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Highland Park Press (1912), 15 Aug 1918, p. 8

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For SdH300.00‘ cash buy: new modern bungalow on Naidn Tex-rue ndjoining electric line Just south of Moraine Rd. Station. Also 60 R. lots fronting Waukegan Ave. Naida Ter- race md Orchard St. 8560.00 and I9. Easy pumentn. Moat lots have fine ahnde trees and ravines in rear, come only and pick the but lots. Oscar A. Lewis. R. 218 Reaper block 82 W. Washington St. 1! For Snlcvâ€"Ono 1916 Ford. A1 con- dition. Coll H. W. Huber Electric Co.. Phone 597. if Going in the service. Will sell Thor1 Motorcycle. good condition. Price 875.; Addrws P 0‘ Box 4. Ravinia. ~41} FOR SALE , 1914 Twin indhn Mug FUN RENTâ€"541m”; mmlwrn ‘wuw, f-‘II' nished or unfurnished. in aniniu. Most convenient aml lx-uulifnll} localul. Stvum hcat. huge Imam! and ghze‘l porch. $35 for month, yearb’. or $71” to June !, 1919. Apply 10., P. Diet-T. Ruvinia. For Rentâ€"Store and flat, electric light and hot water heat, 136 N. Flat 8!. __ u locus for Rent and for Sueâ€"Auto all Fire Imurnnce. money to loan. a. K. Goth Son. Pear) Theatre Bldg. To]. H. P. 17. t! I For Bumâ€"9 room house, garage. lugs lot. fine location, near lake. Inquire 15 N. Sheridan Rd. To]. B. P. 166. It For Rentâ€"A garage, steam heat, ca- pacity of 40 cart. 136 N. First St. tf For Rantâ€"Strut! deposit: boxea 3! 83.00 per you. Oner hundred new boxes just received. Highland Park We Bsnk. t! lwmm, FOR RENT, FOR SALE 1 For Rentâ€"Flat, 5 rooms and bath with PLO. I108? \‘entxxfl Aw Public Service Company and pay for it 75 cents dowfi and :.;‘:_"$1.00 a ‘month for 3 month??? Electric Iron If you take advantage of an opportunity that will You can buy a No. FOR SALE of Irons, but the number we have won’t last long at this price. is limited and so it’s obvious they Thése are one of the best mllt' “IN “-1” ‘1\ ll wulmnl burn 3*; MM from us for of Northern Illinois $3.75 last only a short time Sale limitedfo our Iigh ting customers n10. ‘ MISCELLANEOUS 5 Wantedâ€"~Dealre to purchase house and a few acres, or large lot (out }skirts of city preferred), Evanston to x Highland Park. Can pay $100.00 cash ‘down and balance 815.00 monthly {Refs Wm. Price, 992 Ash St, Wln- ;netka. Ill. 22423-24 pd HULL GIVE AWAY :homughhml dog I (a good hnmc1 Answer to H, S. Pr?” .Ufiimx 24-pd. ‘\\;\.\"l'l‘:l) ll nr 8 furnidu-Il 1mm). [v1 “'nrk for Dm-rfivld Shirk“ High Schfml SITUATION WANTED HT! 'ATION WANTED â€"â€" A i t mg Dr. 01: Ave. between Red Cross Shop and Vine Ave. Return to Miss Van Schnick. 218 Vine Av. Tel. 1007. 24. return to 720 Central Ave. Tel. 522W. Reward. 34. LOST. ~ A Red Cram: cap on Linden LOST - A lure Maltese cat. Please LOST \ l'hild‘" \l'llilo‘ swvntur, in!!!" Imil \VANTKD .\n v‘\p«-ri(*1|n-\ WANTED ‘Luunuirrss I‘m funr «lay; \u'ek Tl‘ln-phunt- ‘W. " GIRLS WANTED at the Belinble Laundry. Phone 178 or 179. f1, \\"\_\'THI) \lxgust ‘\ and Hizhhnd medium ~11: V-[utrmln-r. Pink Prue woman desires a place “,II‘TP WANTED ~Yuung girl in am,“ will: hullst‘unrk; 57ruom bungalow. 353 Lu: HY“! :‘Vr. Tel. 1151 ‘24) Mm F. D. Montgomery would up preciate anyone’s contribution of half-pound and pound candy boxes in which she could pack candies for Food For France Shop in Chicago, where slip is (-lmirmnn. awry Friday. m Rum! (‘ontrlhuu- Empty Candy Boxes, Onc- lml! Pound and Punnd, for Food- for-Frlnce Shop \\ hm TA K E (‘A N DY BOX ES T0 318 RAVINE AVE Hulk hrrv .m 1‘a-nlra] Aw. while nth-m} rhv parade on Saturday. thurn h Bm-hm. 619 \V. (‘vntral Au», To! v Lunale-vpihx. defines a place “in-r0 she may board and roam While attending \ch wmluvh-nt Amvrivan 51‘ Mrs J I). I‘urdv, UN N. S HELP WANTED 21M fu gl- -‘m~rul muw me IN. 554 H. I' who u uh u! YOU!“ \‘Hrm \nng 24;»! 3%”! "38 wrnnll Shvri 113.. '24 Mr. Rom" was an electrician livâ€" lng at 616 Owentlia AV. He 'u an his way to Solute. Wuh‘, when ”10 fatal accident occurred. “.I t‘ lint-um ~-erlou.«ly lnjurml. Ho du'i not want Mu muthcr notified: but wants his brother m came a! «mm- to Ms bedside." Twenty minutes lntv-r :\ wirv was recolH-d stating that Mr. Rumn hml «Mod .110 In a mar- riml man with Ham rhlldren. They am» Mr: llvrnmn Smell. Mrs. Mou- rm' L'nrd. \ll‘s Lillian Roxan. Ed- ward, Tlmmma. June-s and William Rngan of Highland Park and Mra‘ Amhruso Gllmlns of Uhertyvllln Lest snmv of Mr. A. A. Planatiehl'n old friends might fail to observe in the church notes the fact that he Is in town and will preach next Sun- day morning. it is here announced that he will occupy the pulpit of the Highland Park Presbyterian church Sunday morning. August 1K Hr. Allwrt Rennlng of the Gran Lakes \. M V. .\‘ hm crmxtly nsairt ml In nmkin: )mvdiblv this nfu-rm-un for Arden Show. Sntunin} Mm”): Mr (mu) Mn ('ur(i~ Knnim’l nil? '_'i\v :~ .iinm-r m ”w “(-thlHk (ylllh [In Hn' lxrlId‘ ms HIGHLAND mm: mm. menus!) Pm w-n we at This is Highland Park week It the Arden Shun- Camp, and on Saturday afternoon a very interesting recital is to be given in the assembly hall at the camp. Tlu- program is to be pn~ ~entc<l by tnlont from the Grant Lakes Nnml Station and includes a male quartet *md a very fine fler (brother 0! Mr. anrence Schult- fler (brother at Mus. Charla; Schauf- lle-rl. pianist. and Miss Ne-lla How“ of‘ V‘llir‘azn. mpmno. HIGHLLVD I'HIK MAN KILLED \. \. l’F-tNSTIHHI. T0 l'llEH'" NEXT SI'NIHY Recital to be (men at \ssoumly Hull at (‘unn .‘hle Qua-No1. Law- rence Schlnfler, Plunllt "rim-r I'nxlor u! l‘rmbytcrlln (‘llurvh \Isltlng in CI!) 1nd “'1” Preach Next Sunday. HIGHLLVH l’tRK WEEK \T “(DEV SHHRE (”A \ll' A hum-t mm-hmm “a: H‘n’fil on th lawn M 3:30 1-. '1‘ Th.- ‘lndies of Ur «win-i) wmlml upun the filler“. AHv luncheon (he .lzu-ku- band plmtul m ”W (hm-Hmh-n‘. qu‘.’-.il)_\‘, “0613. L’lh‘SL and huh-i mnflw. .n'nnn'mnia} h) HM hand. nml hut In Mus. ('ulnnel ('an who ”1' VIIL’iHM. «w; ”T119 Stu: ’l'hc Sinai Such-t) nf (Wm-ago mun-r- lniued about lbw-v hundred Javkies on tho healthful umumls of the Humane Huge-1 his! Smurdu) evening. THE SINAI SOCIETY INTERTAINED JACKIE? 'l‘lwn- m“ l)«- u comm-r! u! 3:30 o‘clock by (hr mmnln-n ()l' the ('hi- «ago Symphony ()rvhvstm with Gen- nnrn Pup! conducting. Ax usual, nll clnihln-n under l3: ycms of age will be mlmiltul I'm-e to the Park and no charge will lxn made to children .ur adults for raj .‘Q‘l'\('(l aunts in the pavilion. 1 M Mornlne Saturday Evening. Julie Band, Bum-I Luncheon, \‘uudo- VIII:- and Dam-lug Madc- Mq-rry. PU!“ m llu- Ht-nmn. “Illlllh, ('hiqr tt-r n! Hm AmrrH-nn Rm! t‘rms. “ill M- (mm-nun) h)‘ Hm Junior “mum Iwmnu- l‘in}rr~. under [hr din-Mimi m‘ Minx Ih-xtlm 1‘.‘ “rs. Preceding this. Litth- Junll i'eem. "The Art t‘hild." “ill ulmu-t- ‘l'l‘lu' Bluebird n!" lhn\iuin.' UH nmt ( Inldn-nl Du} \uguxl ._-, flu-w will )u- qua-in! Ya-aturm in 1hr l’milinn at Hunnin Park. :Iu-n un‘ th'l' lhv :I'l‘llll'Q" M the. h’mmiu ('luh "'l'lw .‘ltwfllfll‘... written h) the um. PU!“ m llu- Ht-nmn. “Illlllh, ('hiu» “The Message” Presented by Jill" heme Dran- (‘IIL Jm Peers to Dum- Bluebird of Bull!- NEXT CHILDREN‘S DAY, RAVIN‘M, AUGUST 22 (\‘untinuml from Pugr One) A. \1 ”My Communion. N \1. Morning Prayer uud H-rmmu P. (I \Vulm“ rxyu‘vtu In lu- prqw 1 \HH dfihi‘“ It Lake l'nlk \"u-Ipm :- n! .) :10 D. In u. 'l‘ Th0 Indies of the? upun the filler“. ANN; lm-ku- band plmwl rmr .‘mcq-uhy, ILnguvsuj Jr. .n'nnn'mnia} h) HM". m CYHHHK. “a: R‘n’fil Ml tlu The driver protested thlt “I. own- or had been informed of flu injury to the home and hld ordered him to drive flu- animal to Chicago that night. and that )u- Hunt oh!" order» ,â€" Ianll Park Police Force. who appeared a« b} magir on ‘ motor eye-l1- within four minutes. to pilot the man to H..- plarc, :L‘kiug the oflioer to notify the «loymrtmont that the hone Wu to be given to no one without author- ity from the Illinois Hummc Society. Mi.“ Ewing quirtly ordered them llriwr lu unhnrness the lame horse: and lmul it to Martin Ringddnl'x- «table- for feed and water And a night's nut in I bedded sun. Show called Officer Sullivan of (he High-l land Park Police Fort‘o. who Ippeamlf n of the home had tea-Hod | severe blow from the pole of I Vigon, the day hcrure. severely lnjuflng the hum of the right fore leg. h was learned that the tum be m longed (o a man living in Chicago} )4 who had hind fliem out for worl‘n' at Great Lakes Sution, where onefil .\ )Ii‘urtu-ul illmlmlimi ol the [nu \ll H‘t'ln'v humane Work that is duly I. hung dun.- by the Illinois Humane u Sm-u-iy was rum-tn] on {he ant-Pl: d n! Highland Park om: day In! week. ,1 Mrs. Newul ll. Brown's intention,“ lugs attruotvd b) n tam of buy m homes. hauling twu empty but hen')‘ '3‘ wagons. one of die Lem being very .h lame. Tum‘lu-d by the 'plthetic up 1.1 warnnce of the animsl, she lost no “1 time in ”porting i! to Nina Ruthiu Ewing, a director and very utiveldi worker of the Humane Society, whol ; wvnl at once to see the bone in ques = Bi tiom She found it to be old, thinnfi‘ blind and suflcring from n miiifulghi injury on nnr knee which mnden-d‘w the animal entirely unfit for service {L Rl-‘SPl’E 01" A BOISE OLD. BLIND AND LAME \nym Winn-ulna (‘rlelty a fish III-In May Not": Ill» Bath Ew- Ina. Who Wlll Intervene. Handsome summer model ‘ tub skirts; designed of the finer qualities of white gabardine. Nobby pock belted and effectively trimmed with pearl buttons A variety of dIstinct styles. Reductions on Wash Skirts $3.00 Wuh Skirts 55 Wuh Skirts $5.50 WuhSkirts $2.39 $3.75 . $4.39 HighlandPUk, Successors H t Ight the home too far goIi to Miss Grandland was born at Mags-f II a It prumuhlp I“ trI' w whore w.ood Illinois. and a! the age of seven 7‘. ll to \mrking conditmn. u the bean her municsl education under: It lmr‘nt would «(M the man“ nomlthe direction of Dr. rmn‘Im Hemingâ€" thn the ham mu uonh. and solton. of Oak Park During the ten}: recommended that It be huIIInnely de-l INN" Spent II'Ith him she Show“ 5‘ lmyml. The manor, who had anal-n IIthM'It uncanny ability for sight. ‘uul wth the Humane Officer wclmdlmz. and mounIpnnIInx. IIhII'li: In strung [Ill-.u haumvr. to be ullawed has dmeloyml (’\I'II mow u hm mu- 1’trI tn \Ino 1h. IIIIIIIIIIl. which ofmicnl education hm progmud m up most \ntuflutor} to the Three wan mm xhe entoml North Ieh prmIdIIIu he would acre. not huh-m [mu-rain School of Mll‘ll‘j’ I ,1_ work It and vould uh» It sum fludIIn: piano with me. Ame QM:‘I t red and veterinnry «are. lhem. and I-ompm-Ititm and the-or? hiu I'm urn-«l upon. and DdIhinl I'Ith Dr V P LIIHIIII. Miws flrfiml'xfl Inow taking II much Inn-dud and land mmplotwl ”It four-Inn mmrnq l ‘ lly apprI-rintml ‘Il‘i‘ Pun- at the In loan than thrm mu and unlit «I Rheahun Farm ‘t‘fil o! Highw rnduamd In June receiving: her do ‘ Park and I~ showing wonderful new uith hmhest honors. ‘ it h ‘shon, the result of the *nry 14! it hld traveled from Great 1 «*3. Good food, water und"reet d“ much to mew" the Jaded haul. an: the morning. Humane 05w: Bfiyne (one of the special polio. o!â€" flbu in the employ of the Huqnne Rummy) came out from (l'hitmgo to t ‘ chum of ‘hc one. At fir“ he 1 ugh! the home too far got! to n 'e 1! practicahlr 10 try to whore D , to \I'nrking condition. u‘thtfi I hurt” would «M the owner D0“! thn the honw mu wonh. and so reoomnwndod Hm! it he humanely deW‘ ans. He will rennin in the on y of flu Humane 0“ until Dnounot-d “fit for bandit." ‘ Thix in on!) one of fit my of «rm-M} handled by the Eu- El 0 gmvcmem undvr the changed our Soviet). During I“! ’01! it mun! HR? child viehmp It“ continue the Hip. Min Ewing wfi firm in her wrlion that the l: ' was not nble to tnvel a bloékâ€"v ) nothing of.» "’ ”file’sâ€"”111d that no u a uolatiun of In: to wed a n m such a suflonng condition; In hon, Um! nhr would mm upon .l mung ilw annual in Highland Jul fox Us! uml propel cane “‘1- -n-upon Dobbm “as Mnlghtuuy lea lo flu- lmm l1 m- than n gunner n3 a link nun) ulmmt doubling dwu In tha- pan-mom WI“! fi’t-r)‘ of cruel nbuse Ind vizionl'envirou- meat, and relieved 3.,318 shim-ls from abusive tmtmefi. All thou» wishing to promote th‘ cause of hu~ "unit; :1. the, inn-refit of helmet» children and uninmh énhould repon mans of rmelly coming to their at tention lo the lllinoil Humane So eiety. 1145 South Wthnah Au-uurI ('hirugu Telephones: Harrison 8181. and 8186. Thmu- wishing la booonu mnmlmn will kindly ruxnmxmiwtp u ilh the Socwh. Vofle Dresses, Tub Skirts, Blouses}: M dies,‘Etc., at Great Reductions; ‘I attractive groups, ,each dress a distinctive {amid of nut summer dewâ€"no; two styles alike. Gm‘gfly M1150 Voile Dresses at $8.30 :35 4.75XW $ 6. 50 Voile messes at $4.75 $ 7.50 Voile Eases at $5.75 ’ Sharply Reduced Prices on éwest Voile Dressés i 1.:- 5*?! Q , Blames that are exceptional values at-f $.50. Damtily tucked. embmidered and lace mmmed fnodcls «individual m damn; ale price each 81 OS 3 Regulat . $1.95 $2.50 Values 0 Thea are selected flies from our regular of fine white voile bloum; marked at a reduction rthe August sale 5 6.95 Voile Dresses at $5.50 5.95 Voile Dresses at $4.50 Beautiful Voile Blousfps ‘ Sm'ernl limo unrh- d the Morainfigf "mud six dollars by an {Intortainni mm! and took the mount to “11¢: W. J‘ Loudorbm‘k ‘0 he used {of} (‘hriutuuu kit~ fur Punch woundvdéé.‘ On Friday the mgulu Student - Artist Dny. will be presented Misnfb Morena M. Grandlnnd. as pianmtc nnd Miss Bertha Kribben, \iolinist.} Florence M. Gaul-ll. Student or Arne Ollben Will Pl” cu PIA-o. Bertha Krlbbol the WWII: RA ISED S] X DOLLA RS

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