnee in another city (or a period of not 163:: than three months. he may become a non-resi- dent member for the period of his absence only. the dues for which shall be 500 pnr nmnth,payabiein advance, provided that he make written appli- cation for such membership to the so’crvtnry nf’ mo (‘hlh and further provided that at the time of such application his dues are paid up to dam ‘ Following Is the amendment to section 2 of article 7 of the coast!- tutlon of The Young Men‘s Club of Highland Park. Illinois. Mr. Business Man: Try to give your customer the same kind of a bar- gain you want God’ to agree toâ€"â€"-and you would lose him, wouldn’t you? There isn’t any law that forces'one to attend church, even olily 100 min- utes in a whole weékwbut men think and wake up sométimes. Why not now? ‘ What excuse do you use) [or not go- ing to Church? Work 30‘ hard week days. need the air and exercise all day Sunday. oroâ€"your clothesâ€"home duties, need rest in bed? Would you use any of them if you faced the A1- mirzhty in person? And are you fool- lng yourself? You don‘t gt) to church wry often, hecuuse~gl\'e‘the reason! Can you mum-e that reasdn with your Creator and your conscienq‘e? One can- not fool God-â€"one cannot; One starts trying to though. by fooling them- selves. Dr. [I]! Fl IE I." PU} EST-T EACIIEB \SSOQ‘IA'I‘HH' YOUNG MEN’S CLUB You have often heard that the Buick is the most powerful motor. The Buick Valve-in-de arrangement is thelreason fOr that great powerï¬ If you are interested, call us up and ask for a demonstra- tion. We just received ï¬ve car loads of Buicks and immediate de- livery can be had, on any model you choose from this lot. Now is the' time to place your order. When better cars are built Buick will build them. ~C¢ntributed. Becker Garage On Tuesday afternoon mg 0330†club held a business meeting‘xgt the Highland Park Club ' The ‘ next meeting at the club will. “he p can on the afternoon or. W. twontyâ€"n'wnth. Jim 0601ԠWilli-m Essen Inlopelk on, "Imam. 01d and MI." Mr Exgeb is acting mm: at the Art Imam Guam. an! ossom 0mm For Your Own Benefit MOLDANER HUMER'? We advise you to buy your Spring Suits and Coats NOW, as prices of ï¬ne goods and trim mings are going up daily. Our selection of any goods. noVelty or staple unquestionably is the ï¬nest. Our tailoring and lines are given special atten- tion to each individual figure. Please call and see us before placing your order somewhere else, and be convined of the reason- able prices we give you. Ladies At a recent meeting of ( at Mrs Robert Smllh' a the h In; [Might with Spring blouse ‘ The most of this-e were grown ! bulbs by Kn. sum herself. West"’by}em Jonson is tor :themhmmiobo abomhtmm'cmz L decilito'cloekon'l‘ue-du "undies“? Gardening in thQflddle Telephone 1 1 Q '. “166%