PAGE FOUR “Dandruff was killing my hair" 4 : HIGHLAND i’ARK, ILLINOIS ; 1.....OOOCCOOCOOIOOOOOOOOO . 9 Phil H. P. 315 . DENTIST ' Sheridan Building Highland Park. Illinois oooooooooooooooooooooooo “During all the 33 Y that I have} kept house I have ,-__ --o-lnrr. man I "an. â€yr- .7, , never used a more satisfact- ory furniture polish and ï¬oor c‘aaner than NU - FINISH. Accept my highï¬t recom- mendations for same." thuk and Retail Dealer for Special High Price for Office 597 Automobile Tires, Metals nnd Rubbers :1 Specialty Electrical Contractors Plyl the Dnlklflu Ii. in! D. Fritsd DENTISTS Sum 4. ï¬lghï¬ï¬i-Fï¬f Trult a Suing: Bunk Bldz. Telephone (18 Drop me a postal card or telephone me and I will call for goods Iron Metal Rags Rubber Bottles N. Paper Magazines Telephone 410 60 North First St. Highland Park n c PDRDYgf sons gGet the Genuine " pnd Avoid 15 S. St. Johns Ave Auto Accessories Carlisle Cord and Fabric Tires Vulcaniziné and Retreading Orders given my special attention What do you need? AUTO SUPPLY snop . Smith 'I. W. Huber Electric Co. Most ma â€cl-W out Dusting- / Cleaning-Polishing Liquid yet discoveted. J. P. STEFFEN. Propriflor 522 Central Avenue Highelt C‘sh Price- Tel-phonor- 350‘909 PHONES ILIIMD IO‘I‘ meow-outta . L. LEE Residence 490 1 LAzmess’iche AS spun Good Work Done by Thou Who Ilka It. and Want to Gei Through and Rut. The best work Is dune by the lazy people who wunt to get lhrOugh and rest. The tndustrhuw‘. notlve IR a We, and u|\\'u_\'~' at I able to become: a punvrer‘ Mark Twnln culled nttenthm to the {not that the ant. to whom the sage reanmnou. «1 the <Iuggard to £0. spends must of Ms energy In running umund Mk» a drunken Indian. The great hunmrtst hutcd to move: ha ,uswl to give the buy In the print- ing Mitre 21 nlvkel to sweep armlnd him. so that he “ould not huve to take hls {wt â€If the table. At svventy he mnt‘twsud thut “all vm-rcise ls lmtth- snmu.†Luziness IS nut gnod in ltm-lf: but whvn jnlm-d m mum-lamlousnvss and n m-nw of rm‘ymnxihllity, us 1! (Mon is. it Is the very host worker. “HiMn h hw‘nlh‘w ~h. MUST CONCENTRATE TO WIN Though Thorough Absorption May Be Carried Too Far, It I; Necessary to Success. ’l'hvre Is nlxxny~ dump-r. when my- 0110 t'IIllt‘ï¬â€˜llH’llh". Hmt thv \‘UIH'PHYTR- Hun \HH bu curried (no furâ€"40 fur thut It product-s :1 narrow, (luv-shim! and warywd {mint of \‘io-w, The grout svh-nnst. tlm gn-ut svhulnr, the grout lhlnkur in nny lim- is usually not an ull~urnmnl "mun! {alluwf’ "(imhhodf‘ "quver." “pvculiur.†“odd," “funny" nnvl “wnrpmVâ€"uro those not the “(1‘ jet‘th'es that mun-rally descrlhe the geniuses of the World? The very 9% fort to cuneontmtp on the one suh‘ Need for Eternal Vigilance. “We ï¬rst make our habits and then 2 our habits make us." said an unknown sage. In other words. what we are at this moment. what we can do at this moment, depends not only upon mak- ing up our minds at the time being. but also upon how we have made up our minds countless other times in thousands of minutes nlready gone by Ihut lt product-s :1 narrow, (mo-slum uml wnrtwl point of View, The grout s‘l‘lvntlst. tlw gn-ut svholnr, the greut lhlukur in nny lim- is usually not an ull~nrnuntl "Km"! rt-iltnw.†"t‘tmhhodf‘, "queer." “pvculiur.†“odd," “funny" "nil "wnrpml"â€"â€":lrn these not the ml‘ jet‘tives that gem-rally descrihe the geniuses of the World? The very 9(- fort to conventmte on the one sub- jwt which has brought IUCCtNS has made it impossible to keep in tout-h with the thousand-antl-une vurrents of thought and topics of conversation which go to make up comfortable and easy-going life. Like the old son cap- tain. these geniuses miss something in their effort to ï¬x their attention on one thing. In spite of this danger. It is a good thing to work tor cont-entratlun. The likelihood of becoming one-sided is his where genius is t-ouoemetl. but the. it can be excused. Most of us can safely concentrate our attention and still feel sure that we will keep in- touch wlth the world about us. TN Mark Dincouraged Aid. to Beauty. In the day of Louis XIV LaBruyero i wrote this: “if women only desire to 3 :be beautiful in each other's eyes they 3 Emmy. of murs‘e. follow their own m~ 1 price or taste as to the way in which they dross and adorn themselves; but if they desire to please men. If it is to charm them they rouge and paint. ! [ can usse-rt in the name of mankind. tor at in-mt of those men whose votes i l have taken. that white and red paints make women iunk old and hideous; that t it is ad disgusting to see women with ‘ paint on their faces as with false teeth in their mouths and waxen hulls to pull out their thin cheeks; and that far '1 from cmmti-nnncing it, men solemnly protest against all such arts. which in- ‘1 failihly tend to cure them of love.“ The “undo-r arices if Loliruyero ï¬re so self-deluded that the bnd may seem to be the good. At any hour the beginninï¬ of I vicious habit. perhaps through the suggestion of someone else or by our own carelessness. indif- ference, or halts. may ï¬nd their way into our hearts. The price we must pay for mutinunny proving and pos- sessing the good is eternal ï¬gilance. The \mulh-r arices if Lauruy spoke only for tbs» men of his time The Crow’s Volce. The crow ls one of the must wldely disliked of birds. His roputntlon ls had. and ls probably (leservml. No matter how lung you study the crow. you will always haw smnethlrxx to learn. and at the and of all your study he will know mure about yta than you wlll about hlm. At tlmes It seems 2H lf he know what yuu were thlnklng about. The crow has a large variety of notes or cum, and euvh one seems to be the harshest in all bird vocaliam until ihe next one is sounded. which is a little banner. He is an acm- plisbwl bird. and intelligvut. If tamed. he run he laugh: many things, but never {0 be good. {9 is 3 Datum} thief. and cannot be reformed. h 4.....4 :..E_:::n 3. >235 :22? :ZLL: ~..i./.$.:.7..: T . :2 3“ 7577.357.†:31; L..::Z:.. 5:1,: 2:; :. :it; I L... :31: 3.; I / 2:. .7 ;.::n_:.<.: Illl in lH 3 body. bUSy It, is very "- by the lazy) ‘ 2;; f0 \\ rih'."l)r to the DI.- i cannot ufel3‘ L_._: _-I LECTURE the physical'~ lead thought: : immaterial a that we must metaphysics - The world is to this dema , tal nature of ' general, and gent interp w enses. Her writings to the realm of the . divine, they show In R beyond physics into causation and truth. . -- beginning to respond Inquiry into the men- ings is becoming more u . tion of experience, of physical phe ena, and of the nature of the bums ; -nsciousness. Many of the points 1‘ [which Mrs. Eddy con- tended are «gay ï¬nding corrobora- tion as a res ii of the advance in phy- ; sical science 2] d in psychology. Christian ence heals through the , operation of ine law, the law whose ‘Principle is ï¬nite Spirit, Life, and Love, and a y Y ne who will apply this law of God hyactly and honestly can i heal himself i d others through Chris- tian Science? l , Mrs. Eddy ‘ ‘1! Her Revealed Word. Mrs. Eddyf‘ one objective through many years, 5 to know God, to ï¬nd the inï¬nite‘ ’urce of good, to un er- stand the t t nature of being, that healing mig come to burden-bearing humanity. g untempted b by the wealth er sing1e~mindedness, 5 the world, undismayed ‘33 of the flesh, undsunt- ed by the e 'ity of evil. held her true to her ideal nd brought her to the longed-for 1 oal. the demonstrable Working un ‘tanding of the Christ method. wi >1 unmistabable signs fol- method, Wi lowing. #1 mg. _ Her hum ‘ consciousness allied to' God by si‘m: goodness, perceived di- vine realit Ethe nature of spiritual being, and is vision of perfect God and perfect; 'an made Mrs. Eddy the discoverer the hitherto uflmown Science underlying all existence. This “divihe event" in the eternal. unbroken plan of salvation, is per- petually maintained and sustained by scientiï¬c pole and procedure. by which, thropgh half a century of pracâ€" tice and pttipf. the fact has been es- tablished th’ t Mrs. Eddy is also the founder ofï¬ikhristian Science. The >marvel of t ese modern times is not the pheno 'dnal rapidity and variety of materih?development, but the spir- itual appegilng to the transparent "4 “:‘AM wnmnn, HIG ‘URE ' CHRISTIAN scum FRIDAY EVENING Indeed; Christian Science W that thd :i‘ecogm'ï¬m of evil mint or menï¬d cause which is back of a disease bi: disturbamce, is an anemia! factor iï¬ziucceasful and immeons healing? 'leiaeaa mny possibly be due someti pi to purely material causes, so-call (“either chemical or mechani- cal, but? . re frequently disease is due i to the? Eihdulgence of sin or evil thoughflilér to belief of malicious argu- ments. 3b such a use, when the evil 1 is deteqthd and cast out. the sufferer is heale of the effects of the indul- gence ‘ :wrong thoughts or acts. and ‘is pro from hypnotic influence. Thus" e see why Christian Science is trul ifthe Science of right living. -lt invo es the knowing of divine Truth 3 ' the Principle of correct liv- ing, it i, ognizes the deceptive char- acter ‘ =evil which is the cause of ‘wrongi'iving. and through the oper- ration oi divine law. it makes the . healing :of this evil tendency possible. J, _:.. 1...} if nnliffs "'o "Tr, ‘ 1 “Finlny. brethren, :things?¢re true. what: Enre hostt, whatsoever 1 lwhntsbgver things are (Conti: It noti'ï¬nly heals sin but it upliftsi thouglitjgto higher ideals by revealing: the “a nature of God and the reali man, is inspiring a stronger sense} of rigâ€, of honesty, of justice, of 2 purityil‘iiof spirituality. It enriches! human‘fljiature. develops and enlarges? its latflqt capacities for good. enables; charac‘tdr, establishes moral and phy- 1 sical lialth, lnculcates a true love for God and man. and bestows the bless~ ing rgglting from Christian living. “Fia‘lly. brethren, whatsoever thingshre true. whatsoever ‘things are haunt, whatsoever things are just, lwhntsadver things are pure. whatso- {ed on Page 3) trust the evidence of Lenses. Her writings nto the renlm of the ‘ divine. they show us rok beyond physics into I cauution and truth. w beginning to respond Inquiry into the men- iing: is becoming more ie call is for In intelli- ition of experience, of menu, and of the nature pnsciousnesa._ Mnny o! >1!va u..- ll causes, ous nrgu 1 the evil ‘or evil} ;, uémnmnb PARK. rho-l H. k. 31-5 . DR. C. v. NICHOLS 3 smmwu.wm Illinois : O . OOOOOO‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0..‘00 .00... 7 n ; as W Av. ï¬lm-Id Part . z00......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Piper lash! D“ WWW“! Federal System ofBakerii Phone Higmua Puk 190 O. M. GATE PAINTING fordcm, “M388 If so, buy your new car at once. Either a: i 'Are Exceptionally Good. Try Them Today Studebaker 0,, \ Oakland Ca For Demonstration or Appointment Call 125 North St. Johns Avenue Thor Washing Ma Apex Vacuum C11 9333333333 Free of gï¬ Coal. Coke and j‘ Telephone 555 SCRBNTON GNTHRMITE. POGO LESS and FRnNKuN COUNTY comm Materm of an Kinds , 8“ ROBERT GREENS TELEPHONE 07 230 NORTH ST- PAUL BORCHAR 19 South St. Johns Au’ SOLD ON CASH 0R TIME PA YM I handle the famous