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Highland Park Press (1912), 7 Jun 1917, p. 4

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PAGE 811! W Price $1.50 per Year in Mme: THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS Published Weekly by JOHN L. UDELL at Highland Park. Lake County. Ill. John L. Udell..Editor and Publisher Paul L UdeH. . . .:;‘ Superintendent In COHHPCUUH with these improveâ€" ment; prnpusml by our o-nergetic coun- vi] and puhlw Spirite-d citizens. The Prws urges. “Keep on Building.” When Prvsldcnt Wilson issued his war proolzunatinn and called upon the pcupie of the l‘nited States to vunwru- lhrir rvsuurces fur the struggl» ahead. ho did not mean that [hwy should stop spending money. Business connists of huying and 5011- im: (‘q-rlnln kind~ n1 hu<inv<i nrx- fundame-ntul. ’I‘hv hnihling business 1: one 1»! them. In eh-r)‘ cm“ .1 [hvl‘r is aways someâ€" body who is n-ady to yell ”flro'." Then the panic starts. When order is re- smrcd. everybody wnndurs why every- budy elsv Inst hl< hvud, The Press hm lm‘n informed thru reliably ~0urov.‘ that the proposed Rauinh Town Building: “111 ln- start- ed as «non u< tmmnh :m- securvd for the spacu pruvldml in the tlrat SPC- tlon n! the Muck. also that work will There should lu- no curtailment in building and road construction. Let both puhliv and private useful con- struction proceed. Production and handling of building materials and public and private construction work are fundamental industries of the country. Any tendency to suspvnil nr pustpmw huliling projects is in- cun<iitent with maintaining our pros- perity. Th0 country is prosperous. Ruililins: inn-«tun shuuld nut hm: 1!.in tn gm uhvml with tin-ir plans Railrnnds should spare no effort to ho, startml on impruwuwnts of our City Hall, tngvthor with two or three new cmwrctv hridmN and several new paw-mv-nts. ll.tlr' tn go ahead with their plans Railroads should spare no effort to supply the building industry with the ears needed to transport mutt-r- inl<. Government. state. county and municipal authorities should encour- age the continuance of all kinds 0! liuiltling. Road and street improve- ments in particular should pan on uliv .thzitwl. Bad rmuls‘ llllll strm-tx are (actors of fir<t importance in the present high cost of food stuffs. Never before was the imprm'ement nf highways <0 essential. President Wilson said truly that this is the. time to vnrret-t our habits of wastefulness. if we were to cor- rect t‘hnse hnhits, the mute turned m prnflt would make thi“ war noth- ing but a little passing game. W7- muy llJIH‘leLH't' it UP“ (ink-turb- iu: i'emljustmvht. hut ltii<lil~'\> men will rm to the limit to help the Gov- ernment, and the real business men Will keep hu~ine.~‘~ spot-lied up just a little more than it hm lu-o-n in the past. 1 1. .5 Inn". Entered u secondx‘lass matter March 1. 1911.1! he poo! oflice at Hmhland Park‘ llhnms. under he Act of March 3. 1879. r 'I‘Iw right thins: to building. l) EI‘IRFI ELD‘H "LIN-1ST RI‘ISI DENT DI ES Mr‘. Lydia VI. "apt \pprmu'hlnl' Her Mlle-t3 Sun-nth Birthday. Paw- “ \wu) ’l‘hur‘du,‘ nib-r Hm mm \\ h. lb get {Us Introduce \l r< THURSDAY. JUNE 7. 1917 M IH' Courtesy and promptness assured. Table d’Hote Dinners Don't Lose hmr Head Lylm M. Huyt unr n! I’m-r» ”Me-é! Twidvnh passe-d awn) la) c-veninu zllmut 6:00 n'l-lm-k .I lingering illness of (w; Mrs. Hoyt \\':\~ burn in an Mills. Vt-rnmut in 1‘20, and m Dee-mold in Primary H66. sh? made hq-r hnms' :lt "(‘millv fur HM' lih‘t 51 )°“II‘~. ”~‘Y' You will be glad ydu made their acquaintance, and you will surely call again. The Highland Inn up“ (Ink-turb- Mwiuv» men help the Gov- husinoss men .lm! up just a hm-n in the \' it T(‘1€[}}10fl€’ 237 to keep husband died iwonQ-nint- )‘vars ago. Mrs. Hnyi was a wundvriul old lady and up until Mu years ago, did all her own huusovvurk. cared for her gunln‘n and lnadu all lu-r Clllllil‘! .h_\ hnnd. Ho-‘f dress wag always (in-Huh- jvc! hf great lntm‘tNI as sh? rotninvd the <t,\lo< n! the (”hi1 \\'ur pairiml. (N‘inln-r I‘Mlh. luil, thv Parent Tq-nriu-r A~Z~‘U(‘iillll>ll Q'llIl-l'tfllIH-tl in hnnur of Mrs. Hmh' ninety ‘ixth hirthdn)‘ nnnin-rqn‘y in tlii' school Assurnhiy Mull. Ms. Hoyt is survlvvd by thrm- children. the grandchildren. {ouru-c-n great grandchildren and 7 great great grandchildren. The funernl servicvs worv read at (hr Presbyterlan Church Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock whh lhe va. Paul W4 Stephen officiating. Into-n mom in Deerfleld cemetery. The :mnuul hunquc-t ulul rounmn I)! the (‘nlln-ge of Law Of Nurthwmt- urn I'nin-rslty “ill ln- IH'lll tumor- ruw n! llh- .\lldtl.|) (‘luh ('hlmmn. Tln- alYuir will lu- umlwr lln- zo-m'ral (-lmruv nf Attnrm-K (lm-ruo A Mum!) n! thi< vi!) mul will In largo-l) .1!- trmln-l 'l‘lw prlnripul ~pw|kvr “ill llr lhv lltlllurdhll‘ Mm‘k‘lu) Hunw ~tutr< {attorney of (‘uuk (mum) Mr. Just-ply Hln'rn- \u-ll kmmn In High- Mml Park as thv furnwr \'nrlh Shun, (-url'wspumlo-HI Hf lhr 'l‘rlhum- The services warv well attended last Sunday and several fipoke of the splendid sermons dellvered by thu pastor. Next Sunday hm: been not asldv as Children's Day. The sorvimu ho- ginning at 10am o'clock in thw morn- ing will lw in churm- of HIV l’ri mary and Intermodimv Dv-purtmnnh of the Sunday School. The uating classes from them- depart nwnls “ill hmv lho-ir d‘xt'rviit“ ul' this timex Special mu~ic l~ bring prepared, grad- ‘ Mr, .md Mm Hayward Barth and Mr. and Mrs. Bvdu-r nnd mm. of ('hivakn. nluturcd Hm \Vrdm-ndl)‘ and Neil-n1 Mr‘ and Mrs. William Bomb 1)! N, Sm‘und 9L Mrs‘ J_ lim‘kfvlmr and (Inuxhh-r, Miss Huvkr-Mlvr «l (‘Mvugm urrw [he wv-vk o-nd guru“ of Mrs. Prod Rubly. Mr .\'.nlh:mn-l hat-l rvHunml l4»! NORTHWESTERN [AW \Ll'MNI 1‘0 IHNQI'HT Principal Swah-r tn he "cm. Mac- (‘Iny "03mg StatrK \llunw, M (‘ook ('nunt). ’l‘omnrrnm Noxt Sunday hm: been not asldv as Children's Day. The sorvimu ho- ginning at 10am o'clock in thw morn- ing will lw in churm- of HIV l’ri mary and Intermodimv Dv-purtmnnh of the Sunday School. The grad- At 71:7. in thv s-voninz thr wnmr classes will Kin» so-w-rnl rm-Hnnuns and songs. The pnatur will aim <pv7lk for a ‘Imrt time on "Why Ynu Huuht In Kiln“ Hu- HHm-K' Tho K‘ I- C. E. Inn-Ctr: at 03 IS. Thv topic will b0 "Sins of [hr thl." Rom. 51-11. 300 Glhsum Is to lmld Hm meeting. 11:00 a. m. Sunday vvrnlng {in-aching rll'r\l(‘1'. 7-3” p. m. The Baptist church has lust clnsed its financial year with all bllls paid tn datt‘. The mln'slon budge-l lunl been met and pald. The mnmnlttw~ art» at work arranging for tlw no“ year and will report at thv :mnuul nun-ting to he held Wednesday even- ith of this week. The Chicago Baptist Associationl will he held this wvvk Thumday and, Friday in the “'mtvru Avenue Bap~' (is! church. Our church will hp reprvsontmi by W. J. McNunly nmi John H. Honaker. ll Those who are alarmed over being taxed 60 per cent of their war pruflts on war orders find it hard to discover their friends In Congress. Rig crops of oats are promised and next winter will be gloomy for the man who never learned to eat por- rldge. Sunday m. Sundm rMQAmw-n BAPTIST CHURCH morning In. Eou to our of (‘uuk (mum) Mr. \u-ll known) In Hith- thv furmvr \'nrlh Huh-HI uf lhr THY-um- prt-nching ~wrvic-o rm: de PARK mm; ‘uih-mh Cum-II will “turn imnn- in nlmul tun woekl. : Mr. :uui “1“. T (' “'Iilinmn hum. ifnr (in! prwvnl [mm to live- in Win- !nelku with their son-in-lnl' and Ttiaughirr, Mrl Ami Mn. Gt-urxe H. iNeimn. Tin-y will spend the sum- mer IH Miriligan, They an- build« in: :| mm immc nu Vine Ana Hr. Jinuurd \Villiillflh and his bride. {Mi‘s Ruth Day in! Boumn) who were marrimi In April up making ihnir ,hnmv_ in El Paw. TQ'X”. Mr. nnd MN. 1-: i'. Down-n of (‘hh tug“ imvr taken "nun-union of the H. J. l'iinmnn huum- fur Hm nun]- , Mr. and Mm. Ht") Sumpmm u! ll-‘lgin and Mr. and Mra‘ John Un- Elx>n\<fl lpnvrnnnrth Ind. are spend- ,ing H.a~ “I‘Uk “uh (hmr pan-ms, Sir. :ln‘! Alr~. ()s( A: lirll ru! PGr)r1}n Avynur her home an IQ Ave; to Hut! Nu. wnum J. Wife I... lead 891;: and ”Him. tanner. Mix- Alnm and Ir, Hmnld (Ilvrum 1“iH rc-lurll homo ”day from ('tmm ‘pniln Wht'rl- th") bln‘q- Inn-u mic-m, ‘ing [hr l'nhw-rnltv nf ”Hilflh ‘ “le SLmlr) Thuhn n! l)n‘rr~ ”Srmr. i~ In.» guru [his un-k n! his ‘cousln. “'Nley Conrad. l ‘ Mira Hu-IN! Golda“ «If Grant Park, g§~ im-mllng Yhi‘ urn-k :h thr [un-l ‘0! Mr. and Mrs. Prod-wick T‘ Gnldon. ‘ Mr. ‘nnl Mrs: :bchnmld Alu-rcrnm- ‘w Sr of Chic-nun. wet» the gut-«h frr " f0“ days Inst “cw-k 0! Mr and [\lrs. Archibald API-rcmmhy. Ir. Eugene A.‘ mlly or Hono- lulu. wan the Mitt In! week 0! his brother. Mr. Fred L. Donnelly o! N, Green Bu Rona. ; mu Irene Cunp: ll of Austin. UL. mu the guest of is: Emmn Bum on Friday. Mr. Ge'orge Hurdo‘r and Mr. Georg. Healer are vlsltlnfilrlends Ind relu- thm in Dmvlllo. all" this book. Mr. Winnfie Glndvr of 8 Pin! Street In nerlaunly m with pnrmnunln. . Mrs. H. n. Sunni and mm man children left so at (or Coming. II. where Hhe will v all her part-nu. Mr. Smith will join hi1 family later Mrs. Smith will also ”(($111 the commenu-â€" men! exercises of .Grinm-ll Collage. OrInm-ll. 111‘. n! which nlu- i! a firml- uaiv. [luring their nhlwnl‘o Mr‘ and Mn. Mncflurnoy o" (‘hicngn will noâ€" cupy their hnme bn Park Aw. Mr. and Mrs. Elk. Wendling had us their gun-u uwr Sunday. their Mom. Mia Mildred ’Fisciwr of lrvinx -.\1r.und Mrs. Thn‘nn Hent‘mwy and family of Chictsn. §wore the Sundu guests M Mr. and Hrs. F. L. Donnel- Iy. . , Mr. and Mrs. Ear. us (In-Ir nun-u «Mt-r Moon. Ml: Mildred Pi Park Mr. Wm. Sluler u! (‘hk-ugu. visited the Ramon Rlbh- .(‘lnsn of the In! Evangelical Sunday School last Sun- day. Mist Elisabeth Bacon will und- untv on iho [W'olftli from Dunn Hill. and will later alwnd (lu- young Womon'n (‘unh-mnce In be- held a! Nuniiiieid. MIL-m. Shv uiil return lmnw nimut July flrsli Mr. Harry Elchler had at his Sun- dJ) gut-Its Mess“. Jnrk Scum“:- nnd Waite-r Mitche-Il of Chicago, Mn. E. M. l'mbuh um! um child; run Ion Thurndly for .Mnrion. Km» Has. where they will Hm Mn. l'm- bach's parents. Mr. and Mrs Good for a few week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larnun Ind two children Lo and Bradford spent Sundu) HI I: Mr‘ und NH. Mr. and h rented their Stephen Hm living with the sumnu-r Mr. Jouph Gibson spent Sunday In Chicago Hslllng fru-ndi. two C spent Lester Mr. H. M. Bacon who was recently hurt In an nutombbne accldenl is Imprm-inu at his homv un .\'. Sheri- dan Ruud. Mb. H, A Hlllmllun :Ind In-r sun Io-nh- (MLH fur :I lhru-r “('1‘)" \’i-ll [0 MN. Hamilton's mmhvr In Fond du Luv. “in M 1)..» n-ml u! uhh‘h (Imp, winlng Dr. Humllum. lhry will mumr in their tummer home at \Vhitn- 1.1km Mich. Mr. and Mn. Prwh-ru-k Hurnhnm of Chicago, will occupy [hr Hamlhon humr in their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Ira J. Goer have re- turnvd from a finch trip to [that New! York. Mr. Raymund (h-rr who Mr. Emu-rt Sp\u(‘rr ha: IN‘VH dr- laih-d In Full Shvrldnn and is unh thc‘ Fir~t [Hiuuh (‘rnalr‘L (‘ompnhy Plt'\"‘1] Mr. and Mm. Ht") Sumpmm u! Mr .\'..Hmvm-l hon-l n week from n ‘wn nun-)9 in Nnrlho-rn Michigan Miw‘ Marthl “oath Haw! Booth spent lhn- u (‘hhxu whiting rc-lnth'ox Mr. and Mrl. “'mtnm Ruth 0! N, Sue-nun) 81., are rv-rolvlnx (wnzmlula- Hum nn ”)0 birth of n mm horn Thuruhu'. “:1, lhfi'h nr-l H! [In- Prp-hunrinn Hmpflnl (‘hk‘nxn Roth Mrs. Roth and the baby nrv‘ :0!!an along nlcoly. Mr :4’“flrl' Gilllflt-y lm- I'Yl‘)rl(v-d 11. [hr MM) and Tr.â€" hm- lruimnx u! Hymn! Inukn Tm nilm Station lhh Mr :1an MnL M. H. Conrad and two (-hlldrvn Irving and Eleanor umlurml lu-n- from Park Rldm- Sun- day and upon! the- (in) “I": Mr and .\lr~. \l (‘ Conrad, \\'i». |~ \Ir 1!"! \h‘ Arvhiv BIH‘I‘II ulm Inn-A law-h hm” m-r. .m . vhm (rum Wmhki-l. mm “inn. and has hrq-n dning (‘hil rn Humv‘ ginwrlng In Lake Blufl. hM returnlhwgh .\II~~ Furvnce S‘mnwn In sprnd ing‘ sen-ml days- ”I (‘ulrvn lnd.. a! h-ndinx tho» «‘mnmmu-n-nwnl «mercha- nf (‘uh b-r Avmlvmg Rm Gnurge Rhnlmn of ()neldn, i». I~ w ndlmz this um-k \Iylillnx r 1!"! Mrs. Alfred (Ho-mu. Ball of Evsfiulun. and Mrs. Gordon Halel) inn» their humo- In Mr. and Mrs. H Hn-xu-r M (Wm-ago, and un- wilh ML Walter Hnlvly fur ll. Conrad and! rvHunml l4»! ~ mntnr trip and Mule wk and In 63.3. 7533:! xi tie .1111th :11 Watson [Ah m. Ian “I; so to him! ‘ ?' ‘ m. m m.- 0-19-91? Inkâ€"WM In "Wiping: ll!- Ch. mm of 0-wa- Win" In I k and (In! 0! Ir. und In. .'-.J Nolan of [Junta Place. ' Ir. Hnrn- W 0! Chicago. was the guest a! fit. Herbert Moon on “Hednenday “I! “Inldh. Henry and noodrtdn Behwflcr. Punch! Eve-r Ind Ward Walnut onflfled in t _ Wimuu I‘m: at me Om'a-rnnwm ' Wanna Corpu. The man: men to been undem- at Willi-mu Col so. dufln. the yen. Mr. Bennett Muller In “now where mar Btu-ton" with the Count Den-mic. ' Mr». (‘mnrm- M. Hour o! the (‘uun- n an mm as her wort o-nd xumu. Mi‘l‘ Aunt-i MONIm‘I and Mir-v- lJIIIe Kehm' u! Chitin). In. “K S Dunâ€" hnr M St. Jon». Michigan, Ilvn Ir 9n- Inulv {rum Tiny, Ala.. ’- lhr Kurd n! “H. Hh‘e. MVrr-‘cn n! Mr~ ('«mr.ul'- nun-r. Mr- \hluv Thuhn «If [MINI-Tn (h‘lnt‘. l MI-p Mum Ruhr ~prnl “'n-dIu-hdn)‘ n! Ind un-k In Mllunulu-r. “In Ml» Luv-Mu Murm-h l. \I-lllnu ln-r ~I~tvr~, [In Ilium-- Muo-m-Il u! N.i ()n-a-n Nu} Hand lmh-finllrls i HI and Mn. Ehnrr ("1”!) arr H.» plum! pnronh I»! .1 mm lmrn Prl- d.n .lum- "rd “In- Mnrxarm leluh In! “'hllln‘u hul. I||l ln- [hr van-k vud Rut-M n! Mh- \‘mlu l‘tnulc- A lull) ('l)mpfln, at young [ample u! lln- l'nlh-d Plump-Ira! (*hurvh lllanN'd In LII? firm-nu uh lh-cnrr lmn HM) and ”will ”14- I'M) lhrrr Mm (‘nrrlo- Kulnl l- spv-ndlnjlhlnt u-wk in L4- Mufin. ln‘n‘ nth-“din; the commencement men-1m of line clu- n! It”? u! [1' ”up ('ollem- u! 'hk‘h Mrl Hnnnrd Kulnl, hor m-pm-I' Ir u n..«nn~-r.. Howard KuI-l WIIL ml n-mrn honu- Hm summer. but will an nu n (him In NI-hrlnka ' Mn H B. RON-r1: Iravrx (M- lock fn-I Lu (Zrnnn. lml.. (0 hr [one (vol “wlu Sho- will \lnlt n-IMIn-r whllm lu 1-. Uranus. lwr uld lmmr \Ir .ml Ml" Btu-hm sud Mrn‘ (nut Hm‘rmnnn «pun Tupnduy urn-r“ mm In amt-um n! Ihe EMA-nap Mm runvnru I‘hlcnm. Tin-y lunlwd over, NH plum and runes-«l the produc- H.... ..r nu-lr mn- phmo play "Hillnll Hl~ Hun Simon,“ the nu! dour mne- ..! ulm-ll urn Muted on the [ruundly of ill: lhn'hm CHM!“ 'l’lu luung Ladk-u‘ Mlulm. (‘lub ..y “Milan-1d announce - dance to be. mm nu Sulurdt) Eu-nlnu June fill ln lhr .‘-panllh Amrrlran War Vr-vu- nn-‘ H. \H. A mnllnl lmllnlmn la 1-: :wulm! M lhr puhllr In nth-Md l Dr Lyman ,Se-xmnh In In “be H. Franch- "Implll. Bum-ton. uhore hc- Is n-cm-orInx {mm an ape-rattan fur NPW'VNHP‘U". Sunday c~vo~nlnl Mr- J l. Gihwn npo-nl Hu- INK «m! In lm-rflQId via-lung friend-I. Mr. h'lIdI-cl th-rn Mr- \ .Tho unmet fur thh- vac-«k Ill! be in (MIMI) (Brrman [I'm-r nun-(Inn \"q-dm-u- day i p m - Enginh Prayer Hum-[mu nnd Tvu‘h- rr‘r luv-4|“. Thu”. ‘ p In On Saturday I! J o'clurk nl! tho ('thr-m “ho ln- Influx pun In the (‘nnumn fur Ghtldn-n‘» [my rue re- qur~lrd In Int"! n! Hu- rhun‘h for FF- twanul Numb) win-o] M II' n m Thr Inc-- ..,,. 2.. 'u- domed Ir- '.l.--u- (‘rnmnodf' Jnhh H‘ I6â€"‘0. Mummy Innlnp ll u'clm‘l The ”H'ruulflr «If the! mummy “HI 0w ”The I’rmflxnl'p P‘nlhor." Farm": munhlp. T I" The Rm. John Hrm,‘ llmvhhm. I). H. n'aluv u! H). (Mud. u! lh: In» dwmrr, (Wm-nun. "HI punch In Trluil) ('hulrh m. Hundly morning m-\t_ me NHL ll a-h-xm. u'rlocl. hr anklm w!” er ..! Hu- mundanâ€" M) and chnnlnI-l. vurk n! the rhurrh 0:: (he le-mw Thr public In cordially lunhmi 1.. hr puma-III am! I! |~ 'xupod 1h,” [In .hurch um lw rl'v‘dtd h) 'nnr H1: mun-m- Hruxnmng IN. “mm [Mo-v- “nll hr M Lllnny‘ ‘ll HI: (4an ru-v) \lu-d m-sday morning at 9 .w n'rlurl 3nd n N‘lrhruflnh Hf Hu' th (‘ummun- mu u! the mmr hour on Thurnhlyn. ('lmx‘M, Sch-IL and H.- (‘Ullffll‘t‘n(‘¢‘\, thim-u mow-(Inn mu! whim.» of Hm a-u-nmg u‘rl’r hrM nhvrwurd- In ll"- l'wi' Hn-Im and [with Tho- 3U" )I-M for (1w mc-«Mnx van (he "Pur- pumr, Training and Influence ol Tc-nvhq-rx” “Mm-r- !n-r the o-n~n|nu Tc-nvh«-r~"' Hmm-r- n-r lm o-n~mnu \‘o-nr \u-rv vhwlmt T'u- (‘urtunn HH- Rm Frudv-rk'k llml! Grllint, uh" um- urdnlned I anm-t Inn! Huudly. will "lehrlle hln fin: finch-Hut In llw p-rhh ll the m-h urvur Sunday no“ at 7’30 3 (‘h The ”bony Lou commute- I new bond of “faction bolted-n Uncle Sam and hl~ nephews and nieces. Ynlh \ ‘Ufl‘lllc Th. (”mm-[jun Eu-H-lur. n! (hr 1» ~(‘hnnl ulll lukn Mnco- Sundn), "é m uhh-I mm promotion: N' mum '«nd prfiuu lur nNmuL 1m! "nrk “ill ho- nunrdod Th» n! Hw wnin- and furthn dr- “”1 hr ulmnnlwn-«l laIvr. Tho r! mat-Inn (if lhr Srhunl II” HI TRINITY (‘Hl'RCH ! Mat-Inn of lhr Srhunl Hu- hrnt Sunday In Jul) I h r I MIN Mr l‘o-nlu 7 7w lfmhnrh, Pulnr fichusmer. 3.9.59 CKER GARAGE AV NEAR ”SFEMDANRMD to Have Around. i! you take any pride in your patch of ground. As the house inside is made nice with care, so should the lawn he a neat afiair ['38 the Eclipe lawn Mower a grass catcher and hose and your lawn will be as handsome as any that grows. A Good Lawn Mowér is a good ifing ' Raymond W. Schneider Mens' Furnish" 13 S. St. Johns Ave. ) I'M). In u-r) chum Iurl and with xn-nl rxncllmu. “Inn‘s- m lhc- day: 0! thr puma-n llwrr was very Mule dun-MI 0! Hxlfi Inf-rd upon Hw oyn. . le \‘o'nrluu o! [lum'fl h) young p009)“ in n-r) mflh W {-ummnn Ihnn H uwd I0 he. und ll becoming null ‘ chm- Hum n‘ Im- )rnrn pum- TM:- dot-a no! mean Ilml the um- nuz ur .n un-H n- HHW did-In oath-r‘xc-m-rntinnr. In ct, tw- anu no! uur mun luanlx‘ living. 1hr) rm lel-r nuwéthlfl In uh! dun Th4 rum.“ I- Hml thr knnwlmlxc- n- aprrnd‘nk um Hun.) l‘uu-n n! unculnh-rtnhk- F‘Kh‘, in “wt, Henri) all nu“) cum-a uh In Trhru-d h.‘ “Inna-n H’hrw um Harder’s Hardware jewelry ‘ ; Clocks and Watches repaired by competent-j repair man. All work"? guaranteed. Clocks": called foranddelivered; :. n~ a \H‘.‘ xn-nt dllrreuu' In lhc- un' u! human. 0"" ._.’ .1. an (In: and [rm-ration from leu m4 In (In duh "-11'nHHh- “0 do not hlvo [.0 think hmk mnn)’ PM" '" ~ Nu Haw Ilu-u Ihr number n! Hmm “I.“ wanna H 'c-v- muf fat-tun «u u-ry much hw- lImn noun In other. In! ("dun uurk the «3m muul lu- ”5rd in: many hunt.- a u-r) chm Iurl find with xn-nl rxnt‘lmsu, “hon-u m r: o! thr puma-n llwrr was very Mule drmnnd of HM: Iran! HA RIIWARE. Thlfll‘ of HARDER ”In p WM Central Ave. and Second St. Phone Highland Park 186 LunGruoSoodztkpov'o-nd Telephone 33] ,L‘W «one was 43 fl Whit Opposite Depot

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