wrn. ‘ mmdr F‘rhfï¬ )0 mm! '1' when: .' (hr) Girls (Edd l: :ziwr. Mrs. Farl- \( why In rain (or the Ham ‘1! rhncm Lake wit: damp w 4 am-k in {caregwr Adams cottage he H141": mzl Park Y. W. mm to DER EEJEJEEE ~:«:~¢»:»:«:~M mung ‘nd Street 'ED 0w open Ladies’ ent 1'1? you real (v. ' Subject H, 1918. 00 k air» ~»..'!nmnon at 3:00 a" zirl: by Mary very interesting I! my care for the Y, W. C. A. Cleaner Ol==ldi or::=:=o EHENEJLQJLQJ '. 331 ml .1 great A :soclntlon 571-579 Vine Ave., Highland Park, Illinois Bowman Dairy Company Perfectly Pasteurized Purity Guaranteed COTTAGE CHEESE Fine Footwear 12 North Sheridan Road T Early Arrivals in Fall Footwear Arthur W. Vercoe Proddont General Checking, Deposit and C BOWMAN METHODS J. A. Blomdahl Capital and Surplus, $120,000 Style. quality. service and foot comfort, associated with fair prices, are prominent features in our new fall line arriving daily. A Few Broken Lines Left Although our summer stock is pretty well depleted, we still have a few broken lines in women’s and men's low cut shoes and Oxfords in the} season’s most desired lasts. Come in while they last. North Shorg'l'rpgt Company N. W. Comer Central Ave. and Sheridan Rd Now provide for your table a delicious dish of Cottage Cheese â€" made in the countryâ€"packed in modern sanitary Kleen-Kup. At your door daily. Mark your card or ask the delivery man. You can enjoy this dish several times a week at slight cost. 15 cents the package. 4 per cent Paid on Tim; Certificates 3 per cent paid on Savings Deposits TE]. EPHO‘V'ES. (A Sun Bunk) In J. Goof] Vice Prouidont 3 HIGHLAND PARK. 9 : GLBNCOE. 7o iommercial Business Telephone 247 E. J. Grundy UMI'H'ARY. Iknvn 1L I'zlrxrv-y. fuller 01' H0} E. Pinch-y. of Highland Park. du-«i Frill“). .\u'_'n~t 9th. at the Highland Park Hnspntnl. "9 I'm horn Apn‘ 33rd. 1541. MN. Roy F. Pinmy armmlnniwf Hm rvmains to Chenou, Illinois, fm burial on Sunday Int. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (‘OMFOBTS‘ OUTPUT It and executed graceful curve- in the alr while feet below kept time to martial music. A thrllllng accessory to the parade was the pea plane that hovered over Fuwttu S. Munro: President away and only this prv- uants a message of commendluon wd congntulation to the citizens of High- land Park on their great Ind helpful idva. L‘orwnrdimr l‘ommmeo Bu Shipped Since June, 357 Garments and 19 Pair of Socks to Behave-s The (‘hristinn Science Comforts For. Again sinuerely regretting that 1 cannot be w.th you all, may I beg you to mum-y my message to the parents 01‘ the “Son‘s‘in-Servire†to meet every sacriï¬t-e with courage and fortitude. that the ideals 0f the Government- which protects us may endure forever. Very ainrerely yours, 1'. H. BARRY, \m .ur General, U. S. Anny. A telegram from Washington, to Mr. Munro read as fOHOWS: Washingtnn, D. (3., Aug. 7th. 1918. Moor muc‘ lievml thl Highland in Trinity Avignn‘t lq Lflkinu the Kiwi 'l'ht- {an Peter mid a cottage J mainder 01 Mr. Din from ahm mun; «.1 my on!) daughter us xu the Army, and may soon ' in Frame. \‘nw-E: brings the “Sons-inâ€"Ser'ice" very close to my heart. We have sent our “Sonsrinâ€"Serviee" to deliver the memge of the Ameriun people to the enemies of Human Freeâ€" dom Lbs! their pover in ended. With nnging cheers Hwy are going “over- Llw-unp,â€_ and with cheers we must speed and hcuneu them, and thereby we. who have “Soneinflwrviee†will serve our sons baring ever in mind that they feed on the patriotism of [ht-1r parents. gaunt: [N [M 15-38 (‘lms A Ago: 14-16 (‘ltms B A203 12-14 (‘lass P Age. 10-12 (‘lnss D A29! 9-10 Your committee will award suita- ble prizes to tho winnars of the var rions m-nnts. Your committee also urges all mem- lwrc who have golf clubs for which thm‘ no longer lmvo nn'v mtI to turn over such club:~ tn the committee for proper distribution among the end; «lies. Clubs for tournament should be left with tho (‘mldie Mastor at tho Clubhousv. A dinner will be served at 8 )o’clock. I: will be necessary to make ‘reservations in advance. Ynur vnmmiHN‘ fl‘rmfnn- pray-05w to hold such a tournament on Mon- day, August 28th. The tournament “'3†comm of eighteen holes. modal Mm- T‘mrv uiH bn four rlnsws. '3‘ follows: An 18 hole modal play, hmdicap, conducted as a four bull foursome, «will be the cv,cnt with pnzes for {both ladies and gentlemen. Players imust start between {our and ï¬ve P. M It ha; been deemed dwinble by your committee that 1 Golf Tourna- ment for our caddies be held some time during this month. Your com» mitteo helivvm mch a tournament will he of meat henrflt 90 MP earl- dies, in that it will stimulate their intomt in our club and cause them to rmnlor better service to the mem- lwrc n? thl‘ t‘lul‘). ' Feeling that our members are not fenjoying the full bent-ï¬ts of late aft~ Jemoon golf, your committee has ar- ; ranged for a Twilight Tournament, to be held Wednesday, August 14th. [Hen holes, â€(‘1' hnk‘ PM}. for Ou Miss *r of (ï¬munued from Pngé 0m- SONS-lN-SERVICE DAY (‘ELEBRA T10! ment Net. Gue: H. \V. Rodman. handicap against 18 holes «vents GEORGE (‘REEL Day, Aug 5 were as '. Towner 93 event; Chapin. . Net u “was, noun Savings Prize: . Second Low t md Second rust 7th, win‘ folio“: (guest) win- winner of 18 Mr. and Mn. Benjamin F. Putt An- nounco the onxnement of m." (huh- ter. Fumes Estella. to Mr. Cecil Martin of Oak Park. III. Mr. F? Farmer has (one to Dav- enpnfl. 13.. whrre he Is t do (mm- mont work? "Thn 500" toured m huh Zuflch an but! Sunday and the machine: «mned by â€w Tucker‘s. Lnrmn'u. Yet- 0!".- nm! Thnmflfl' Irrrr loaned for 1hr act-Minn mun “Windham. "3 ~o~ livun and \‘nry Bake-r leave Suiurula) fur \\'1L~h,nmun. I). C. Minn Bnkrr will «mm the civil nonin- in tho Trm-ur} lk-y-nrtnxem. Twpnty girl smut: under the dim- tinn of Mrs. t‘nrleton Vail left Mondly for the Y. WV (‘t A. rottngp at Drum Lake. The girls expect to be} under milit-ry mmnlnlion during their one week's aha-n"- nnd suij-t tn impec- tion. they and their union. sch morn- )DL" “1' Duncan “city. lately returned: from abroad when he has senod in}| both the French md Italian srmies and received honors for aid givcn to the: wounded under ham y ï¬re was the Sat-i urday guest of Mr md Mn. Kenneth C Bennett of 547 S. St. John: Ava: Mr. Welty was ummpmied by Mini Victoria Irwin o! t‘himgo, his prosâ€"i pectin! bride. ‘! '“h- {muiiivs uf “0.9.18. 5‘ A. St. Valor and John L. l‘doil an occupymu a cottage at Taylor’s Lake for the re- mainder of the summer. mute am of sciatica, ha ha for the put fortnight it tho WM Moor mud bub. sad in to W“, n- lLevod that be experts to return w Highlnnd Park and resume his dulien in Trinity ('hurch nn next Sunday“ Mamet 1“, Urn. \Voirott h‘r' also been taking Hm tn-nlmenl and is much helm Tim Rewmu-l 1'. (X Wohvlt, who for some weeks has been suffering from an Mr. Fun} ness. Iht- "n-n Albert of V p84: to "Inn [and Park 1 lm;.m‘ ha‘ N M 1A.: bum mural Gamer. to Mr. J. A (Wm-am Mr. “hart ex ‘\I 511.1» ‘ {.L .l.\ ‘0 High Can you coitceive of a unï¬t, a more sensible plan than toropen a uvingsacoountinchis built for that XED PURPOSE approximating your mandï¬lncing into dutaccountlpro- portion“: sutr’, each month? While without pinch or ha . ip you accumulate the required fund you rec c 3 %inwreston them. Will you c the decision today? Incvetywq‘reguhcedbmina‘aï¬ndsum isntasideouï¬ofmonthlyuminguandnnm- The of Saving. Depositors FRANK J. B R j. M. APPEL C. F. Praidcnt 5 Via Pruidem Cl Highlalél Park State Bank nncmsein hoovuindi' ave For 2131er Pmpose: Your [noéne Tax, Due m 1919 M John Hid md childn-n "1’ Hun d, Indium, but: how the n of Mn IM’: mocha, In ?'. Dirt? 0! this city. Mn. and '0! form y Min EH: Josephine Fons- bondw. Mi“ Chrisune Johnson, I“ with :1 MI ‘ in the Andllurium buiMmL'. ('hiv r, "hilt-d Nih- NJdred (haw .n‘m A work 11'"! Tl Next-rend Frank Fill has left ln-un 11’ but vmlzon. â€in Iddm for I m b will be “The Ill-ad lbr‘box â€on Hume (on m. George), New York“ Mr '(‘hulu Brown. St, in animal) ill :1 ‘» borne in Iï¬ghwood, '; I'll... l I._l \ IVIII_.Iâ€"Iâ€".l Tdfdlchl". unnwuumarou or am v.“â€" Unusual opportunity for the right party. Those only with cash or Liberty Bonds need apply. Respectfully, WING to the draft, I must sell out at once, at a sacriï¬ce, my PURITY POPCORN STAND ARTHUR VETTER 63