iv PA div 213w? \vnman huu<vkrwper t with twu vhildron. ("ompletc ch equipment. Good pcrmnnvm h right party. Tel. H. P. XIHK‘ Boavh St. ~" HELP WANTED YOI'Né MAN WANTED â€"â€" As as- sistant manager. No experiencv re- quired. Will start at $130 pt-r week. Apply {4) Mr. Ruhur. Federal Bakery (‘0. 19 S. St. Johns Ave. 43 class condition. Drivvn only 18 mo. in three yvars. 1:017 nmdel. Cash or terms. Tel. :‘m’n’ or call at 125 N. St. Juhns Ave. 41% cm-km‘vls from Kcelm inzs. Address Frank I vivw Aux To}. 1214. FOR SALE ~ 1“an FOR SALE â€"- Saddle horse. gaitâ€" ed (walk. trot, single fuot. canteri 8 years HM. Um- ncw English riding saddh‘, pig‘xkin. \ViH sell cheap. “'orth SIN)†SW Sm. Beard, Quartermastor‘s stuhlx-x, Ft. Sheridan. 121.. qr mmmun- icuto with Lt. W. E. Tmphagan. I’. 0. an H. tt' FOR SALE u \Vh‘ \anndnttt' FOR SALE â€"â€" 20 lots 50x180. locat- ed on High Street near Pralrle. '5 block north of Exmoor Club. All im- provements ln. Will sell at oncé or slngle lots. Small payment down. balance 0n tlme. Joe Lencionl. If you are interested in the pur- chase of Hillcrest Farm, in whole or part, write or telephone The High- land Park Press. tfpd This plan“ is unly ten miles from Fargo, where the state agricultural college is locat. ll. aml six miles from a $3,000,000 stuckyzirds and packing plant which oz‘r‘wrs 2| wry canx'unicn’ market far 1h; cuttic misc] m". um farm. Soil, climate. rainfall, and the na- tural drainage of the land makes this farm the best location in the world for potatoes, corn, alfalfa, red and sweet clover, cattle, hogs, sheep, and the great wheat crops for which the Red River Valley is so famous. The buildings on Hillcrest farm are modern in every respect and the ten room house has all of the latest conveniences. They include a con» crete barn with a capacity of ï¬fty head of horses as well as a number of scientiï¬cally designed box stalls; 3 cement silos with :1 total capacity of 500 tons; a modvl cattle shed that pr0< vides ample prutm-tion for 200 head: a granary. 1m icchousc. and all of the other necessary outbuildings. FOR SALE FOR SALE -â€" Hillcrest Farm, Stock and Grains is the best produc- ing farm in the Red River Valley, North Dakota, and consists of 1,600 acres of deep, rich, black soil with clay subsoil, in a high state of culti- vation. lumen, FOR RENT, FOR SALE | BUY .4 HOME 18 So. First St. WA NTEI) 8100.000. West sideâ€"$2,500 to $12,000. Lots 100 x 200, 82§ 9 860 per {1 Lots 50 x 150. $20 to 336 per (t. Acres. 8500 and up. Attractive But Side Homes. 36,000 to COALE SON? COALE 81 SON Pathe News “ALI BABA" A wonder tale of the Arabian Nights Pictograph and Spur and Saddle story Admission 180; tax 20 PEARL THEATRE PAGE TIN "THE TRAIL 'OF THE 0( TOPL‘S" (4th episode Lloyd Comem Admissign 18c; tax 2c FOR RENT: FI'RNISHEI) HOMES FOR THE WINTER. Wallace Reid in “THE VALLEY OF GIANTS" PROGRAM FOR NEXT WEEKâ€"CUT OUT AND PRESERVE SEE ['8 FOR BARGAINS Theatre Bulldlng HIGHLAND PARK HOMES “THE DA'RKEST' HOL'R" FOR SALEâ€"aHOUSES Paramount Production Universal Special Comedy Admission 22L‘ tax Sh: W'EDNESDAY. DEC. 31 â€THE BLACK rï¬ATE" Story by Willard Booth » _\'itagraph Production (ows Christie (‘umcdy Admissiun 18c; tax 2c Vitagraph Production TI'ESDAY. DEC. 30 MONDAY. DEC. 29 Sl‘ N DA Y. DEC. 28 Earl Williams in George Sumo in Harry Morey in V 'f' c , "Mt-w exam: Nvat. n-Iiahlv modâ€" hULHvkm-per ti) help . ("omplotc ch-ctt‘ical Wyun‘inttt :elm‘s qwcial mat- nk Lgmzu. 641 (“ML 4. 45: pa] Ford mupc in ï¬rst Phone 17 202 «H tf 15 t! The Old Man shows a splendid ap- preciation of the gifts the kids brim: him bought with his own money. Must Hf the “favorite sun" (undi- dates stand no chance of becoming prosident. which is perhaps one rea- snn why they get considerable sup port. The vampaign has nut endud, it has only begun. The Church has gone uvvr the tap, and now it is consolidat- ins: its gains preparatory to a new fnrward movement. The great success of the movement lies not so much in the money given for rarrying on the work of the L'hurch. as in thy revival of interest 1nd ZL‘HI which the effort has aroused Every parish in the country was thoroughly organized under the direc- tion of the executive committee and the Work of education and prepara- iinn was carried on intensively for thrw months. There Were speakers huruiu< in every diocese. There was systt ’I.£t(l\' calling upon the members of Merv parish and the personal dis- tribution of literature. The cam- ;ngr. “'11: prezivlied from every pul- ;it. and on Sunday, December 7th, an every i‘iember canvass was made ihrouzhou: the church. It is too ~2irly yet to give ï¬nal ï¬gâ€" ‘res. the : turns are slow in com- im: in, bl“ it ix- reported that the 7 rty two nllilli‘ll\ have iH't‘ll m'ersulv- >Cl'lb0d and that the effort is a trir umphant success. campaigns became the ï¬nancial di» rector. and with him is associated Mr. H. P. Davidson, whose work as head of the Red Cross is well known. These men and hundreds of others prominent in business and public af- fairs freely gave their services to the great undertaking. 41-44. FURNISHED ROOMS SUPPLIED for fee of 50 cents. Apply to Mrs. T. M. Dooley, 161 N. Green Bay road. To]. 809W. 43 pd NATION WIDE CAMPAIGN UI“ EI’ISCOI’AL CHURCH Announcement Let me teach your children to help entertain your friends. Grace Merrell, Teacher of Expression. Rates â€" at home Wednesday and Thursday after‘ noons $1.00â€"at your home $1.50. Terms if paid in advance. Tel. 1365. 625 S. St. Johns ave. FOR RENT »~ Runm and bath in modern private home. Hut watt!" heat. Ono Mock from electric station. 836 For-st Ave. Tel 1421. 43 WANTEDâ€"«A tenant for a modern 7-1-00") house, new furnace now inâ€" stalled, would consider person who could have papering and painting done as part payment on the rent. Lo- cated on north St. Johns Ave. Cail at Herman’s Tin Shop, or tel. 555. 42â€"43pd FOR RENT â€"â€" Jan. 1. apartment m the Hawthorne, St. Johns and Mor- nine road. To]. 776.“. H. Palmer. FOR RENTâ€"~Furnished room; gen tlemun preferred. 595 Homewood ave- nue. I’hunc TS‘JJ. 43 pd SATURDAY. JAN. 3 Billie Burke in "THE NHSLEADING WIDOW" Paramount Production I'niversal Special (‘omedy and Screen Magazine Paramount Production Patho Review Mutt a TH l'RSl)A\'. JANI'ARY l, 1920 Constance Talmadgu in “A VlRTlTOl'S VAMI’ The sweetest vamp story ever told First National Production Pathe News Celebrated Comedy First Show at 6 p. m. Admission 22c; tax 30 (:001) ACTS OF \'.~\l'I)EVILl.E (Continued from Page 1) Admission 2221:; tax Matinee at 2:30 {eview Mutt and Jeff Admission 12%; tax 20 Admission 50c; tax 5c Vivian Martin in "THE THIRD KISS" Mlh‘Cl‘ILlA N EOI'S MIDNIGHT SHOW FRIDAY, JAN 2 Starting at 10:45 FOB 443 It's s‘nsy tn win a smile from a wmn an If shu has pretty teeth. For every mean man least two more nré born ()nly fools Ihink make mNnkPH. A storm of indignation often ends with a reign of tprmr. He who hopes fur expects St. The young luny :lnlt is :1 boy tn tlm extenl he will ï¬ght anything. lnvlunling a buzz suu'. usually turns nut to ho :1 prom-her \van he gl'qu’ tuxâ€"(humus- boro Hm.) lh-rnlll. 'I'hv \uu‘lt] is “umpnm-d of all of Mars, [winding the man “In†buldhomlwl :xml hlzunm it on [In of his nwmul pmuu‘. ('nvh- .Inkv mp lhul if wnu- men won!“ homo harm's: midnigm Ihl' dog would hile lhum thinkinz Hm†in- frudvl'“. I’vrlmpx‘ HIP) for hrq-ukfnq In lnsmllIm-n! m‘vr THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS \Hmn dun->11“! u of fl hnlo‘ SIN many 1:151“. Same shil 01†I)!!! \‘u St The novelist iv always lmuking out for his writes. Near the owl nr Its calendar. Clm'k To enable one-armed persons to eat 0333 an Englishman has invented a wooden cup with ruhher feet that pre- vent it slipping. New Zealuud is reforestlng with larch trees an extensive area that was devastated by a VIIH‘HUO a quarto?!l of a century ago. Afh-r ,wurs of experimenting a Mls. sourhu) rluims 1.. have perfected a provens rnroxtruvtlng potash from cot- tonseed hulls. Aï¬er studying thousands of ensue I Sum): Dukum srivnfls! decided (hut 4 per (‘enl of humnn beings are born left-handed. A rw‘wltly inn-Med folding pnrrh gnte fur lln- pl‘ulw'linn of t'hiltln-n run he {ulclwl nut of sight into a pillur who‘ll idle, A gonius Is 21 mun who mm «In ul most anything hm Hulk» :1 “Hug.â€" (“\IVVSUHI NVWN A wnumn wuuldn‘t think she was go- ing nnyxxhvrc ur all if It didn't take her Illnl't‘ than an hour [u get dressed for the «reunion. Jimmit Free Press. Man nmer looks so ridiculous as when ho is trying tn argue that the man who has succeeded has no hush- ness being wherp he LI. It I: eafl'y to do the ï¬ght thing when the right is popular but It takes mur- age to do right when the multitude can’t see It that way. Al often as she looks Into a mlrrur a girl win: the ham! evidently doesn't see how she looks chewing gum. The trouble II.- that a mun again knows as much as he (1mm day he graduates from com-g9. We like to see a young man dissat- lsfled with his Job If he Is honestly trying to deserve a better one. What the world really needs ll to get over the notion that it can have money without earning It. Poop]. who rally know mighty mu. about the world nun 1mm they know how to run It. A woman newer reads the prefnu- umil nt’tvr she hm read the story. thing (he more he is um 10 get of It. The price for money, The windmv shuner ls (‘nlnl' A few nn-u an» srlfflntldï¬â€œ but many num- are self-unmaï¬e. An umiw tool [mu-r m-qum-s rust GEORGIA PHILOSOPHY The lens :1 mun wants of lklng of lulrmilw. tlmro- :u'o nut hnr< that nra- gaining nun-h the“- MI SOME POSTSCRIPTS. shilm ~will paw in the night \‘u St'huulwl‘s Hf hN‘r. 2! man is n po-l'fwt hnro‘ It nugur \wll fur his gvttinu nut BREEZY BUBBLES SAYS THE OWL rln') :H'o- «'uIIn-Il ‘ <1 lwvulhw tha‘l‘v's‘ m‘vr) morning MOSTLY TRUE FLASHLIGHTS u timw-in the vuvkom u cradle ls hush with a painted hllnd. (hat . they can‘t the best seldom tlnyx~ ~the 191E! who dies at 1 “lm gt‘H on [he Um- vow-211s l< indx‘ HEW never on the "i D. G PURDYF" SONS MRS. SWAIN SAYS: ‘During all the 33 YEARS hat I have kept house [have never used a more satisfact- ory furniture polish and floor cleaner than NU-FINISH. Accept my highest recom- mendations {or same." 'Most marvel: ous Dunling- / Cleaning-Polishing » §‘ Liquid yet diacovered. lF=EflaB=====€ SCSI .‘i A Title Page Who Leads the Crickets? An individnui vrivkvt thin“: with no great rvguinrity wth it is ivy itself. and its chirping is intermittent. es- pecially in tiw daytime. At night, however, when gr -nt numbers of vrick- ets urn rhirping. the n-gulnrity is aa- tonishing: um- hum-s nii tho r-riukvts 1n n ï¬oid chirping synchronously. keopinz time as if In] by thv wand of a cnndumnr. W. .Salisburywo. ID.‘ VI“ I; 308v. Hudson St. " ~‘* ammo Sui sm n} “The Right Kind†For Every Need 1920 Catalog Rubber Mats Matting and Tiling IIYAILIMD IC‘IJ â€CORPOIATKD From Our Phone 388 Ionian, \ % ~ â€" Studebaker or _ Oakland Cars Would You Like to Make From‘ $100 to $300? If so, buy your new car at once. Either a Koon’s Garage For Demonstration or Appointment Call 125 North St. Johns Avenue The anarchists who are working all legal pulls to obstruct deportation proceedings no‘doubt said a lot n past veers in ccndgmnina the law's delays. The capitalist’s indignation uglinsl his striking work people is some- what mitigated when he ï¬nds he can pass on their demand: to_ the public with a‘ little additional proï¬t. After hearing protests of popular indignation on amount of the rise 1n price of eggs. the dealvrs proceed to mark ’em up again. xuc pxcturc snow the oung Sir Lionel. the champion of {lcaldypi‘ Memphis under auspxces ‘of Commuxii‘ 200 children in the spectacle. If wan _T_hc picgureAshowg the auspxces ‘of Community Service. There were mac . the spectacle. It was witnessed by hundreds of : snow the cum: ople who layed (Hemline. 3"" champion of was"; a recent ï¬ealth Page-m W’ ‘ pench- CHILDREN IN HEAL'I H \rmu i.~ hon-M Khan LIZ-21* I". aim ahnuai Ilnfl-t’nx: of thew Holder of m. Ixithmd M State Bank. pulsuant N the ’ laws. will M ‘neit. on Satuyda}, J ‘ vary 1' m Ami! hvxuven an noun" 4:0!) 3‘. 2;». and 1' h p P1,. at Bankin': “-’,Lj.\( »{ ‘1 II,‘33!:1ni State Bzm‘. I’u'hl'd "1 Pavk, â€1i fer (ht pmp ... f u 11 a Board ._- Dinoturs and t"an.~a ’im' such 0†U‘ rm 31mm: m- smrxnowsas‘ memm.’ aid gnu-tin Highland Park .A w ,- 1' p 1‘1. at a “nun 11?: II" Mani m‘. I’whlur" Path, â€1i ‘ my m f .4 Lin 2 Board and transa tim' such 0“ 11> pr prflj.‘ may wme be“? napp'inl' ‘ 5* [15‘ ._. _ (‘IZAR II,‘ Rani Pi 1 Path, [Him Lin 2 Board tim' such 0“ thank W" GRAB which utinz what a bit 81,00 mem H igh‘ IIighL .310 8101 Chica; vice “Liz! Show ltnd and DI V1 NU Mr.