ertificateo Deposits cmptter, ea. Rel-chill Cemetery Co. Itiner Lihif-‘O Title Y“!!! Co. Sheridan Rd. t: -- tied to aps l'.i held 8t “flied Slid- .- trim-evalue d...-_â€"._,- harmf‘Ul i3». a chance D.t""f‘.3 [mi mat- l‘ reache51us. i’ls'r‘t’lt'ize itâ€" »c." .. ird cap it. i x auids. Iompany 'Cii UC YFICIAN S. 51.]4/2125 Ave. )1 fhf‘Of ' 'V'I'LI ‘1“: slidmllvflli‘l‘ D J awlflmmuflumuhui‘um Iflimmfl‘owiflh‘uufluiua’mu lluMiuii-iiiiifleuianfliiiimiiflli ii nth We â€A...“ w. i a I WHEN THE LEAVES BEGlNTo FP‘_\~. .. BET '. ‘z‘ii-kov wag V\â€" ‘35 ' in the plumber. there’s a long winter ahead of us and it is already on its way. ing apparatusâ€"is it in the proper shape? ï¬x it up. - .'. 386 Central Ave. Phone 201 UTUMN is a pretty good time of the year to call You know How about your heat- If not, let us T. H. Decker Co. Lake Shore Creamery C. B. HANSEN, Proprietor Succeuor to F. A. TUCKER Butter, Eggs and Home Dressed Poultry 515 Oakwood Avenue Telephone 57 Highland Park, Iilino'u CHARLES F. HENNING CARPENTER and BUILDER SHOP WORK A SPECIALTY 45 N. Green Bay Road Telephone H. P. 950 HIGHLAND PARK. ILL. an count AND NEARBY NEWS NOTES '1ԠDISt‘liXTIN HI l'liSTliP‘Fit‘E \ued Fiatriiiuii Killed at Sacred Heart (Tossing. .L V. Smith to he (‘oioiit-i. K. of ('. to i-Irect Building tin-at Lakes l‘ustofliee Discontinued The Waukegan postofï¬ce. as a re- sult of orders last week, of- t'iclally became the postofl‘ice of the naval training station and from now on Will handle all liiail addressed to issued lltv' station. Postmaster William Ward who has lit't.'il postmaster at Great Lakes for tn» years autoiiiatlcally lost his poâ€" sition as a result of the discontinua- tion of the postoflice at the station. i'. t‘, Golden. master at arms at tirr-ai Lakes. llt'l‘llnit’S the official head of the handling of mail iii the matter of collecting it and distribut- in: tin: incomint: mail at the naval s! .ii iiiii. it is said tllt' chief desire of the navy for a long time has been to have all mail handled at the station in navy men entirely: and Mr. Ward was a civilian as were also a few of his assistants \vhoin Postmaster (limidy of \\':iuke_izziii had to send down to (lrent Lakes to assist in handling the hi2 amount of mail that suddens i) swamped the station as it jumped so in population. .twed Human Killed Patrick Gallagher. aged 74 years. a l‘t’sitlt'ili of North (‘hicago since its foundation over '35 years ago. was iiiâ€" si.i|iti\ killed while following hisdu- ties as a ilaizman on the Chicago. North Shore and Milwaukee electric Sacred Heart station at of Lake Forest. Rat- crossing‘ at tile urday evening. .\ccordint: to the train and man stepped aside to permit a local train to pass and then unaware limited train. south end crew the of the approach of a strpped directly in front of it. \Vhen picked tip he has dead it developed that he had sustained a se- vere fracture of the skull and one of his lens was cut off. When strut-k he \\ is thrown alto-id on the track and the car passed over the prostrate form. ll tliauhvr “ad norked as ildL'lilIlli at the but three days. it was 'l‘w ":‘st rcutilal‘ position he had held t'l‘iis‘sitii! for some i-u-rs as one was telling on him .illtl “li- \\:ls riot tililP to do rill) lle:i\\ \\(il‘l\. \. V. Smith to he ('oioiici Tl! It Lit-lit i'ill \. \'. Silliill iii ilio‘ li‘ttf 'iiiillv '\. tit-u "Til‘Illlii‘i d .it Pimp Mills pendilitz ctiiilnt‘katimi to tiring lion» in Frt'ttw. \iill r-m iii- ““r â€within l'i illt‘ lust Hf t't’l-ih‘ i- niwl to fill dispatches from the wist. iiis proilloti-in \‘till h. included it "14' Et'lii‘r‘ll tii’Ilt'i‘s. ii is ltt'lif'tt'll. -' will order the promotion of (3d. 1!. :‘ix, in cnmlliand M tin ii'.*t‘v., the position if hi'iizndh-l' acne-rat ‘l‘im \(‘tiil‘\ of friends of Lieutenant in tertainini: and refi'n-shini: (‘oionei Smith in Hiuhland Park will be pleased to hear of his advanci- or further promotion which seems to he assured. It. of ('. ilrt-ctiliz Buildinw .-\ lllf‘L't‘ building which the Knights of t‘oluiilhlis arc to erect at the iiinal under course of con- statioii is no“ st riiction. This along: conducted similar lines to the Young Men's (‘hrisiiali Association. and is one of a large number which this lit'KiliiiZtlIiOll has constructed or will construct at t'H'l')‘ military camp. A fund of 33.000.000 is being raised for this purpose by the Knights. The hillll’iillL’ at the station will be so llll‘L't' several carloads of lumber will construct it. The equipped with it library. reading writing tnhles. stationery. comfortable chairs and other things that will make the life of the soldiers more pleasant. it “ill he not only for members of the order but also for others. A similar llililililiL' has just been completed at lilliiillltL’ \| ill in» be required to _ building will he and iockfot‘d. l)i.i‘li\§ll l‘lii'Vl'li. HOLDS ‘H‘i"l‘l\ii 'l‘l‘llSllH' EVE. (Continued from Page One) Il. rumour (‘liih ('olllpiilileiitary «litilltrl’ and dance, P, Eiison \Vhite. chairman. $190.00 army Relief So- cict)‘. i. Young Women‘s Christian As- sociation, Active as housing hlireau providin: roomls in city for families of candidates. At present maintain- ini: large hospitality hlllllt' for that purpose. 3. Entertainment hy rity in their homes on Saturday and men in training people of Stilidav. of many camps. ti. i‘rovidinu funds to make it poe- recreation siiilc to give candidates and improved education in camp. These activities on the part of the L'txltlpi'iiplOllfliifllilililli Park. acting through the Hizhland Park Defense (‘oiiiit-il. is a material evidence of their patriotic desire to assist in o-xi-ry “.ly iii the conduct of the war it uiivs lin- tin-p satisfaction to .icknoulr-due- ilil' L'rcat il<>i<iflll(‘l’ you ilfin‘ lll't‘li in promoting the welfare of Fort Sheridan .Ilili of the men and lilicr-rs stntloiwd lit-re. i \‘Dt'dk for il‘l'lii, :is “vii :l- for lli\silf. in think»- of all for \vvnl‘ L'i‘!il‘r Mill‘- i'l,' i“. Hil\ and heartfelt patriotic assistance i am. ' \'t-r) silicon-ii yours. (Stunt-iii .l. .\ i‘tyaii. ‘Y" noudia mm A Dairy Ration “I. Two lain lit“â€" Life aid Product. (Xenon-i t'roa Imumvooeni W.’ _'. ‘A ration la dtxided into two parts: ' ‘ I. The part neededto maintain or i I keep the animalalive. :3. The part needed to atored up matuiai like wool. meat or milk , Milk is roughly in solids. one-third each casein iprotelni. fat and ruur. The casein in milk can only be fur-' nloiied by the protein in the footii The fat and sugar may be derivedi from either protein. fat or carbo- hydrates. , if a cow hat the ability to give 50 pounds of milk dontaining (‘0 pound- of casein, and mly gutt- enough pro- tein to make one pound of casein“ :hcn she will only give 25 pounds of milk. , A balanced alien to one that hu Just the exact amount of protein. fat and carboiiydratea that the cow needa. Just what this I: we cannot l ever say exactly. because the amounts vary from ueelc to week and no No tawa are alike. nor are feeds alike. A practical rjltion in one that hu Iutticient protein and enough total food to make the [reatest amount of milk without tit. cow ioaing weight. A commercially luccouful ration la! the one that niakel the moat milk or i profit. keeps the cow healthy and en- mako i fat. | ables the use of the moat roughage I _ All the hay and eneiiage mw can i eat will keep her alive and make about 15 pounfl of milk. Any more milk has to come from grain or (rain feed The farm can uatflly raise mrbo-i hydrates cheap In the form of hay andl enaiiage. and. outside of clover. peas. etc.. protein can uunily be bouxbt cheaper than it 'oan be raised The average price of protein food: with 20 per cent digestible protein was about 8:6 lo '35 per ton before the war. but the price- are much higher now. while hay (clover) with 51p. per cent digestible protein has been rated at 810 per ton. no the pro- tein feed at “Quouid furniah protein i about the same on clorer at 810 ' DIFFERENT COWS, DIFFEï¬ENT : rues. l [National 0 rod imimthil New.) ho suggestion: that we can offer nor any othertforniula that can be made can be followed to the letter at a drugglet follows the prescription all a physician Peed: vary in their nu- tritive values. slime being better than the average and some not a load. and cowl vary In their ability to di- gest and transform nutrimenl. Thest' conditions niakl it necetuary for the, feeder to use a [00d deal of Judgment " and not follow too blindly the man-5 tiona of othern. Any good stock feed i f is recommended all it base. to be aup- plementod by Mme-(rown roughage . coucemnttss FOR altions‘ Taken From an Article by EJB. Bay. age. Profcoabr of Animal .Huaâ€" bant'ry. N0“! York College of Agriculture. [\ai .. A. in. inn-10mm! whirl A good rule to follow in all ration- il to have at lollt three plant! repro-r sented in the ration. There are selen' factors which aiiould be conlldi-red (1) Bulk, l‘.'i Digutibility. tli iii-hr tion helm-en llle dl‘eutible.protein and carboii dralea and fat. ll) Var. ety. if. I Suitability of the feeds to the animal and produfl..16i I’alatnbilily. l7) (‘osL As an exniiiple, choosing the cheap- est feed: relatively.‘considering nia- nurial values. puitabiiity ant‘ all. we would recommend the follow us mix-i turn of (rain! as suitable for dairy‘ cows at present prices: can pounds d otiiirlza dried gain. 000 poiiiuis -,.' ut' ii Iced. i 800 pound: wheat bran or brewerol dried gialn- l 400 pouiitito hominy feed. . aou pounds cytioii-toti or oil meal SALT Ion CATTLE, (Sou-mi vb Ingrown-cit W) Professor ltï¬nry says that a cow requires three-quarters of an ounce per day per lbs. of weight and‘ six-tentha of ounce per dab' per 20g lba. milk. Therefore, a cow [whiihi weighs 1200 lbp. and give. 301m milk: should have lï¬'ount‘e salt. It must, be remembered, however, that all is. generally included iii high-grade dairy l feedt-l' I! is 'l'll 10 give 00'} lt‘teiu l WV- We take great pride in submitting herewith in condensed form. copy of our sworn statement rendered in response to call to the Auditor of Public Accounts as required by law. The statement proves that Highland Park is forging to the front as a banking center, that the people of this community appreciate and give their support to a ï¬rmly established, upto date, well managed banking institution and that we have reached a goal for which earnestly and faithfully we have been striving, namely, a milliondollar bank. RESOURCES Loans and Discoun - - $ Bonds - Overdrafts Banking House - i Other Real Estate - â€" - - Furniture and 4' Subscription Liberty Bonds , - ' Cash on Hand and in Banks â€" .- Capital Stock Surplus Fund Fixtures - - - 481,513.02 301,309.61 c, 649.03 3001).“) 4,147.01 1,216.50 11,330.00 216,172.25 $1,046,337.42 LIABILITIES - - - s Contingent Fund - - - ~ Undivided Proï¬ts . â€" - â€" Reserve for interest and Taxes - - Deposits FRANK .l. BAKER. Pro. EYES OF THE WORLD PRllDllt'I'liiN DELAYED â€"â€" ne‘er-«ration of \oditoriI-i Theatre .‘M (nulliï¬ed. Picture â€to" I‘Int Today Failure of decoriiion to complete the task of painting the (‘l'ilill‘ of the Auditorium at lill' specified time call-ed tile pootpoiliuelli of the open- in}: of "The Eyes of the “'nrld." \V. H i'llille‘s photoplay malterpiece at ’lillit Iiil'iliTO‘ on Friday. September 2i. extensive medical Huge tiers of scaffolding remained in the theatre for several dayi- foiluwv in: the date set for the opening and caused the management of the theatre and the picture in delay the ‘ Eastern premier to the picture until today. . EPWOITH Ll-IMil'l-I T0 (â€VI-I SI'PPER (NT. 6' To." People. (inn-Italian of lilti- Iand Park H. L l‘hnrch WII [nit-11am , On Saturday evening. October lillh ‘thc Epworth League of the Highland 60,000.00 25.0(X).(l) 5,000.00 9,474.58 3,004.17 943,858.67 $1,046,337.42 You are invited to become a customer of this bank. .i. I. Ai’i’EL Va Pres. . _ 1 § annulus: “women. 3 W The service. for this week are a: folk)!» Sunday school at l0.00 a. m. The ivoatm will be Review of the iouona of the put Quarter. Morning worship at 11:00 a. in. At this service the paotor will continue hi. eerie: of urmom on the Book of Job. Dr. R. H. Good. of River Poi-oat. will sing. Dr. Good in well known throughout the country as a npecialiat for diaeaooa of the eye. ear. nose and throat. Bat.aaide from his work. he devotee much of bio time to tinting. It will . be worth while hearth. him. . Evening wonhlp at 1:46. i Misitmary prayer meetings on Wed- neaday and Thursday nixht}. 1. ' William New Thomaa. Ph. D. Hint-tor I Sunday service- Sunday ï¬chool. 10:00 a. in. Preaching Service, 11:00 a. n. Evening Service. 1:00 p. II. i Prayer nicotine Wednaaday evening ‘ at 8:00 o'clock. l on! at these urvieea. On Tuesday mening of last 'Nki All are cordially Invited to be W ‘ ' to extra sait~ They will take who i 'Park N. P3. Church will live a lup- the tint of a urn-u of apt-akin] con-i their roughnit‘ demands. THE PRlCE 0F FEEO. ‘\.:. . tï¬iv Ilh'Qin-irii" N! .v; i-‘eed is handled an a stun ier mar- ~ gin than coal. toil for ton. The retail' feed dealer who burn in carload ioto' can sell as chap allthe manufacturer : can in lesssthnncariuad lots; the dif- ference in freight rates bfitix the dealer's gross protit. In neatly every. instance a group of farmorï¬ can “r". tier their feed, thrOuxh a dealer. in unloads and make. a lnateridi saan Til.» tilnercnco' in bright alone uill‘l ~how a good ’rotit : i i i ’ i Take lh. till“ oil the tint king water‘ in mid mother and mu iiiill drink iliuy [ling more and prudtne more. per at the ctlurch. There will be a charge for t e supper and all pro- ceede will hciiefll the tune. Mr Julius anxeier of Highwood. it- chairman of the committee on at- rangements. His committee ip rom- potsed of Mra McCain. Mn. L O. Stoker, Misti Bt‘l‘ell' Waterliouue. Mia:I Margaret \Vai'tfler PRESS MAKES (‘HANGE 0F EMPLOYRS THIS WEEK â€"â€" â€near-pk 0m Since In“ November Itavqa i'olovii‘i of (‘Ii\‘ill'\ i‘olnztiiding. 4... Don‘t figure too fine on. rational Position Thin Work .OW“ )0-2 - O lle liberal hill don't oi'erfeod Youl é! PARENTS AND TEACHERS '3 ߠk'†“H â€t W“ â€mm W â€9“an m . r. inure than me can ‘tan assimilate. ‘ ' Li h (1 ASSOCIATION ? - _ . 5 Mr (m) In- itxiaii, our nu‘rap " 0 I‘m...†9W Mm...“ - V, >npi‘rnfnl’ uh. has ins-n in our cme 'i'ht- humanclemcut in dai y feed 1. pl.“ since last Nmember. left Hill 0 _ Th~- ï¬rst meetin: of the Elm Plat-t Parent-Teacher Assnt'intio'l “ill in :Ilii informal social affair on October fifth. Soiiii-iliin-x on i. iselifl‘i! I"i'i-l:i\ 'mciliiiiz. 4Further annoiincrnn-ni “ill in mad: next net-it. lniporitilil 'i‘ym men may Fhave the “me equipment, ‘onc nuke good money the 0.,th fIil. ‘hil both II. Iupposcti to .I feeding by I]. up iillni l‘ slime lablpa I D sysit Hi Horse Brits. is gobd row i iweek for his home iii Britt. Iowa. Ir. iitillnan itâ€. been drafted into the it'nited State: army and to now Waltâ€" 1in; a call to to into trainlll at none military camp. in bi: place gono- Ilr. W. P. Sohwenker. of Molina. li|.. who took up fill dutiea m. ints was held at the Baptist church} undi-r the auspices of iht-iocal W. C. T. l t‘. of which In. John Christiana lli ‘proeitirlii Y‘h'l’ young ladieii. thel Mine-l Johnson and Meier of Wail-i kegnii. babel Butler 0! Lake Biuit', and Mary Fay and Kathleen Kruegcr.§ ,of Highland Park. were introduced; by number by Mrs. Young. Superin-i iendent of conteet work in the Lake; (‘0 orgniutioa. each in iurn living. a recitation bearing a temporaloel il“P-||li. RI“ 7". M of the Judxet. in a few well choaen urordr. promoted a ailvcr medal to MIM Butler. l-xprl-l-i-lnk the regret that then won only one medal to give. A i-flli'lll ndmiiuiiuil fi-e Inn charged. and the proceeds totalling aomewhatl over twenty doiiant wan given to the lit .1 (‘ru-i- lll.,\l. H-‘l'lTlI TR\‘SVI'I“ \lli‘u lmim lhiiiiinrdi to .I. I! Bor- i-haiiit, in! '33 hit 7. \\' I1 “0.00. Ni and Mrs it B Brand. who have been litlorinx iii the end with frioiido. returned last night. â€I“!!! 'hu-ii 30m- Iixteeei day-a. i‘mharil oil behalfl Highland Park.: C. F. GRANT. Cuie’ Highland Park State Bank Under the supervision of the State of Illinois. - - - cgw pit-May: ginqmyrm,‘ M . , u . 4 n. 1..., "it“tv; 1...?“ .. . a... ( _ i > av , ‘w w arr-z W . mwï¬i’vtï¬owtv,f3li“ “pm WW» p“, W‘r’vs â€v * , ‘3‘“ ' . ‘ ‘ z w ‘mwwwmnrmgwmm ‘0..J-IW'v~i“-.toï¬y to. warm, .,_ y V ~ a.“ lâ€.‘ . . mam“... M. “we .. .g...,\. . r m». “a - -m<umâ€"zm â€who-9mm â€mu-Mu.“â€" may. W... ., _. .. - .. . _ . . Ive-M WW n‘ W“. .. PATEN’Sfj undoâ€"mu...†Oâ€"‘Inl-drl.“ ' “ï¬n-Inn“ . ‘_' u PATII" OWL. (m lmwwi ' .- Witty "I? i so: email. st. ...... m-.. The pendulum o. §iVlFT tr“ .â€" 4* be beat illultratod “f . O Dov. ' . l! â€l I t, M.