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Highland Park Press (1912), 29 Jan 1920, p. 2

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t2 ‘7 {31 mam? PAGE Twoi Launderers and Dry Cleaners Telephones 178-179 mom-m: Only so many Ford cars will be shipped in to this territory; only so many will be able to get Ford cars. If you would be forehanded and plan ahead, you will have us deliver you a Ford car as soon as possible. Then you will have it to use whenever you want it. The Ford is an all year utilityâ€"in your home or business. ,Its serviceability. its ease of operation, its low cost olf maintenance has made it such. It will serve you the year around. Spring and summer, au- tumn and winter, it is your servant: always ready to do your bidding. Buy your Ford car now while deliveries are possi- ble. There'is only a limited, specified number of Ford cars allotted to this territory. You will be wise to buy one now while we can get cars to deliVer. A signed order with us is your protection. Even our small allotment of Ford cars shipped us until we have hona tide orders for them. This is because the demand for Ford tars all (He! the country is greater than the supply oi prodmtion. So, don t depend on spring delixei \. is not Buy Now While Deliveries Are Possible . G. McPHERSON Insist on Genuine Ford Parts lend if Ladies’ )ry Cleaning Special (‘leanmi and [H't‘SHL't 5.1.50 cach. Thin is a SAVING BENT. ' Izmuzln 26!}! BLO\\' N0. 2 TO THE HIGH COST OF LIVING Highland Park, Illinois Phone H. P. 120-121 amnpj during [he “'6? ADIES. this is YOUR uppnrunn HiCt Highland Park, Illinois \ll Ladies st \\ ill b1 igunoqu m: fm BIG tm ()1 in the Presbyterian Sunday school Supt" Geo. Stranger; Asst. Supt. Miss Irene Hockenb‘éh, Libra, Les- lie Hazzie, Secty.. and Trees., Mr Graves. Pianist. Hattie Gutzler, MiS» cionary Supt, Mrs. Reichelt. Jr. Home Dept, Supt.. and Primary Dept Supt, Mrs. Graves, Primary Secy.. Virginia Easton; Primary Supt. Viola anlrrnhm-H: Primary Ox'.anist. Hm Lidg'vnumu, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Johnston have a son LeRoy Jr. born Jan. 23rd, at Swedish American hospital. The following officers were elected The Young people of Everett will giva a novelty dance Saturday evenâ€" ing, Jan. 31, in St, Patri¢k’s hall. Dr. Davis' sister. Mrs, Elizabeth Sinner, Norwood Park, diéd Saturday of pneumonia. She leavesvthree small children. ' and Iarg I Mr. and Mrs. Ortha Bamgrover 0f {have a baby boy, born Friday. Jan. ' and 23rd. ‘ ”a" Mr. Elmer (‘Iavey loft Monday ’evening for New York, N. Y. A party of teachers and mothers of the Nutrition clinic of the Deer- field school went to Winnetka Com- munity House Thursday evening to hear Dr. Emerson of Boston give an illustrated lecture on the treatment of malnourished children. The value of rest periods and of warm lunches for underweight children was demon- strated. Physical examination of the Deerfield school pupils reveal several slight curvatures of the spine from: malnutrition. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bleimahl will enter- :am {he February meeting of the lelies' Aid sucicty of St. Paul's whurcll at her home Thursday after» ' noon. Fol). 5th. Elmer Hagl Will entertain the the Young People League of St. l l’aul’ s ("hunh Thursday evening, Feb The second chapter of “A Crusade of Compassion" will be studied. Cure Rockenbach will entertain the Teachers Training Classes of the U. F3. church at her home in Wheeling Thursday evening. The Missionary Society 0 ml Evangelical church will meeting at the hnme of Beechman Thursday after ruary 3rd. 5th Highland Park, Sunday c mymwmmm 2 DEERFIELD NEWS ITEMS E H Sheridan Rel wknh (111th was g-ntor- {Hint-d \mh-ui m at flu humv nf Mrs Hates on S. Svumd St. «er‘. William \Vr‘vnn hf \Vlhm’ltt', wxwrminul several 01' hvr Ravinia t‘rivmis at tvn‘ last Saturday after- mwn fur hvr guest, Mrs. Whaler, of va‘m'. (“qu Mrs. ernn was for- rm-rIy Mi.“ Jessie Tnylnr of Ravinia‘ :1 Her u (‘h( 31w. city Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Schendorf announce the marriage of their daughter Margaret; to Mr. George E. Bowden which took place yesterâ€" day at the Immaculate Conception ('hun'h with the vaerand Dr. O'- Neill officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Bow- (HUN I‘umplmll (‘haptvr Guild will meet \'( Thursday after-mum at the home Mm. t’hnntry in Lake Fun-st. Miss Mae Siljestrum will ‘be hostess to the Friday Evening Club tomorrow evening Mr. and Mrs. Simons of Linden avenue entertained several friends last evening for Mrs. Simons’ mother; who celebrated her seventy-sixth birthday annivmsdry. THE HIGHLAM) mum Little Robert Reid entertained sev- eral of his little friends at a sleigh ride party a week ago Friday. Hi! .rl Man and Burnioo .Iu}111.~‘ton Si- 5 \wn- married in (‘hicagu on “My. ml H u'h H “H” ~t Th‘n'vlu} «venimr (hr ”min via“ uf thv l'm‘tvd Evangelical -h unjuyvd .a. sluiphlidc- party whivh they “ore onu-rmimul at p sm-y supper at the home of '1‘. H. Ik-«kcr. H will mako their home in this I] ULHN'VIHI H! 4‘ Mi.“ 1M. Muzxk uh 1L“ at mum Hiflmuu w! :n‘ Ixr'i. M SOCIAL ACTIVITY .lph Knudson is hustvss to Humirml club this after- the hnme of Mrs. Ed um sl-zx‘vd h.- 11am» 4n A \wddinu br'ukfast was «M in: 1111- wrmmuw. home in Wheeling 2. Thursday afternoon there was 3 Girls’ Party at the League Rooms. All grade school girls were invitéd wey loft Monday and the building will have to be en- York, N. Y. larged before we have another mm of that size. Games were playgirl , 22:8 Fig???" , and Miss Ridlon from the Highlaiid; , 3, an. , _ . iPark hbrary told many interestllzg ‘stories. She was greeted with a h" achers and mothers enthusiasm that she has connentéd clinic 0f the Deer- ‘ to hold a story hour every Thundiy-‘ t0 Winnetka. Com- , afternoon at 4:00 . Refreshmenia J nursday‘ evening to i were served. . A: n,“ , - 1s mzuiv uf the mar- ruthy Burlu- and Mr. ich luuk plucu this u'clm-k in St. James I, .“hk Sophia Zah» ivxmzmi whilv Mr. afternoon, Feb 0f the Unit- !) hold their rams. HIGHLAND PARK; .mfiuow The Thrift shop has on hand a lamb and beautiful stock of valentine and Easter cards. They are also selling fresh eggs every Saturday in connem tion with brown bread, baked beans und orders with other bakery foods: Tea is served every afternoon. ocoooooooooooooouooooooo‘qvo ’ Monday the usual High Schop] Girls’ Supper Club was postponed .and [instead a supper was held for (Uh {workers in the Finance Campaigij. } Three teams were formed, two amor' , the High School girls and one in t5. gBusiness Girls’ Club. Mildred Lang. fand Grace Fulkerson are the hp ir-aptains of the H. S. teams and a] ‘the losers are to banquet the Win- ners, each girl is determined to be; a “guest.” The next Sunday enterta the wounded men will be Rth. instead of February 1 nounced last week. Wednesday evening a company 0! people gathered together for a gen-l oral good time. Many came for {he} first time and before the evening: 3,, was over they were planning to come-4 again. Mr. Oscar Meyers played ind ’ sang, Lucille Fritsch gave a readhg and Edith Greice and Margaret Gird-i ini sang some duets Games, pnz-z zles and “Cootie” were enjoyed and! refreshments were served. ‘ Paper 115 (Inhwmul \ t 7W Miss Hull of Waukegan was hm able to conduct her music classes \\ ednesday on account of illness. Shq expects to be with us this week. ' Maxie Golden, Dorothy Lidgerwood .md “illard Goidring visited the up per grades Friday. Supt. Simpson visited us Thurs- day. ‘ Deerfield (.rammar School; By Erma Neargarder W? , A number of the pupils are abpent because of sickness. Margaret Kress was the weekend quest <sz Flurenco C(Jrcoran‘ ()f'E'l- erett. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ender let tortained at a Five Hundred Purfiy Tuesdav m ening. Mr (art Won first punthmon 5 prize and Miss (Iara Eltâ€" der first ladies’ prize. -‘ (‘OMM UNITY SHOP K1 0 M. GATES PATRIOTIC LEAGUE PAINTING Hanging and Decor-tin no.6 Mahala. 10.8 L A NBS CA PE: BEA U TIFIER CHARLES FIORI llluhlnnd P.“ W On’t you think it 01' er‘.’ If you would like to beautify 1our grounds, (3!! up Highland Park 523 now, and I will prepare a plan during the Winter. The work can then be done early next Spring. Bear» 1n mind that a job of this kind well done ne1 er needs to be 119% again. You saw money by having it done right. entertainment (or I am prépared to draw plans for your garden and grounds after the Italian style, and will be glad to talk over such plans with the Owners of North Shore property. I handle the work either on a e basis or by contract. No job is too small to have my attention; still I am prepared to handle contracts running into thousands of dollars. ers which grow very well here. Even with the limited variety we have in his country you can make your home not only beauti- f ul, but worglerful, in Italian styles. If you have 'not done so, you should go over now. I believe you will firid some of the beautiful gardens left, not destroyed during the aver You would get an idea of the beautiful sur- roundings it“ 18 possible to have right here on your own grounds. You s‘ayfthe climate IS different. That 18 true; but we have a greatvarieiy of trees, shrubs, evergreens, roses and other flow- 5 February lst as in: TELEPHONE 523 SCOTT ORDANJ’rQ. Tm; flTAflnflm WILMOT WHITAm. CADY . . JORDAN. Vicgru. Ind 506,. I.“ W505!- C. H. JORDAN CO.. Funeral Directors Chapel at each Establishment Complete Line of Funeral Furnithings I“ N ‘12 Davb SM 3"“ Phone Ev“.- 4“ .AIK .IICH'GAI BLVD . oncAco rm r. .nva sum. HYDE “kahuna...“ :4... mar” 13: Phone Koon’s Garage or Show Room 125 North St. Johns Avenue and Opposite ‘Postoffice 388-286 HIGHLAND PARK, ILUNO‘S ET us show you the new Studebaker line before you buy, as it is one of the best values on the market this year. Don’t wait to place your order until after the Chicago show, as it may make your delivery too late to enjoy the early spring riding. We also handle the Oakland line. Appointment or Demonstration Call Have You Traveled HIGHWOOD. ILLINOIS in Italy? For

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