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Highland Park Press (1912), 12 Feb 1920, p. 5

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pan (H‘stW R; Flo. CARTER vo, Ear. Nos. 8: TM HIFHfh ‘ubHc 3(1 WU mav e drink pany m Illinois WATER Service Powerless n Flu n; npadly taken. .1-» ma to act at or telephone ~r rail it your fr.“ E'IIIZII‘; tr ‘nm- mm" m a II. Doctor's Service! in Trentmg Your E!" or Fimng Gm 22 hart-M}!!! Mun-I! 7".” {HEY \\ gput on the market It cuntam‘ {Ingredients nmludmg animal W11 Hulk MMII :and (he famuus milk protein m a hopper so thc mwla «an have access In 11 at all m \CRATLH ahnuld be fed 1n the litter to induce [‘XE‘r(i:€ rmmv samtarv, m :xmds enough fur 1h:- «22'. We knnw ym N Sr and let {hr- hvn .1!" mun: equa than Phone 24l afiffiflfiffilffilffilrfil I':\ get you (n nge V] (h Nu lbs 3 wup‘m :* dealer from whom Northwestern Department_5to_re Telephone 54 Remember: MOLDANER é EEHEE '( {hr- h(‘n> prdvr nur x'lsnm In “N than Irmd amr‘nmg \nu( Uauul‘rrund by RO3ENBAU BRO THERS Chicago. Illinois. U S. A, 7“ Hand a/ [unruly :fifié FINE HOPPER FREE Cenquil Avenue and Fink Street BARGAINS FOR EVERYONE Mk sun In This will be the last week of our ; Special Prices we give our MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S SUITS of goods we have in stock. Northwestem Department Store Eot'pbliahod 1868 Vl'tALITY EGG MASH a m rd When \ou have {our «:nupons, present them to you bought the feed and get one Hf thx-se firr nd mt pmnf galvamzvd hoppers. Each hoppm mrv urn nnc week Thtsutfm h tor a hmiwd timz , hr wrl! pleassd wnh the ma\h‘ sourder some at vr nur rlsnm that you w111 amt‘nmg um (-x‘rx‘ fw‘t That W'ill Make More Eggs Than Anything You Ever Fed Vitality Egg Mash An Egg Mash EEEEEEQE EJLPJEJIEJlEJLQJ Groceries Well m:d:~ Wash Board. each Huldfast Mona-Traps 3 for . M h IS one of the mos! won- Y Egg as derful egg mashes ever he market It cnntams elevrn different nts, mcludmg animal. cereal, vegetable famuus milk protein It should be fed '9 access In 11 at all times. VlTAH'l‘Y North Sheridan Rond See Our Feed Advertisement on Another Page of This Paper ‘ HIGHLAND PARK ll,|l\ul~ : 0 000,0... _2 No. 3 Cans Fancy 'l‘umzuovs ‘ 40C (hvld [MM \Vnshmg l’mvdvr', :1 package 5c in bars American Fam- ily 5021p. 85C 81kt rs' Cm oanut. 2 wins [01.25c I urge can Del Monte Apric.ots can. _ ‘ 27C fi-lb. can Houses Hot Cup ‘ rooa. Sugar and Mllk 33 Lompound ........ C Hardware, House Furnishingt, Trunks, Suitcases, Etc. 9EEE§E=EE=EEEEEEFE ooooooooooonooouooocooc TELHPIHHN‘ 3:7 ‘ “R. J. TA [LORS Ffilffillfilfillfi SI. Jnhn! \u-nur Northweu Cérner Central Avonue and Fiat Sued r0 trial. we ng wuh [HTVTIHT IEIE 10c 47c The Store Far Evervbodv W. SHICIDID Large IroningTable. $4.30 value ...... Large White Enamel led Collander» ..,. Highland Park, Illinois THE HIGHLAND PARK yanks. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS Men's Linen Collars. each. Men 5 He avy F ltt‘Ced Drawers each. ........... Men s Héav'y Fleeced Shirts each ....... Blue or Stribed Overalls. a pair. .................. Caps, fur inband. $2.25 value. . ................. 0000000: ‘l lix: Wnlmtt will return to High. land Park on Friday or Saturday of [hls Wt'Ok and will conduct thel ser- \lrvs m Trinity (‘hurch on Sunday. February 13th. This will be Quinâ€" qlmun-snna. at the Sunday m-xi he- The Holy l'nmmuniun will lmiceloâ€" lratmi :1’ Tim uml m~rnir1g prayer, 31122;? and sermon at ll H'vlnvk. The Lenten services will be as in recent years. ()n Ash Wednesday the llul)‘ (‘ummunion will be celebrated at 7:31). matins and pvnih-ntial sur- \‘it'v at 9:30. (Thildren's service at 3 n'vlm-k nml vvoninu prayer ‘at H Thu xm-mlwrx hf lhv conzrcg‘athm :rw- pm‘tivlflnrl)‘ Hum-stud to come n Hu- ll n'vlm'k St‘l‘Vin‘ (m Sljnday 11>Il'71illfl' at whivh time announcémont " Lvnte-n plum will he made. Thq-re- will Pw an all day sewing xw-«Img Hf {he Trinity Church [magma nn Mnndny. Feb. 16, Lunch Mn will he wrw-J. A large attend» rnlh mun-snua. nr re \Vcdm-sda)‘ The Holy {‘m $2.98 T? They needn't complain of scarcity I‘m-E In Rush“, with such} vast :11‘! tits (f ’mbhv‘vik mnnvb’ tn hp trurhv!‘ >hol‘tnz'v \vnn't rrzmso h alarm w the mllvgos as long 35 ram 114-! baseball and fobthall .1; #52525“: a .2. 1:5,:ifi ESLE . $3.2“ 7. .3. 1: 1.1 79c Men’s Department TRINITY CHURCH v rwtrivtiwns 1111- removal on -ah-.~ by drug-fights while the in- @[EJIEHEHEIEEJILEHE dvsl rod Dry Goods, Men’s Furnishings, Etc. Dres~thle1 Remnants some lengt s to 0 . yds.. per yard._ .19029€ ‘ Dress’Ginghams. Maw 39 5 tifulPlaids,abargainl.yd. C $12.50 Metal Bound Steamer Trunk. . All Cotton Felt Cot Pad good value” DIIDIIDHDI if? $9.95 ‘9? $5.85 Telephone 24! $1.39 $1.39 $2.19 $1.79 Ladies' Black Hose, Good Bleached Towel mg, special, yard. . V . Silkole’ncs, beautiful patterns. yard . LRdlt’S' l’lack Hose pair. 25C Ioriuna (L515, shapei . InvisibleHairhets,’ fiforzsc 15c EEEEEEEEEEEEE Lt. R. C. Lichtey preached both morning and evening last Sunday in this church to large congregations. He is rapidly regaining his health after his strenuous army life, and his many friends will rejoice with him that he is able to take up his work again in the near future. This is' a lively week with the Evangeli- cal people. The Bible study class un- der the pastor met on Monday night. Tuesday night the regular monthly meeting of the Baraca class was held at the home of (‘lyde llaefele on Homewood avenue. Wednesday night the union prayermeetings at the church followed by the monthly meeting of the Sunday school board. Thursday evening the pastor meets the board of trustees and the board of stewards at the parsonage. Fri- day evening the K. L. C. E. and their friends will hold a Valentine party at the home of Fred Botker on East Park avenue. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. will he held at the parsonage at 2:30 p. in. Friday in- stead n1" Thursday in nrdvr that (hr ladies may have an ()ppurtunity of attvndingr tho interdenominational missionary meeting held in the W0- man's Building of the Moody Institute which is an all day meeting: on Thurs- day. Next Sunday is' Anti~Saloon [lay in Lake "minty. and a representative of that organization will fill the pul~ pit of this church in the morning and present the Work of helping to make prohibition prohibit. The pastor will preach in the evening at 7:30. The Sunday schot-J in(rt\‘ promptly at 9:30. the Junior congregation at 2:31 and the K. L. F, E. at 8245‘ The pub- lie is cordially invited to attend these services. There are still sumo innocent and mnfidim: persnns of the masculine gender who think all red cheeks a‘rp Ilvm Y» th'." dimnlatiny: «flow of ,- M wmthcr, Large Fibre Sun Fibre School C each ........ 'ng $239 ..... $129 Oats 15: package 2 for 25c 39c “NW?“ this is peculiar." thought Glad” Dormhu "1 Rune traveled over this fit) (all year after year. und 1 now can at a loss as to mm to pro- ceed 1min here." Jack Dormnn and his paughter had been copingnp m the mountains for some "in now. and it was a trip that they Mi looked rurward to very much. Glam was "my twenty, but a born mount“; climber. golf and tennis play- er. [Ieflthy ‘puxdmr sports nlwuys up» peuled hq'r, and to hike mer the mounhl s was hur (hi9! hobby. T0â€" dm 5211) land Insim-tl upon goin; Mom. telling .Iipr “the: that she “w. --nd tn do some. exmnrin; lnrstlf !wInH 1hr 8mm 'fins‘ (nor, to whit-h he mum-n:- od rat ei- rPlyll‘lame. Mtg hikhg fur snnw hours a h~-::\'\ mmmfilfl fog SM m, :H. mmmfilpxidu‘, mu vmohq and @(q‘uh-Mvm'vlmm. It for “rm" to prom-ml until 17 (6. llilfijby Mfume Saw-Duper Byndlcuo.) siding Mn 1: 1m; thM‘v 1063:ng n! H ”wring"; “'11P” Hm ¢ 1. SHIP J :Nu- “mun! nut ‘ the 10M 1: "H IQ. “hut hum I More?“ ex- (‘lnimglgflu- im mm.- “up, \\ mvh «unil- M very gum-h likw :1 muwulim» Hum: 20 (:Indys. ‘i‘won, I tics-[urn A,“ is :1 mm?" und a héu‘ny humh mum he heard nmr "Hunt. shut tho fuzz \\ :x‘: Kn dense xhv “Mild 21d W1; “hm i! “as len unw- mu- gmél‘ 1min 3mm H \ignrmh' pull and for; momma me xhought she was going: (4; slide MT thn rotk. “W311; “110va \nu airwâ€" kindly stny pullifig it an hunt ‘r‘riod Gladys im- pmi ‘ly. Nu“ ~|w wish“! Wm) all her §q§ she hm! M her father or one M t : funny at the howl accompany her. 2:“ 5’ “Tfimfler uml \inrs!" enlaimwi the mnsc'g’llgil- vole» again. “le a girl‘s boot 5 pulling at " and again that hear ugh ram: nut. echoing down the 1x} a tninsidv. H that moment the cioudi'rd appeared and the sun was strugtll g to come out from behind anotilrr Hand and finally snemeded Themflhdyx Iouknd down and almost at hes: fuel was. a young man looking up at hm- in an amumi sort of a wny. whim at the time prmoked her and still h? continued staring, n umilp pin} ing (round his lips but not a word could 5219 ‘ utter. “Ply 14¢: don't stare at me In that mm Jagvou look as though you were a hungrgf'hear and wanteh to eat me." and GIaQ‘s smiled In spite 0f herself. It u f surely amusing. she thong 'gt‘f’fmi’at tlmt moment she made ' m as lhnugh about to rise. " young man jumped up al- , ml.“ and exclaimed: “OIL I ‘- don‘t Kn." In a plmding ml [ flu want to apolngize." and ngnv he smilm! phmsantly. but a qus-stlm‘iiiig look was In his Pym-t. and his otjfijéthuught was: “\Vnuld she stairâ€"33f qnly for n fmv minutes." voivo. .. and ngn “‘Wq}! 3dr. M: In MAI-ins: that 3m: have room'qréd 3m” mite .Ind that you are not I; a; to 9m IIIP up aftvr :IH I‘ll sta3 r n fpw minutes.“ 1th.88 thmu, a wound thnught ptuwntod lt- selfz “I‘m almmt Starving fur somox thing (9 ~11-v-“lhl' say 3'.uu "' "Sui. {31m an hungry. Httle girl. I could‘mlbost mt vuu H'3ht nmv," he cried Him-I3- “Vm Ewell then it‘s high time for me my"! going “him you want to Put nw "H“! I shnpl3 have to I“ It and that “if!” ttmrt- i~' to It. sn plenw dun t :It In, up 3'm‘ ~hc- «mm! our mgkup vm “ ~lw quilmi. Mafis sprpzul :1 iwaxn lumh an flu- rmk find “Nile mumhing mm} at Iho dvlit'iéus <mu!wivhvs that sh. lwrN-lf hm! profinwal, Hwy tulkfil nnd laughed lwnveén; moulht'uH. zmd soon she h-nrnwk 1mm Mm mm he, too. like hvrwlg’ xix'itwl xln- umunmhm nvery ynnr. finé Hm! he was Fwd Andomnn, a forum? \rnll-knmxn mmu-h at Mmmtâ€" ford. Rd at vary gum! frirml nf hnr fu- tho-r‘s‘. [1 womwl \Vnmm- m Ihmu hmh than they, hull Inc-\I‘r mm. hm it was duo to tho [5“; that Hwy both won away at who") during Hw fall. um! lmmwfl- an-Iy \\‘hl'll \':I(':IH4III Iimv w! in Ihv)’ hmlvle'ft Ihi» 1-in Slu- :Hw lennwd Hun he hm! JIM l-m'n vHM‘hur‘zml (rnm NH' Senjmn . “hen lhv) :un’u-d M the hnwl Mr Amie-Hint! ~ ayeâ€"s nunrl} sunk um uf his hum] whh “Hyman. ““31”. at all things. T‘s-d: whpn did you an! hack 7" “Hm diu‘hnrgo-I] :ulmut 1m: nmmhu mm. 3an than Wm! H for lhv muun- luinflf“ {find at Hm wmw linw thv) hath fihlmk h'aluli lu‘mfily, Tm] win <lnmuhx n1 :1 mmmmin hm, Romp 1"§I:H)I'v‘ :|\\:1) MH hv lbw-Mm! that h Fun \m‘)‘ lwl'th'nr) Hm? he should hay M ”W ~nnu- hon-l nx Hu- Imrqéuf! and hw-dhws 1.. s“) 11...! (“ML 5mm]. hv- «II-\wlupml :1 Hum: frivnv‘lé')». whivh lzner ripvnvd inh- Im'e. ; 2;.- A! tugset um- Manning 4mm) berm-n It “a. i n9 to rmnrn m the IIH thv wore ‘51 in: on the wrnndu nf Hm hon-l Vanni Ruddnnh Tm! (Am-11mm"! “(1”!st It“ 9: atrun v how we 1mm do» vided t6 stun 0f! Mono on that “on derfu! 'umvr- tn bikhrrmmen (11” Mom- 131.1Ikg5mINr-lf n: n rule “on! “’1le with (bum or mum." “We"; Tad." ~ln- “nun-rm! dvmun. ’H'R’jmfl this: \\':1}‘2 I \ras‘ lum-umu- r; longing} {OFâ€"0h. for MR nf HM: antlw’flé ",l wt. was lunownw ii 11- unwi- hpnrfi V d “e hulh h--: M thr m?! n! (he I) mainsâ€"~I “mu railing in um ume‘ ’l. and you :nmwrm! xha c-ail' «hm-gm] about Him munllw than Mm! H for lhv mm)!!- 1 at Hm muw linw thv) hath ‘14 ht‘m'tély, ‘ :|\\:1) NH hv Ilm'iIh-d \m‘)‘ [\1*('6-~\':vr) Hm? he ( Hw ~nnu- hon-l nx Hu- :r... 7%? 2:17.; 5; 1:. 31:5, :11? «4:... :5; 12:3 52.12.; :5: 5?... 5.3.5:. : 427;. ($371; the lme Mr. lll'k um uf his ‘\\’»H. NY :1” on an! Mil-k 7" ‘ t m‘u munllw (or ”iv mnulr- 'inw thv) hath» mmmmin hm. H hv liw'ilh-d «an Hm? ha' ' howl n~ HH' , '1' ~11) liml‘ mi :1 Hum: ripvm-d inh- dmrtly lwfnrl‘ the wily. th)‘ rnndu nf Hm ‘ ml exc-lnimm! : i ..... ,. L..nl. ‘ is not a series of “War Pictures' This last summer Burton Ho!mes spent many weeks in a motor-car, :traversing France, Belgium, Alsm'e» Lorraine Rhine and and the Moselle borders rivers. of the taking _pictures with which in illustrate the series of Travelogues which ‘he pru- poses to give soon, in this city. This but 'is just a little journey by proxy. bringing to the people 0! this City. vivid impressions of what the Eurupe ‘0! today looks like; not only hattlw fields, and scenes of devastation, but the sights and scenes in the prin :ipal tourist centres of pre-war days. us whey are today, showing the ,r-hanmw wrought,” if auxâ€"during the four years. last l.\'. 1'" first dnpta- d the Gocpd of link. TheGleeclub gidaledbyhflubo‘. McDonnld, sang several son“ d Miss Dunnifig gnve a piano solo. The following leaders will Hi charge of the next meetings. Feb. 15, 5 p. m., Olive Reynold; Lincoln’s birthday will be cheer-1d Feb. 22 and Miss Orva Stine vi lead. “What we may learn from the life of Washington" yvill be one of “It features of the meeting. A series of eight lawns on the life of Jesus, as told in the good news at Mark. have been started. The second lesson will be given next Sundny, and the lesmns will cx-ntinuo after Eastâ€" February 29 Mrs. Stewart Rod Brown will have charge of the med- mg. We are tnxious to have all girls who are interested in attending thm meetings come and bring their friends. We'especially invite the girk who are away from home. SeIf-Supportjng Clubs An erroneous idea has arisen, that the money for the club parties and entertainments is taken from the Y. W. C; A. funds. Each club is entirdy self-supporting. and finance: :1] its social affairs. Even the youngd girls, those from 9 to 12 year: of use. have their club treasuries, with which they pay for their supplies and par- March 7. Miss Emma Home will wad. Ready for Service (A number of Girls Reserves, bet); Are you looking for girls to uh care of your children after school, m- nings or Saturdays, or for someone to wait on table It dinners? A number of the Girl Reserves have expressed their desire to earn money for camp- ing in these weys. If you are in need of the help which girls from the eg- of 12 to 16 years can give, call flit New Volunteer Leader We are very glad indeed to secure the help of Mrs. V. C. Mutter, who will have abuse of a corps of Girl Reserves of the 7th and 8th gratin. who will meet each Wednesday After- noon m. 4. The Tuesday cmup h become so large, that it. is noun-:1 to divide it and have twenty girls come to the room on Wednesday. Girls’ Party Friday Twenty of the Friendship club girl: gave a very successful girla’ party fit the rooms last Friday evening. Pro- gressive “cootie.” a game somewhat similar to “buncoe,” was the pr!» gram of the evening. Joke prizes were given to Miss Swihart and Miss Rm- enbloom, as winners of the gume. Ro- freshments were served, and the Kirk sang their club songs It the close of the evening. Bond of Directors The following officers and members of the Board of Direuurs for the enâ€" suing year are as followu: President. Mrs. W A. Alexander First, Vice- President. Mrs. John Putnam. ' Second Virv-l’imidrm. Miss May Mcrrywealher. Secretary. Miss Adele Everett Treasurer, Mrs. Fred Claw Members of the Board are: Mrs. George Campbell, Mrs. C. C. Bullock. Mrs. Emma Folsom, Mrs. Stewart R. Brown, Mrs. W. E. Brand, Mrs. P. B. Knight. Mrs. George Merâ€" ryweather. Mrs. Fred Noemnberg, Mrs. O. L. Olesen, Mrs. H. 8. Robert; Mrs. L. R. Rigdun. Mrs. John Putâ€" nam. Miss Helen Whitney. Miss Emma Holke, and Mrs. George Bard. Bl'RTON HOLMES COMING SOON Mr. Holmes will uniy yiw 1w» courses this season in (‘hiraam thew will be In (we succpssiw Friday Fmâ€" nings and Saturday aflomm-ns .'.t Orchestra Hall. beginning respm'hu- ly February 19th and 20m. Mr. Holmes has arranged {his .swrr fies as follows: “Belgium." “The Ha: tle~fields of Franco." “Alsace Luv mine," “Allies on the Rhine." and “Varfished Russia."

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