ma ‘ A9, ‘3 Telephone 1103 PAGE TWO I WANT EVERYBODY IN HIGHLAND PARK TO KNOW ABOUT THE NEW “NEWPORT PACKAGE†CHOCOLATES MADE BY TOURAINE OF BOSTON, MASS. AND GUARANTEED BY ME. COME IN AND GET ONE OF THESE DELICIOUS POUND PACKAGES AT THE SPECIAL PRICE OF 75c AND IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED THAT THEY ARE THE BEST GRADE OF CANDY YOU EVER BOUGHT AT THE PRICE YOU WILL GET YOUR MONEY BACK WITHOUT ANY ARGUMENT. I THANK YOU. ELWOOD F. PRATT. AGENT. 39 South St. Johns Avenue The following ofï¬cers were install- ed ht the M. W. A. meeting held in the 1 mm Hall Wednesday evening: Venerable Counsel, Edward Segert. Worthy Adviser, John Kuhn. Clerk, E. N. "Selig. Bunker, E. H. Willmnn. Wntchman, Leo Seller. Central, C. Hentzger. Installing one“, B. W. Vent. , Following the lnetsllaflon In enter supper was enjoyed with the Royal: Neighbors. l Mrs. Alex Willman will be hostess to the Young Matrons’ club at her home Thursday afternoon. Mr. Elmer Clnvey is conï¬ned to his home with influenza. Rev. Ryln will be any for a few weeks and during his absence a Tech- ny priest will have charge of the ser- vices in the Holy Cross church uml Patrick's. Mrs. Fred L1 Bahn visited relative- in Evanston last week. Wilmot Progressive club gave 3 necktie and box social party at Red- heï¬er’a Saturday evening for the ben- eï¬t of the Wiimot school. Miss Eva Pettis of Delavan, spent last week with her mother, C. W. Pettis. Miss Eida Horenberger entertain-,g ed twenty friends at a bunco partyf at her home Saturday evening. Miss; Frances Klemp was awarded ï¬rst, lady’s prize and August Klemp ï¬rstf man’s prize. The consolation prizes; Were given to Miss Guenckel and} Mr. Harry Olenairf. Mina Nellie? Barnett of Libertyville was the out; of town guest. ! Fred Kersten and son Kersten of Yonkers, N. ing Fred Haggie. Mrs. George Ott had as her week end guest, Miss Mn'ie Rhoder of Chicago. h; Wednesday evening Esther Huehl gave 11 miscellaneous shower in hon- or of Florence Johnson who will be married to Frank Jacobs Saturday afternoon, Jan. 31, at four o'clock at the home of Miss Johnson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Johnson. Ewart Goldring is home from To. ronbo. Can., where he has been with his grandmother since last April. Mrs Triete left for Georgia last week where she will visit her sis» ter. Mr. S. P. Hutchinson of Chicago was the guest of Mr. Frank Peterson Sunday. HIGHLAND PARK Pm. HIGHLAND- PARKE? dimms L, C. W. Pettis Y., are visit- April. : silo-km Av. maï¬a. Pu'hi .‘C.....‘OOOCOCCCOOCOOOW. :1“! i ,. z . . 0.00...OOOOIOOOOOIOOIOOIb. . A. __ The following oflicers weré ell at the Janunry meeting of the LI Aid society: president, Mrs. Frod‘ enberger; vicemmident, Mrs. J Johnson; secretary, Mrs. Philip I Mm. Memer spent lut week ‘ Kb Mrs. Good of Chicago and bro ,t home with her Mrs. D. A. Light *1 L03 Augeles and Mrs. C. Meg-{31 Sandusky, Mich, who spent ' (’y and Saturday in Deerfleld wichfmrg‘. Memer in a reunion of old friendiJ "CUBE KICK. Mr. 1nd Mrs Harry Olendort gag-e the guests of Mr. Olendorf’s mogul; Mrs. Frank Olendorf, of Libe Sundxy. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Kress were? t5: guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Whiéhgg of Irving Park Sunday. There were no services in the-13v- angelical church Sunday on wit of the illness of the pastorcng. Beuscher. .1 L Miss Purl Weaver of the Iii in; Sundgy School mochtion spoke Eon,I “The Responsibility of the ' hl end the Teacher: to the Child? g 35 joint meeting of the church flux ‘rsy in the community house Saturtgï¬y gv-f ening. Miss Helen Schinleber ; Miss May Butler’s "Come Let I? Live with the Children.†2 5 Mn. In Hole will give. 3 Lilian f shower for the beneï¬t of the WW. : in Settlement House at her holï¬o} on i Thursday afbemoan. *3 5 ‘ n The following nominating oo ipit- tee was appointed by the p out: Mrs. F. H. Meyer, Meadunei 1 .5 Reichelt, T. L. Knuk and 0.11. ’ nton. . ‘ Saving Stations." .3- . Presbyterian Church 3' g g The January meeting of thein-es- byterian church was held at t flame of Mrs. J. A. Reichelt, Jr., Th ' ay afternoon. The chapter on C , the Crusade of Compassion ~ died, with Mrs. James Gold " leader. Mrs. Meyer and M ‘. élra Hole read articles on Chinese gifmen. Mrs. Gardner’s topic was “ ‘ ricies of Good for China,†which utia of the hoapitala and aayluma. ' 3 T. ; treuuzer, Mrs. John Huehl Evangelical Church Phone 45 read an Article on Ff‘Life During this Egéale we will continue the following prices on .m ‘mfl‘ We Wlm offer perfect goods at prices far below; 1: present tmt of replacement. It will be to your : advantageï¬to anticipate your wants for some time1 to come.13 Lad1¢s’ Knit Underwear L. R RIGDON 60C Befkley Cambric, 36 inch - 48c 60C Lclyhg Cloth, 36- inch - - 45c 45c Bl ach Muslin, 36- inch (no ï¬lling) 30c 35c B ached Crash (Linen Weft) 25c $2.25§Medium Weight Cotton F leé‘ce Union Suits $2.25EIeavy Cotton Fleece Union $3.75 gWool Union Suits, each §,:White Goods â€'33" | â€I 35’s The Home Shop This flour is now on hand and for sale at Great Atlantic and Paciï¬c T ca Co. Store: Name: of additional stores handling this flour will In Wished from time to time. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION INQUIRE United Statw Grain Corporation 226 South Ln Stile Street It is your chanceto help yourself and your neighbor cut down the cost of liwng. Pay a Fair Price For Good Flour If your dealer does not have this flour, he can obtain it from the United States Grain Corporation. _ You' can prove your desire to practice sensible economy by asking your dealer for the Grain Corporation’s Standard Pure Wheat Flour. Here is an o portunity for every flour user in this loca 1ty to save money. The Government has purchased 500,000 barrels of flour made from the last abun- dant crop of soft red winter wheat. It is putting it on the market under the name United States Grain Corporation Standard Pure Wheat Flour This high qualit , pure wheat flour will be sold to the pubic, through trade chan- nels, at prices not above 80 cents for 12- pound packages, and $1.60 for 241/2-pound packages. ‘l‘heconontiourucrvuthflï¬tmdhmuhu Nut-hm] Issue! WWmï¬-flmrvï¬w muse. Government Offers To Help Housewives Reduce Expenses Standard Pure Wheat Flour Sold To Consumers at Reduced Retail Price H St. Johns Avenue $1.50 $1.50 $2.50