“I“! 0" “Elï¬n" CSP'WI am act nun hxpuyeu in lee County will be and upon within a in! day: to puy mu in the sum of $2,371,734.69, u- m to ï¬gures compiled by County Gert In A. Hendee, whose omce ha just completed the work of ex- museums. The county valuation, including the vdneaflxedbythebotrdofnview, W with it. nilroodl, for the year 1919, m 848.552.2711?» state ruined the 11nd: vnlue 2 per cent. linking a total valuation of $43, 764,- 100. which is for the state tax only. The following table will show the items that go to make up the $2,371 â€" 734.69. the total amount of tax to be paid in the county: ‘ State tax . . .. ...... 8 175,057.00 County tax . ..... 396,754.65 Town tax ..., . . .. 31,314.51 School tax ............ 922,265.85 Road and bridge . . . . 289,737.65 N. Q. S. Dist. 78,136.57 x 0.00006 Total ., ,,....,fl,371.734.69 The ï¬guhs just compiled by the county clerk's oflice show there were 380,572 extensions this year. Mr. Bender's oï¬ice is allowed a 2 per cent fee for each extension item. The fees will total $7,611.44. There have been several delays this year so that County Treasurer Roy Bmher will not begin the work or! collecting the taxes before the ï¬rst of Mitch at the earliest. It will avail nothing to attempt to pay axes now because the books are not ready and the ux receipts have not been com< pfled. .00....OOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOIOO O o : P‘m H. P. 315 f Plat. tax Pa rk D'NTBT Sheridu: Budding. WM “lino"- Thin to “my “in 10:0!“ “I “ Harry Michell lï¬â€˜lBEJwbt-I Blvd. lotto-I M I W“ Av. 360. 87 0 880 SuitsMadc to Order foronb Eva, Ear, Nos. Throat DR. F. O. CARTER $60, $70 and $80 Suits Made to Order EXTRA PANTS FREE! HAN‘" "ITCHELL lug“ ...‘o. u. woolen to "be! in. Re With Every Suit; 0. C. 901nm LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT u n, . mm In a n' Cal-I- lane: in Pet Dun DR. A., L. LEE Melody Woob P. 0. Box 814 ’. Thestate v Dog stories are aways enjoyed, 2 P" cent. and as it is sometimes puzzling to of $43,764,- I : 175,057.00 1 396,754.65 31,314.51 g 922,25.85 y 289,737.65 ‘ 78,136.57 . 47,055.15 3,560.00 340.00 32371.73459 .iled by the} ' there Were' year. Mr. a 2 per cent item. The l delays this easurer Roy the work or! e the ï¬rst of (know just where to ï¬nd stories about te tax only: ,1] show the: the $2,371,â€" of tax to be; dogs. they have been gathered to- gether and placed on the exhibition shelves by the windows in the chil- dren's room for anyone to take who may be interested. Pictures of dogs are hung across the ï¬replace in the main room of the library. which give various types of dam; in curiOUs con‘ trast. You will like to see them. A catalog of the pictures taken with the A. E. F. by the oï¬icial pho- tographers of the l'. S. Signal corps, his just been received, and may be consultmlpby everyone in the com- munity. The pictures are listed by order number with a full description. names of people, etc. They are realâ€" ly beautiful prints. and may be order. ed for fifteen cents each. There are in the catalog indeces of places, sub- ;jects, regiments and people. to make the catalog more usable. If you have been ovey’ seas, or haw.- had anyone for whol‘n you care, over there, you will ï¬n this ï¬rst (and temporary) catalog orth inspection. Authorities on advertising: urge ad ‘writvrs tn tell the exact truth and gnot exaggerate. That counsel does inot need to be given to the merchants of the north shore who have created a wputatiun for truth telling. The government is now regulating the packers. another luxury {or the people to pay (or. , Miss Gladys Dent,, who joined the r‘ï¬brary staff in January has been ill with influenza this month. It has left her unable to return to work. so she has withdrawn permanently. Her ab- sence will be greatly regretted. Mrs. ‘Carl Leo who acted as Story Hour lady from November to January writes that she is. permanently lo- cated at Albany, Ga. Miss Irene Stev‘ ens has been helping in the library Saturday morningsrwhile Miss Rid- lon has conducted the story hours the past month. She took a brief appren- tice course at the library last win- ter. and has also been doing volun- teer work in the High School library this winter. Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Cit Coun- cil of the City of Highh Park. County of Lake, and State of Illinois. having ordered that Kincaid Street from 1 line twelve (12) feet north of end persllel with the south line ex- tended west of lot one-hundred four- teen (114) in South Highland Addi- tion. south to its intersection with a line seven (7) feet southwesterly from end perellel with the easterly line of St. Johns Avenue, extended across Kincaid Street; Woodland Ave- nue, from 1 line seven (7) feet weSt- erly from and parallel with the east- erly line of St. Johns Avenue to the out line of Gravel-11d Avenue; Oak- lsnd Avenue from n line seven (7) feet westerly from and penllel with the essterly line of St. Johns Ave- nue to the out line a! Grovelsnd Ave~ nue; Ashlsnd Place from Oekland A_venue to {line seven 57) feet sguth Avenue; 1nd Brim-wood Phce from Kincuid Street to its utterly vermi- nm; including the intenoczions of the many- Mn, be improved But who: you SAVE. The Hithhnd Park Public Libra- ry will loan you books on THRIFT. Books on how to mnke household Inbor-saving devices, conservation of health, business diciency meth- ods. Accounts, money 1nd banking, And the economy and methods of poul- try and vegetable raising. Come to the Public Library to get your books. It it not true that. no one is inter- ested in the investigations of gov- ernment extravagance, as those look- ing for easy marks ï¬nd many useful tips. A Canadian Woodsman got lost in New York City the other day. IL never occurred to him to climb some 55 story building and try to locate the sun. The framers of the United States constitution would have saved a lot of trouble and argument. had they in- serted tan/article establishing the na- tional flower. But if an ad writer says that a certain lot formerly priced at $40, is now marked down to $30, or that I standard line usutlly selling at 840 has been bought at a sacriï¬ce so it can be sold for 330. here is a deï¬nite atltement of fact that carries convic- tion to everyone. Anyone would know that no advertiser on the north shore would dare make such a stntement, if it were not strictly true. Of course a statement nf fact is al- ways more convincing. If the ad writ- er 06ers "Suits for $30.00. worth $40.00." manypeople will accept his statement in view of the record of his store. Still there will always be some suspicious people, who would claim that any seller of goods is in- clined to exaggerate their value. HOW TO WRITE ADVERTISING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE No. 248 It’s not what you ‘ V. C. MUSSER i Ofï¬cer appointed to make said Assess- : ment. by grading, draining, constructing catch basins. inlet basins, culverts .retaining walls, autlet sewers and iheadwalls, seeding arkways. and paving with a rein orced concrete roadway paVement of an average thickness of seven and one-half (7%) inches, having integral curb edges ‘and having a total width of nineteen H19) feet, including curb edges, ex- icept in Briarwood Place where said pavement shall be seventeen (17) )feet. including necessary labor and materials. engineering and su rvi- sion during the construction 0 ‘said . improvement, all in the City of High- land Park. County of Lake and State ' of Illinois. and providing for the mak- ling of such improvement by special ‘assessment and the issue of special assessment bonds; the ordinance for the same being on ï¬le in the ofï¬ce or V the City Clerk of said city and having Sapplied to the County Court of Lake 3 County for an assessment of the costs ‘of said improvement according to be- i neï¬ts, and an assessment thereof hav~ Sing been made and returned to said ;court. the ï¬nal hearing thereon will be ’had on the 13th day of March, A. D. ‘1920, or as soon thereafter as the ‘business of the court will _permit._ SPECIAL ASSESMENT NOTICE N0. 149 ‘ Notice is herebygiven to all per- sons interested that the City Coun- cil of the City of Highland Park, County of Lake and State of Illinois, having ordered that St. John: Ave- ï¬Ã©i'e'a at Highland Park, 111., Feb. 26. A. D. 1920. 52-1 ""é§ia"}s§es's"rï¬ezit'is' payahle in Ten (10) installments, with interest at the rate of ï¬ve (5) per centum per annum on all installments from and after date of issue of ï¬rst voucher. All persons desiring may ï¬le objec- tions in said court before said day and may apdpear on the hearing and make their efenge._ Adding Bookkeeping Calculating The Burroughs Calculator , The A B ‘C Of Business ‘ nus-nu Dated at Highland Purk, 111., Feb. 26, A. D. 1920. . V 52-1 nue from the west line of Kincaia Street to the center line of Lambert Tree Avenue, including the roadways of intersecting streets, to a line seven (7) feet westerly from and parallel with the easterly line of said St. Johns Avenue, be graded, drained, rovided with catch basin, outlet sew- ,rs, paved, with a reinforced two (2) course cement concrete roadway pave- ment average eight and oneofourth (81,4) inches thick ,and twenty six (26) feet in width including in ral curb edges, having an average dth of six and oneâ€"half (6%) inches and a height of ï¬ve (5) inches, the para- ways thereof seeded, a sod edge laid along curb line of parkways, includ- ing necessary labor and ma- terials engineering and supervi- sion. during the construction ,of said improvement and othersfise improve, all in the City of High- land Park, County of Lake and State of Illinois, and providing for the mak- ing of such improvement by special hssessment and the issue of special assessment bonds; the ordinance for the same being on file in the oflice of the City Clerk of said city and hav- map lied to the County Court of ' e ount' for an assessment of the costs 0 said imprOVement, acâ€" cording to beneï¬ts, and an assess- ment thereof having been made and retu ed to said court, the ï¬nal hear- ing t ereon will be had on the 13th day of March, A. D. 1920, or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit. Said assessment is payable in ten (10) installments, with interest at the rate of ï¬ve (5) per centum per annum on all installmenta-from and after date of issue of ï¬rst voucher. All persons desiring may ï¬le objec- tions in said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. V. C. MUSSER, Ofï¬cer appointed *to nuke aid AM ment. There must be calculating before ï¬gures are ready for the bookkeeper to enter-â€" the sum of two or more numbers must be found; discount mupt be ï¬gured and deducted; multiplications or subtractions must he worked out, *and if percentages are recluired, there is division also; All of these pr‘ocesseé may be necessary mere- 1y to getan answer, a result, which is the only thing to be written down on the ledger page or invoice or report or. cost sheet or eï¬timate. That is the work of the Burroughs Cal- culator. It multiplies, divides, adds and A DDING ï¬gures toga totals is the all-day every-dgy occu- pation of thousands of people, and an incidental daily occu- pation of practically everybody in any business. . The world’s adding has longbeenAd‘qne oi} Bui-roughs Maéhines ,A___'A.:_ _ n] A“ n J. lllv 7' VI lu L7 “nun-:8 law awn-D ‘v'vvâ€"v 77 â€"‘which print and add ï¬gures faster than the writing alone can be done with pen or pencil. And, of course, the machine does not make mistakes. / EOOKKEEPING, with Burroughs Machines is displacing , bookkeeping With pen and ink in all kinds of busmess, everywhere. ‘ ‘ A EBurroughs makes bookkeeping work practically automatic. It enters the items, clasSiï¬es them, totals debits, totals credits, subtracts and prints the balance and dates everythingâ€"all with unfailing accuracy and great speed. \ Chicago Ofï¬ce: ‘ BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE COMPANY ‘ 206 Marquetté Bldg. 140 S. Dearborn St. ALCULATING, Though, Is the Big Universal Figure-Job That Underlies All Business gnaw rm m ; 00000006000000...000000000 00.0.0.’OOOOOOOOQCOOOOOOOO : won‘t" O I =ij J. W. SHED!) 571-579 Vine Avenue Telephonee: Glencoe 70 - Highland Puk 9 Bowman Dairy Company Drink More Milk DISTRIBUTORS 0F COUNTRY BOTTLE!) MILK . ,HE Most Perfect Food that Nature ‘ has given us. BOWMAN DAIRY COMPANY’S MILK excels in Purity, Freshness and Cleanliness. subtracts, giving the correct result in practicslly the time it takes the operator to read the items to be ï¬gured. Tlut is why thousands of business housesâ€"large and small, in every line of businessâ€"Ire usingk~ Burroughs Calculators. Here are a few of the common uses of the Burroughs Calculator: Extending and checking invoicm; ï¬guring pay rolls; preparing cost ï¬gures; proving freight bills; extending inventories; ï¬g- uring selling prices; proï¬ts, etc.; check- mg deposit slips; calculating interest. 000000.00oodsooooooooooooo n altos-III .51.!!! u 0.11; GATES untrue hut m I! m 0.0.5..OOOOOOOOOOOCCOOOC. ' minuuin iunx. ILUIOII 0.0300000000000000. - 5 .0. OODOOIOIO’IIQOOOOIO 1m n' a neckties d % per 1 T lisle socks t pair ..... 50 caps red: cap .. 8 caps redv. MEN’S FUR Fliece lined union suits $3330 values .......... Fl§eced draxvser \er) spec n's neckties, every tie d % per cent from I $225 cape reduced for an 5§nngMachinu Repaired. c f and Delivered. Highland $150 heavy wool- 3m S'rmlnn 00...... O make-of watches. docks chdryfor. cued m ,50 caps reduced for this V. E. Waterhouse ‘atchmaker and Jeweler W Year: at Schneider's ' ‘ CHICK FEED 1'00 HOPPER ith every 100 panda“ our LabyChickMilkMash HIS is your oppo: our hands and a 5. Don’t fail to t his Sale be: pussicoons mtiful fancy voila, ll y-snap- cuff buttons 364 Central Avenue 4. 7113311113751!!! ’1‘! sgvtnn Bulk Bids. No. 1 Can :1 Monte Apri | BI“. “‘I‘HI“ Te†'7‘ and delivered 92.17