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Highland Park Press (1912), 13 Feb 1919, p. 4

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PAGE POUR The Highlanh Park Press Published weekly by JOHN L UDELL and PAUL 1 Park Lake County. Illinois Ralph White, son of Mrs. Samue] Rockenback. who has been at home on a thirty day furlough, left Wed- nesday to reinlist in the navy for another four years’ cr’ulse. Entered as second class matter March 1. 1911, at the post. office Highland Park, Illinois, under the Act of lurch 3, 1879. John L. Udell - Paul L. Udell _ WW“ www n a 2 DEERFIELD NEWS ITEMS 3 Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Kellogg and two children left this week to spend a month in California. The Deerfield Red Cross Auxiliary 145 of the Chicago Chapter, closed its workroom Tuesday after twenty month< of continuous work. A large amount of excellent work has been turned out by the faithful workers -of Deerfieid. By vote 850 was sent to the Armenian Relief as the closing act of the auxiliary. and the donat- ed materials on hand for civilian relief garments. as well as finished garments were sent to the relief of destitute families of Bohemian men in service. Twelve members of the auxiliary will receive general ser- vice certificate badges for 800 hours or more of work for the Chicago Chapter. NU.“ BER :30 Albert Levy ------ The Evvreit School (‘luh will give a card puny and dance at the Evâ€" erntt Hull. Evervtl. llll. Friday. Pwh- ruary ‘31 Cards. 3 o‘clock; dancing. 9:30. The music will be furnished by McCorniiL-k's Orché‘stra. Thv ml» llll‘s‘lflll In [m- party will lu- flit)" cents. Mr. and Mrs, [.m‘Pm-n Glodcu 2m. nouncc the birth of .1 daughter, horn Fehnmry V Lieut. H the guest Sunday. Miss Murgzu‘nt Krw> was tlw guesl of Miss Vials-t Johnson at Ingan Square, Wmlm-sday. The Luxvs for tlxx< ycur Wlll he collected by Mr. Albert Antvx‘ who has been appointed tax collector fur the t0wn~‘hlp of West Decrtlt‘ld. A numbe-r of young peopl» from Mr. and Mrs. William Kent two children “wire the guests 0 Kent's parunts. Mr. and Mrs. ry Kent of Milwaukee Sunday. Mr. John \V‘ndnmn urday {mm XUW Ynl'k been on :1 businws (ri week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coleman un- nounce {th birth of a dauhter, born February 5. Mesdames W. H. Steffes. Alexander Willman, B. H. Kress. E. Ender, and E. Knickerbocker were entertained visiting In Deerfield attended the Masquerade Dane» at (Plenview Saturday evening. a: a luncheon given by Mrs. William Kent at her home Thursday alter- noon. Mr. and If Fire Should Destroy JOHN A. BUNNELL JOHN OLIVER HIGHLAND PARK. TRUST 8C SAVINGS BANK Mrs. Osvnr Bow-ham are Svuulv. \Vush. ummund of Chicago was of Mr. Irwin Plugge, on President Why Assume the Risk your home,vwould your valuatgle papers such as deeds, insurance policies, notes and bonds be safe? when for three dollars you can rent a box in OUR MODERN FIREPROOF VAULTS? Let us show you our equipment. Sth Floor. 20 Mr. and Mrs. Hen- aukvc Sunday. nhnrm returnml Sub Yul'k whom he has N's (rip fur thv past "The Bank of Personal Sew-co" Telephones. Highland Park 557. 658 was the no===ou sts of .\Ir ............... Chicago Advertising Manager 8. Jackson. Tel. Wabash 6212 Vic: Pruidcnc and Rm: and Mrs. (UK. Osborne of River Fun-st, llL, \wrv thq- guvsts q! the lutu-r's parents. Mr .and Mrs. Georgv Stunger. 3 NW days last Week, Mr. and Mr»: Ed le‘nm il)‘ were vntrrtuinml a! I \h‘. I’Mt'l‘ Hlt‘lmu'hl «if Sunday. The following officers were elect- ed at the meeting of the Dorcas so- ciety. held at the home of Mrs. R. M. Vant last Thursday: Mrs. George Penis. president; Mrs. Fred H. Moyer. vice-president: Miss Woodman. secre- tary and treasurer. George Whitcomb has received his discharge from the army and is at home. He was wounded while In ac- tion in France. but is fully recovered from his wounds. Mr. 21nd Mr“. Pun-rwn {rum ('hlt‘a~ gr) m-ro thv guwsts of Mr. and Mrs‘ W. Carr Sumlzu. A box <m-inl and dam-v will be 2h"- «n m the school hall Saturday. Feb. 2:}. under the auspices of the Parent and Teacher Aswciation. A number of Deerfleid women and young ladies assisted at the Army and Navy Center at Highland Park Saturday owning serving the sailors and soldiers. Over thirty home-made pies were dun‘ated by the Deerfleld women which were highly praised by the boys. The following officers were elected at the MiSSionary Society which was entertained at the home of Mrs. Merner. last Thursday: President. Mrs. Steierwald; vice-president. Mrs. Arthur Merner: secretary. Ms. Playd Stanger; treasurer. Mrs. Milton Prantz. Mrs. John S'tryker. who has been president for ten years. re- signed. Mr. and Mrs. O. l. Rockenblck‘ will entertain the M W. A. and R1 N. A. at their large country home Thursday evening. THl'llSliAY. FEBRI'ARY HARRY PAUL UDBILL. u Hllhllnd Cuhicr ________ Editor Superlntendem hicugn Ind fnm hunw of 13. PM!" Ln , Mrs. C. G. L'nnngst. who ha been ‘iil fur the past Week. is convalescin‘. : Mr. Charles Hoopes of Maywood ‘spcnt the week end with relatives ,in this city. ‘ Mrs Henry Bell and daughter. .\iar- jurie. who hme spent thO put three inmnthn with reintiws in this City. fit‘fl Tuesday for their home in llam- iillnn, .\itml. L Major and Mm (‘lurence .\‘nren- .lwrg have arrived from boulln'ilie, Ky. when- Ma }. r .\'orenberg was ata- ltioned at Camp Ta) lnr. and are mak- ing their home with Mr William Nor< .‘onherx. Maiur .\'orenberg has re. Bel-iwd his honorable discharge. l .\irs. Fred Greennlade has return~ 0d imme from the Highland%k lhuflpnai win-re she has been for the Ipast few weeks. She is slowly con- ! \nlescing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shelton no the happy parents of I d-ulhter. Belle Jane. born Sunday. February mus] Mina Laura Phcher spent the put two weeks In Clinton. IL. u the guest of Mrs. Frederick 1‘. Golden. purl. UL. ViiHOd his sister. M”. J. B. MN‘nflrcy. Mr and MN. “'Hllanf (‘ortlsl of hovrflvld Aux. .nrv ‘rvcehing cunxrnl- ‘ulmmns on the birth of a son born Saturday, Pt-bruary R. (‘nmpholl (‘haph-r 0. FL 9. will meot this owning in Masonic Hall. Sgt. Melv'ln Swvotland of Rock Is- Iund. ”L, is spending a ten-day rur- ‘lnugh with hifi parents. Mr. and Mn. ‘Dalo Swvclland The Women's Home and F‘nn-Ign Missionary Society 0! the U. PL (‘hurch will meet this afternoon with Mrs. E. H‘ ”an1. n! Oakwood AVP. M”. H. 11‘ nmu. m Uunwuvu an. . ',!I§On (9e, Mus Gertrude O'Brien. who under-; ‘dmhmm ‘m h. uent an uperntlnn (or nppendicllhI “r "n. prnmlnvd Ins! Frldz'ly n! (he Highland p‘rk'pkmro and delight hu~pHnL us getting along wry nice- ‘omml m the (“w-“m \lh‘ Aime-s ('arnlnn u! DvorflPld <p0m tho work-0nd with Mimi Flor- r-nw- \ix'Glnuphlin. (‘nrpurnl Jnhn Kclly o! ‘Cump Grum .-p«~nt the Work and with his mother. Mrs. Mary Kelly. Mn. (infliv Rnhinmn of Wnukegln is visiting her brother. Mr. T. C. Williams. . Mr. William Cnrolnn. while on mum from Dayton. 0., m Shreve- Durl. 1.1. visited his sister. Min. .1. “N. l“. dv Anguvrra and chlldren m accompanying Mr. de Anxuerrn In Now Yurk today (n he with him until he sails for Europe the {ol- lnwing Tuesday on the steamer. La Pranmx Mr. «lo Anguo-rrn will spend about v-‘lx wot-ks nhrmul on buslnosn. Mr .\1, “'nrnnr u! N, 'Sm-und Sh. let on tho >lrk li<t Hui“ \svvk MR. A. ll. Mm‘Cnuglu-y hzw rvlurn- Mrs A. ll. Mnd‘nuglu-y llil“ rvlurn- ml {rum u tvn dll)‘<' trip in tha- Hut, Rho :ici-nmpznniml her daughter. Mnr- garnt. In Philadelphia whorv sho on- h-rwd tho (){Zt'llll Svluwl. While v.13! Mrs. Mav (‘nughm' \'i<ilwl Mrr‘. A L Drum nt Clu-e‘tnut Hill. Mrs Joseph Mooney has m guest ht-r brother. Mr. \ViHinm Aldridge r)! Winnlpvg. Munitnhu. (‘my Mr. AL dridgo ls tho (-in c-nguuu-r of Winni< peg. “Ian! “I!" rm'viu-d Monday m'q-nim: from Mr. 1leer Hanson. by his mnth~ or. that ho has arrived unfoly and is statimmd at Camp Hamptun. \‘n, Mm Axum [.nrsnn n! Elbow Lax" Minn. i-a tho guest 4»! Mr. and M" A. L. Larson. The St. James Catholic (‘luh will give a St. Valentine Dance tomorrow evening in Sarii'a Hall. nghwood. Everyone is invited to attend. of Days." bring (-nnducted by MW Dun-zu- Society n! thv Prs-shytorlan (‘hurML an» still waiting for the <llh‘('rip7iun< to hv turnvd in. A largt' numht-r n! pvt-No nuhidv u! the churvh hznv ulrrnd) mbwrihed. . “r \ViHinm AMrulze and his npphow. William Mnnnvy, spent Sat- unlny 1.! 1m! \vak in Elkhurt, Ind, The cnmmllu-r In chargn of tho bazaar auhstitutv knmxn :is “A Snlc‘ of Days." bring (-nnducted by 1hr Mr. Sizinlvy Stilton. n member 0! (ho hth lllglilllllili'l‘r. whn *pon! it (Hi :lu} furlough “iih Mr. Jacob Plt'N‘I'. has roiurnr-il tn ('unuda to l'(‘('l'l\(‘ his discharge. Thv Social Triu, who have been giving weekly (inner-x nt Highwood. have made arrangvmonls [ll hold A dance in Anderson’s hall. Lake For- (-31. nn-ry Tuesday night. Next Tun- day a special carnival dance will be held. ‘ The Cone-m II «he bu! Chunk For the lnlomntlou of all our peo- ple. that while to ill westward up- pear-noes the centenary movomom Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wright wlll leave in u few days for their ranch In Tvxas. to. spend the remainder of the winter. Ralph K. thunh of Ikmnnrs <3)le Mummy with his fmher, John (‘1‘ Svhwnh M. E'- CHURCH Frank Shelton no la . mun? “nimble «way. there haa m meet!" each week a small map 0! leadera who are working out the detail. 0! the 970' [ram for the local church. Aa the study and work prn'resaet. the true drawing upon the group luv power.“ [ripping our heart:- and a foretaate of the future la dawning upon ml. 1! will not be long pefére In W“! ant our people to )0er up. The Sunday School Last Sunday 116 were meant. Not so had; In ll'.’ Butlwe net-d a larger percentage on time. The presence and <hort mldrm-s of Dr. T. R. Quayle were greatly appreclaxed. Saturday I'Ivrnlnx Inn-n Home and mural-” 1 Admlsslon ulll he by Nth-l. \‘o- nrl- prnmlnvd an mvnlng of wit-sure and delight. The lldléo are ‘oqunl (n (he (aw-plan. We lnvlle the ipulfllo to help make lhll lhv mutt ,nluccouful «reunion In the hlulury of flhv pooh-(y, Wlll you lwlp nmke ll ~Thl- uttendancv and inn-rent on the part of the men in uniform in I rourcc u! utisfnctiun and reward. The short religious M‘rsit‘t', the pro- gram of rrmiinxn. solo“, «tn. the games and rain-ailment: are proving their ”line in the t'xpn-uiunn oi hearty appreciation and genuine de- light from the men In the sonnet Nut Rum” Evening Tim Lndien' Aid Iiiil gin- : VII- entim- “chi in the basement of the church. You'wiii pit-au- note; i. The rvguinr schoduio will b«- followed with the {allowing exceptions: l. Mvn In the Mer- M the [1.8 wlll he ndmmed (rot-V 2. All othc-rn will pay the admin nuc‘h‘.’ fluidly Sonic" The Centenary work In arranged m us in Include (-n-ry dvpnnmoni 0! church work. it will eflec! the 8‘ 8. the Epwcrth imagine. the Lndin' Aid Society Ind the Jimior League noon In he org-nixed under the eiflcicm ieldership of Mrs. D. H. Stone. The whoir churrh with all its services Sunday and mid-week will feel the impact 0! this great plan born, we- believe, in the mind and hear! of Sunday morning the Sacrament of Baptinm will be ndmlnlntered. I! In the duty and buslm-sfi of each mem- ber (u be prmom at this mm! Im- prom-h1- service. Thn- other serum-u n1 6 30 and 7 30 an usual. Thr- ulr u! «‘pocumc) in being gI-ncratvd, é PRESBYTERIAN (‘HL‘RCH g Ft-hruury 3rd. at W45 21, m,, u rvp» rentalive of the Anti~Suloon League will speak. The occasion fur this service commands a full hnumu 0n the «wening o! tho nim- dnlt- a ,Ipcclal sen'im- for the K of P. irn- torniiy will be lmld. Tha- Bibi» school “I” twain m-xl Sumlu) mnrning M 9 30 Th:- regular wnu-c- will begin an eleven o‘clock. Th9 [)nrcas Such-[y qu hnvv llwlr roxuhr mrotmx m-u Mummy, At No n'clm'k In the nfh-rmmn (he dirt-CL nrs U! the “'nmnn‘s 11-;xgun- will hnld n cunh-u-umu Tho prayerâ€"meeting ulll lu- hold on \\'4‘-«lnn.~uduy night at a-iuht o’clock. The speaker will hr- Mr. James Tn)- lor 0! the Port Sheridan Y. M. C. A. Mr. ’l‘miur wrwli xix mnnlhn in Prnm-v. living “minded ml) the battle front. A .Hpvcinl collection for the benoilt oi the work at Fort Sheridan will he lulu-n. A luuunr “ill ho hold on the M- tornnon o! Wmhirimon'u Birthday in tho Parish Hourw u! llu- I'm-thy- terian Church. Thr- prm-cwl- are in be used fur a acnlnrnhip i-vr Mnrlnn Kincaid. a girl 0' ullusu-ll uhilit). who in a student in tho lgmgdnm Me- morial School. The girls n! the Sen- ior and intermediate department- ol the Bible School hive made them- selves responsible for this scholar- ship and ere planning many Ittrect- ive feature. (or the bueer. Refresh- ments will be served by girls in con- tume: cakes. candy. pin and Sunday supper dishes will be mid and there will be a table where npmns. bun, quilts for babies. shoe trees. hand- kerchief cam and other article. made by the girls and their friends can be purchased. Fortune teller: and musicians have volunteered their services. Sen-ices are held in this church every Sunday morning at 10:46. Sunday school meet: immediately af- ter the morning nerrice. and in open td‘ pupils up to the age of 20 years. Th0 Wednndny evening meeting. which iiii‘ludPs testimonies of Chris- tinn Science honing. in gt 8 o‘clock. You are curdially invited to make uie of the reading room at 887 Cenâ€" irfl Avenue, which I! open every week day from nine o'clock In the morning until six o'clock in the 9'. oning. ” ll ll Ind 7:30. clal excrement in coln's blnhday will ndn'y School; the 001 will be exam!â€" to merge vllh the prewhln: urvl The humor will [In tn nddreu Abrnhun Llncoln .- I Chrmnn 8 esmnn. Proachln: ner Net! Sunday . recommon 9! I be (Ivan In th tendon o! the 0d thirty ml- Ntlveeh pray service It 7130,11 m. Wednudu. ‘ Band-y Schooflfimuol u mzoo I A cordial weliflme to ‘nll Buiiding Material Tclcpboool l Vale?tin} Day, Friday.Feb. 14‘ i 'IIIIQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Eléctric Toaster Public Service Co. Huang Quality Home Dressed Poultry (:0th Solvay Coke “mum Mohthly Payments tum-thhrcmflwfio/W LLBERT LARSON ‘9, STATIONER It’s defined in the dictionaries as “bread sliced and warmed over a fire.” Correct of course. But there are various sorts and condition; of toast. the woodeny kind, the burned black kind, the cold kind. ' Yet it’s possible to produce it a crispy, tasty, delightful viund that can be handed over hot; That kind of toast is the product of the . 515 Onkwood Avian. The- regular mot-ans of the W0- man's 'Clvlc Cfub of Ravtnla wu Md yeuerdax afternoon in the Vil- hce House. A musical program wax- gh-en by Miss Ruth Hypes. Plum no being made for the Washâ€" Innon dlnner party to be held on Februlry 22. The people who say that the sol- dier: are sick of their uniforms have not noely’the girls a the, dtnoen hung- lng wound the men In khnkl. ' Hum P-rhflli-oin an. F 5. ”‘2'!

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