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Highland Park Press (1912), 4 Apr 1918, p. 7

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[recon verts |ADDRESS :vai I - rtery. |L'S'I‘RLM. inutes rm hands KluMamI Park m 370 .ich b be nnce nall fired ,nd xi tractor "col-proof. )lem in a .tcn ‘ay TSON ut In m ORS of this ordinance shall be conveyed through any street. avenue. alley or public plqco within the Cit.‘vv 0' Highland Park without a permit from Hw- (‘ommisslnner of Public H03!!!» and Slfvty. Ame-t No. I” L < » '.3 BOARD OF LOCAL ll‘PRO 3 OF THE CITY OF HIGHLAND3 _PARK. 3 NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that‘ bids will be received (or the con-3 struction b: a cast iron latenl main3 ater supply plpe._with fire hydrantu.3 .peclal castings and shut 0! value? to be constructed and laid in along, and under St. Johns Avenue from3 n“. mum mm of the present water3 main at the intersection of St. Johns “mug and Beech Street and ex-3 tending from thence southfpa’rallel3 with thel easterly line of St. Johm' Avenue and twenty one (31) feet3 ‘esteriy therefrom for a distance 013 four hundred and seventy (470) feet3 30 a point twenty (20) '8” soil") 0f3 ”w north line of Cedar Avenue and: for the conitructlon of 34:“! "0133 “final main water supply pipelour; (U inches internal diameter 'With3 fin, hydrants. special castings and3 mm otr valves. from the last above; mpmloned paint. thence east in a ‘ine twenty «me ('21) feet south of ma parallel with the northerlv line .1! Cedar Axe-nae for a distance of’ we“ hundred (700) feet to and; mnneorinz with the misting six (6)3 ‘mch water main now laid twenty: one (21) feet east of the easterly? line of \Ve'h- Street. all in the City of Highland Park. County of Lakei ml Sm. a!” 111mm. as a whole in‘ l accordanvo with the ordinance there» for. Samuel M. Hastings. yr“: Bahr. . Edward G. Huber. Ward W. Wilma. Board of Local lwmprovements Cisy oi Highlnnd Ptrk. Dated at Highland Park. “Housman: m: day‘nf April. A. D. 1918. (5.0) t AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE HAULING 0F GARGABE IN THE CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK. COUNTY OF LAKE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS: Section I: That no swill. offal" table refuse. animal or vegetable re. fuse. waste or decaying animal unto ter and fish shall lie conveyed through any street. avenue. alley or public place within the City of High- land Park unls-ss conveyed In vehi- clps constructpd of one of mote com- partments. each of whichcbmpart- ments shall be coveféd with a wood- on or sheet metal cnvor attached to euch compartment. with substantial hinge». ‘ No propbsal or bid will he could. ered unless accompanied by check as here-In pun-Md." ‘ " -‘ The Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any or all bids If they deem it best for the public good. Said propmal must be delivered to *he President of the Board of Local Improvements in open session of said {hard at the time and pli’be fixed herein for the opening of the same. Section '2' N0 refuse. waste 0? other matter described in Section 1 Pilwl, \l.1r('h Q!!! A. D. 191'}. PaSun' \Inrvh 39th. A. D. 1913. Apprmm! April hat. A. D. 1913 AN ORDINANCE mummy; AND urmzsmc THE BUSINIcss 0F BROKERS WITHlNzTHE CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK 88 IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- CIL 0}“ THE CITY OF‘HIGHLAND PARK. COUNTY OF LAKE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS: Section I: It shall be unlawful ,fol‘ “Y Dérsfln or corporation to out!!! in ”I" business. or act in the camcity 0f a broker, within the City of Hllh’ Said bilh will hv opened on the 19th day (If April. A. D. 1918 at ”16 hour 0! 5:30 o‘clock p. m. at the office of tho Board of Local Improve- ments in lhv (‘ity Hall 0! this City wf Hizhlnml Pilrk. W The specifimtions and blank pro- .»mh will hp furnished at thé office I {ha Board a! Local Improvements M the (‘in Hall in said city. The comma-tor will be paid ln nonds. which bands will dm-w inter- s-et .1! the mm of (5) per cent per All proposak or bids must be ac: companimi by n certified_gheck pay- had Park. without 9'flrst obtaining a "“058 therefor. Application for Mich license shall he made in writ- “! ‘0 that Mayor. and upon payment I {ha V"! the The month. wt .1! annum (3< "zhle' tn Un- Prvsidpnt at the Board of Local fmpnxcments of the City of Highland Park for the sum of not. loss than ten (10) per cent of the aggregate of the proposal. ATTEQT wncn or me comm! r\ \Varv'r‘n. ("ity (Work Qnmuvl .VL Hastings. Mayer Section 2: Any such corporation. pony or assocloition, ,not incor- rated under the laws oi the State ‘ Illinois. which is engaged in the ' ty in electing fire ineurance. owl a: to the city coflectm' for the zintenance. use and badollt of the re department of Qhe titty : suin- f_ money. equal in mount-j to two per ent per imnum of t e «do receipts of Section 9: This ordinance shall he} lot in force and effect from and after its‘ he passage. approval and due publication.’ i Samuel M. Hastings. Mayor to linear: ~ 4 “‘3. A. Warren City Clerk. } M Filed March 8th A D 1913. ed Passed March 29th. A. D. 1918 E ,e_; 'Approi-éd April 1st A D. 1918. ; I;t l [‘6‘ u§AN ORDINANCE . REGULATING _ ..4 on; cox-Lunar or o ! BY PRIVATE sosvmm - , or?“ IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- our [ending on or ' 01140? THE CITY OF HIGHLAND uly. for. lay in.“ ; PARK COUNTY 01" LAKE AND food to beefed g STATE OF ILLINOIS: _ r with say such rpordtiom com- ' Section 1: That the !Mayor slit“ . toy or assoeieflon. urine/(och year, tram time to time. and upon only Section 3: Every hereon :cting in icetion approved by the Qommiuion- : City as agent. (or or on beholflof 0‘ er 0! Pubi'ic' Health sud surety. n! such eomratlon, computer or ss- igro‘nt a license to any penon or cor- notation. shall on or before the I“ poration to remove and dispose of in Itoenth day 0! Jul! of each 3M ”éthe manner hereinafter stated. one]. very year. rendelfi 101M comptroller )Habie refuse or animal and vegetnbla : full. true sod just mount. verified m(matter usually known as gel-huge y his oath. of all uremioms which. IE ‘ from hotels. restaurants. cues. board; uring the year ending on the first gins houses private housed and other by of July preceding such report 'Lgpiaces not otherwise provided for by hell have been recdlved by him. or m’the City; or for the removal and dis- 4 n! other person M him. in behalf iDi poem: of manure. swill or any animal 1 any such corportiiion. oomph!!! or Qor vegetable refuse and weste includv' seoc.iation Such {gent :hall also. “'4 ing decaying ’animal matter and fish _ the tips of rendering the :i'ore-' e. i from butcher shops and commission aid report. pay to till: city collector u ‘houses and other place: where such .- e sum of money :ior which such ed, 1 decaying animal matte-1‘ and fish may ompany. corporatioil‘i or association o”accumulate 1 epresented by him: is chargeable. its ; Section 3: A broker is one who 1': ;entmd for other: In notatunu .contracts relative to property with 511m custody of which he has no. leoncern. Arm'r: FE. AfWan-en, City Clerk. Ffled March am A D 1913. Passed March 29th. A. D 1913 EApproi-éd April 1st A D. 1918 umuh-MME- *2 Section 2: I! m: the W and delivery of I lloenu under the' ;provlslons of thin ordinance W chonze shall be Me In the oboe 10" places of business covered there- by no bmlnm shell ho carried on m i such new lo‘catloa until u hence shall, have been Elem In writing to the Clgy Collector. Section 8: Any'person employed by a person or corporation 'licenséd as a broker under Ihe provisions 9! this ordinance who shall himself ari- gase in the business or not in the capacity of a broker. shall notwith- standing the fact‘ ‘0! such' employ- ment. be amenable In all th'e pro- visions of this chapter and shall be required to take out‘ a broker's' ii- cense. ,. Sectmn 9: This ordinarice‘ahau be in force and effect from and fitter“: passagempproval and due pubilcntlon. Section 2: No person or corpora- tion shall he permitth to remove and dlspose 0! will. ofial. ta‘ble ré- (use. usually known as garbage. or any other matter descrilrgd in Sec- tion 1 of this ordinance. without flr‘st having obtained a license so to (in. under a penalty of not less than. Twenty-five Dollar: ($35.00) nor more than .One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each offense; provided that any person desiring to gamer, rempvt' and dispose, of garbage de- caying animal matter ”and fish. ma- nure. swil‘l or any animal refuse and waste from his own premises with.- out‘the aid of such licensed private scavenger. he may do so upon the written pPrmisslnn of the Commis- sioner of Public Health and Saleti. and thou only in the matte-r speci- fied in such permit.‘ be; “near to the W by)» Cit! Clerk. Buch‘inpgmr “1‘ «he an um 92 $0 mm" “1... Born!“ tad u» 1W new)“; "-le ol Immu- xor which men Section 4: A ran-l estate broker it one who is ensued (or 'other: in negotiating contracts relative to red estate. , » Section 5: An Insurance broker shall include any nnd ‘every person. or corporation engaged for others in negotiating contracts Ior mauruwo' on lives. buildings. vesuh, or othcr property. either directly or lhronsh my insurance agent. or with any in- sunnce company other than tn in- surance company of which such 9di- son 'shali be an employee; Section 8: All ordinancesi or parts of ordinances in conflict V{with this ordinange aro hereby repealkfd. Section 3: Every person or cor- poration applyihg for such llcense shall pay annually to the City Col- lector tlm sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for such license. and shall execute a bond to the‘ City in the 901ml sum at Five- Hundredfikullufi ($500.00) with. nu less :thzm (“11(2) mlssloner of Public Health and Safe- ty conditioned that nuch‘ iicensee com- ply with- the provisions of this or- dinance and with the provicions of any other ordinance on this subject now. in force of which the Council may from time to time ordain. .é Section 4: The offensive matters described in Section i of this or- dinance shall, under no circumstanc- es. be disposed of in any public dump. piglpen, cattle yard. o_r in any other place within the City, nor in any other manner 6r mace than as pre: scribed by the Comminsioner bianby iic Health and Safety; The mu- cation for license shaltstate whpt com. cu: Calhoun 0!» mmée hoioi‘ No. Doll". (3:. no) ; neon-o nah rm Section; 2: Any when or corpora- tion violating any of the provisions of th‘h' nrdinnnce. shall be fined not less than twenty- five ($25.00) Do!- lar's nor more than two hundred dolo hrs ($200.00) or each oflehse. vcred of it. or ite agent or agents y'nn action in the hzmic of and for he use of the City of Highlafnd Park a for money had and received, Noth- g in lhi< section .fihail he held to xempt any person. corporation. com- nny or association from Indictment nd conviction. and the provisions ! an Act entitled " n Act to enable ities towns and viilnges. organized rider any general or special law; to vy and collect; a tax or license fee In foreign inauerce companies the benefit of organized fire de- artments" in forcngulx 1.1895. Section 5: No inserance broker in e city shall place any insurance ith any company. aesoclntion or cor- ration- not incorporated under the we of this State. wfhich shall be in etault for not reporting or makinz ayment as hereinhefore proviuud. ntil it shall have complied with all e requirements of: this ordinance. Section 8: Any person violflng ny of the provisions of this ordin- nce shall be flnedlnot less then enty-flve Boilers", (825.00,) nor are than two hundred Gallon $200.00) for each open”. , Section 7: All ordinances or parts f ordinances in cdniiict with this dinnnce are hereby repealed. Section 8: .Thia ordinance shall be u force and effect from and after its asuge.approval and due publication. ..... w.c..% m1: and such Eoth Marta M £11331?“meth ammo! nghland Park by d any thrush it: cont-awn on- and». Section 6 Thu m Inn“ In In force and afloat md um iu' Section 3: Every hereon uctlns in a City as agerit (or or on hehtlflof ny such eorporatlonp company or u- oclation. aha“ on or before the ftoenth day of Juiy of each an! very year. render to‘ the comptroller full. true 1nd jnpt mount. verified y his oath. of all fireminms which urlng the year ending on the first ny of July precedghg such report, had] have been recdlved by him. or M other person M him. in behalf 1 any such oorporflfion. oomph!!! or Lssoélation. Such stunt am“ also. ' Section 1: It shall be unlawful for y carpal-gum. unjustly ior “cool:- on not incorporate under the Inn 1 the sum of Illinéia. tq sum In he City of Highland Park in afloa- ng fire Insurance. 01? to transact any ruslnesa of fire‘ Insurance In said my. while ln dalaqlt by not fully lomplying with any of the requlre- an“ of this ordinance. and until uch requirements aha“ have been lully complied with: but this pmvl- }ion shall not renew any company. {orporation or assodlatlon from the aymeut of any risk; that mty be un- lertaken in. violatloh of this ordin- Iy Virtue of the provisions of this or- finance. Z Section 4: The sum of money for vhich such company, corporation or usaobiation ls so chdrgeable. may be “3530.899wa and upon! 0! din-1.?” 3130:. manure. glut IE IT ORDAINED Y GIL ONT!!! 0! ‘ 0F IGHLAND PARK. COUNTY DP LAKE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. i TM: 3. AL WI “fled, larch h A. hand Much nth. lpproved April 11», N Momma! P' vxpmc non mmm unencum- Auxmou man an :. A. Warren. City Chart. fled. March am A. :D. 1918. used March 29th. A. D. 1918. pprm'ed April m. m. D. ms nblté mqtn «ha , : Mon 5: mint 1;; tm‘m Samuel M. Hastings. Mayor name mm In md that m 00, publicatiqn. Katina. MW 01!. City Clerk. ED.101‘8. ‘ A. 0.1918. A. D. 1918. t a. m. to; 8:45:13. Fare $1.- 30. to a late hopr, mu Mme .. \. 1 1115pmveryoonv y ‘ Expré’ss trains ‘ land Park ever'j 1;? mg; Hi g5 15:73; ParfiZfiO p m and Eam‘le‘avinz wawankaeieaat ma ! p ,. “k . . ,. ‘ , I M .3? V ‘1‘; A r 7‘ ‘ I . " I - ‘ -i _ . ' . i . : , 11,3 . -, H ‘ ., N E ' 11375. Claim {Tel-WM, For $82 801he mu pay YOU $10.00 Thls offgzr 1s gOOd untll’Aprillst. , t0 my oflice and I WIII ex- g, plain it to you , . i baking (fiesta; in half Mint fo‘r

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