13 S. St. Johns Ave PAGE IIGHT WL‘ haw g-x’cry'thmg men :md "young men" wear. from font :0 hcad. inside and out. Quality the best‘ styles up to the last tick of the clock. We made the “inside price" when we ï¬rst mark our goods. For SA]. at your MCI. ' â€ado in fivo grades Conuded to be the Finest Pencil mad. for [turd use. va‘jzyï¬Ã©ï¬zgf IrL/ Washing Machines FEDERAL Electric Sold Monthly Pagments Part of the cost with order. Balance spread over 15 months. A few cents will pay for the electricity used in running the machine while doing the week’s washing for a family of six. af gaff/m Pricef Public Service Co. EAGLEWPENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK .mm “:21 tukv plun‘ .\: z in: 'I‘lw rinunriul 5'. :u \\ :H hp yuan-MN] [Marv [HH' k'lt'a Kim!) III. \x, .\. Wear our good. “Nifty" clothes. To dispose of the most hideous, back- breaking, nerve-destroying drudgery is their job. They go far to solve the difï¬culty created by scarcity of laun- dresses. Some folks think washing machines lead the van. None dispute they march in the front rank of Electrical Appli- ances. the W3 [hr ‘ HM S. FELL of Northern Illinois hooks" of our shoes when you see tho PRICE when you pnce them; they FEEL and LAST when you R: [Mu Leng‘b. 7 inchcu Tel. PENCIL No.174 Highland, Park, Ill THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESSJHIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS g EBENEZEB EVANGELICAL § NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS‘ ‘ Bids will be received by the Coun- cil of the City of Highland Park un- ‘til Friday. A til 9, 1920. at 5:00 ‘o’clock P. M. or furnishing and lay- ‘ing 3827 feet of 12-inch water pipe 'including all necessary valves. ï¬t: tings, special castings, etc. in ac-‘ cordance with the plans and speciï¬- cations therefor. which may be ob itained at the ofï¬ce of the undersigm 'ed, in the City Hall, Highland Paik; l Illinis. l The right to reject any or all bids i is reserved »‘ By order of the Council. \U'I‘H H TO (‘()\'l‘l{.\("l‘()RS lil1l> \\;ll lie i'u'cixwl by the ('uun- vii i-t' iliv (‘i{_\' 01' Highland Park un» lll l’riiiu)‘. April 9. 19130. at 5:00 Ii‘('l-=\‘l( l’. M. fur furnishing one 11:? ll. l'. niui'c 01' less water Lulu: lmilA yr. urn-«(ml on our foundation) lu‘n-kml in. including grates, trim- mings. ï¬ttings, pipe cunnections. “Nils. all cumplete and ready for op- ('l'iltlnn in accordance with speciï¬ca- [ions therefor. which may be obtainâ€" ed at the ofï¬ce of the undersigned in the (‘in Hall, Highland Park, Illi- nuts. The right t0 reject any or a is reserved. By order of the Council. E. A. WARREN. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will be received by the Coun« cil of the City of Highland Park un- til Friday, April 9, 1920. at 5:00 o'clock P. M. for the erection of a brick chimney, 150 feet high, ï¬ve feet inside diameter at top includ~ ing foundation, in accordance with the speciï¬cations therefor. which ma be obtained at the office of the un ersigned in the City Hall, High land Park, Illinois. t I The right to reject any or all bid: is reserved. By order of_ the Council. Bids will be received by the Coulis: oil of the City of Highland Park un- til Friday, April 9. 1920, at 5:00 o'clock P. M. for furnishing and. lay« ing 3457 feet of 8-inch water pipe in-' cludinz all necessary valves. ï¬ttings, special vastings, eta, in avcordance with .the plans and speciï¬cations therefur. \vhirh may be obtained at the ofï¬ce uf the underï¬ignvd in the (‘ity Hall. Highland Park. Illinois. ' The right to rejevt any ur all bids is reserved. By order of the Council. NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT ASSESSMENT N0. 248 (‘ouncil of the City of Highland Park NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bids will be received for the improveo ment of the roadways of Oakland Avenue. Ashland Place, Briarwood Place, Woodland Avenue and portions of Kincaid Street. by paving with a reinforeed concrete pavement, all in the City of Highland‘l’ark. Countï¬ 11f Lake and State of Illinuis. as a whole in accordance with the ordio nanee then-fur. Said bids will be rewived h\ the (uumil at its ofï¬ce in the (ity Hall. Highland Park Illinois. until 5:00 0'11an P. M.. on the ninth day of; A p1il. 1920 at which time and plate they “ill be publitly opened and read The spedï¬cationx and blank pro- pmals “ill be fuinished at the ofï¬ce 1p1f the (it) (lerk in the (ity Hall of 0f the (‘ity (‘lerk in the (‘ity Hall of said “ity. Tmx (‘anl‘flk‘tfll‘ win ’he paid in bonds. whirh bonds will draw inter- x-st at the ram- nf ï¬ve (5) per cent per annum‘ All proposals" or bids must be ac: All proposals" or bids must be ac: rampaniwl by a certiï¬ed check pay~ nhlv [n the President of the Council 11‘ :hc (‘in of Highland Park for thq mm of nu! loss than ten 110] per Wm nf the “Hurt-£310 of the prof Thy (‘uunvil rcsmvm flw I‘iL'hI no rain! ;\-1‘_\' M‘ a†hula if they «hwm ‘ :: m-U. t'wr thv public good. Hunk [.. ('hcncy. (‘ rmmi»in:1ut Edward G. Huhcr. (‘ummksiunflt‘ Arthur (2. Brown, (fummissinnar ('«um‘il Hr m -(‘iLy â€f Highland Park I'hv m NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS "Il w Ihvi!‘ L’UHH‘II pic what In any pl! iii-<31 must be deliu-iml [0' mum: of the (mimil in upoï¬ u!" said (‘ouncil at the timq’ m- ï¬xed herein {oi the open‘ the same. i‘vpnsal 01‘ bid will be \‘UHSithl‘y ~.-.< :irwmpnnied by vhw-k hn-rcv E. A, WARREN E. A. WARREN. LIH‘ E. A. WARREN, City Clerk lm-vtim: IIHH City Clerk City Clerk (‘ity (‘lcrk I'll)‘ p!‘ Iih' l‘UHLfl‘U‘ c-x't Mwnduy puns of the m’ uppl'uwfl. «rnlt‘vIN “"1†or all bids .wli For the Business Man Service to Chicago For the Shopper For the Theatre and Dinner Party Trains leave Highland Park CHICAGO NORTH SHORE MILWAUKEE R. R. 8 p. m. ' 8: 14 p. m. 38 p. m. ' 8: 44 p. m. Then ex eiy half hour until 12: 38 a. m , Last t1 am at 1: 38 a. m Excellent dining car 561 woe is provided on trains leaving Highland Paik at 9: 38 a. m, 1:38 p. m., and6:3.8p m. i: 7. Canvenient Schedule “8%8ww8ww An55mnmm0.7nl. For further information apply to the Every half-hear hour thereafter until 1 l ). ) ) ééaéé Then every thirty minutes until {lighland Park Ticket Ofï¬ce Phone Highland Park 1361 [Emmi smug] AND Arrive Chicago mmmm LD..D..D.. 44 4 4.]. Td$holge 197 If iguhau talent. we guarunee Musk! Comedy and Dancmg. Ml lricalï¬ookiag Departman ‘ If? ,, â€6qu . __- -_.. ~-_A_ pï¬OTooPLAY norm: SaturdayT ;3 I F or EHARDER H. . Fathers and n to get the trainii of National Hem expenseâ€"no duo: NY boy 'in ti has a .22 cam can try for a Wm Corps Marksman We invite you us to equip him Rifle and arming this valuable traij ‘ID-I-II-ncunu- -n-uu-n-pcnunoo 111: â€ll“ Address Please . send available info: R. M. OWEN J Depu 29 Name Install this