93m Condition! What a Bottleifiq red by Bowman ny Represents?é_, and Enjoy :10 ’01' Sport [L H"\ :on h Dlsmbutors of 'ax MIL K, -CREAM inc Avenue iry Company You Like 5P0? the demands of we CRISPO. every- ‘d at least one kind. zell you liked the 1 have not enjoyed :ating CRISPO until H EPARTHENT STORE rk. lllinbis . Highland Park. Illinois I'. Has inia. Illinois MIR'S GROCERY Highwuod. lllinoLs k. [Hinqis asuline for for you. U€ allun ticket at :e 1 Highland Park ‘vkâ€"v ( ) 7': 'mr GRACE ZION BUILDING 1’: After- Vdock unsure wt LALStorm Sash And .51 to, Irder. Best mater!" mmp‘ RealService- ‘ aibrder, phonelion ‘9‘ Highland Park 9 Real Service- 0 1! Phone Zion 49 “3‘ mo INDUSTRY! 35: FM W% Wwwamw VM Wmt WNWW *7 WWW Among these resolutions he sure to adopt the following: "I will observe the golden rule. Iw111 practme thnft and conservahon by carrymg membership 1n the CHRISTMAS CLUB OF THE HIGHLAND â€A 11A 11 BANK laying asule a ï¬xed sum each week and therebyASSURINGa happy Christmas next year and a nucleus for a permanent savings account. Large Trunk well constructed specially priced at ......... Hand Bags. each . . . . Men‘s Flannel Shirts, $3.50 to $6.50 values, special for this sale. $250 to $4.00 at ................... Boys Knee Pants per pair ....... We are keeping the Christmas Club open {or you and you will have no difficulty in joining i while you are saving the money we are paying you interest on it. pLAN C-uFirst deï¬ant 5c. increasing 5c eaclx weeL for ï¬fty weeLa, your last Jeï¬on‘t $2.50. total savings $63.75. ‘pLAN F-uFir-st deï¬ant $1.00. decreasing 2c eacl! weel for ï¬fty weeb, your last deï¬ant 2c. rota, savings $25.50. @LAN G-uFr'rst Jeï¬osr't $2.50. decreasing 5c eac]: week for ï¬fty weeks, last Jeï¬osv't 5c. total savings $63.75. We illustrate herewith. H (PLAN L---Fir:t Jeï¬oeit $1.04 amount for ï¬fty meals, total saw pLAN Mn-First deï¬ant $2.C amount for ï¬fty weeks, total law We wi†Le cornï¬efled to close the 00 you to act ï¬romft’y. Every/bod; Sensational Bargains to Thé Northwestern Department Store M The Store for Everybody Telephone 241 N orth‘ values, :ping the Christmas Club open {or you and you will have no difficulty in joining it. Membership is free and are saving the money we are paying you interest on it. We illustrate herewith. five of our most popular clubs. deï¬ant 5c, increasing 5c eaclx weeL for ï¬fty weela, your (PLAN L---Fir:t deï¬ant $1.00. {aflowed by a weeUy deï¬ant of Me . tota, savings $63.7 5. amount for ï¬fty weels, total saving 350.00. deï¬ant $1.00. decreasing 2c eacl! weel for ï¬fty weeb, pLAN Mn-Firat deï¬ant $2.00, followed Ly a weekly deï¬ant of Me 2c. total savings $25.50. amount for ï¬fty weeks, total laying: $100.00. : deï¬ant $2.50. decreasing 5c eac]: week for ï¬fty weeks, We wi†Le comï¬efled to close the various chat: at an early date am! we advise to) savings $63.75, you to act ï¬romï¬tly. Everybody is welcome. HIGHLAND PARK STATE BANK Heavy lined Men‘s Jersey Gloves. $1.25 values. To Clear 600 Ladies‘ Wool Knit Gloves, per pair. ,ZSC Men’s Black Leather Driving Gloves. Lambs W l L' *d. 36%)0 valirliie.‘ . $4.50 ADOPT GOOD RESOLUTIONS AND KEEP THEM lined Men‘s Gloves. $1.25 50c ybody Established 1868. Northwest Corner Central Ave. apd Fin! St. THE HIGHLAND Hum rug». uummmn PARK. warm» Start the New Year Right @ng zirgagemmmm; $25.00 Cott m Felt Mattresses, while a few last ........... $10.00 Excelsior Mattresses, for this sale ............. Quaker Oats. per package Well-made Broom . ‘ The Home of tine Citristmas Club 85c J. M. APPEL. Vice (president Sweaters ., _ an ‘ . IE=E . V CHRISTMAS CLUB OF THE HIGHLAND PARK STATE Thin-blown Glasses . Men's Heavy Wool Sweaters 20 oz. jar Sour Pickles 250 Men's Sweater Coats Children '5 W001 Sweaters Ladies' Wool Sweater Coats $2.50 $4.50 $2.50 $6.50 $17.50 $5.50 10c "I will encourage procluction and climax-age extravagance. UNITED EVANGEIJCAL g g g WWAR CAMP COMMLNI’I‘} o Monday night the Young Men‘s club gave a holiday dance in the Centre rooms. A large percentage of the by; of this Club are discharged soi- diers and sailors and their use of the room marks the opening of the Centre for general community put-bases. The Army and Navy Centre was the centre of the real Yuktide spirit in Highland Park on Christmas Eve- when about three hundred soldiers and sailors gathered around the beautiful tree and received gifts of huge shock- ings ï¬lled with popcorn balls, nuts, fruit, candy, puzzles, pocket knives and comfort kits. Mrs. Martin Insull and Miss Insull assisted Mr. Harris most of the day before getting the room decorated and ‘he tall tree trimmed. Thru Mrs. Insull's good oflices the comfort kits were given by the Navy Relief and she herself gave two hundred poc- ket knives to go into the mrletan stockings made and donated by ‘he Highland Park Woman’s club and ‘he After the gifts were distributed, Spalmer'a orchestra of ï¬ve pieces from Chicago played and boys and girls danced around the tree unul brgaathless and the lights were turned oui at midnight. The rugs having been taken up and sent to be cleaned, the boys have availed themselves of the opportunity to dance every evening during holi- day week. Emmet Duffy has been most generous of his time and talent and furnished music while our High- land Park girls have come in gener- ous number: and enjoyed the fun as much as the boys. New Year's Eve there is to be the W. C. C. S. dance It the high schOOl. and these dnnces will be repeated each Saturday evening during January. At that time the W. C. C. S. ceases to function and it will devolve upon our citizens to continue the work so es- sential to our own best interests as well as to the welfnre o! the soldiers and sailors. The people who ï¬re raising prices to discourage orders they can‘t 51} will not have to make much effort to dicsourage busness when conditions return to normal. Being bold by Thomas Carlyle and other philosophers that they should cultivate hero worship, the present generation Idores movie stars and football playem. 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