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Highland Park Press (1912), 24 Dec 1919, p. 6

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1m w ,. W. H. Juhnsmx and wife m T. A. Fitz Sinzmnn<. S E part Int 4, High wood. quitclaim, $1. (3. R. Morrison and wxfc. (-1 AL. n F. W. (roll. 57 1-2 acres m SM-tiom 19 at" W Shit-Ms twp. \V D 31. W l) $21,000. I". ll. Bartlett and wife to Sarah ll. Harrell. lot 1:}, blk. I4. Ravinia High- lands. Highland Park. deed $1,099. .l. E, Wmnlman and wife to F. “W Strykvr. 1.2!) acres in village of Deer- m-lil: W I) $1.000, Uroem‘haum Sons Bank and Trust ('u, to Richard Enulaman and wife, Lot 2‘... Ravinia Woods. Highland Lot Park Last Sunday evening. December 14, :x'curred the death of Orlando, the six year old son of Bianiamino Flor« idi. The verdict at the inquest held at Prior's undertaking parlors at ten o'clock Monday morning wa< that the cause of the chilfl's death was intestinal poison following the eating of some mixed candy. Several of the jurors were not satisfied with their veidict so another meeting was held Tuesday at 10 at which (‘oroner Taylor and three Highland Park phy sieians were present. They decided that the death resulted from acute ('ulitius. W1Hiam Noerenhurg to Viola S FnMer. Int 16. MR. 4. Highland Park The funeral services were held at the Immaculate (‘oncvption ('hurch, l)r‘ O'Neill officiating. Burial wan made at St. Mary's cemetery. POISONING CAUSES Acute (‘olitius. Second Verdict of Jury Holiday Recess Now in Session. On at Inquest Over 6 Year Old Jan. 8 Highland Park Press to Orlando Floridi Meet the Garnet! Team With Highland Park it is different. Highland Park is a city with th- varied interests and cosmopolitan population of a city. Nevertheless High» land Park is large. influential. and wealthy among the municipalities of th) north shore. and there is no good reasmi why we too should not fall in linc with the zoning and the city expansion plans of which our noighburs have already availed themselves, Entered a second class matter March 1. 1911. at the post office at Highland Park. Illinois. under the Act of March 3. 1819. As “'innetka pl'vsvnh hvr city plan to the public. fulluwing the lead Hf (Helicon and Glenwm falls in line with Lake Furt‘fit. whn was first (0 make her vity planning: a reality. we Wonder just when- lliL’hland Park is going to come in, Lake Forest. (ilt-nvm- and Winnutku are still villages. They call thvmsolves villages. and are able to get tum-ther for any community pro- jm't “iii“ the (-nmvrtml m-tinn of a village. Althuugh they have 3 varin population. these towns have the advantage of being small. For the most part. their citizens are like-minded, thinking along the same channels, ox- pe-rienc‘ing the same needs. It is not difficult to rally a small homogeneou: town like any one of those to the nm'cssity (if m-tion on any great Ci\'l«‘ need. Rublished weekly by JOHN L L'DELL and PAUL L UDELL. at Highland Park Lake County. Illinois mm: L Udell - Puul L Udell _. The Highlanb Park Pregsié PAGE SIX H. L. (Hidden and wife to R. V. ‘hwarw, “C 100 feet. south 200 few. I \. Mk. 139. Highland Park. W D NUMBER 42; REA L ESTATE TRANSFERS Im HIGHLAND PARK TRUST 8C SAVINGS BANK JOHN A BUNNEH Prcstlcnt } CAUSES GARNE'ITS REGAIN LEAD DEATH OF CHILD IN BOWLING 'I‘OL'RNEY Christmas. their best wishes for a Merry Highland Park and vicinity WHAT ABOl'T HIGHLAND PARK? Telephones. Highland Park 667, 558 UR Officers and Directors extend to the citizens of JOHN OLIVER R01. Laundry 5 Bowman Dairy 4 High team game, H. P High team series, H. I’, l’. Press Stofi'on's Tires Majestics Russ. Shoes Tuny's Barbers Hardur's Hdw. Sn far no objection to cutting down on fuel as the result of the coal strike has been heard from the “cuddle up in little closer" crowd. Considerable interest is manifested in the coming series of January 8 in whivh the Highland Park Press and Garnott's meet. The "wise ones" pick the “prossmen” to win, pointing to their team average of R32 25 an against Gamett's 806 971:”). Teams' Standings Team won Lost Ave. (iarnett's 13 ‘2 866 2-5; H. P. Press 12 3 800 Stofi'on's Tires 9 '1 643 6~T Majostics T X 566 2-3; Russ. Shoes 7 R 566 2â€"13 Pa 1 The holiday recess is now in ses- sion and the League will do no more howling until Jan. 5 when the Bow- man Dz‘iry and Stefl'on's Tires will clash. l‘n‘os. l’nlaw ('ash could not “brim home the bacon" and lost t,“'() of th thrw tn the Reliable Laundry teaxr Rusmussvn's shoes “danwd away with two out of three from the Bow man Dairy team. Garnetts' have regained the lead in thq- lmwling tourney by taking: three straighf from the Majostics, The Highland Park Press druppul to sec- ond place when they tank but two {rum Tony's harbors. Shoahen's 667 series was the feature nf the evening. llarller's Hardware lost throt- draight to the fast coming Stefl‘en's Tin-s. Pulaw Cash could not “brian home the bacon" aml lost t,“'() of thu thrw tn the Reliable Laundry team. prtsident WEDNESDAY. DEFEMBER ”.34. 1919 __________________ Editor ......... Superintendent =Ol=1 HARRY PAUL C3!hl€r 10 1'0 1‘0. 2 m; -047 914 THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS 43 Mrs. George M. Seward of E. Cen- 3tral avenue has just returned from 1 a visit to her daughter in Minneapolis. | i Mrs. (‘harles Meitman of Wéucon. tWis., who is on route to Springfield. f 0.. where she will visit her son-in-Iaw iand daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank t Matthews. spent a few days this wePk gas the guest of Mrs. John Sheaheni Mr. and Mrs. William Morton and small son James arrived from Mac‘ Llul, (‘al.. Sunday, and will spend the holidays with relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Mansur an-l baby 11ft Monday evening for St Louis, Mo., where they will spend the holidays. Miss Helen Murphy of Wauconda was the Sunday guest of the Mikae- Alico and Ruth Schendorf. John Beatty is home from the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, spending the (‘hristmas vacation with his par- ents. The Reesman family were the Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fran? Walker of Lake Forest. mmnau. There will be no prayer meeting: The Misses Josephine and Geral(l~;this (Wednesday) evening. but there ino Fawn are also spending the holi- : will be a sunrise prayer meeting on «lays with their parents. They arelThumday morning. Rev. Howard both attending Dobbs' Ferry. gKuist will lead the meeting. There Allan Mason and Jack Merryweathâ€" ' Sho‘fld be a large {attendance or are spending the holidays at home. I The Sunday 39““098 TOT HEXt Sun- having returned home from Andtrvox'!da5"ar9 as “HOV”! Saturdav last, I ; Bible school at 9:30. The Reesman family were the Sun-3’ Morning sermon at 10:45 by REV- dav vii-net: nf Mr nml V.“ L‘......z.2Elmm G’ieser. The Misses Josephine and Gerald~ ino Faxon are also spending the holi- days with their parents. They are both attending Dobbs' Ferry. Wallace Kimball has returned from Dartmouth college where he has been attending school to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Kimball. Among the boys home from sqhooi are Tom and Frank Winston from the Northwestern Military academy. The Misses Kay and Mary Card returned Saturday from Vassar col- logo and Miss Evelyn Foote is home from the Chicago Kindergarten instiâ€" tuto. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Morgan of Con- don. 0.. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, George Giles. The Misses Carolyn Schultz and Catherine Gieser end Mr. Elmer Gle- ser have returned from Union college at Le Mars, 13.. to spend tw0 weeks with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Osborne and family of Lebanon, 1nd,, are spending the holidays with relatives here. , {\l r. Norris Parratt and family have l[alum the F. M. Terry home for the l I winter. l l i l Yurk (‘ity, is spending the Christmas \‘Hvatiml with his aunts. the Misses. Kuist. (‘nrporul and Mrs. Samuel Scott gspend Christmas vacation at home. who lmvu been staying in Ravinial Little Helen Warren who has been with the Lindholm family while Mr. l (-onfined to her home with the chick- Sn-tt was a patient at the Fort Sher empox, Will be out of quarantine to- itlun hospital, returned to Syracuse,lnmrr()w. N- Y., "" Monday. l Ted Mofiet returned last week from Mrs. Wm. Witten had as her Sunday i the University of Illinois and is spend- truest her brother, M r. John (‘ummings ' ing the holidays With his parents. of Kenushav “’is: « l Miss Mildred Welch of Waukegan Miss Charlotte Brand left Tuesday l is’ the guest of Miss Ruth Beardsley for Topeka, Kans.. where she will! today. spend the Christmas holidays withl Miss Helen Mayer, who is professor Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Umhach. former; of music in Greensboro, N. (7., is vis- n'Sldont‘“ Of this City“ liking her nnrpnf: durino Hm (Wu-in}. The Rev. Howard Kuist who is at- tvnding Dr. White's school in New Mrs. Woodward Leavenworth of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.. and Mr. and Mrs. Rul‘ort Porter Keep of Farminztmx. (“onn., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. P. Boyntun. Miss Margaret Mayer ()f Fnres' Park was the week and gmwt of Mis< Elsie With-n, Mrs. J. W. Jrnnings of Akron, 0“ is spending the huliduys with hm mnthor. Mrs. Katherine Kclh-y. Mrs, A (I Allan had as hvr week end guest her siswl‘. Miss Margaux Quinn. Miss Edythe Fyfl‘v, who attends Mt. Vernon seminary. Washington, D. (2, and Mr. Ballinger Fyfl'o of Prince- ton, have returned home for the (‘hx'istmas holidays. Buddy and Billy Rowan tun arc the guests of Mr J. 1’. Steffen. Mr. Howard “’ood, who is on the rvpnrtorial staff of The Press is spending tho holidays with his par» outs in Canton, Ill. Miss Margaret Quinn and Messrs. .Iznk and Edw. Quinn 0" Kenosha. Wis.. wil! spend (‘hristmas day with their skier. Mrs. A». C. Allen. Mr. I". is very in Mrs. J. Miss Frances Holbrook returned Friday from Wallcoun. Aurora, N. Y., where she has been attending schuol. (foule- Son have sold for Henry (Hidden 8 100x200 front on Moraine road to Richard Schwartz of Mar- shall Field and Company. Mrs. Allen of Oshkosh, “$5., is spending the holidays with her son, Mr. A. C. Allen of Glenview ave. The many friends of Elliot Wren who has been living in Wilmette for several years will regret to learn of the death of his six months old baby. LOCALANDPERSONALNEWS Gillctt of Green Bay road of Evans and Mrs rank I The Christmas services for the pri- mary department and the cradle roll of the Sunday school and the mothers {was held in the auditorium and the ‘ basement of the church Saturday af- . ternoon. There was a Agoodly attend- !ancc and a good time was enjoyed by gall who attended. Aftér a program iin the auditorium the mothers and .children were invited to the dining ; rooms in the basement where a large itable in the form of a cross with a itree in the middle was a prominent Net-oration. Ice cream and dainties iwere served and were enjoyed. The ' exarcises of the senior and junior de- 1 partments took place on Tuesday eve- ' ning. an address after which a social hour during which the ladies will serve re- freshments. Some of the pastors of the city are expected to be presen. and take part in the exercises. The congregation will pray the old year out and the new year in. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. This church will have an old-fash- ioned watch-night service on New Year’s eve, Wednesday evening. be- ginning at 8:00 p. m. There will be There will be a “Candle-light" serâ€" vice in the auditorium at 7:00 p. m. sharp. It will take the place of the regular Christian Endeavor énd preaching services. The services of the Sabbath were well attended. Rev. Howard Kuist of New York City preached two excellent sermons to appreciative congrega- tions. DMWMWE 3 UNITED EVANGELICLL g Mrs. Mary Ehrenfeuschester and daughter, Edith and son Fred, spent Tuesday in Wheaton visiti'ng rela- tives. Miss Pauline Wonder is spending this week in Peru, 11]., visiting rel- atives. Miss Helen Mayer, who is professor of music in Greensboro, N. (7., is vis- iting her parents during the Christ- mas holidays, Little Helen Warren who has been mnfined to her home with the chick- cn~pox. will be out of quarantine to- marrow. Miss Louise Silber, who attends Smith college, returned Sunday to spend Christmas vacation at home. Mr. IA"! Fearing and his brother, Lemur, arrived Monday from east- ern schools to spend ‘the hand-aye; their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J08. L. Fearing. (‘lerihew Morgan returned Satur- day from Cornell college to spend "thzt holidays with his parents, Mr. and MrsVA. C. Morgan. ' Mrs. John Reesman will entertain at a family reunion Christmas. Among tho. guests will be Mr. anl \Iis. Frank Haungs and two children uf (hilagu. Mrs. Williard G. Searles of Dean avohue will spend the holidays in Louisville, Ky. Miss Frances Church returned on Thursday from Oberlin college, to spend the holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Oleson left on Tuesday for New York where they will spend the Christmas holidays with their son. Harold and daughter, Alma. Mr. Harold Oleson will sail on Dec. 27 for Buenos Aires, S. A., where he is being sent by the Marconi com- pany, on a wireless experimental trip. Mr. and Mrs. Oleson will after a short stay in New York. go south where they will spend a month. Miss Virginia de Anguera return- ed Thursday from Dana Hall 00 [spend the Christmas holidays with her par- cnts. Mr. and Mn. L. M. Duke;- of Lin- coln, Nebr» and Mrs. A. N. Decker, of Milwaukee are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Bard. Truman Mctzel is home from Dnrtâ€" mouth college, having returned Fri- day for the Christmas vaéation. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore of (‘hirauo spent Sunday with Mr. Munro's aunt, Mrs. Frank Liking.- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Koon and fam- ily are spending the holidays with Mrs. Koon’s parents in Kanknkee. Ill. Miss Gertrude Learning is another of the young ladies who is returning from an eastern school to spend the holidays with her parents. 1 no pupils up to the age of 20 years. i‘he Wednesday evening meeting. which includes testimonies of Chris- tian Science healing. is at 8 o'clock. You are cordially invited to make me of the reading room at 387 Cen- :ral Avenue. which is open every week day from nine o'clock in the norninz until six o'clock In the ev- *ning. 5: EVA NGELICA L LUTHERAN § On Christmas eve the Sundny school will render a program consisting of carols and recitations. This service is to begin at 6:30. On Christmas day there will be two rervices, at 10:45 and 8 p. m. The sub- jeét at the morning service will be “The Christchild," and at the evenimr “Thanks Unto God for His Unspeak- able Gift." Subject for next Sunday's Lesson Sermon. “Christian Science.” Services are held In this church every Sunday morning at 10:45. Sunday school meets immediately a!- ter the morning service, and is open TUESDAY, DEC. 30 ; The first episode of Pearl White; in “THE BLACK SECRET" Ruth Roland in “The Price of Folly" Series mngmgg@3@mmn \ ‘vn T . ,3 Bartlett Theaté} coo...cocoa...to00000000000000.0000...- C... SUNDAY, DEC. 28 f Peggy Hyland in Fox Productioll “CREATING HERSELF" Also two reel Sunshine Comedy THI RSDAY JAN. 1 New Years Night. Fanny Wfleh "IHE NARROW PATH. Also First Class \audflillc’ Th late Harry Pollard Co ' STORAGE. MOVING PACKING“ : m SHIPPING i a Print: Room, Silver Vaults Piano, Trunk and Rug Rooms Cantu] Avunu Sheridan Rod “'5‘; =d=°=°=m=° HIGHLAND PARK MRI-ROOF STORAGE COIPANY . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I°=°$0=N=4 L H. PUIDY. Pro-idol! A. C. PUIDY. Savoury-Tm Thor Washing Machirfi‘ij Telephone 555 Apex Vacuum Cleanafi; Telephone 331 Can not bebought anywhere for less than ROBERT GREENSLADE R.“ W. SCHNEIDER? demonstrated in your home Winter-Fur-lined Highwdod, Illinois SOLD ON CASH 0R TIME PAYMENTS PROGRAM NEXT WEEK $2. 00 Each Caps Gents' Punishing: f: 393 Central Aveouéf Free of Charge} W”:- Hd . «:- Melvin 1.. Straus~ of S. (b. has purchased mmgh S. Sim<n flu u‘n room film! dence of Florence K. (‘ahn in Highlan‘l Park. near the Luke Country Club. for approximfld’f 000.00. The .property is ovlflofl The Highland Park Wamn’iié Will ha“. a (hildrtn's party on : her 30:) at No 0 “dock," at Ha” This part) is for meg (hiMH-y tn} \ MELVIN STRAI'SS BUY: LARGE RESIDENCE Ii “THE UNKNOWN «alum § 386 Central Anni; Corinne Griffith in FRIDAY. JAN: 2

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