‘9 The Sewing Circle of the Philnthea elm of the United Evangelical church meet: this evening at the home of Miss hum Evans." The Luther League meet: this eve- ning (Thunday) in the assembly hell for the regular monthly meeting. Ev- eryone in invited to “tend. A miscelhneous shower was given Int SIturdly evening at the home of En. D. J. Reyes for Miu Emma Fa- gnn whose matinee to Mr. Bernard Whehn of Lake Fore“ will take place next month. The Burnt. clus of the United Ev- angelial church met Tuesdny evening at the home of Mr. Edward Hints in Onkwood venue. The [Adies’ Aid society of the Ev- angelial Luthuln church Tuesdu' afternoon give I pound party for Ba. and Mrs. W. F. Suhr 1t their home, ‘5 N. Green Bay md. KrI. Alice Turrifl' will entertain the Pridsy Evening club at her home on N. Second street tomorrow eve- The sewing class did not meet last week due to the Absence of Mn. Oleâ€" son. However, it will be held this week Fruity. Wednesday evening the Snelling club of Ft. Sheridan held its regular meeting It the community house. m “ hd Sunday was open house for the wounded soldiers. Gunes and songs were enjoyed and a hot supper served. My at four the Girl Reserves will luve : St. Pttrick's party Ind cub member is asked to come in cos- tame. Honday evening, March 15, st 8 o'clock there will be a meeting of the Board of Directors to elect its ofï¬- The mum! musicale of the Dsngh- an of the Amrictn Revolution will be bold thin dtemoon I: the home of In. Carleton Moseley. In. Byfleld nocompunied by Mrs. Elizabeth Heath, will (in men] “locum. Kiss From Dunn of Chiugo will YOUNG WOMAN'S LEAGUE t r -, a. pe‘ (ham 1‘. r threads and ï¬bres. You have such rugs or carpets in your home. Thorough cleansing. such as we give themâ€"at prug‘er intervalsâ€"~addS new life and greatly pro- Iunm‘ their usefulness. HERE is no article of household utililty that must stand the hard use that falls to the lot of rugs and carpets. They accumulate the soil incident to all hangings and draperies; they are the victims of the law of gravity; they fall heir to the grit that clings to footwear. large or dainty. to the feet of grown- ups or romping youngsters. Tu add insult to injury, they must be the tread- mill ut‘ the household, where this accumulated mi: and sui] grinds the life and wear out of the D. A. R. NEWS r to you the excellent quality of our Rug and rwr haw the opportunity of demonstrat- Miss Bernice Tucker of Chicago was the guest, of Miss Elizabeth Rei~ chelt Fridey. ‘ Friday Mergaret Kress had as her {guest Florence Corconn of Everett. 5 June: Waring and Ethel Kopyl ’were married at 6 p. in. Wednesday, t in the Episcopal church of Atonement; iof Edgewater by Fether Fleming in? g the presence of e few friends and rel- I atives. The bride wore a velvet dress i ‘ and there were no attendants“: , iFollowmz the ceremony the: -bride and groom and immediate femil-' » iee were entertnlned It n wedding dinner in the Blue Fountain room of the l.- Sllle hotel. Mr. and Mrs.‘ iWuing will make their home in Chi-g Mrs. Harry Olendorf 1nd as her week end guests Misses Margaret Peterson and Lois Austin of Liberty- ville. Mrs. R. E. Patti: entertnined at a fut-even luncheon for Mrs. T. H. Mc- Dowel] Wednesday. Mr. McDowell has accepted a call as» associate minister of the First Presbyterian church of Warren. Trumbull Co. Mahoning Presbytery, Ohio. A unanimous call was extend« ed to Mr. Branch of McCormick 'Sem- inary to serve as stated supply for the ensuing year. A workm’ conference of ofï¬cers of the Presbyterhn Sunday school was held in the community home Monday evening. Esther Willmnn ung and ancia Greer has scarlet fever the three Printer, Kreh, and Frederick children have chickenpox and Sarah Stryker has pneumonin. ‘ Rev. T. H. McDowell spoke on Easter Observances in the Sundny School. The Deerï¬eld P. T. A. meets on Friday sfternoon, March 12th. Miss MAI-gum Ridlon o! Highlnnd Park will bring an intending collection of books and stories. St. Pnul’s Evangelical Church There will be lenten services on Sundny evening, March 17, at 7:30. Everybody Welcome. Mrs. Ctr! [Ange entertained the Ladies’ Aid society lust Thursday af- temoon. Miss Nettie Haritt of Ingleside, wu the guest 'of Miss Margaret Plugge during Teachers’ Institute. Florence and Bettrice Carohn, Miss Catlow, Elizabeth Reichelt, Elfriedt Knuk. Mnyme McNaman, Dorothea McWilliams, Grace Marsh attended three day Tuchen' institute last A thirteen pound daughter was born to Mr. 1nd Mrs. Chas. Hngbloom Tuesday. The casi included Mesdames Selig, McDowell, Gunckel, Galloway, Hole, Siljestrom, Willman, Olendorf, Bing- ham, Misses Ethel, Reay, Dorothe Mc~ Williams. Josephine Woodman, Sadie Galloway, Marjorie and Frances Cut- ler, Elizabeth and Helen Reichelt, Dorothy Johnston, Virginia Supple, Margaret Kress, Virginia Eaaton, Ladrel and Miriam Stryker, Helen McWade, Dorothy Lidgerwood, Lois Adams, Lillian Antes, Gladys and Hazel Easton, Messrs. Floyd Gunckel, Ralph Horenberger, Morris Reichelt, Willard Benson, Adrian and Graham Supple and Fred Haggie. L The Lost “interpiect- T“ ‘m aprcciative 'aml numerous uurlienvv “The Lost Masterpiece", an unusually tine entertainment under the direction of Miss Augusta Cutler. was presented in the school assembly hall Friday evening. The program was made up of a series of living pictures were very beautiful pictures were undoubtedly beautiful all of which were very ï¬ne subjects, the characters being well placed, the costumes gorgeous and artistically designed. Miss Cutler spared no time or efforts in perfecting her pictures and carrying out her ideasi Virginia Supple entertained in hon. or of her thirteenth birthday anni- versary in the school lunch room Wednesday noon. Obituary Tuesday morning at 6 o‘clock oc~ curred the death of Thomas Dufl'y, one of Deerï¬eld’s oldest settlers. Mr. Dufl'y was born on a farm west of Deerï¬eld in November, 1845 and was married to Mary Meniman of Wan-entown in 1874. Mr. Duï¬â€˜y was taken ill about a month ago with heart trouble which together with the grief over the re‘ cent death of his son, Leo, resulted in his death. Mr. Duffy, who has lived in Deerï¬eld nearly 50 years, made many friends who will remember him as a king honest, christian man. Besidesihis widow, six children sur- vive him, Annie, Mamie, Peter, Thos., Jr.. .lames.and William Duffy, four sisters, Kate Nolan of Chicago, Mar- garet Nolan of Highland Park, Ellen Knickerbocker and Christena Dulfy nf Deerï¬eld and one brother Michael Duï¬'y. The funeral was held Thursday morning in Holy (‘i'uss church, Deerâ€" ï¬old, with a Techny priest and Father .‘iorrisy of Chicago olliciating. uuyyn. an}... - .vâ€" --'-aa-'- Mrs. Holmes furnished the music“: Several readings were given by Miss' Emily Knaak. Following the pro~f gram there was informal dancing with Mr.‘ Emmet Duffy of Highland: Park at the biano. ‘ Obituary Mr. Frank G. Peterson. forty-six years old, for the past nine years a resident of Deerï¬eld. passed away Tuesday morning following an eight months’ illness of cancerous tumor. He had been ailing since last June. Mr. Peterson was born October 23, 1874, in Williamsburg, 0. He was married to Julia Hutchinson about twenty-ï¬ve years ago. He is survived by his wife and four children, Ralph, Pearl, Edna and C. W. Peterson, a father, J. T. Peterson, and a sister, Esther Peterson, of Rockford. Fun- eral services were held at the resi- dence at two o’clock yesterday after- noon, Rev. McDowell omcinting. Bur- ial was made in Oakwoods cemetery, Wsukegan. Burial mm made in Mnnm‘y's cc motvry, Plays Enthusiastically Received 1 The Japanese and Chinese plays: prepared by the Segond and Third corps of Girl Reserves have now been: given four times before appreciative audiences. The Mothers’ club, the old ladies at the Presbyterian home! a large audience at the Vesper servicei Sunday and the Presbyterian Mission-1 ary society have enjoyed the plays. The girls entered splendidly into the spirit of the plays each time they gave them. Mrs. Musser to Lead Vespers Mrs. V. C. Musser who delighted all the girls who heard her give a Bi- ble talk about six weeks ago, will lead Vespers again next Sunday at 5 p. m. Her talk is sure to be an inspiring and helpful one. Forty-ï¬ve attended the last Vesper service. St. Patrick's Day Party The members of the Rainbow clu‘ will entertain their friends at a St. Patrick's party Saturday evening. The gymnasium will be decorated in the appropriate green color scheme and the games and refreshments will car- for inn-ger- q1 pressing one. ry out the customs or! the old Irish fes- tival. The party promises to be a very successful one. Teachem Visit Cafeteria Over a hundred of the teachers who attended the Lake County Tuchen’ Institute last Friday, had lunch at the Y. W. C. A. ceieteria. The tote! number of guests served At lunch end dinner that dey me 104. The need Y. W. C. A. NEWS qugrben iabpoominc n . John G. Schweh. Minister l The thought of realizing the objec- I the: of the Forwnrd Movement of the: 1 Church is asserting itself in the minds iof this congregation. The drive for. A elm of ï¬ve catechmem will be had): far gradation on Pdm Snu- rm dance and the receipts for the ltreuury. are pereeptihly increased. The very helpful features by the superintendent in connection with the lopening excersiaes are greatly ep- predated. i: Preparations for the Enter pro- lwem are under way. Miss Anna ‘Muench, Assisted by the teechen of the Beginners’ and Primary deput- meats, Will heve charge of working out details of the program with the ' children. ' D g UNITED EVANGELICAL g The conference will eloce next Sun- day and the pastor will leave for the annunl conference Monday evening, March 16. He is a member of the Board at Euminers and several young ministers will take their ex- aminationa' for Demon's and Elder’s orders. The conference proper will begin on Thursday, March 18, at 9 a. m. at Freeport, 111., and will be presided over by Bishop M. T. Maise of Le Mars, .13. The poster kindly asks all who have not yet paid their pledges for the Missionary society and the different offerings of the Illinois conference to do so by next Sunday so it can go into this year’s report. 3? EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN g Secretaries Chaperone Dances . For the past few months the Y. W. C. A. secretaries, Mrs. Searcy and Miss Olive Reynolds, have been chap- eroning groups of from ten to Wen- ty-ï¬ve girls at the community service dances which are given at Fort Sher- idan on Tuesday and Saturday eve- nings. These dances bring a good deal of enjoyment to the wounded boys and are very well attended. The pastor will preach morning and evening next‘ Sunday. Sunday school at 9:30, K. L. C. E. service at 6:“ p. m. A kindly invitation is extend- Ed to all who nre not regultr “tend- nnts at other churches. an increase in subscriptions for de- denomimtional publications during last week met with good success. A meeting of the local church com- mittee was called by the pestor for Wednesdey evening. The special ob- ject was 'that of prayer for the Move- ment, and further discussion of plans and methods of work. Neighborhood Interest in the work of the Bible school is steadily growing. Consider- ablé enthusiasm has been aroused by the spontaneous and friendly flnlry pf the eludes, through both the nt- groups are tion. in process of organiza- LANDSCAPE BEA UTIFIER CHARLES FIORI If . you have not done so, you should go over'now. I believe you will ï¬nd some of the beautiful gardens left, not destroyed during the war. You would get an idea of -the beautiful sur- roundings it is possible to have right here on your own grounds. You say the climate is different. That is true; but we have a great variety of trees, shFubs, evergreens, roses and other flow- ers which grow very well here. Even with‘the limited vanety we have 1n this country you can make your home not only beauti- ful, but wonderful, in Italian styles. ‘ Won’t you think it over? If you would like to beautify your grounds, call up Highland Park 523 now, and I will prepare a plan during the Winter. ThN'ork can then be done early next Spring. Bear in mind that a job of this kind well done never needs to be done again. You save money by having it done right. I am prepared to draw plans for your garden and grounds after the Italian style, and will be glad to talk over such plans with the owners of North Shore property. I handle the work either on a time basis or by contract. No job is too small to have my attention; still I am prepared to handle contracts running into thousands of dollars. TELEPHONE 523 iNOlS Pkg-0341' Canal Avouon-JMM from) .m.nam â€mun wnmwnn E2917 J. I AN.Via-Ptu.8ld 582%? Ms: ’C. H. JORDAN 00.. Funeral Directors 4, Chapel at each Euqblishment . Complete Line of Funénl Fumhhina Olfbovh m M ,2 Hun-M «o gunmuvoum nmnym.Mr To get you to give .VITALITY EGG MASH I there trial. we give with each 1001!». a coupon. When you have {out coupons. present them to the dealer frbm when ygmbought the feed and get one of then ï¬ne roomy. gunnery, mice and rat-proof galvuized hoppers. Each hopper holds enough for the ordinary pen one week; Thisoï¬â€˜er is for a limited time only. ' We know you will be well pleased with the mesh. ooordet some at once and let thehene prove our claim that you will getmoreeggsthantromanythingyoueveried. Muqfunmd by MAUI! BRO mans Chicago. Illinois. U. 3. A. 1": Hu- 4 1m ' is one of the most won- Vital†Egg “as derful egg mashes ever put on the mhrket. It contains eleven diflerent ingredients) including animal, cereal, vegetable and the fatious milk protein. \It should be fed in a hopper so the fowls can have access to it at all times. VITALITY SCRATCH should be fed in the litter to induce exercise. THIS FINE HOPPER FREE H Wu mun... W 571-579 Vine Avenï¬e Telephones: Glencoe 70. - . Hi Bowman Dairy Company Drink More Milk DISTRIBUTORS 0F COUNTRY BOTTLE!) MILK Have Yqu Traveled in Italy? I HE Most Perfect Food that Nature has given us. BOWMAN DAIRY COMPANY’S MILK excels 1n Purity, Freshness and Cleanliness. Pal. and TI... “was!†“I4 wnmr mm. L! ‘11.. a... -â€"A AW HIGHWOOD, ILLINOIS â€SALE .7 That Will Make More Eggs Than' Anything You Ever Fed An Egg Mash Highland Puk9 00...... O... fllmLAND NIX. llhlmj O O ount'oooo-ooooooopoooooo 1 0!. g A. n.1- Dr. an n. DENTISYPS -_ p..- ______ Sung 4. 'Hil‘hltbfl Purl Tm" a avian Bank 814:. is made by a ne: Phone Highland P1 Public A limited mun‘ shares of this on defened pay! Com of North many of om women in all or so old and grees of pro: 3 portion of 1 of your fri sharing in There are F ede of the Pub? Mam: Pi‘iBSl H0us Farm Store Bank‘ Doct< Lawy Judge