a...» J 1.18% Ink: beruks} {very PAGE TWO Miss (‘atharine Grant t-ntertained a nhmber of friends at a‘kitchen shower for Miss Faith Haefele, who is tn he married in (be early spring. Miss Salome Gutzler was given a delightful surprise on Tuesday af- ternoon by several of her friendx Campbell Chapter. 0. E. S, enter- tained in honor of their eighth anni- versary last evening in Masonic hall. Dancing and cards wgre the features of the evening. Miss Faith Haefele was given a. linen showy last Friday evening by the members of the Philathea class of the L'mted Evangelical church. Dr. and Mn. Grover U Grady an- nounce the marriage at their sister, Elizabeth Nauzebauer to Mr. Louis R. Hutchinson nn Monday. March twenty-ninth. The teachere of the primary dc» pannien: of the United Evangeliva} church will entertain the little vhilâ€" uren at an Easter party {in the (hUY‘I'h narlur‘ Saturday aftern-nrn “'1‘ I‘ under H. horn [ht-M mwnm nvreufu r. Un Eastvr Sunday I!» Baum-s: (hrls' club Will kwp opt-P. house fur the wounded Huldiers fmm ch“ fur-L Th'lh‘nm r (‘nmmunn Saturday A w. Eax'tm' [2' same Kmd person sxmum Lunu mm ,W- ._,_ arnuml Spring housécleaning time, wash and pack away all the winter blankets: clean the motor rugs that show grease sputs after the winter's use: take out the summer illmnlt'l‘ curtains, (in them up as you would, beautifully ï¬nished: and wash up your feather plllOWS to a wonder- t'u: Lew ilut’rinessâ€"wnuldn't you be grateful? (Hr mndern laundry methods are at your service to relmu- \wu wt' these and nther details of spring house- uiem:1z:h Bundle up yuur curtains. pillows. rugs and L wither heavier pieces Huday and send them to us. YUI \(i “()\IEN'S IJ'IAHlF ()F HIHHWOOI) How About Those Heavy Rag and Woolen Rugs? Are yuu going In struggle with the washing of those heavy rag and wmleii rug>~ this spring? We can launder them fur ynu. Save yuiii‘.~elf. and send them to us. ()ur modern washing methods are ideal for your eider- dmxn qunlts which you will naturally want cleaned he- fnre wiring. Here is another hit of heavy Work that \m; will rind it ecmmmical to have us do for you. The Reliable Laundry Feather pillowx washed by our specialized methods are soft and downy after their bath in rich suds and dry- ing in clean, warm air currents. Put new life in your old pillows by having us wash them our laundry way. You can send your motor rugs to us also. to be washed free of the past season's grime and grease. We have special equipment for handling these extra weighty things. I! O‘\‘ Have Your Blankets Washed Before Storing Eight Helps for House- cleaning Tune mpa ." wurxe. ynu will want {0 have your blankets wash- 'lr,y mt Eat 11> do; this laborious work for you? Our »!‘ lmmdering them saves the nap. and keeps them mi ï¬ezcy. TM Eiderdown Quilts Laundered Expe‘rtly Dress Up Your Car in Fresh Covers Feather Pillows Made Light and Downy ace (‘urtains that Look Like New mh )‘Ivlll' lace curtains in fleecy >uds, and pure ~r. ler mmiern laundry methods enable us to re- 1' vurtains exactly in their original size. with and all beautifully ï¬nished. ,‘thh. m: uf thii wm-k ! Mark~ will v kmd person should come into And Those Motor Rugs? Let Us Wash Your Maps time for clean automobile covers. Before 1 on ~vour' car agam for the season. end vme nieces to us to be freshly laund ed. else gets washed at housecleaning time. that we wash heavy O'Cedar and Woolen hem up, and our driver will call. l' ':.:- :ni‘ um mm' whir'n Imp May aftu-rnnmn Mi 1h" 'niuy 1m- Imh u!!! (‘55 fur nrt. :n the valuation uf Highland Park real estate. As to these- matte-rs he- will be guided, doubtles‘s. by the opin» {Uh Hf his own adviser. Wha! I Wish to point out is this. that thuliuard of Review had ample pUWer-xu nrdt‘r the 30 per cent increase: Launderen and Dry Cleaner: \.\‘ ()I'EN‘IETTER 0.\' THE TAX SlTl’ATIUX :(‘uminuul from Page ii Ill tho murt's decision. To test the Board’s action in increasing the Vul- uatinn of Highland Park real cstatv. a separate suit must be brought nr nther appropriate ('0 action main- tained. in which. I be ieve, a very dif- ferent case will be resented from that which was befo‘ he court in the Waukegan case. Highland Park taxâ€" payers must therefore understand that the validity of the 30 per vent raise in the assessment of Highland Park real estate has not yet been attacked. litigated or determined. The point upon which the injunc- tion was granted in the Waukegan case was that the Board of Review ordered the 30 per cent raise with- out ï¬rst. giving notice to ï¬fty own- ers of property in Waukegan. The law requires that such notice he giv- en and without it the Board of Re- view has no authority to raise as« sessed valuations as returned by the local assessors. If the validity of the 30 per cent l‘zniv in the valuation of Highland Park real estate is challenged in mur! it will probably be upon the grnund that the required notice was not gin-n and the burden of proof to show such omission will be upon the [axpuyi-r who will, I believe, ï¬nd that he has n much more difficult sit- uation tn face than that which exâ€" umi in mi» Waukegan case. I am not auemptinrr in this ivttw In advise any taxpayer an In th Minnow (if success or I'm» risk ur (Mi «quences xvf faiiun- in cup hr <h~~ â€MM to litigate the validity uf [hr Bnarxl'< ai'tiun in respect to thv raisv wquwv "MM Bnarxl' :n thc your house That if the Board did not act with due formalityfit did, at least, hear the Objectimxs presented by proper. ty owners and presumably gave them due consideration; That the it!) per cent raise was not, in fact excessive. unreasonable or un- just: while on the contrary the pro- per maintenance of our schools andl the suppnrt of our local government] absolutely required that some step bei taken In HUM: the additiunal revenue; i That if sutï¬rient taxes are not col- lrctmi {or puhliu purposes this year, more taxes will have to he raised next year for the same purpose by a similar prawns. Unlike individuals. a municipal mrpumtinn cannot meet thv hiuh cmt of living: by working murr li‘llll\ It has only one way of prmlumnu' rem-nus. and that way is ahrnugh it~ pnwei‘ of taxatiun. Thy impurtzmu- tn thv l‘llm l’lace School ['1' having taxw culloctwl on [hr :in pvl‘ wn! inrreast- on thr val- uatinii (-t' Tim rualwstatv in the dis- ti‘it-t will. lic appreciated when it is Lintit'l‘\'t(]“li that the) lm> in svlinul rev. i-nuv tr» _\'(‘3.1‘ I‘m in a t'ailurn- «if such rnllv-vttnzi \x'ill approximnu- $0,000. [luv tn t'm- nwmsity Hf paying teavh- ('l‘> u l‘.lL'lliyvllt‘SL‘l‘Vt‘d int-reuse in sal- ary. and :ln- steady L’l'UWIh in the nuiiiln-z It' pupils, with ('unsuquent ‘ll‘i‘t'lt’éluwi mpvnditurw. [lit- district i> fun-u :it this tiiiw with a deficit uf ï¬'lllJHHUNl and it is estimated that :. y‘v-iii' {rum now that dotit'it will han- iiit'n-uwd to $29,000.00, even i.’ all n? thv tux's untiripatvd from i. ml 11? (hr taxes untiripatml from thv mi‘n-asml valualinn are mlloct- ml. Tht-St‘ {arts are Well-knuwn. It. is hupwl that the legislature will, at its next Ft‘SSlnn. enact laws to reme- 4l_\' thi> situation which is common in <i~hmil.~', rm! only in Illinois. but throughout the country. If, however. ltllls hoped-for relief is not realized. our schools will haw to be main- 'tsimwl at a lower standard or indivi- wlual t‘lilZOfls willhave In 20 down in their 'pm-kvts to support them. In my â€pinivn this latter plan is only to be Hum-med tu as an oxtremr measure. Primarily. the burden nf supporting schnah <h0ul¢l rest equally on all the taxpayers. It is. indeed. an alarming: situation: with which our common school sys- tgni l,‘ wnl'rnnted. not only in High, land Park. but throughout the entire wuntryi Tcm'hers loavinLr the proquun in large numbers to take up ullll'l‘ callings arduous and more romunerative. Who can blame them'.‘ As I write this letter th» nmrnim: papers announce that the garbage collectors of Chicago haw- L'om- on strike hocaum- the city ï¬lth- nritiw Will nut allow thcm a wage in t‘Xl't’SS nf $4.4†per :la)‘. This daily six day “'wk prmluuis a re less \uiuv r'll‘ u m. lili- In at '. ( pt. which. 9 \‘crwl :i \ium- (in annual basis. \wulll the annual :ilriz'v nl' thv schcml tun hers of High- lklllli l’lziik Tllh up n relatin- ti'ib li("l4l In puint ft‘l‘(‘lH‘L‘> illl Zl'\ (‘I'llll'l’ to dwell the American puliliw's sense of values, but I will not enter of discussion further than out that among: other dif- between thv garbage cul- lwtnn ut‘ ('hicam) untl the school toavhcis of Highland Park this that the latter have not gone strikv. but have it-niained luyally at their pnst uf duty. instructing our (’l‘lllil'l'n at a ï¬nam-isil to them- >ituatiun tempt.~ nnv l5 l‘mS :nilmgv mllectms are urmillingj They (ltlllallii gum a day! at: nuzil >tipend of $1 {72. Ml which l l l m; l It should not he newssary to em- phasile the fact that the welfare of Ih!‘ American people at this time de- pends largely upon the continued ef- ticirncy of the commonschool sys- tt-m. The back-bone of that system is the devoted service of schooLteach- ers who, for love of their Work. have willingly toiled during the last few years for a stipend less than ,that earned by workers in almost every Uthk‘r ï¬eld of labor where special skill is required. The challenge has now come home to each of us in a closely persohal way. Shall we pay our taxes as assessed. or shall we \t‘t‘k to escape for a time, but 'only {in a time, uur fair §hgre of the com- mon burden? It seems to me that we are so justly proud, any techni- cal point of personal advantage which We.- might gainby attacking, in court. the \‘uiidity of the increased assess‘ nwnL it is not only good citizenship, but it is good sportsmanship to yield, for the welfare of the school of which Special Pentecostal services are Ming: held in this church every night this week, uxcep‘t Saturday might. thnznating in the Easter sorvi’c‘o on pm! Sunday. The pastor is speak- ;v.;: nn “Some Messages of Jesus." (H: Munday night the message was 1: (hr laboring man; Tuesday to the initilt-t'tual man; Weanesday night to tho mural man; on Thursday night it \x'iH he‘to the sorrowful man; on Fri- riay nixrht to the sinful man; and on Sunday morning to the Christian man. The services begin promptly at eight o'clock and last one hour. Come THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS UNITED EVANGELICAL g Yours truly. JOHN \'. NORCROSS when you can and stay as 16m: as you There will be special Easter music both Sunday morning and evening. Gnod singing at the evening services. (‘un Mothers' (.‘Iub Mothers. do not miss the interest-i in: program which will be given at1 the next meeting of the Mothers' "luh on Tuesday-evening. April 6. :1! N Mi<s Harriet Lev Johnson. who is >llp0erSlll‘ for the Red ("mss in“ (he publiv health hospitals in the Central division. will give a talk on Rm! (‘ruSs work in France. and her, address is sure to lie of great inter-1 est to all mothers. Miss Dora Krue-f 3101' will give a violin solo. Refresh-1 numts will he served as usual. andg the mothers will enjoy a social time; togethur, . . No Vespers Sunday There will be no Vesper service on Easter Sunday because of the ves- per services which will be held in the churches. The meeting will be held as usual on the following Sunday, at Friendship Parties Some of the girls of the Friendship club and of the Rainbow club enter- tained their young men friends at a party last Wednesday evening. Part of the evening was spent in playing games and the remainder in dancing. Delicious refreshments were served. Fifteen more of the girls of the Friendship club will entertain their friends at a game party on Thursday evening, April 1. Games and jokes nnnronriate to the day will afford Fifteen more Friendship club friends at a Ran evening, April appropriate to amusement. Club Leader Returns To celebrate the retumiof their club leader, Mrs. C. G. Alexander. the girls of the third corps of Girl Reserves gave a party on last Wed- nesday afternoon. Mrs. Alexander told the girls of her vacation trip, and then they all played games and sang the Girl Reserve sqngs. Refresh- ments were served to mike it a "real party." Senior Dancing Classes End The last lesson of the term for the Senior dancgg classes was given last Thursday evening. The members of the ï¬rst class entertained the other girls with a “spread" of deliciousi “eats" after the claases Were over. Although the lights wme out of com-i mission and the girlis had their party; by wiexd (andle light. they had a jol-g ly time.a and most of ï¬hem made plans to he balk with the Mass next year Aids Give Party , About tWenty of the reconstruction aids and stenographers from the fort: enjoyed a “stunt" party at the Assoâ€"r ciation ruoms last Friday evening: Bach girl was dressed in costumch and each 2mm a clever “attuntf' ‘ Men who claim there is no place for sentiment in business, seldom ï¬nd any other place for it. â€WCHA NEWS “Why so sad, tonight, my dear?†“Because Springtime is fawning and most of our f riends have had flowers planted since I _ t fall, while we have nothing in our garden coming up early in the Spring. '1 am getting very anxious to see our beautiful home surrounded by trees, shrubs. ever- green, flowers, roses, vines,§g pool and fountain, a rustic tea 3house and a beautiful lawn." g ., . ~ “Well my dear, you do in t need to be sad. It is not a serious matter that we have not hit our plants started. early, or shrubs planted last fall. We can have our place made beautiful within l 4; a short time.†» LA NDS CARE 9439.13;ng S FIORI “How could it be possiiiig to have this work done within a short time†i :‘E / x “Coming out on the'5zt this evening, I heard of an honest, experienced landscape gal ener named Fiori. I believe this man is interested in his work and could solve our problem.†“Good! As he is honesl {ind experienced, why not call him on the phone and arrange t_q_h‘hve him cdme over Sunday mowing id discuss this matter wit , us?†They did. And they a satisï¬ed. WHY DON’T YOU? A dialogue between Mr. Commuter of Highland Park apd» his wife TELEPflONE 523 talog is full of valuable hmts that wxu nel p you. The .-W. Barnard 00., Sous-on . AN Pm .m- Secesnamuh: m. wuxor WHITAKER. (LADY 3.] RDAN Vice Pres. andSec ' AnitamSec'y. C.’ H. JORDAN CO.. Funeral Directors 5“ , Chapel at each Eslublishmem i Complete Line of Funeral Furnishings ' BIZ Davi- 3!!ch Eve-don M EM 449 I“ N. mgchN‘ ILVD.. ICHICAGO lm E. N Sim-1% PARK M o Mr .‘ H. E. 'Rohrer ‘: MADE TO MEASURE M U-BON E CORSETS ‘ xx?) , f7- I .“. .1 “J! ./._ Guaranteed One Yen Twog Brands, six grades: per pound, . . . it ........................... ,. . ! $18.00 per 100 pounds up. Peasi, Beans, per pound ............... 30c and 35c Lawp‘ Fertilizer,» Bone Meal. Sheep Manure, Etc. i Melbdy. Woods Nursery Co. 5 O. C. DOERRIER. Munster Box SEW Bérnard’s Seeds dieti‘SQQQQinPrizes :A_ D~_--A'- CMI‘ 251-233-235 WJMadison St. Chicago, m. w ET; Encourage More and Better Gardens did Compete at the Horticultural, Exhnbinon to be Held at Oug- Store Sept. 9. 10 Vand ll, l920. (in or iwrite for full information. Bamard's Seed Cétalog is full of valuable hints that will help you. Story of Spring 7; H IGHWOOD, ILLINOIS RIDING HABITS' - I STREET SUITS SPORT SUITS Madq to Order Now Showing the Newest Sfyhs ' L! andFashions Springand Summer ‘ Very Reasonxble Prices Grass Seed HARRY EINHORN Mu'mwot mm 1008 Gmnloaf Avuuo, Wilmette Telephone: Wilma. 1097 [Shale Highland Park 64 " MMâ€I§ up Lucas Mala writes “The Tall V la" as “311 us she wrou- "Sir Bic 8rd Cahï¬dy†and her former tdn’ti. en; will he pleased to raid anogher i tense .118 {nscinating star}; men" is éhe provoking hue of 14 nard Meiï¬ck‘s new bank I: punâ€"0| women 1:) mlrth. and ah'mN .41" one :0 L'lil’iosny. Sn xhat )n ; Jun h: to read ft, to 896 “ha: ~trange s of man he Wu.» Th? H‘ihvduftum signed by: Wilham .1 Unï¬t-Which endorsemém fur an} \‘(nxUtVie hf sh stories with a muir Lvss rnucing Lle. To gum. ,frnn: r,» ‘rxxnxjucu‘ “The ï¬eld CUVQ‘TI‘C M M; Mvrruk this pollï¬tlm; ;> n": “rah f“ I made: p i: harly Pm I<“I, Mamly is the wdrld Hf 1hr aria“. t'm p( the jouMlist. :3: {.‘W' >11†'WI the jouMlist. :3: {.‘W' >11†WI): hopes aï¬ high am: f’uhth'an- 10' when t alsoul 1s full am (Ht-'Mum‘ empty. I}; is nmther 1m Bunemia; yesterdayfs romanu w-r thy Buheï¬ of degrndatiun. but Im- Huber, rid living stfhgulmg Bum-mm uf ugh; Yet he *d'pes not be'mmz t“ the FM school wbb 5m down 1m man 2 ness of 9101‘ (umdmons ‘He II demands; women U.‘ I wonder “The Unseen ROM and 01hr! W Plays" by} Percn'al Wilde \nll drafl host of )jeaders. These-little one-l plays dire wrxnen to be rend, I many of them have hg-en put imai tion. at ï¬rst for the war beneï¬t in formun u and later bounty of m own inttlnslc value, They are vi readable._WIlde has the distinction} having Qbrc of his play: produc Little Thgatres in 1917 than gny ér Amerï¬â€˜snuThis volume was ï¬shed lnf‘mt, but the demnd ! ' has been; :0 great Lhu It has V difï¬cult tp secure copies. "Sepm‘émer" by Frank M ton who’d last book was “Noam will appul to manyvreaden to vi the'tï¬aï¬zle lme afl'lirs duly: pea}. Tlï¬a new twist which he g his plan is the contmt between {wo wage-n: one a mature won 511]) healitifully young nnd~1he 01 an undfleloped. strangely; sqphi: étod. Winning. stir]. Their in" ship, with the struggle between t1 makes 3' readable ule. EBOYs’ ï¬st»? in the World†by J‘ ; Just arrived. new El flats Shirts and Ties. prica are well helm itlay 5 standard as the: based on last mu 5 am tpunhasex and not 01 ï¬ay's markét. ‘Larg 'ifsurtmem to select :iâ€"Alw a nifty ling of S ups BOOKS FOR YOU 15 It a poet who