)I. hr‘amllnnd. Madam of \dho-ru “HI Plan an Piano. ha K'flthvn Hm "hull" 'T-Hfl‘hT [HY “\VIVI \, \I'GI'ST '23 I) values at $2.50. :e trimmed models h $1.95 .r reguhr stock of reduczion for the ts ,irts vb J l‘ '{fl M {68868 ‘I 71 L w . - ’- \1 'fl a: S‘: (15 If)†3 ’1; Q eof trel UH lo’uses III 10 Q‘ 10 :95 :1kc Forest Um unhmn of (:rt'atly )I mfwn ' t‘lv \{oraim- an untrrtajnâ€" mum. m Mrs. be used for no}: woumk‘d. )HAHS H IX‘ pianistc wn. Violinist mm A! May HUS (‘HYU'O Rs ' inn amma.~ \l. tbO‘t‘ s8 nf hu- }.(')I‘l(.“" :‘o-rmrt Student» 1w! Miss (’t‘OHK€ H" hflu' players was bid 0n. Bidding was brisk. the prices rang- Hu: frum .2510 3250. Champion t‘harleu P-mns. Jr.. brought the 109 price. The money thus realized was added kn at entry. fee of $10. I‘w thntiun Army ."m-«l n! [hr- E\‘ r vr (‘nn “ cluh hy HIP invitann Iv "um-2w ' urn'mwnt of oiuhlom‘: I «w \‘l'n.’ «‘ ' ‘r- Inst wnek by John I' "nuhm' AIM] Charles H, Hermann, F Hmvinu the luncheon (here was an Huliun :u which mach u! (hr nine~ hhu' players was bid 0n. Bidding was brisk. the prices rang- IHK frum $2510 3230. Champion l-IXHOUR 'I‘UI'RVFY VETS $5.000 FHR INII’HHNI'TS \m-tlun of \II l'lnyvh and Fmrmwr Fem \‘ic-ld “mull: Sum for salmflun \rm). The hu<inv<s z‘n-n h:t\‘(' ttu-rnfnrc jmnmt thv huy-ut huttu' mm‘cmz'nt It: lnnm-hi’ng this onmpniun fur tho pur- DOM‘ nf st-ttiug forth I'm-ts that will h.- uf intense intermt tn tho- t-itiz-n: nf Highlantl Park. This i~i not t wntimontnl plï¬u I'tht‘r. it i\ the purpurt of thk mm- puiun [11 mm» “huruin it i< mnx'v mt. \ mtnucuth ['v «mud mum-v mmh- in Highland Park with local tirnh. Our city is singularly blessed with enterprising merchants. They pride thvmsulvcs on the completeness of thvir stocks and the accurate atten- tinn to styles. Their prices compare favorably with other cities. and they arv- striving to render complete and satisfactory service to their custom- en. Yet, with all thew advantages. thunsands of dollars have been going (ml of this city for merchandise which could just as wvll have been piirt-hzismi hero. Ntm' vivizt-ns of Highland Park :yR i< :\ manor a! vital (mum-m U m and yvur“ \Vv ;v~k Hm! \wu hwm Continued on Page 4 Hur city is full of energetiv, llve nnll luyul vitizmh and we deem it â€My n-www'sur) In :\\\"|kPn in â€Wm 71 fwlim: uf community ohllgation in nrdvr that they will wr- and know th» fnlm-y of wnding [hvir money away from Highland Park mum-y in (Mr city unll luyul t1 in 'hv minnh â€1' ant pnuph Vth n will mk.- ('um-rvl iv»: r~\‘idenvmi h) (hv (:0 (-nt'h individual In eywnd mnnwy in Hiizhland ’ark :‘xpprmimzm-I) 3.3th was added (u ‘ In ?w~"‘ 4' m‘nm that you will 1!. your part Inward making this a his: ger and bwtxer vit)’. Yr ]\ tho pin-pow nf thi< campaign d., my â€mum! for it: “nu-p“. “'0 ask Hw ('Unsir‘vrulinn .1111} c~1ynpbhfli0h of (1)3 ham! ritiznns men. “umvn and (")th‘t',;, Mm! .‘»011 lukv this matter that you will I!†‘ m m»- We) talk pride in the fact that this mwspaper has been the ï¬rst to pro- mou- lhhi Gunslinn n! "BUYING AT HUME" in n (‘nmpn-he-miro and well pl‘rrmwi (-nmpnizn and that so many (7! our prnerpseivv mm) are) lpndlng zhuir vu-upvmzinn m 1h» mm-c-mem. Wu): a In†rmflizalinn 0! 1h!» tro- nwnduus rr<pnn<ihiMy Hm!) I: rum- pmgn jmwxh‘m up. u'o :n'v Nady to “put uur simuMi-r In Hm whf’el" and thh the 'wrpï¬' M bringing: m uur (‘1'!- â€m. .1 rqnhzrninu n! thwir commurx. “x uh)iga[inn~ (a the 0nd that High- land Park MN prom therefrom. w‘ sch mukv (xv-operation a vital ne- u-‘siu mmw (in; pe’vuliur ccmmmic condmom brought about by the W'N‘ it. Pnrpmo to (‘n-utv an lk-~irv_in Thc- Minds of HI “Mr "W" l’vnplv to Trmle- in Highland Park. BUY-AT-HOME CAMPAIGN TO BE LAUNCHED HERE NEH) I‘U-UPHRH‘IUX I)!" .\H. NI'MBEH H 1‘ with '1 cur-mm {velmg u! pride «I we Prv» announces the launchâ€" s. u! Huh Mg. vital civic L’ztmpaign m the 'wrpï¬' u’ bringing: m uur (‘it- rm!!! Her vit)’. puz'pm'u nf thi< campaign :1 rm). deï¬nit» sentinwnt ~ uf nll!‘ pnuplo in tho end v1] huw' Hh-x'nfnro mun- mm‘vmvm In aniL un fur tho pu 'th facts thut will (-0110er form. hwâ€" (hv conclnsinn of ï¬and his ul‘ her It) Hm-o yuu u-nlen-d )‘nur “nr garden vet? Telephone 165. Mr. Newbold, Only two more days for vntrles In". First prlzo - A 35†Liberty Rum]. mound and third prizm to be Wm hum-gs Stumpx Although the flower and ngflflbll' ~\:hil;it will not be held thi~ (all, ~n'oro attention will be given to In- rm-Hng "w gardens. List mm- gar- \u Hum-r uml \"egrmhlv Exhibit 'l‘hh Yo-nr. (‘nll 163. “r. Van. huld. 0111,! Two In," It“. H,\\'I~I “bl" ENTERED YOI’R \\'\R GARDFX? Spm-irll fnnfurn-s undnr llw .‘thjr‘t-N In! lhv Ruvinju (‘lub for run (‘ML drmx‘s Day. Thursday. Auuun mom ty nimh. in thv PM'Hinn m “mini:- P‘I‘k, :1rs- lhv Juvvnllc- Dancers, pu.‘ NH 4»! .\li<< Raw Cux. Thv pruurnnl mush“ 0! [hr Sprint Song, Huhhlu Dance. French Rondo. ldilin, Scar! "mm- I“:m~t Hallo-f. ("hupin \"Mx‘o! and Liclwsfrvud followed by u wn- H'illa)lli"t pvrl'urmnnco. TIM-n- \\'ill he :\ cum-vrt :n 3:30 u'clock by lhv (‘hi- mun Symphony Orchestra with (Ion. nnrn Pupi (-nmim-Hng. .L usual (-hildrvn umlm' twehe ys-nrs of :ugv will hv mlmiltnd {rm H! Prmrmm uf Dam-N to lw l-‘nHom-d 1mm “Hi tn 71 lung hrightmxing xiul'k corn mm phmw’ HTHNILIJ mxrum; 'm \l'l'HUt \T lHVlNH in niwt \\'v-«'k'~ i<>ul3 n! ('3th! Sum in Sq-rvicu Wk en the term to include all city uf Highland Park. an IlQflV'UI" to give all news it In m Whivh ‘ and in tho). ho} nilh m- Uh L‘\ w Annihcr iun' recreation rump is in ;lw lucntul in Wnukvgun :nnl tho» lllullv} :ilre-mly has been rulwd {Ur â€l" lmrptm'. The prnjvcl is under lllr ~upo~rvi<inn of the Knights I)! ('ulunth :nnl 00“!er uf (lu- manh- lishnwnl u! a recreation hnum- ~<uf~ lfiviemly largv to accommodate 50“"- lm-\ uml snilnrs in the Hunt (-nllifort~ {nhll- manner. ; The niuney is already at gene-rill {lid-:idqllal'u-N in \Vushlngtnn and all gtlmt is necessary to aturt the prnlwt in (lvtuilml repnrt of what is tn lw '«lune thvro untl how much is nee-dad {ll is a part of the program which Vim-ans, besides thp revrentlnn camp iin Waukegan. ï¬ve at Great Lake-x ‘and one in Chicago. /v The Wnukegan mmmlmw \in charm» i4 attempting tu' <t-(‘urp vilhor n luruv building (lnwn (own nr an adequately largo resldo-mlal prom-fly. which can he (-nnwrlml tn Hi.» hr" advantage. ’l‘hc- recreation center will lw mn~ llnvtwl along lines similar In thv Jnl~ l\ Turk: Navy (‘lnlm .lv\\'i<h .\':i\\ (‘lnlx :iml <lmilnr institnl‘mi» I‘nrm-h from Lem-r». lixpvrh-nrcw. lM-wrlpflml u! Plucm. (‘hunm-u. Hm. \rv Salk-"WI. PRESS Tu IVH'M'R‘JFF \‘uVN-IV-SERYH‘I‘ (‘nl â€â€™N [ 0m- f K. (‘. TO OPEN NEW : RI‘X'REVI‘IUX (WINTERS By Vontrlloqulst l’eflanIInm-o ('hiklrou’s Day. lln- 29th ~t' :ugv will kw admit Park. and no (-h'nrm- n vhihlrr‘n Hr adulh «nuts in (hv pmilinn, h lemvd [or Wuukvuan. I‘hr for (.‘n- "at Lulu and 0m- Fur Vim-mm. (-h'nrgo \\|H he r garden Newbold, rles In". t_\' Rum]. be “Wu Y'K(‘lflbll' hi~ (all, n to In- nur gar- Muu Imp Tmnnrruw :uftl-rnmm Miran F'Iurvnn' ‘t (lrnn-ilund. as plmnlsto- nnd Mia ‘!--rthu KrvihM-n, \‘lnlinist Mil Inkl- \LY‘I in thv Student Artist Day proâ€" :ram In he presented at three n‘rtock mem Park. V~-\l Friday aftermnn. Auvuu ' ,rtto-th. :n mmx interval": prugrum H’n'évttlitm Miss “'lnntfn‘d (‘39- Val’ 'ul Vi“ Blanch? Bonn um hv (Ir ". Th“ “46H m- tho Ind Stud»!!! Ar- li~l Ha} (I! the $91!â€)!!- ,md (rm alr‘d \"l‘l ‘ H‘EXT- \ RTIST In Y \T R\\'l.\'l\. .U'GI'S'I‘ .10 ‘Hunlfn-d (’nu- \‘all Ind Blanrht‘ Ilmm (9 Hum". l'lnnhlo And \‘Iullnhl Play Tn‘orron. Mis< Edna (‘mixtvr of \\':|~'hinmnn. D. (‘.. will (‘unduvt In nld-hh‘hiunod purl) an tha- Trinity Parish Hun-e uh Saturday mwning. Augud tu‘vmy- h-urth. for Milne“ and Rallurx. Young lmhv" n! thh communny and "Figh- hurnu? L'I‘Inuh “ill an-rlain m hmt- Swimming tank «pen to ll†men in unHurm. Tun-why and Thllrï¬dl|_\5. 7 In \jml p m. “In" SCHOOL. Vine Arr. Tonni“ ruurts at servkw n! w]- dirr“ md miluh Saturday“ 13“ lo 4‘30 p. In. All vuuinmont provided 03(- rvpt tv-nnh th-s [)inm-r duncow‘ (â€w-r) Saturday niuht Pym» tn 12:0". 6" llnilnliun‘. l’nrlm'h [Vl'inilln-d lulliunh 'h "u (‘luln rnulnu. \Vodnvsdnp. 7'00 In 1| "H p. m.. and Saturdays. 12:00 noon (o 10730 p. m Hpvn huuw Sunday niternm-IN for mom in â€Lifnrm unul [In-6r womrn m. :HivM MM frit'l|<‘\. varwhnwuu m! inn TRIVITY (HERON, (r00 ruppé-l' Sunday (rum 5-00 In 7:00, u'nh grâ€. rm! singing led by Mr. (‘nrl Bum!) Ianuinu. Ynur uniï¬srm is ynur hni~ ('vr. followed by Mlpwr nt (hr Prev hytvrmn chum-IL 69! off M Laura! and wulk tun Mocks cast. Saturday (‘Yf'llitIL' from 7330 (n 10:00 p. In there Mo to hv games and girls to enter- tsclll ~nldlvr> and anun- .1! NW church A†are invited. hmd Park 385. (’ummunlty "onlwr Souk-e In Um pnrk nn the Lake Front. wvery Rum day at 3:30 p. m. Mrs. Earl D. Spen- l'lNNHH“ \rnn} um! Non: (‘emrn Duih 5! am a m. In NH!“ p. In. Pnul luhlv. rrml» mg and \u'illng rm-llm.-~. Autunmhilv Ride» Snlurdu) um! Sunday [L m. (‘nh-h~ri;|. Saturday. 312'." In G in p, m., charm- I" coma. varnwhmenla (row nu Snmlu) :Iftermmn. lie-(mural)! M-rx in Sunday mum at Shm'Mnn (‘nhn tupl)n.~ih* llw (‘emur ('luurnmn. Mrs. George K Jnnm. Phnnc Hixh~ o-rn \h~~ H slvr in National l'lny Di \-IHlilllh-d UPI PHKP 4 Loon F. Harris. Seen-tar). Sgw- I Board a! Din-Huh Thank All Why ‘ mm: 'rm. \‘c-ar. m- trr~ uf \pprvcintion Arr “mu-i \ HI. Hm v \IIIIOIIIN‘Q'IIM‘IIU~ for HIP \Vwk m’ Miguel ‘3? '0 \uguq ‘39. via. u! “w Ar- n'nd I" (ril'nds wa- ‘ml l:;|\l"' mrnu‘ I'lNNHL‘ “ \rmy um! .Vouy Center. Duih 5a m. , dc-II S'mrr Hunhl \I:.vu.~\ Ilu. n._.| mm“ ’I..I.t 1...â€.-. mu. m. nu .. A" yiung Indies In Highwuod who an: n mum-d in military drlli are nruvn ‘ requented [0 meet m we Pa- trimlq‘f‘zn‘uv rooms next Wednesday I'H'IIH J Auxuul twmaty-Mghth. and from ‘n- proceed (u â€11- For! Sher- Idun legc-r'vntlon where (he; will buâ€" pm .1 tune 0! training under mo â€mum; “rt-(1km M an ufh'm-r of thv WAR cm comm fmsm ncmc AT \RHY \VID V\\'\' ('HV'I‘HR "IGHI.\\I) I'\RK ('H‘B "(Hi‘l WWW U SERVICE HEADQUARTERSI ARDEN SHORE, SUCCESS 0H) rxsumxmï¬\mv HIGHLAND PARK. «ILLINOIS, THI'NFIML AI‘G ‘ H“ RIMEISTRVI‘IOX "I" “DIN“ MEN ‘0“ 2| ‘\H) \g.“ fun! i~.†le I'o-mipl uf Ihw-v and himllul‘ ‘fh-r- and nf [In ofl rt-pwutvd wnrdn, ‘Vuy l (‘ulllo' lurk Ina-\I ,nmr?†hurt- mmlt- UH Huni‘d n! IIir-w-tors rquzO 9H.“ ht-m‘wsnr) null lmu fur-ranchinx "Hm umkt-h HI mlr uffim- \Aunl In .vuuro-w uur umlimdr tn yuu and all uhn ;|r(- lu-lplng In mnka- Arden Shun: -u('h u ~pa-riul hupplmzu and bone-m [H qur prupla- “Ii! )l-ur‘ WP III) lp‘ pV‘rr'mlr Hm lwuan-nhm u! thm- {or 'H [wt \\h.|' " mer “on \\ in Hue Ion-0 2| \onn 0M \‘lnrr Jum- 50I In! Real-our \u'u-l 2m. lll u «rd and “H wmlro-u- group. Pnflflhl)‘ {hr Inning mutrh prmhh-d Hw urv'nl- o-.~t umnunt Hf mt rmmvnt Mum nmdl‘ UH- must of the npponunuy to I'm- dvr «haul and innpem the hulldtw and huh' the lmprmvmvntx. The â€mum ("(Dsl'.‘ Friday. AURUM 30th. with 1h» «from-q rwzrolr 0! Hm on- HF“ rump. "‘IHV vnunp. \ulh lln- lurk: lhll‘l.rÂ¥l1' .H-whmm NM! \ll PM. I" ‘ 521,300 III'IFIHT 1‘" HR mrr h ‘(Hn {H mm! Hdm I'IHH \l r Inn HIIITQ \lnnnl H I)“ \h H‘ ul path-uh L'uinm! 'n m-Imh :H Arden r HIM-HI - mlwh rm. Mr“ 11. H â€1 h h t'llu! - lurk: ur nunâ€. mm “‘m H thhnrd. Jr. Wham-Um. Iâ€. or (a “min, Highland Park .rhu H Thump. 1’ H Furl-4‘ Iâ€. â€M l| um! a-u-rynlw, (M) w mplurml nl Hm itnv hnd. Thr) Inw- >‘lll’l)~ nth-uh uninm! lwolw mth m Arden Shun. \\n~ :nk‘" Tho- 0er ulH‘rl’ll in (‘hk‘aun \nnw 1»! IN vmplm H (‘ll'h‘T 2? man‘ u! “w Ar- n'nd I" (ril'nds wa- uml 1‘3â€: 3†thr- .rpn-~l and um»! Un- um- u! â€w y-emum \l «\n-my pn-u-m. -Jm-rlzmu-d h) (hr (h! I'lmm-d h) (hr v kllldQ'TKMrH‘lL . ('lanflh'MV‘H' group. PIN‘HM)‘ mic-d Hw urvnl- vnt Mum mm!» â€:1! Hil'l' HM 19H} Amwunrrmtnl in made In 1h» only 'It- lhut Mr Anton Franc-"buffer hm nun-lmutd (he hark-r nhup Wed nu med urn-t and Ca-mrnl Avenur. 'ul'mrrl} rum-d by Mr. [Ar-rm: Luau rhq Mlhwc «hr-- ‘urh :znd ulflnhr- an" m (M people :- rut-mutant Th» rhov ‘- t-qulpoo-d with I" the lfllv N «loam-n! uanann-n. lr‘ Prune:- hudor In nu imam In (Mu city. In be h“ burn la the rmploy 0! other W map- here (or [In no! In warn. Ir. bunt'u pinm (ur the (II- tun an unknown; \\ an hwnu-rly "nun-d by Inn-n: lmw. In Inn-Ion! Build“: at Pratt“ hr. and 5‘!er N. dny â€" (‘larn Kimball Young in "The Claw" AIHM War News. Paramount PIctogrnph 3nd (‘hrlstSe Comedy: Thursday.~« MGM) Normnnd in "The Floor Below," Pllhc- news. lilo a oomedy; â€Munâ€"f Dorothy Dalton In "The Kaiser‘s Shadow." Mutt Ind Jrfl. ll“) Pnnnma Exponmnn: Satur- day. Mnrlm-rlto Clark In Uncle Tum’n Cabin." Burton Holmes Trn- mloguo. llm n Billy WM! comedy MnHm-o at 2:30 ("clock Sunday "Hrvr Thl-v‘a." fvmurinr: Jun" 1). Mlllx. and a Mark Senna! mmedy; Mmdny , "The mm Eye," by “Milan .1. Flynn. Chief of Hu- l'nilvd Slatâ€: Stu-rt»! Senicv, (ht Mary 0! the Imperul German Govern- mrm‘s mien and phfn In America. Mrs. Vr-rmm Can-Ho m the "First Law." Path? come-d}. Tuesday. June Elvidxr- In "Joan n! the Woods." Pam:- Nu ms. Mum") romod)‘; Wrdmm \\'flt\ HM! ENHHFFI‘IR lll'YS IHRBI‘III 8H0? K'nmrdu. tuna! xlul. Mutt-M at 2:3" “rd-ruin. I'lurl Kuhn" Tuumx In “Th: Chit." Minn llegc-r'vntlon where (he; will buâ€" pm .1 arse 0! training under mo rupnhlt' “rt-(1km u! an anit‘l-r of thv .x‘ A 0. at Fart thrldnn Thu nlmmec In charm: of ur- rmwrmflnu vwro In despair arm- an mu-nit-b \th um u! (M onions: whn ~31} "I am Idrntd M will he 'mrd ifilurnnh yuu with an ofï¬cer whu ism pmhuw." hut Hwy were xrrmhiltwlh-uui uhvm. afler nomr neriuux‘dwugm. he â€called an "(Hoar who d“ not uwvur much. who was \‘c-ry drlct with mun"; dlu‘lpllne and “In would nm u-wn remember u ulrl‘r nune or the color 0! h" (In-an, So (Iris. there's no chnnre for rhnlr)‘. Be putrknlc Ind attend. Re- nwmbw (a mm! at the League rooms nu! Wednesday pvt-ulna In form a vurps which is donlrnm of military drHL \HRI-‘I'HRITE (‘IARK IN “I'NCLE 1‘0““ CABIN“ A" rm 'II'O‘ 11 r: (â€110" r tritilc‘f‘u rwnlr J ‘ from ‘n Man I 39¢“ pm :1 u rupnhlo H R A 4 Thu r rmwrmfln Mufï¬n had substituted 3! High- land ,nrh from Fvbrunry lo Juno. I917, tyd In June u! this your "ll than u" ,rmuacm punch hen. Her unllmd death deprive-4n Highland Park M n woman of tron promise. â€yr 1 rut kin are a brmher um! ilnu‘r I ldnho. 11"â€?an «mus 1‘0 Pans MILITARY â€mu, Tn Mil. How of Tnlnlu I'll" The qumrlnx pkturol will be nun n! â€H l‘vurl The-ntrn vaxl Min ‘nnmr J. (‘n-m. une (1! (hr u-ach , n" (he Elm Pin-e school nlafl, .1. n struck by tun !‘lt‘f'f’k‘ (rain near â€do" Shore Malian. yesterday uhenï¬n and Instant); leed. 8hr had 0M9 In Highland Park earlier In â€14- d' to hum a menial-WIN wflh My u» and arrange fur a home Mr Ih ‘omm; uchnu! yum Then .m- In)! ' Arden Rhona to can on friend, an! afterwlrdu In the “anon m In 3 var In! leonth when, H ‘ufl yr plan to Hull her "£ch \I In 3".th or n] PMâ€: ~ nurr srrnrrl In' one In [Dunk J. l‘rru Instantly killed :Ardn M. Tammy. “dial leo- Vl-lmu Hm. @r of 8. A. 'l‘. (‘. M Pun Shauna. “And (10"!) "hand, u. “on bundmn um. .mn'mu m onrhoui. l w“ rmhï¬d . m of cheery douxhbon to m It» 80 tad Bo. and I!“ So and :. (lhetr I...“ WPwho-re Ii: h) r hook) “I "1 old NH!" (sh-rt?! of de-‘ brh "Ont me churn-st Q†ikvrr my. boiling 1» good Amt-tun lbs-1L Ion ll: numh. In America (no 0! gin-“L. Continued on PIC! curve dun. 1mm 'lhe hï¬xhlg of nonummn. to dn‘ up brï¬hlémy. in a men torn vmm lo ï¬e wel- wood by the “In. with a d Joyful minim. "(‘umo this wu. J he, the old Haw-Hun Army ls xtk' ,n‘wnh u: like A Manon-«linker. f check Inc and We?" ‘ a mud mrt nf vxperlenccgdo'n I :hell swan road, through “0 d.†and on!!! of a French winï¬f 6â€. what mum n tn- m than I that â€(With "Id! or "~th «x [All- mg in rain muted Ironcheot , "Hm wo-ll I "member “‘9' the “RMIN- n! Rhett-yarn} u boy'd r'th-d u, fnlhmmr with mm q! "will an Inn-Him: rhnn- around 5’4 mm‘l The Judge has “In: {hols doub- nuu and Icnmn Hut they, the rral lhing "l hue â€and lb the boys." and the indie. me hunts and (Mm-Mule and mm» H: fem“ In much better thin oth- er doughnut;- or Chm‘olm ï¬ colon I ever ruled below. And K has It seemed m wonderful 10 [at M Hr has eaten their dough rhm‘allte. pm. and coffee. no Inch thing u l Ii France except thou-e um nude by Amerlz-am over were. line)! as our boy» )nw- Mm, the oricul pin 3.“ :m unkmmn quantitrg ()hu-n a» he puuwd the I'm the lrv-m-hor or back of thu- l . the boys wou‘d call out. “In when you got homo (all the hill “gm fume! lhqv Rnh‘ulion Army. yy m the run} thing." ‘ When Judge Lindsey wu' in: through Chicago In! month MI wu' harm from A at: month' tn" It the frum, win: an appeal In lhr Chicago Tribune for (he Anny. he went direct to the_ wand- pe‘r ofllce tad w n More or â€asthma l in reurd to their noble , there. His hour! In Ml of The Governor": TONI-O 7 . â€Simple and sympathetic. um Gov. hm‘df‘n. â€they xivo I ' one hand (ho- piu- ur the duughnu which the mmlur would give if s were lhern and “ilh the "In" Ihe‘thonrty hand: Ian-p “I Mu H-mindi lhe boys 0! honw Thu.- iv- a an! iur der‘bcrm'y. and for humanity. And n05 gent-y whivh hm- I-u fur nnxmd this war honor typififl [he npiri in! deâ€" mocncy and impunity than 8.!- vnion Army." 31 Thai the work 0! the 88". my in heariiiy manned by Will-om General Forming, Ilnhll Hui; in not at All mil- in: m the America public v N nun: the poke-bonnet Ind l unl- lom im'e been a familiar I Him 0! every Americnn city. The“ Inâ€? court attention. They in†n ‘pna- agents. Modest. wit-ecu! and I'hoHy devoted in the direct Illlc pie mmimd of saving souls, vy go nbuui their business. ' .ï¬- w- -, .... _.._. .. vâ€" of Wuuho‘nn VH1 full-h t .Ilv kn No collection will be t n It this lime. We mm in u [pr (hp purpo-w of orgunmng drlvo for war funds whlch will be um- rd next week. '. Sergeant Sunk. who in one "to eight lunlvon of the Prln ' Pd "31mm 0! 2.500 and who h is!) mud“ eleven “not. will u ‘9 un- coon air ally. Sun's June- I. Wok-h will proï¬le. The Liberty Hf. md‘DnI Cur)! The Bil-mum Army 1: co [ to Highlund Puk'. They will In run their drlw here in true um! mt whim nm Saturdny evening 8:“ on lht power of Mn: nnd ntrd 8! "-91 .‘L smurr. «161va To Him “nah-nu l-‘ifv ud Drum no “'6“ Finnish Music r- ‘ thy Niflt, hm. 24. N. “out-ran! NPl. d by Hu- man. with a d Joyful lm. "(‘umo this its]. J he, the «Iv-Hun Army ls xtk' ,n‘wnh m o branch-«linker- ‘ chew "mu m- I-i . ‘u . Id (10"!) "hand, u. “on lug: Illh shell gum Nah. 0f SALVATION in. nhér ‘ ‘ lull- flier the a q! than