Tu» t be! growth PACE EHlH'T 6 M. a CHL’RCH 9 Y. W. 1‘. .\ ‘I"Nl‘u'l‘\lli|| ‘nmwl ~:»~;~:~:â€":~:~:~:<-oc ,-C*Z~C“I~C~ ( lmrrh u \\.um .\ H“ S ~u|t~‘ p0 \\ U T ‘3 W \Ir H i l 1U) I“ L’ l\ 1rrv “I “III†\‘I 1m» dawn -a' ' i m '1 ir 'n H \t f1 I) n! r‘ l\~ (‘lmml H H up. or hr†r {1 (w L: \I T! THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAP Elï¬iï¬lï¬ï¬‚rï¬lrï¬llï¬llï¬lfï¬'flï¬l Phone GSELL'S PHARMACY FRIDAYS .l.V. Larroi\.Velorinarian Th0 Hospital fnr Dog's and Gals 1021 Dnvia Street, Evunuon [Elï¬ffflï¬ï¬‚lï¬ Other Day; It In This Statement We Wish to Make Clear That our business is conducted entirely in the open. that Gas Company affairs are thoroly checked by the Public Utilities Commission and that gas rates are based on costs of doingr business. The Utilities Commission Fixes Rules in (fun- fvii'miiy with “high the utility company must cmiduct its business. "i‘hvsv I'UiL‘S specify the mmim-r iii \x'hii‘h the bmoks >hziii he kcpi. L‘UIH- piiiiii‘is (KijUSIt‘d, (hinges which may bv made to the consumer. the price (if gas. the quality of gas. vtc. What Items Make Up the Price of Gas? The costsiif providingr gas service can be summarized under tive heads: Production. ()ther ()per~ :tting Expet‘ises, 'l‘nxes. Depreciation. Return on Investment. 'I‘hel'tilities Commission. and thru the Commission the people‘s representa- tives, have access to our remrds. From the actual {nets these eosts are reduced to definite tigures and the price of gas is tixed to eoVer them. For instance, Depreciation and Return on Investment are based on the value of the property employed. TO determine this value the North Shore Gas Company has made an ap- praisal of its property in minute detail. the results of which are now before the Commission in the present hearing to determine the price of gas. “\Vatcx‘cd itemsâ€or "inflatcd values." We wish to point out that in computing a “fair return" the rate of earnings is not figural an :1 basis of “capitalization'; but on the \C â€III AL FAIR VALUE of the PRO} ERT\ (luau (1 to gas service. How is the Price of Gas Fixed? Contrary to popular opinion in sonn‘ quarters. the Gas C0m~ puny dors not try to charge ill] it possibly can for gas. There am certain fixed costs of pro- ridingr gzis svrvicc which must he mvt and in addition to these onl}~ a fair profit is obtainable. Thru Lack of Information many people seem to feel that “investment" is apt to include Over the Gas Company’s Business stands : 31:11 both mnsumm‘ and cmnpzmy gm a "square dru] The Consumer Demands Regulation and the mummy dunzmd ‘ protection {01' EN \X‘H ice and (} :m->mlent. me are [ht “(1ui<i<>115' made? I) @EEEEE “The ()ur next statement will appear in this newspaper next week. Suite 4. HHannd 1:;‘1‘RV'1'11152 3.: Sunny?! hank â€Pris. Telepbune 6734 0 HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS . 0000000 00000000000 0.0000000000000000. O... 0........0.. Ofï¬ces: PAINTING Paper Hanging and Decorating 'I‘elrphonc 1098 535 Onkwood Av. Highland Pnrk Dr. B. A. Hamilm Dr. Earl D. Fritsch DENTISTS (‘. M. GATES Waukegan, Lake Forest, Highland Park, Winnetka, Libertyville. PARK, ILLINOIS IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IOOOOOOOOOOOOCOIOI. I ILLEPIION h 357 ness. To the average customer it means only a few cents each month. A prominent national so- ciety has found after thoro investigation that of the average household expenditures food takes 45 per cent, rent and taxes 16 per cent. clothing 12per cent, movies. books. charities 14 per cent, miscellaneous expenditures 7 per cent. The remaining 6 per cent goes to railroad transpor- tation. telephone, water, street car service. elec- tric service and gas service. Of this Gas gets ONLY 21 small part. This clearly shows that any increase in gas rates over pre-war rates af- tetts one of the SMALLEST items of household expense That our business is conducted entirely in the We Have More Reason to Regret 1hc neces- 5111'101' increased gas Iates than the consumer 1121 s. To us 11 means life or death 10 our bus} an umpire whose right and duty it is to see :11." This is thcl’ublic Utilities Commission. On this Basis the Earnings of the North Shore (ins Companyhnve not been enough to cover Depreciation and Return on Investment since early 1917. There, haVeheen no dividends paid. ofcourse. It has been necessary to borrow hioney to pay the bond interest. This is due to' the great increase in cost of providingr servit‘e. If We Had Any Choice in Methods of meet- in‘gr the situation we should choose relief thru lowered production expenses. That would leave the rate to the consumerlower. Lovver rates to the consumer mean more general USt' of the service, hence increased production. It i< by increased production and not by increased rate> that we hope to build up the service. But growth must be based on fair earnings for the actual money invested and cannot continue with in- creasing losses. \Ve Cannot Cut Cost of Material, labor and money lowertlian they are. The Utilities Com: mission cannot control llICSL‘ costs. Notwith- standing the lad that costs of supplying gas are increased about 100% over pro-war costs the svlling price of gas on the North SliOl't‘ has been increased only 16% avei‘age. flH-‘HI.ASD PARK ILLINOIS "lion! II. P. 3/5 DR. J. W. SHEDD DENTIST DR. C. V. NICHOLS 47 SI. Jnhns Avenue ll} \ 173 I‘ H ‘ Physk AL'ITI: o-r' - V a V 3 O ERSD 1 ' Sheridan Bu: dz: 1 H ghland Pn'k 11â€", ooooooocoooooopooociO!" 0.000.000...ooooocooo!"fԤ: 5w. 1:. 112.115 11011.04- : Physician and Osteopaul' 9,? 9' Phat" H. I" {I e w â€you I" ERSKINE BANK aL'lLDlNG DR. A. L. LEE I;If\ 7/57 [[th '1'} ioz N. 15‘ 5:. .1612 Clncagl F114 5 \ 7' ’ '5 Mr. and P in Highiam Sewtembvr. of tha- \tuc' amilah‘ie: ’I‘hc Ls‘w‘c Bluomuefrf} 2 (13% ,Y (vital to stimuiaté HIGHLAND AMM ‘64 N. MIC†CA Phone Rand‘ \\ Made Perco? Electr {1 n! FY erco