‘ 7’â€: BL TTONS CIDERY . Ihcwâ€˜ï¬ the pncou of kinds )t suiting. Md n have been adv-aw m 23 to 54) pe-r‘cent r prices vnli Pemin the no u b-tarc W ROBLE \dnmn )vr‘r Peacock. "594“ PH 5973 {OPPING E. "ho- one Centrll 7915 ILL Haven: 3113th r \wrNOI‘ and / bran! H 3:00.000.o.onno0000.00.000.0000001000000000.) 00......OOOIOOIOOOOOIOOOOO00......OOOOOOOOOOOOIOOCOOO’COOOOOO...‘ M Highland ng‘k Greenhouses ., 15 S. St. Johns Ave. It’s Getting Late! It’s Getting Late! The BIG SPRING BUSH IS ONâ€" And the Biggest ever known for Rees. WE HAVE OUR allotment and we are sure of that mahy. Can- ’ not hope for more. 80 THE ONLY WAY to be sure of a Booâ€"any model-thin year is to place your order tnow*a bona ï¬de order, with cash deposit. .OOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOO0.00......000...... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00.000.000.00... FACTORY TELLS U8 there are already 9, 000 more orders on ï¬le than can be ï¬lled. BETTER DO IT at once~today won’t be a minute too soon. KNAAK BROS. DEMONSTRATION for asking. Phone or write today. Will there be 3 Lily in your home next. Bundey? Will there be flowers on the breakfast and dinner table? Whet could you have more appropriate to help celebrate late:- Sunday with than flowers? ~ Iaybe that you want to surprise the good wife, mother, sister or sweetheart of yours with a Flowering Plunge Buket arrangement, a box of Flowers, or a. Corsage Bouquet on Easter morning. Don’t you think it would be appreciated? Why not do it Think of the sick friends, that's what flowers were meant for-to cheer upâ€"you couldn’t do anything nicer than to re- member them on Easter with just a few Posies. How about those many miles away from you? It really doesn’t matter where they may be in the the good old U. 8. or Canada, we can reach them in just 2 0128 hours at the longest. Anything in the way of a Flowering Plant or Out Flowers with your card and good wishes on it. Don’t forget the Gardehwork. .Ilnything pert'aining to your lawn, drive» ehrub and flower beds. We carry every- thing necessary in the way of Fer-tuner, seeds, plant: and have the men on well an experience to do the work right and reasonable. As members of the National Society of Florists and the ' SALESROOM TELEPHONEH. P. 266 Highland Park, Ill. 1m HIGHLAND PARK m we PAIRW FRITZ BAHR, Proprietor ll NORTH SHORE GAS Cd florist: Telegreph Delivery Aseocietion we sen telegre In your order any where even to Europe in spite of the: (eerie! wu- over there. Abeolute satisfaction or money refundedâ€" yon «11’; at eny more. We deliver free any where along the North Shore from Chicag o to lilwaukee including both 0! these citiesâ€"that le service to be proud ofï¬no it doeen’ t matter ebout the else of the order~ellp we went in to get you in the hebit. Think it our. Think of the h ppinou nnd joy you can uproot! out on next Sundny nnd how wilyomd you will be younolf with thnt thong ht. Don‘t let t is Iutor pm with- out hnving unt Plowon somewhere. and give us a chnnoo to help the good work nlong. Both our store next door to the Post Ofï¬ce end the Groom houses on West Laurel Ave., ere just full of good things. in (set there ere no better snywhere, don’t we when you go. Our prices sre reuonsble end you couldn’t possibly desl say- where. where you would be treated with more courtesy or where people sre more real anxious to plesse you thsn we sre April 9th to April 14t? One Week Only % Gas room Heater, 6ft Tubing Concealed Connection , $5.00 An $8.00 Value This Heater Will save Its Cost Many Times Over This Spring Heats Quickly, Drives Out Dampness and Chill Just the Thing for Spring and Fall Sac Display at ()flice ‘ Hotspot 000000000. 1?