Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Highland Park Press (1912), 29 Jan 1920, p. 8

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w§aޤd Van: the (‘nmnuimty ('vntu k'vntral avnmw nn guy ut'h-rno evwxxng. Then you wi'ii under Why Highland Park; shuuld str suppurt ('nmmumty Son” .(. i 13 St Johns Avenue Telephone 307 Hi: PAGE EIGHT Men' Men’s Men’s Men’s Boys’ Boys' U1 Clearing Sale Presenting the greatest bargains of the Season. Sale begins Saturday Jan. 24th and lasts all the follow- ing week S Pants ........ ‘5 Shoes ........ ’5 Dress Shu'ts . . ’ Flannel Blouses ' Knee Pants O0.0.0...0'0...OOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOCO tal<ihg advantage of it. 3-3 down and 3:5 a month for stock in sLIch a large and well estab- lished company as the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois is a money-saving and numev-making.r (,ipportunity that is seldom equalled. Folks are asking one another. "Have you bought '3" Where at first it was a matter of personal gain. it has now become a matter of civic pride as well. Folks are wonderingr how High- land Park stands among the 200 cities and towns served by the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois. They are asking: “Has Highland Parkproved its progressive spir- it? Will Highland Park go ‘over the top with the largest percent- age of customer-stock-hnlders of all the cities and towns served by the Company?" Highland Park surely should go "over the top." But it is up to each individual Suits, all wool A 111111111'1'11.11111:i\ \111111'1'1'1' 11 1111111155111 1111 11\111_\ 11211111. 1131111 21111 103117.111;1 1111- 1111111- 111111ty111at151111111111111111111. 11'10) are talking about it. They are City Address I would like In receive furthcr Intnrmation about the Pquc Servicc Company and the stock you offer on easy payments Name Public Service Company of Northern Illinois Where Will High- land Park Stand? (Signed) JOhI‘l S. Reesman, Inquiry Coupon WEE? . u”... FEW \\ wlg.‘ elephone Us Today and Our Representative Will Call on You Immediately In order that its customers and employes might enjoy the ad- vantages of owning stock in this big, growing company. the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois decided. at a recent meeting of its board of directors. to place on sale a block of its 6'? Cumulative Preferred Stock. on a savings plan basis. giving it the advantage of having you as a stockholder in the Com- puny. ('rntvr on ('ummunity Service ,tt'h'l'nmm m‘ dubs‘ liam'es, concerts understand sinumu‘, athlmics. Visit S. FELL Highhnd Purl: on \ ummumty Servn-e mu,-:»I.Irzim‘> n or clubx nianws. concerts. mmmunit} wmi sinumu‘, athlmics. Visit the (‘ummun ngly my (cuter on Central avenue. The}: Date was NHL 1111- l'miav you here v rw a Bnostm ou ncre ul. oppor- n. 'l‘hey icy a re )1' stock 1 estab- Pubhc :nthern ng and ty that nother. ltter of become 18 well. ' High‘ the 200 by the my of ghland :e spir- 0 ‘over ercent- ders of ‘ved by ruld go ividual Surelyâ€"if you have not already done soâ€"you are going to-take advantage of this remarkable oplmrtunity. You will scarcely miss the small sum of $5 a month. Yet think what it will mean to you in the end! You will be financially interested in your own local public utility. You will own stock in a company which has been doing business for yearsâ€"a company whose services are absolutely essential to the welfare and growth of two hundred thriving cities and towns. Your money will be as safe as a bank, and it will earn 6 per cent for you! The company has paid dividends on this stock regularly since its organization. You will receive dividends of $6 per year on every share you buy. Because the allotment of stock to be sold on this plan will soon be gone, we advise you to act now. .Phone us or call at our local office today or at your bank for full particulars. Increase your own incomeâ€"and at the same time help put Highland Park “over the top!” Sincerely yours, Highland Park 1111115 . $25.00 and up . 2.00 and up 3.00 and up .85 and up 1.15 and up .75 and up custumm' nf to Y()['! Price $100 per share as fixed by the lllinois Public Utilities Commis- sion. Special terms to customers and employes of $5 down and $5 a month per share. Not more than five shares allotted to any one sub- scriber. Public Service Company of Northern Illinois Division Superinten‘ dent ll Infill! voice in I down V‘w $25.00 RE‘VARD , For X'CNH‘UP or information leading to return of plans furnished by A. W. Fletcher for the connection of No. and So. Sheridan roads thru Block 23 and widening: St. Johns avenue; south. A. W. Fletcher. 7, 47 7 .,. .,... â€"~;o key ring. last .Sum afternoon on Fairvivw avenue hill. \vnor mly have wmn- by mHim: at this office and pay- !m: Fur thi< mh'. ., 48 pd Miss Dorothy Kong; has: time forl WANTEDâ€"Maid for general ho a few more pupils. Would also do ac- ‘ Work. Small farnily, electrical ‘li companing‘ either for singers or violin- 3 ment. 206 N- Linden Ave. Telfflfi ists. 329 N. Linden Ave. Tel. 1158. 1921-.” .. 4%” WANTED _ Woman to do fine t. DRESSMAKING __ at 225 M . hand sewing at home or at my‘houfig‘ Johns Ave. Tel. 1445. '” 48 g 389 Laurel avenue. FURNITURE BA RGAINS 3 WANTED * ”undress for ”TE Another lot ready -â€" consisting ofl a week. Mrs. C’ 0' Hopkins, 942 brass and enamel beds, dressers, chif. l C01" Ave. Tel. 80-. { foniers, diningr tables, chairs,’ book- . WANTED~â€"Maid for general hug cases, desks, Singer sewing mchine, i work. Mrs. W. M. Plant. 437 N. typewriter, set of golf clubs and other 3 Johns AVP- T9]. H- P. 1118‘ Q? items. Highland Park Fireproof Stor-l -‘ 829 (‘0‘. 376 E. (‘entral Ave. . 48 SITUATION WANT?!) 7;. 6;; Get our prices for boring shallowi SITUATION WANTEDâ€" A; Hug L wells. These wells are sanitary, andi . ' ' suitable fol: edthoedr house consumption l Eynofi‘gwc?e$:gqufiicgny “if. 1:3) or orstoc . ‘0 service guaranteed. v ' ' . 1 I Prices reasonable. ZION BUILDING! SITL‘ATION “ANTED _ AS book-E lNDl'STRY. Zion, Ill. Phone 31 â€" 49. 5??? “munmm' News.“ '3'“! 399' ..... r‘_~ L," WANTED â€" Good home for baby boy two years of age. Answer to MN Highland Park Press. 489d THE HIGHLAND PARK PRI‘BS. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINO; FOI'NI) m umpum PIANO LESSONS MISCELLANEOUS -_ Bunch of six keys on last Sqqday afternoon on LeathenLunged. 1.. H'Hlinm!’ commands a nu, u-nher shoes. running V pink with halve." - , 'rw. FOI'ND It is up (48) baby: WANTEDâ€"~Girl for general boas; MN ; work. Small family. No washing. 363 48pd l Hazel Ave, Highland Park. Press Office. 48p? SITUATION WANTED â€"â€" Pia" sewing or mending by day or wee 3 Also men‘s shirts made and repair by expert shirt maker. Can put on no neck bands and collars and cuffs. W' call for work if desired. Tel. 441. l? ery governess. Ex . City ref. Mi 7; Fellows, co. Press ffice. . 48 V SITUATION WANTED â€" As b00166 keefier accountant. Accurate and {a at gures. Can handie any books. Fig character. Fair wages. Address D. ‘ Press Office. 48:; 'ANTEDâ€"Young man over sex: teen in drug store. Address D, P19 Office. WANTED â€" Girl to assist wag. housework mornings. Tel. 719 M. ‘ :4 . WANTED â€" Light housekeepi rooms. Redine. 611 Deerfield avem Tel. ROI-J. WANTED â€"â€" A furnished hm; near Exmoor club for the months J31: 1 to Oct. 1. Must have three M: rooms, besides maid’s room. F ' adults in family. Mrs. W. N. in Virginia Hotel. Chicago. i FOR SALE â€" Furniture for '1‘ :room apartment. Apply A Y P: } Ofllce. 48 ‘ FOR SALE -â€" small cook st» {Te}. 751 R. 582 Homewood Aw house of about six rooms in or“ Highland Park by reliable party. 169. u. WANTED TO RENT â€"- Six ">9;sz unfurnished house. beginning Febru- ary first or March first. $40 or m. Lester C. Thompson, 377 Centul 9.3;; Tel. 79. 48 p4; 4r~ ngTED â€"â€" A furnished node FOR RENT â€" By the week, 5:: room furnished house, reasonable4 small family. Avaihble about Feb; ‘ t References exchanged. Address ‘ Taylor, P. 0. box 393, Highland P . FOR RENT â€"â€" One furnished L suitable for two persons. Hot w; heat. Tel. 1431. 268 E. Laurel Call aften four. FOR RENT -â€" Furnished room Central avenue. Tel. 909. 4 4711 FOR SALE â€" Fresh Tagen "{1} goat and her two kids. Tel. 892 552. FOR SALE ~â€" New blue duye cloth suit trimmed with sea], siz for $60 New silk lined case . ‘ white fittings. Reasonable. Tel. 1 3 With at least-five bed rooms 2 and two baths Will lease, 1 exchange for present lease, " or buy. 1Vot necessary move ' immediately W. M. Plant. ‘ 437 North Syt. Johns Avenue , Telephone H P. 1118 t FOR SALE â€" Bargain, must. Victrola, vviour parlor suite, di mom suite, bed room suite, rug' brary table. lamps, curtains, d sewing machine, paintings, a new. Residence 1335 Elmdale , . near Broadway, Chicago. Take 3‘ n- ston Elevated to Thorndale ave FOR SALE â€" Saddle h0rse,l ed (walk, trot, single foot, ca: 8 years old One new English ' saddle, pigskin “ill sell cheap. __ $300. See Sgt Board, Quartermab stablcs, FL Sheridan 11]., or com icate with Lt. W. E Traphaga O. Box 14. ' FOR SALE FOR SALE -7- ‘20 lots 50:180. 1 ‘ t- ed on Hugh Strvet near Pmlrl‘dj‘fi block north of Exmoor ClulL All, i - armaments in. Will 51-“ at one finr slnglo luts. Small payment d‘ n. balance on ”me. Jne Lenclnnag BUYA HOM§E IR S0. First St. COALE St S 3100.000. 37: West “(03-32500 to 312.000. 5 Lots 100 x 200. :25 to $60 ”372% Lots 50 x 150. :20 m :35 per r1438 Acres. 8500 and up. 5;- Attractive East Side Homes, 86.!“ to COALE 8| S WANTED. *FOkfikfififizâ€"SXE I WANTEDâ€"T0 BUY 03 RENT WANTED TO RENT â€" Sm mm RENT: FURNISHED no? 8 won THE‘WINTER. HOUSE WANTED SEE [TS FOR BARGAINS Theatre mulling HIGHLAND PARK HOMES u .1" ms SALEâ€"HOUSES E HELP WANTED FOR RENT Phofl l7 a), ‘he rapidity: with which clothes or garments can be dried as well as making them as sweet and as pure as if they had been dried by the bright sunshine. V The successful drying of clothes in an artificial man- ner depends, to a large extent, upon the quickness that the moisture and odors emanating from the clothes while being dried can be removed. This in conjunction with the amount of heat secured in the drying cabinet, determines This does not worry the housekeeper with a gas~heated clothes dryer in the basement. Severe Storm Tomorrow Use the telephone. Telephone 110 Women’s Kid Gloves ............ 95cé Winter Underwear Very Cheap ‘ Boys’ W00] Suits $5.95 to $10.50: Boys’ Stockings (seconds) ..... 3% Child’s Yarn Caps 29c and 3963 Boys’ Shirts ........................ 39¢ Women’s Fibre Silk Hose Men’s Ties. .' Men’s Hose .................. Men’s Underw ear Verv Cheap Men’s Hats Men’s Collars NORTH SHORE GAS C0. Gamett’s Inventory Sale} Friday and Saturday Final Clean-up, Last Two Days Garnett’s RIDING HABITS STREET SUITS SPORT SUITS Made to Order Now Showing the Newest Styla and Fashions Springand Summer HARRY EINHORN Ladles‘ Tauorinz of Distinction Site 130 Mo-lor Hindi!" 39 South Sill: Street Free Delivery Service. Highland Pal: Vt ry Reaswnal r Phone Catt.) 7915 Es‘rABuskrz.‘ Mo Chicago 39¢ 956

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