m's Wyears experi- n acc ntant makes rthe c. He will a good lean admin- of 0n Hi the most : p0 . n of these lave ' n from in- pubhd moneys. and spledjed to plgcc m hanks paymg [or 5" All}: .ingsqï¬ the County 'sotï¬te during the yeags have been 3!er $0.000. _ a the ï¬ople. asurw will collect in mg future, the collector olï¬cehav- aboli‘hed. and the will _ larger than incéf‘s Ofï¬ce." stï¬ER an ï¬rst, Chicago MAN HES aï¬ons ‘. do his duty (waged m k‘f'bf Warren d ingih the ’ 313d 1> well mfg“ Mum's flu‘ck‘ in the '3‘ . am >QU31'L‘ ‘Furrier ~:~:~’:-><~:~:~M retu'm' thé I} It FEDERAL Electric Vacuum Cleaners It Cleans-’- Absolutely Cleansâ€" House Cleaning is an Easy Task in the Electric , Vacuum Cleaner Rugs, Hangings, Upholstery, Beddingâ€"Every- thing in fact subjected to its attention Buy War Savings Stamps Be a Pershing Patriot North Shqre Trubt Company If the three are prompt and accurate and the conversation is as brief as possible, the line is soon at the disposal of others; if not, it is probable that before the con- versation is ï¬nished, one or both speak- ers will have kept a social or business acquaintance waiting to use the wire. Co-operation between N in this important respect the service. T takes three individuals to complete a telephone conversation~the person calling,theopcrator, and the person called. (A Sm. Bank) N. W. Corner Central Ave. und Sheridan Rd. Co-operation Between Telephone Users WIRED HOUSE Because the current available at every lamp socket will run an CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY Sold on Monthly Payments of Northern Illinois Bell between telephone users nt respect will improve System , liu McKenzie nunoulcu the Hon- ipitnlity Room at Camp Perry now ’ootnplotod. And as redial Ind nt- trnctire A: such room: At the Do- ‘itention Camp should be; Bright Cn- tonne curtninn. downy dull blnq pil- llov: on the ooh couch. oomiortnblo brown reed chain nnd I nudinc tn- !ble supplied with lute maniacs fur- imm . cheery invitation tor not to ;tho mothers. viva. ulter- or “root- :honrts of the boy: in dotontion. The {Army and Navy Cantu Comma Idenim to thnnk Mi. Islamic for -so completely discharging this jbranch undertaking at Great mu. Haiku. ‘ 'An Ironing board with electric iron new institution at the Contra. in the boy: may prouqt l ‘Drovtrly .pnood' nppenrnnco nt owning unp- l The church suppers lave been db écontinued 'lor the time bolus to [in ‘the women who have llbored no Eieithiully a chance lore little nel- ltlon before the full unon ahead. .The hon will min tybe line mp- Epers and singu. led by Ir. Booth end his liltlo daughter. Elisabeth. who hzu become a great inï¬nite with the boys. but when the ’coniemplued changes at Fort Sheridan have been onmplvtt-d and we knaw how many men Wn are to haVe with us the vhurvlnu will resume their nolivily In llw me-nnllme lol'ï¬ ll“ bc- think- ing: hvm we ran PHI 0! ten-in- ln Hm (mmmunily and in the boys in the camps and come to the meeiing hiâ€" day night to hear Judge Lindsey who hm had wide experience and can tell us much we need and would like to knnwl Mitts Carver will continue her work at the Port Sheridnn hospital entertainments tor eonuiment men on Sunday eveningni These eveninn are a source of great. pleuure and inspiration to the men who are not able to go out inr their recreation. The new easy chairs recently imp. plied the recreation roOm are always everyone filled by ueml lav-lids lin- tening eagerly to who or room» loguen. Mrn. P. R. Green. give I pro. gram or her deliciously witty dialect stories a short time no. and the boys voted her one of the but of the sell-on. The plel entered Ind 17er for naedn by the Army and Navy Centre mvl wlth rmuly renpnmw as usual. The second ï¬ne bllllard table I! ul- ready Installed and the only thln‘ preventlng a third la luck of lines. The needed u-spoons were given but we still lack two lnï¬xpenllve table- cloths. porl and parties ufler n any 0! womE on the beach or tennis mm T-h. flru Amman So cm“ Un'I-u Rhnr was an lthhnun. Miss Priscilla Carver. who has had charge 0! th» games at the Par- ish House on Saturday evening: for Ithl' Slilillt‘ri and sailors who do not dance. is going to be so busy with her concert programs that It ll im- possible for her to continue as (‘hair- man or thut :u‘tivit)’ The War Rec- reation Board, recognising tht- splen- did thing that has been done by her. has employed a Play Director to come to Highland Park to reside per~ manentiy to carry on the work. and to further organize the girls in hour can work. She will arrive this week and be in chargv of the games this Saturday t-venlnxi “'0 wonder If M was‘thc dupe In- it-ctod mm M: inmi-l that 01mm! the NM or m (Mk “0 fmlï¬hly (0 hi: Each week bring: some new fea- ture of interest and benth to the active little Army and Navy Centre on Central Avenue. Thi- weeh it In the announcement that arrangements are being completed for keeping a limited number 0! Jackie: over night in Highland Park. The women of the Christian Science Comforts Commit- tee, who have rooms over the Poet Oflice, have offered the rooms for cots on Saturday nights an that it will not be necessary for the boya to return to Great Lake- after parties and dinners. Information regarding these nommodatlona may be lad from Mr. Harris at the Centre hmHH 1w! 0th. at 10:30. Mlu Mary Wood Hlnmen and Mr. Eugene 11.105. newly nppolnted ornnlur {or the Wer Recreetlon Board of llltnole will preeont the Intent duelopmente In plus {or ell tonne of hoepltellty. Thou meeting: are they: moot In- spiring end neuelly well extended. All Highland Perk hostesses Ihonld mule It e point to be pro-eat next Monday If possible. THE, HIGHLAND PARK PRES. HIGHLAND PARK. Tw th-rn‘ (‘uu't‘rmn'fnt I- M‘Itvmv .. uH-x ivhpvctlnl: and. fountain: in -!o~r In prutm‘t l‘nlted Stntm ml- the If you will prment your bond al conversion of the same will be taken Cd promptly, cheerfully and without charg Do not miss this opportunity. l Failure on your part to attend to is conver- sion within the allotted time means a l to you of 1A % interest during the life of the nd a period of 25 or 30 years. i If you are the owner or holder f a Liberty Bond bearing 4 % interact, you have e privilege of converting such security into a 41/79 Bond of the same character, provided your bon ’is delivered to the Federal Reserve Bank prior to ovember 9, 1918. - Owners of liberty FRANK]. BAKER J. M. mm W View unnamedmw I ; this bank, gre of by us