PLO. 81X Ill-Innummmmmmmamaa@E@mmanunlallllllln North Shore Line Leave Highland l’zirk;;at 7:17 a. m. and every hour thereafter until 11:17 p. m., than 12:47 a. m. Saturdays. at 7:17 :i. m.. and cwry hour thereafter until 12:17 p. m.. then every 31) minutes until 9:17 p, m.. then 10:17 p. m., 11:17 p. m.. 12:17 :1. m.. and 121-17 :1. m., and 1:17 (1. m. Sundays. at 7:17 a. in†8:17 21. m. :md 9:17 :1. m.. and cverv 341 minutes thereafter until 1:17 a. m. From every standpoint of economy, comfort and convenience, residents of Highland Park ï¬nd that it pays to travel to and from Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee via The North Shore Line on The Milwaukee Limited. The service on this splendid train is unex- celled. Limited convenient schedules are maintained daily, with special half hourly service on Saturdays and Sundays. Running time to Kenosha 41 minutes, to Racine 54 minutes, to Milwaukee 1 hour 35 minutes. Limited Trains leave Highland Park at 6:40 a. m.. and every hour thereafter until 112-10 p. m. ‘On Saturdays, at 6:40 a. m., and every hour thereafter until 1114021. 111.. then every 30 minutes until 8:10 p. m., then every hour until 12:10 a. m. On Sundays. at 6:40 a. 111., 7:40 21, m. 8:41) a. mi. and every 30 minutes thereafter until 11:10 p. m.. then 12110 a. m. Limited Trains to Milwaukee CHICAGO TICKET OFFICE 137 South Clark Street Phone: Centnl 8280 LEW A. HENDEE 66 Republican Candidate for re- election, will be a vote for efï¬ciency in public ofï¬ce. Eight Years experience. tried and proved capable. Limited Service for Milwaukee 301‘ County Clerk KNOWS HIS JOB.†North Shore Line For further information apply to HIV nmn’s! ricke’t nflu‘c' of {In ‘imited Trains for Chicago Your Vote for travel via the 1111-; HIGHLAND HIGHLAND PARK TICKET OFFICE Highland Pn-‘k 1361 Pm Puss. momma PARK. ILLINON5 ‘Mds will hc- receive-d tor the con- ï¬rm-nun u! u Mar (0) inch cult Iron ;\~nl(-r mum with ï¬re hydrtntn. insh't", \ulw box“ and special cunt- jinx! to he c-unstructed and llld In {Mung um! undnr Oleucoo Awnue and 10mm Au-nue. beglnlltng and connect- ?Ing “HI: ttu- present watrr mlln In :lem-m- Awnue. located twenty (30) ;!m-t nurth n! tht- muth line 0! Un- im-t nurth u! thr- muth line 0! Lin- ituln Aumm M I! point ninmn ()9) Heel “I"! u! the easterly line at Glen- mw Axum. thencv wmh in Oioncoe Awnut- on 3. line par-liei to tnd :nini-tH-n (19) {not westerly from the ivu-tvri) iim- n! fluid Avenue to the intonm-unn HI 1] line nineteen (19) itm-I wmh u! and par-liei with the :nunh Hm- of Gm, Avenue thence 'exutt pnrJiltvi to tho north line 0‘ Him; Au-nuo- m an intersection with ‘lho- pn-wm untvr main inid in the ‘omto-ri) 'Ii‘it‘ n! Ritigowuod Drive, ail tin tht- (‘ily of Highland Park. Gutim ‘ty (.1 1.1x.- mm Hum- ur “mum. m a wimh- in urvoninncv will: 1111- ON“- 3 HSUH't‘ tin-rt fur Sum imi~ ‘Iii iu- uponmi on the Notice is hi-rohy given to all per“ sons lull-fluted. (hat Hu- bldn for the ilurnishing u! all llboruloola and mu» ‘teriuis “(‘Cl‘nwfy for the van-traction 301m. Eigm (3) inch vitriï¬ed pipe umL wry sewer. together with man-Mien. :houm conm-cllon brunt-net And flunh- in connection, to be iuid in. along :nml under thu- center line 0( Glenâ€" fone Awnuc. beginning ni I point One inundn-d Fifty nan) lee! anulhvrly 'frum the south line 01 Lincoln Ave- i‘ nun. â€when extending nouihcriy along 3mm (‘t-nh-r line 0! (Honour Aw-nuv in fit.- inlrrieclion With the wnler line 'ui (lru) Awnur. ihc-m-o vul along ‘tiw m-ninr “no u! Gnu Avenue inilh llm PXI~HLK mnilnry "war in ‘Rilixl-wuod llrhv. \n-rr upc-m-d on the ’30!!! day 0! Animal A Il 1918. and It‘has. MvNa-ill. Sr. lwinu (hu kvwo-nl roipcimihio bitldi-r (ln- mnlrnct I'm- awarded to and (Tina. McNeil]. Sr. on on the 4th day u! si-ptemher. A. D 1918, SflTfl'll 0P LETTING NIHAC‘T AMHMII'ZNT N0. “0 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVMNTB UP THE (‘ITY OF HIGHLANZ‘ PARK. NUTH‘H IS HEREBY GIVEN Hill bids will b:- n-ceh‘o-d [or the con- slruvllnh u! :1 Mar (0) inch cut Iron Sum hub ‘IH hr upmmd on the 13m dn) n! Soon-mi)â€. A l) 1918. at tho- hour I)! 51:") o'clock P. M Ill HH- «Iï¬it'r H! â€W Buurd of burn! Im- pruu-mrnt» in the (‘Ity Hall of the (‘1!) u! Hwhlund Pnrk, 'I‘h- ~pm~im~zmun~ .md 1hr hlnnk l!!'1l|!n~.‘ll~ \HH hr {ul'lli‘ln‘d m Hm “flu-u of 'hr â€041‘! w! Inch! lmplmi- mum- In t?†(H!) HMH in ~HM CH) 'Hu- .---mr,.vtt-v “[1! 1w pun! In 1mm!» uhirl: huhdi Jud inn-r11! :|l SAVIL‘l-Zl. \l HASTINGS. FRITZ BANK. EDWARD (‘. HL‘HER. WARD W WJLIJTS. Board of Local lmprovvmenln (Elly 0! Highland Park .UI pxnpum'h ‘y huh mm! Im 44'- Allllll'illxih‘Vi h) :\ uw-x'hiiwl ('hw‘k pay uhlv- (u thv I’Iwida-nl n! lhu- [imrd n! Int-u] lmprmcmrnts n! the (‘My 0! Highland f’nrk for tho .-um «)I not Iv» than 1M1 (In) pvr m-nl of tho ugxrn-urm- n! lln- pmpmnl Suit! prupuml must he ‘h-liuzrml to NW )‘l‘I-aldvm 1:! UM- Board of Luca] llnpru\c-mvnt-. in â€pr“ pen-ion n! fluid Board ul tln- Hnn- nnd place tho-d ht-ro-In for Hm npening n! (he ‘H "I! all hld~ l! t pul)li(' xnud Dated u! Highlnml Park Immm, this sum day of Auxud. HHS (27) “mm: or AWARDING cus'rluvr “'59“?! [hr mun to rare! in) lows: Approximnu- Qunmmes luau» 141R Lin, Fl, V Vllrlned Hll Said hhl Tl H H the-y dm-m It boil for [In u! Hishlnml Park Ill1nni~ M-wt-r plpt'. includ- ing “Y" bunches ’u S 8! . . .. ...... Mnnholeu complete ullh mm lrnn lop-a a 55m 1m Flu-Mm: (‘OIIIH'C mm “HP: 4 Inc! .‘ih (or the wurk h- †fol m “ilh 41mm .lw, murmur-<1 to HI Hi: "\u nmh .l l'-!k H'Hmh Hui l’.-1\- IHIINII‘ f<-|>‘¢-m!ur A ll (3‘2!) p. ' l mi N ('«IIH ($1 ny AuL Imu! Park WHYN‘. m.“ \h‘ hrrc-nf H) ll [)vr :nl $I:I 1247.“ Y1" lï¬"? 9‘ of â€H- Inuit ~.:14lx 200 00 â€Kl†HY “0 l lu'l‘t-h)’ announce myself as a Republican can- dnlutv for the Lower House of {he General Assem- bl). Another tmm will complete twenty \eaJ‘s of svnlm for this district and I have luolu‘d to that nttzumnent whh some. I trust, pardnnable person- :1l pridv. me'eu-I, mun} important. Is the fact thai l haw \risln-d m :ml Governor ll)\\'(l(‘ll 1n hi: on- (lt‘EIVUX‘ tn mnlu- lllnmis a more m plan- for the luns tn l|\'1' in nl'lm 1hr)" come lmnn- from the \I (U' left, representative (Rep): Was Governor Low- tlen's tloor leader in the house. Had it not been for his efforts it is unlikely that the Governor's admmistratwe rode bill could have been passed. lie refused appointment as head of a House. Com~ mittee and gave most of his time to furthering the passage of administration measures." Governor Lowden said at Woodstock. Septem- her 6th, 1917: "1 want to say a word about? one of your citimns. 1 want to take advantage of his absence today. I refer to Edwin D. Shurtlefl‘. l want you people of his home county to realize that, during the present administration, Mr. Shurta leli' was my right arm; all during the planning 06 the administration code he Was with me and worked zealously and‘efliciently. I don't know \\ hat l would have done without him: I am coitti~ dent that results would not have hem: what they were. And, whether We lime peace or war. l shalf need him more than ever in the future There. tote. 1 want to say to you people here that you mux‘t not permit him not to he. a candidate for re- election as l hau- heard might be the case." I haw had numerous conferences with Govern- or Imwden since that time as to the program he is trying to work out in "correcting, revising and advancing the Administrative Code," in “Revenue matters," in "(‘ourt Practice matters? in a "New Election Law," and in an eï¬ort to get a "NEW STATE CONSTITU’I‘IUN." and to help make Illi- nois a hotter place to live in for all its people. In connection with my record in the Legislative Vutors' League said recently: “Edward I). Shurt- lhv)’ un- fullyâ€: and Plvvtmi u ('(IHS fu!‘ .1"an them mom A campaign is being made against me, pretend- ing in hv fricndi), cnncoding my nomination and elomion and imistinu that I shall haw many \‘utt-s 1n spnn- If this advice should he carried 10 ih lngirnl i-«memi ] Would hmv iiu \MOS at all I feel that the electorate of this district know where I stand on public matters, nnd the services I haw pcrtormml. SI) that I need nut restate \\ hll n1 «wrn i†Imn~ H I“ “Hr Hum 11 I]? lun‘p |\l } expvrt 1n wto fur tho National Amend- ll .- .\ 1:» pvrsundo 1hr voters that h 14» n 0, that I can he nominatod thnut wtâ€, and that "an issue" mwmm I). snyg'rmn: Hull 1 MW \‘4IH‘,‘ of vulr)‘ lit-pubih-un ‘u fwvc" I should hr "NINTH-(i t i» mun' Hum prnhnlnlr that I p n n \'m') rt‘spcclfun) your support and JAN-mm, Illinois