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Highland Park Press (1912), 28 Feb 1918, p. 1

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orsted 51-00 ’5' LIIâ€"TAM and dark 1” $1 I3qua11tv. [h towel; of heavy ards 81.00 Itsets at at 81.00 511k Hose_ :5 at $1.00 'owels $1.00 k dresses fox baby; thh lace and fine .25 and 3135 values. neatly hemmed: es. 1 for $1.00 ’s Socks $1 ms. 538$ 1.00 n «inched >I‘X‘C‘[S. Wlde [ ‘ t J» xctual beets ‘51 Dresses $1.00 ards $1 Blouses kc‘t quaran 1:11. double ).- gnullty, 1 $1.00 vssesfierew- Plaxgi gmg- x‘n’x‘; sues In [y black mercer- ‘ Y L W amt-r - fire ht‘lp «i. bat colnrc‘d Cfr‘k‘vh' S $1.00 'h Ulc'Lt‘ up snh- :1! Thrift Stumps. Mr, E P. Se-lzwh‘k tho Minimum of the cum~ mim-o has wnt m ouch of five friends in Luke ('uunty 2| lvttvr in “Men hp v‘nc‘flfival u Thrift Fun] with one Thrift Stamp attached. In thew ML Mr< he asked each one to .whom it Wzi‘ Addressed to purchase five «tamps. attach one to each of five cards .‘iid mail out to five of their friend; A Ivtter in which tho Rond- er in turn asks his friends [min Hkt‘ wiw, i4 I)! coursv t‘iil'i'lit’i! with the cards he semis out. Simuhi you gt-t one of those letters and it'e quite <nrv that you will. can I“) quit the Men. as it is put befm lt will represent an outlay of SI 25 in x-nrronoy and heaps: and heaps or good in pmrimism. You. no l]()llh[ have hoard of tho 1' S. Thrift Stamp and of how finch little "bit" ls going to lwlp every Sammid "go over tlu- top" and if you have an ounce of patrlnvlcm in your “makeup” you‘ll 'hink thi< i< vho urmh-at lllz-n )‘M \H-l \‘nu'll m-l YOU Summm- has started <umt-tlung. Will you lwlp tux mn'ry it on? Did you ever hear of n chuln lvttorl or better still did you ever gt»! one? Thcru ls being circulated in [.nko county the most unique. the most z'ofrmhlng sort of a chain letter. le Lukv l‘mmty l‘nmmlttu-v fur [ln' War Savings (‘nmpnign has :hlaptml :1 um'vl plan to increase the snlv :1! Thrift Stumps. Mr, E P. 'l‘m' hum-1w Hf Ihw le l‘rnaa Shop 1:: Highland Park cullml fur volun- lc'rrs to nmkv humlugos lnfit Monlluy vw'nlng. .»\ largo numlwr of the 3“" 1w \mrknrs turned nut and many M rhu-m hrnuzht tho-ir husbands Wh‘vt m «l.» with the husbands was a pro:- lmn until some one suggested [halt they he put to work. Each man was 110(‘nrut9d with 3 Rod Cross gown and an instructor showed them what to nln. Did they do it? You hot they did with luts of enthusiasm and it wasn‘t long bolero they were turning out lmmluzm like voterans. It was HIGHLLVI) DUCK “EN WORK \T THE RED ("ROSS SHOP \lnmlal} "-lh» Board or Supeyiximrs are in- \itinu all their friends to attend the; (torches commemorative of the Enâ€" abling Act creating Lake County.; passed by the State Legislature on; March 1,1839. The exercises will be‘ held on Tuesday afternoon March 5.: at one-thirty o'clock in the Circuit Court Room Waukegan. ; This is not the exact date of the] creation of the county. but as the day! fell so near a egulnr meeting of the board it was t‘ought wise to hold it, at the more convenient date. I: The speaker of the day will be F ‘ C. Blair. State Superintendent of Pub- V lic instruction. Whenever Mr Blair3 has spoken in the county before he has delighted his audiences: many will he anxious to hear him again. Other speakers will he Dr. J J Halâ€" «ey of Lake Forest and State‘s Attor- ney. James G. Welch. There will .be an orchestra until iiiiartette franthe Greni Lakea .\':“‘« :il Station, ’ :H unwl as a show to see big George Lynn” wearing a Red ("rnr-xs gown he- lnnglnz to tho mm: petite wnrkor in the <hnp. A< :1 rmult of :1 very successful v‘vr‘ning, it wu< thvn and there decid- nd tn have the shop open for the men N'vry Mummy evmling from now nn. Altmution ladies. Keep your eyes an rh» men of Highland Park. thny (‘lRFllATI‘I THRIFT ('ARDS \lwllnx ('mnnwmnratlu- n! "w lin- snhllmr kt (‘reatlng Lake (‘nunâ€" ty. Passed March I. 1‘39 )Io»am~s .\~kiug You m Buy \Vur Smiugfi Stamps Should \ppeal to Your Patric»!- iun to Hvlp the (‘illso Aa.. CHAIN LETTERS TO HELP “GO OVER THE TOP” Number 53 \I’I" ('nmlnl along FOOD WILL an} hvnhwk "(in \lwtlnx" Prowd What \I on (‘n-n «In BLHR T0 'fiI‘FAK \T HH'NTY EXERHSI‘IS Wm: WIN It T be Highlann Park Frags é? Hur I'ult‘nlt'l’ ” Highhmd Park 'I‘hnrc- “ill hp :Hmthn-r puhHaIn-d rv- pnrt on Mnrvh 15th um! we hopv that thv patriotic cltlzmn of Highland Park “ill we [hut Highland Park 1" brought nvzlror to the head of the- ln many parts of the county in- ilivirluuls have pledged themselves in purchase each day a Stump to be up‘ plied in their cards and by agree- ment whole moietlm huve mmle smelt pledgea‘ Every child should be aided and encouraged in muke weekly addiA tinns to their Thrift (‘nrtk and h‘y purchasing the Stamp: at our lmz‘nl post office. will give our own city i‘rl-iHi (or tht‘ 51110 We feel sure thut when Highland Park lm< awakened to the valuation ~lxe will eume tn the frnnt In ~iu :|'- \\,«\'< dm‘i. \ list Pow ciklzenfi 0! Highland Park un- uwuro Hm! Highhnd Pnrk H far he- iml the othrr tnwni In the county ‘1 [Mn purchase of thv gmvrnmz-nt WAY Sél"‘lli~' :xn‘! Thrlf‘ Shnuu. .u- Hn' following tnhlo- will show. Thu |l<t~hu\\\th~-U)wn< n Hwy 4mm! H1 thv «11v ur Summ par onpl'a I. Inks! Zurich 3' Lake Purim! 'l‘hw i’tthutit \iuw [riveting lit‘l‘l Iii tin i'rmhptvriim Church on Fri- tiny t‘\t'lllllL{ until-r gtln- Jiliiltit‘v‘i n! the Dori-um) t‘nunvil 4! Highland. Park. nttrm-tmi 2| large audirnve The mm‘ting \\:i~ lirimiul u! t'ilihll-r insm. excellent <pa-4-rhr‘ 11ml :tppru- printc- mu<iu 'l‘hr \ptnilwr-A were. Rnhert Rnnmll Myer-z, ulm llil‘ reg (‘ently returned from the irunt when-1 he svruwi with tho Amwritnn Ambul- ance Service. He h: ni Worked in the} same wetlon with Fred: rii k Spencer r,‘ and spuke very highly ui his work Mr ers' (nth. r Rn Jnhmtnn Myers spoke on the unfluence of the liH-s of George Wmhinutnn nnd Ah- nn '-tht present tl'd) their principles of were :ikin the name {or which wv are fixhtinx: ~\‘tevrnrt, ‘ Lim oln, of how \‘(I raham affairs, liberty principles. tmln)‘, Rev. Rector M St. mmie it) George (‘ruiu Luke's Episcopal chilrch dramatic appe'nl‘ nll invent (if: on." no matter: present them- Alho-rt whn is Recreation Evnndnn, :i for lnynl citizen“. democracy to "carry what circumstances wives. Mri Allen it connected with the War Board spoke cm the need for social netivitlee outside the training ramps.‘ all The ~peakers were introduced by Mayor S. lit Hastings. Innnity uf State and Natmn, fur thn- nf the Nnb‘lt‘ Free IA'l us give pul‘liv \‘fllu' nil ilH' l»: itilll ‘ .‘illti vnthnx‘imttc partmp tmr' ili‘fl‘lih‘t' t‘uiim .l ml M, 1m: I'I'Y’l‘I-R SH 0le Bl \8 "IT "I" i‘HH'Wi‘ l~ Now Sule Owner of the Conic-elk... ery. HI" and Bfltlll‘llfl limi- nonx The (‘eutnl Inn Pi'h‘l' Hicukil \‘hliv- in un t1. li,-' .\lr. uunm- rust-.tner‘ an. MVP-'- lthnt he is mwr the Mile, owner ml the confectionery. cigar and rahtnurnnt husines‘k which has been ”pt-rating un-ler the name of The Central lpn. Mr. Sienkih will immediately m‘lle rennin chnlmen which will [reMly improve the [Ir-went facilities. They “ill eumpriw gun-ml ro-pninting. n remodeled kitchen and rc-plenluhed «(with An experio-zu-eii vii) ('lmi hm been Hr! l-‘ollowlng Table Show: Hkhlud Purl; to he Hen-nth Pluto In Lake County. he!" Hot Busy “’th Sun of Democracy" I’lcturlmx Lite 0! Abraham Llnroln. lo Begin Tolnormw Evening “\SS \IEH’I‘IXH \T I'RHSBYTHRHV l‘lll'lfl'll Music was lurnlshml by thv High- lnnd Park Choral Soclvty under thv leadership of Mr Louis Kreldlor‘ Mr. Kreldlor sung twn selm-tlon.‘ l"\\'.\‘ll‘) WARD IN “THE ‘ , (INS/I‘ll. (AMHR THl R5.‘ \| \RG‘H \'l‘}~'l'I-IRS TO BE "â€" HIYHV SI'VIHY \I’TI'IRVINDN Movies for not“ week are: Sunduy. Rupert Julian and Ruth diflord in “Mother 0‘ Mine." and a Fox Sun~ shine comedy; Monday. vaudeville. and pictures. Tuesgiay. “Gates of Gladness" Madge Evans and George MacQuarrie and comedies; Wednesâ€" day. Harry any in ”His Own Peo- ple." and a V comedy; Thursday. Fannie Ward in "The Crystal Gazer." Path“ News, and n Victor Moor!- (‘ommi); Friday “Jules of the Strong Heart" with George Behnn. “The Son of Dvmm-rncy". beginninlz. being :I pioturimtinn o! thp life of Abraham Lincoln, Slim and JP": Saturday. Dougim Fairbanks in “A Modern ,\lu<kriw'r." H Burton Hnimve i‘anr wiv. mutinm‘ at 2:30. HIGHIAND PARK BEHIND ‘ IN THRIFT STAMP SALE ,llwurw- 1mm: Mrnurt. Ih-«lor ..l ‘W. [11ka Fplu-upnl 1'hurt‘h. Iran-tun. 0n» III Swnh‘rs 1n Inks! Zurich Lake Fnrm! Liberlyvllh- North (‘hlvagu Wnu'm‘xun (hunwlnkv Raunln FUX Lah- Laka- Rlvnfl Antioch Highhmd f Park ‘ R.-\ ’\I9-HH i‘pn-uk . . ‘Proshyterlnn (‘hurch on Sunday a!â€" tenmon at half past (our n'clocl. The soloist W!” In- Mr‘ EdI‘In J‘ Hiller. violon cellist. The. program In “Ro- mania.“ by Brewer; vlolon cello min. I"Widmung." by Pnflvr. organ min. "Tn Spring." by (Ln-lg: Huluncello snlu. "H0 ShnH Feed Hln Flint." h) E'Hamh-l, urgan solo. "(‘ham de- Bun- iho-ur.” by h-nmn: vlnluncello min. Mu) "Emmy": Song" by Schumann UM "Barcarnlh-." hp Arenbny; nrunn 1mm. "F‘vslh'nl Hymn." by Barth-u» land yuu'H nt‘l‘ Mr. 9900‘“ look-t furl‘urd In an or pvclnlly good summrr M‘fllul) nnd-Hl iw wvl! propnrtd (u nu-o-l H - . Hr. I-idwln J. Hlllrr. \"lolonnllm. to to \ppo-r on Pratt-n. Hui-r I- Pour 'l'lllny Now Sule Owner of the (huh-ruin. Ilouwhalkn bled In lklnru Am rry. HI" and Bntnurunt Bml- lie-loath: to Q» (kt-pug. "MK The (‘eutnl Inn “Me-h In 5' Found Vvsm-r St-rvlces will be held HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS. 'l‘lH'RSl):‘\Y. l-‘i-thl'ARY 2n 1918 PATRIOTIC MASS MEETINGS wnv of the vhwf um-nts m the lmprnvmg uf tho wnrld m whn'h “v luv, In tht‘ (‘n-luhun nf 1hr rare The- mm: “hm l5 Krhmmm and uhu data ..u‘ go 1n Hum-h, o-nhor u mhsfimi that hm Rn-lrgmn us perfectly Huvnminhn-MMsuffic1vm,ur vlsa- hug lh-Ilgmn Is pun'ly .ux nninnluul Mfmr hr dun-s hut shan- 11 wnh mhvr {ix-hymn“ [maple 'Hu- "cnmmumiy nf thgmn" ur the grvnt wurk :md purpusvs nf the ('hun-h m thv (‘ummumty and m (Pu- nnhnn and m thv \A'nrld dwa- nut mun-«t him :xml .‘n- nmwk Hour of tho things the «‘hurch “Noni. Sn uf thv l'mnutn‘ man who 13km nu par! m pubhc vuurosmmw uf l'uUlntlsm, No I! n cum-n nf thus (mun- try hr pays his [mum and hr “no: tn all 1hr 'drn'es but hc- duos nut nut-mi i‘ntnuhc Rally“. Such a man might be (Mir-d “n “Hun at large“ for Mr hvhmx.‘ 14» n” parhvuhufipart nf Hm vuuntry, ”0 chw us w wire of his I’ntrmhsm dmt Iw m-mis nu further stimu- 1m, ur his l’ntrumsm e-nd~* In hm «my; dvmrrstrp. l’ubhc (-xpn‘ssmn nf i‘ntrlutmn and CUHUHHHH)‘ ('HHIHSIM"! and fn-lluxwhip, du Hut mtvrvst him 'l'ha- Highland I’M'k lk‘ft'nsn (hum-:1 m wur local mm m l'utrwhc (-ndt-an-rs. and nuhly ‘1.» ,2 Join» AU part For thv purpusa- of armmng (-nthusmshr ”AA-rest and \prvmimg abroad the ndvnllsm \nth WhK‘h uur gow-rnnwnt 1s dnmg its gn-nt tank Mailings. |>1Y <11mulu< 'md \vhuw ”awn-~31» :H‘n' ll: fur lhv mkr Hf uur nmnity uf State and Natmn fur 1hr \‘nkr of Mr F f 1hr Nnh‘h‘ Free IA-t us 'ln' uuhlw uni u wn Ml" mrt iw uur vrtmenu L 3 9| . I 1, :HM vnthnx‘imtw pm'm'wahnn m o-vvry l’ntrmnc M90! mr 4112' [)c‘fvnsq' ‘.Iv\l'vt .l (.‘IH‘ m Thv flunk-H AI HH‘N' Im‘c‘ll' vulntml [’nlrmhsm 'l‘hc- mun-ting lsu! Friday mum vh “ax \x‘nrthy n! 4 Hum Mn! N. Rm 1! was NUT It "Mn.“ Mt-Mx' Thv "Mass” was nu! thorn Is at .1 nun that nnr l'anmlurL \| "(PM «wring :urpruls 1.61 U\ thW (ht HUI fur Yin: \nkx 1': Mann], pns‘tur of Hu- Eviwnpnl (‘hun‘h u I” -r.- i'ntrmhsm 1' Mr who ”1' It! wr. that 4. u'cumtv n Wily we 5’.le Arum} ~Y rt‘inluj‘ mull! M HH' 4 J inrw' Mu! «"Jhlhmd Uh n! (he ll lk‘ft'nsn (hum-:1 m wur local mm and nuhly ‘1.» ,2 dnlm AU part aruu‘mg (-nthusmshr ”AA-rest and 'nllsm \nth WhK‘h uur gow-rnnwnt t culls, «m-mummlh I’Mrlntw M as gn-MH : H' lilwufiu'ni H»: I'Mrl (131‘s mun .I! \u-ako ane um an: hn-krh uround yum hnuru- whk-h thx In (hr Merrhnnh lhlh'c-ry (‘0‘ H “m Illvr you In asked to AM Ihrm on! In I Pour“: In-nl pint-e for ”Nur doHu-rp born In pbck uy. In rhm‘linl up nn than hunk!!!- Ihr- mmpnny find: that (he-"- I- .1 M2 ~hm1am- which In due In Hm (1qu ”ml In many run-- (he ba- ld:- nrr Irfl with J“ order “hell (he ouqnnwr I- "nay {mm hum: or II h um mnw-nhm In rmpIy Ihem a! flu- llmo 0' Ik-lhvn' In m-w-rll lnfllnn-I Ihe-r hm-IH- hm? hoe-n hand In haw-mm": u-u-d an “mu-Inn" for u” mrI- u! Ihlnn WM!!- Ihry an n! nu panlcul-r \aluc' In the Ivor-pv- houwhnldor. new urn-- can Ihe com- pany {ram 730 In $150 rag-h and II ~hnrtngo- n! «wrul hundrrd In a My III-m putati- \HTRFHLVTS DELIVERY (‘0. {RE SHHRT 0N BASKETS “r ”In! lJnthunL mhu Im- how-n Ullll‘llfl”) nrHH- In Harm. down ,dnrkor- and nllrgrd (Brrmun uplo- ru-r usinre m." \In- «Ireland an Oct mum, Ins! Mnhdu) plrlu-d up in all"! uni“: m.- unnu- tn Jnhn Pm‘hrl. Ihn mu ”an. friend: In Mllhlnnd Puk And uhn ‘nr max-fled by Mr lJm'Mum 1,. hr m «immunk'ukm «uh hh anhu vim lv- IIM [n be I Sum-me Juxluv I'I lh-rlln Mr Und- h" 'urmnl l'huhvtuu'rhn (he Prd~ -H'n“HI:-- w ("Vit‘uflu pmuflnl \IR. {HAP LINIDBIMM TKKI‘Z“ AN ”Ll-313E" SPY rlwmr Turnrd In" to Vodtrnl \mharllln In (‘hkm [or D‘Inhrr Inn-uncalle- 'J‘In fm‘h Y1K \IH .‘xl ~uch 1"";th '.|H' \..H" n: 1hr harm-r (mm HM NIH \i-rmm-m Hung u'h-w- dumy~ l'rc-stnh-rum \M‘mLh x111 NEH) (m \ H‘l IL x11? Land 811$ A ”Mom hwnkhm! nun burn-«I ESumIn} mnrmnx and m 7 20 Hm bu." “hank-d n unglnl Irnln IMrh nlurlc-(l Llhom H" on 1hr” )nurm-y In {he run- hmnwu! Thaw «'umhu-h-cl men-lu-s up I)»- nu- go-ntIHm-n nnd everything fur Hu-n «union which could pun-ml} hv- dunr. In! done fur than Each man I .. prvmonmd W“ h :- oomlnrl 'HL quh muck lrnm ln-hlx "comfy" nrr nun-C muehn Nllw Hmhlnnd l‘urlu-n “l‘rl‘ In Hu- umun Ivonml John \‘wunua «I H. ('rnlr-l hr- D‘rrlrhl Bran-u um (‘. .\. W. R. It. Ire-h “III Injury My .lnhn F. S‘mnum n fnzilh! Make-1mm m. 1hr “'Iu‘nnrlh thlon, I'Llrumu \uvlhummurn Railrond mH “uh un M‘r‘dcnl m. T‘hlll’udl) morn my in~l urrh. I'ul'h rev-"Hm! In 1hr ampulnlluh u! hh “(M 11-01 nnd Bruldol In! hunhund Mn Oliver u-nm H) mm” hot, nu» mmrhh-ru. lh-vl- and Eueiyn nud- M HuHrr Wu, and n ww- 't- duh 1n ruin-h ”.1 var: Jun! lu-u Hu urchin-M Mtpyu-m-d Ir hard 2.. ~..~ but H In IwHMvd llwl ln mun-nu! lnun Hu rnxhu hr Mruck Hu ~u llr‘h, \i hlrh ("num‘d AH" '0 full Hh vixhl 104-1 Inn vau‘ht hu- mnn. Hu- umuh of (he engine. cu!» Hug u up ~u had” that ampuullnu vuu nm-t-mnr) , "0 Im- (uh-n In tho‘ \Hlunukw Hur‘phul uhrn- Hm "perm Hun wm perlnrmo-d KIHMT F001 (‘l'T OFF IV RULROAD U‘l'llH-TN'T \(r Swim-nu In 21 ,unrs qt an, Mn horn rmplnyrd ullh (he Noflh» \uu-lrrn Ranmd Mnre Inn! June "P live: with M: mother, Mrs Mary Snunpun. “‘95! Contra] Aw HI I 0\\\' “0‘8 \II‘I "Fl" T0 ¢‘\\ll' ISR‘VT Iii-emu cl “- ICICUI PM". "ML rum-"I '9er It“ “with " day. Burl-I at Fun-n1 Hun-r lair «‘uunlp‘n «irnlh-d IDI‘H “In; urrr rpm-nil) vnHmL h-fl In mm ”W \uluuml Ann} "I (‘ump (hum. 1m Sunday nualnlnx Aha-r nu'r) pie-ur- nnl Alum" Sulunln) ru-mnx. u [rip In Hw mm Nut and n u-uernl “go-t M” unmnhnl" llmr nflmunrd». Hu Imp- ‘rn‘ )muu-d nur “will M ”w ('luln MRS. HH‘IN OLIVER "”3 IN (‘HN'MHI MONDAY lHnurr. “mm nod I Sac-In! 460-1 urlhrr {flu-I lur Ihr Men «I \ru troy fill-May PVC’I’ Pour Minute- mc-n In a lellclllouh; mumenl numc- om- rumod lhnl nutmeg |l hm- tunnel-[hum It lakes um hmh In uuf pioneer (1n):- lhe plow In Hu Md uld Inrnll l'ulnnm ‘ho left H ku. nnd lhr mud piclumqutf druullr In! ”her” Hw uurld huh “In" hnu- changed. From (hr plum Io- hnvr «min-d uj‘umplrx of (-nnuunm. w:- hnw mmrd ”w rum: llkr hm.) humnn am: in a rrnlng \n- Mnr hull! I‘m-m, «pin» Muu um Hu-rrlrmn hmx Hum u! .‘(H‘l :u‘ltn-v- umd) plain» and webbing drrpnm nuampx granny Mll- and nun-Mm: Yln'nnH-v- lulu u Immngnmur uhull lh. luImuHhmum cull mu mnmlr‘ HI 1 (”4.- his Ll» lt'fl In”! our Minute Men Ill? IT! HM ‘Ylht‘i puthu u: find «HIT “II: Mid I '0": 's11 ”\th I ImHnunl Hfl 1V»- [In The pulp“ nf tin» l’relbimflun thuv't'h has Imen “museum“. “Q '0' h-numlnr) rupplim, 'or nearly . your. mm mm 0! Normal and III. "rut-not ol "I. Bonn-IO Vim-I rm Hull“ 0! mu reader: no doubt ro- uu-mhm Mr Frank Fill Illen he VII mmlunh-d from our hll’h N‘hnol In Hmnlnnfi Park a number of you'- nxo H¢ uni [ht-n ”"1113 “Nb hi! nun! uh- n n dnu‘hnr u! “w front uwnnualhl H l. Mood; and his un- rlc “In In» \a-ry m-Hu in the Mumsx lmllluu H: (‘hlmwn and Im- il .nl \I-I‘Hxflvlff Mn“ HI I!!! rcli lmlu- Form-l mm nm: “hm tun ”Ann transhrred to \‘H‘Iann "u-lhm ll) Mhlrhl‘blmu m ;. “Harm sludvm, rem-hing M: n A mun-c «ha-n: thou! elzht yearn nun Afxm lwlnu graduated with hnnuu hum “11ku lu'ilool the n-uulnr mm”;- Al Unkm Theolblicll Sunlnnrp mug ln tum: 31-an ruched lhr civkrrv U“! I) "0' "‘0!“ ‘(h‘l’C “mum: mun. um" [um graduate umk m prwnrMnyflprnvIH-M church umk. and rellmnu. c-ducnllon under Hugh “luck and other Drulnlm!‘ Hunlutinllr In Expat-tad to TIM NM (M Hunt the Mulls of Much. “In Formerly I Mlle-1 hullnu Mu mound-and Inurfh 10.11! m Ilw T'Imuhmlcul Ic-mInnrv he ear- vaI In nddIIIun Io hi! work than. n umdunn- mum I! Cnlumhll UhI- \‘vrv-il) In Ihr depMIIIu-m at Wed Ron-nor, speck-Hung In Sodomy. re- H mm; Ilnv drurm» 0' M. A Hullw In «Mr (Io-uh (If Mr. Htl'! Itho-r. Iu- um lnbwn on Mt own rv-mnrrv.~ pIle) nfu-r lwginnhl Me mun-xv work at Lalo Fora-l and hi! ~uppnnu-d IIIme! fiver nlnco by do- Iug "I! Hnd- or church WINK. Hf hogan I-I~ pr: m-hIng “bout nIne years up“. durum In:- )em :11 Wflllnms (‘nlII-gr. nn amply for Ihr North I'uunnI (“Ill"lql. a «null o-nIQ-rpflw In a rural (-nmmunil). Dul‘Inl; h“ first )onr m the SemInu-y he in the ‘- uIMunI mInI>lrr nl Im- HaInbrIMN An-nm- I‘huvrh In..\'vw Yuri. 11m rI-qmn-II Mm In prenwh Inc; or more "I Ilu' c-Izm wrmnnr rumh month. Ink: purl In all II'N'H'I'H. HIDPT‘MIHI II r Sunday Hl'honl. clmdurl MW pray- ”! "Am-Hun». Iukl «'hHKI- nl ”W I'OI‘I umnnx Inc- wu‘ng people. «It. th "lll’ I'ul‘l there Itlfu'lfd ““5,” Iron u! HIP N0“ 'fh‘. Mflrck‘bd. Duo? o! ”W u HM) Iumu n (‘ulh (Intr'Church of SI \‘H-hulur- n! ‘Mh SI and Fifth Au-nur \u-u \urh ’I'In nrM lhrpr while-n. Ifih but II III: n-nnnnr‘ urrr upon! ll [MI Ml c-hm‘rh qu-rw In had full "Hug!“ of ”w work among the young mk- an winuunl lo Dr. Mood l!- or- nnlwd and lunch a lnrge‘mgn'l BIbIo clan, conduaed prayer meet- ‘Inn. Ind Injected Into (ht ehurch life A broad sock] IpIrIl Ih-t In re- ‘xretnbly uncommon In our pro-om day churches. \ nm‘mm I'lemu‘s Von; Drv MucClood In mrved In M. pulm- u! Mr Pm n mun u '0)! n a church loader,‘ Th: manner of 1913 w,“ W unrkllll In a ham. mlnlon held I- «h:- Adamnduk Four “mum with Auron Mnddnx In [rout Sky-Him uurl m-nr a mill town u! over ‘00 lumbc-rnwn Illh Jnhn Stwn [he lnrfl PM!» Pun-Hun wulrmo f‘hurch u! the Sr" Mu! Land In khl‘ hrnfl 0' (to hunt Ens-II Sid», I» mad cow art-n 1n llu- world :’ in tho mile nur- ruumhm: Il.i~ rhur‘h th'i‘" arr m,- «an vrm H 'l :lH 20' \u-\' erf‘ C“, Tho‘ m-xx mmmrihe um- unscented uf n It pH "to! \m- Yuri C“, .l. ..»!\ ,ulehtC’d Hmrr Inuld «‘nmimwd on Phl' " Hiflhld I’ll-k

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