PAGE FOUR -. w«-â€"Mw¢m..wflflm I CRISPO BISCUITS. made by the SAWYER BISCUIT COMPANY. everyone. mealsw they are deliciously welcome. They relieve you of long hours in the kitchen and they solve your sugar 'Worrles. are dainty bits of crisp sweetness. They are made of the best and purest flour, sugar, shortening . flavoring and other materials. They are baked by master bakers in ovens that are scientifically controlled to the ï¬nest shade of baking perfection. CRISPO BISCUITS The following stores have interesting assdrtménts of Their appetizing’ sweetness and crispness appeal to or deserts, luncheons and the bites Hbetrvveen Northwestern Department Store, Highland Park. 111111 Palace Cash Market... Highland Park. 111111015 Ravinia Grocery Ravnua 111111018 Santl Brothers H1ghwood Illmms Charles L. Gemmer 8 Grocery H1gl'11and Park Inmom THE HIGHLAND PARK PRES. HIGHLAND PARK-ILLINOIS 111018