u. PAGE 81! manna-IIl-IIIII North Shore Trust Company _ v ‘ HighlanJ Park Trust Savmgs Bank Highland Park State Bank ‘ By suBscribing to the Third Liberty Loan, a safe, sound, in- come prodhcing investment backed byzthe combined resourées of the richestgnation on earthy _ ' i . _ Date ongonds-uMay 9, 1918. Denominationsfrom $50.00 up. Rate of interest 4% %. ‘Maturity 10 years. , Exempt frOm normal taxiies. The uiZ1dersigned banks of Highland Park will be pleased to re- ceive and care for your subscriptions on either of the following plans: Cash 111 full and delivery of bonds. Government plan. 5 % with subscription; 20% May 28th; 35 % July 18th; 40 % August 15th. Bi- monthly installment bank plan: 5% with subscription; balance 1n 12 bi- monthly installment payments. Weekly installment bank plan. 5 % With subscr1pt1on bal- ance in 23 weekly installment payments. The crisis is on. Your country is calling. Will you respond? Highland Park’s quota is $483. 000. 00. ' Subscribe today and let us decorate you with a badge of honor---the Liberty button. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. Prove Your Loyalty Protect Your Savings ' Defend ., Your AHome ‘_ and Fireside . Back. the Boys in the Trenches HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS I'd-95°†â€mm x 14 In nmpnrtl Ike-sax '5 Hash! f Elsie 5T0 In OHM-s A NE I'honi Butt 'Pbonc ll “'1 P0 1