.. 1, fl. 3,. , 4 f. V.‘ II ‘3 .A. { ; 1 ‘4 ununnnuunu;‘ ,, ;.allaaI >_s§<m Poor <05. moan DIED; CHURCH SERVICES: Sunday 1. In. at 10:45. Sunday School Im- medlstely following; Wednesdu Evening Tehtlmonlal Service at. 8:00 Muntuned by First Church of Christ. Scientist. 0! Highland Park Coal Solvay Coke Highland Park Fuel Company Building Material 102 N. 1:! Se. HERMAN DENZEL, President Telephone 335 Telephones: Glencoe 70 Join Dabe Brothers Pressing Club. Three Suits or Overcoats sponged and pressed each month for $2.00 or ï¬ve Suits or Overcoats $3.00. Goods called for and delivered. Call 1336 by telephone and arrange for same. , Bowman Dairy Company Drink More Milk You are Cordially Invited to make use of the privileges of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 387 Central Avenue DISTRIBI’TORS 0F COUNTRY BOTTLED MILK HE Most Perfect Food that Nature h as given us. BOWMAN DAIRY COMPANY’S MILK excels in Purity, Freshness and Cleanliness. DABE BROTHERS 394 CENTRAL AVE. Hours 9a.m. to 6p. m. Every Day Except Sunday 571-579 Vine Avenue Cleaners and Dyers Highland Park 9 E 0333mm was mans E Mrs. Buoscher's mother who has been visiting her for the past six weeks. returned to her home in Chi- mgo Thursday. Mrs. Eugene Ender will entertain th Altar and Rosary society of the Hnly ('rnss ('hurch at her home Tues- day uftvrnuun. April 61h. Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam Galloway Were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, Wax-1m: nf ('hicago Thursday. V'im-vnt Dawson. and Joseph (H'unnur loft last week for Seattle, \Vushingtun. the latter's hrother, Frank (H'unnur lwins: there. Mr. H. H. Krcss is in Tucunu-ari, The Ladies Aid society of St. Paul's l‘h'enzolicul i-liurch will hold their April nicotiiu: at the home of Rev. Bouschci' Thursday, April lst. Mu Edwm ()storman had as her :uvs! Sunday, Miss Grace Bricknoll. MI: Humid Ih'irkm-H of Lake Forest and 315‘s (h-nnp of Ravmizt Hvrniu- Lmu and the Hnyd Gun- \‘kvi v'mldrvn have the L'hiUkUn pox '..\1 Tin» party HIV UV m’vnin The printer with the true rrafts- man's spirit, gives his product suâ€" peiior value to the user. If a “job"l ;has a ciean and neat typme:raphicalI gappearance it makes stationery or' announcements look business like and! efï¬cient. If also it is set up {run {handsmm and aitistk type. it seems; lto stand for something inning disâ€"i itinvtivu and sliper‘im' value. ‘ hum,“ Fl‘ldu) f It is built on the solid foundatio‘m >of a mechanical craft, with certain fpmccssvs and information and stand- :ards resulting from ages of experiâ€" ] ente. \‘un-Iuy. Aplll v1!h,\\'l“ M zul‘. Sunday which “ill lu- IMnu-il's 1.1% <l'l‘\'ln' in Iht Jun-ch. Sur The Grammar who“! Parent-Teach- m‘ association win meet Friday. the mmh. Mr. Jesse L. Smith will give an illustrated [ex-tuna an l'niled Evangelical (‘hurch Thv Sunday school classes of the I" [-1 I‘hlll'l'h \wrv entertained by Dorothy Johnston Tuesday evening. Miss Edna Fritsch and Arno Frantz an- leaders of the classes. The annual conference of the U. E. «hurt-h met at P‘xieep(»i't last week. Mr. Stl1‘l‘\\’8l(l preached his fare- wrll sermon in the U. E. church last Sunday morning. Rm: 0m Davis of Buulford will ln- the new minister and will reside in Doerï¬eld instead of Nl‘l‘fllï¬elil. Th m' Friday owning .Lhc "congregation held a fan-we“ party for Mr, Stirr- wuld at the Bh-rner home and the Woman’s Missimml'y society um"! That boy of yours will soon need some new marbles including “glass; n u ies, agates." etc. (hmd Friday afternnon at Lhrw n'x'hu'k then- will he servivm in tin Huly (raw r-hux'ch. Saturday. April ht‘lll an tlwtiun in My hall for the cal instruments as now nor so little 'l‘uvsllay. April 61h, an cluctinnuill be hl’lll in the town hall to elect. an assistant supervisor. township clerk, assossvr. nm- commissioner (if Highâ€" ways. a justivo of the peace and con- stables. ’ And in lit-sign and expression. it has all the grace and force of the ï¬ne arts. The Press has arrzinged for a series of Feature Articles on the subject of The Printing Art. These will get forth some of the basic principlesiot the printing craft. as exempliï¬ed in this shop. and will suggest why our printing has distinctive value to any- one who has any message to give the public. People who would like to understand more clearly as to what constitutes good printing, will be in- torestwl to read these articles. MUSIC My hull THE ART OF PRINTING The longer une lives with Print ers' Ink. the more he feels that print imz is a wonderful art. If still mnre, itQ is arranged wi'th printed messages makes a clearer im- prvssinn. and speaks with more conâ€" vim-in}: power. UH HH Tho rmmwu‘utiun nt' the Pl‘t'shyu'r. n rlmn-h \nH u'iu- u fare-“TH rvn-pâ€" m In Mr. and Mrs. lehwull nn 'l(l:x\ («x-um; 11‘ the mmmunily Slhh Th« {hwmlnlyn Halo i< visiting: hl'!‘ :annthm' in Detroit. Mivh. America never had so many musi “my Smuts gave a fm‘ewx-H fur Mr. and MI‘ McDowell in mmnmty hullm‘ last Thursday purx'u I) Hu>tnn returned m Dv Kalb Ir thy purpnso irm‘tnr. (-t)‘ “ill ‘h'd. ‘tht'rt‘ will in the svhmvl uswnr puorelaom ('HIHIHUH Mr. Mc- lm‘rï¬cl‘d mt‘vt un lm-t i m: Coundleof the City of Hi hind Perk NOTICE IS HEREBY IVEN that bids Will be received for the improve. ment of the roadway of St. Johns Avenue, from the West line of Kin- caid Street to the center Line of Lambert Tree Avenue, by paving with a reinforced two (2) course ce- ment concrete pavement, all in the (‘ity of Highland Park, County of Lake and State of Illinois, as a whole in accordance with the ordinance therefor. No'ncnor Marconc'rlom mum ' " ‘miod By cheek Assassmmr no. as herein mom, I. Said bids will be received by the Council at its ofï¬ce in the (‘ity HEall, Highland Park, Illinos, until 5:00 o’clock P. M! on the ninth day= of April, 1920, at which time and p ace they will belyublicly openeglangi read. The speciï¬cations ind blank to- posals will be furnished at the 0 cc of the (‘ity Clerk in the City Hall of said City. The contractor will be paid in bonds. which bonds will draw inter- est at the rate of ï¬ve (5) per cent per annum. All pr osuls or bids must hep ac- mmpanieJ) by a (eltiï¬ed che<k able to the President of the (ouncil uf the (ity nf Highland Park for the sum of not less than ten (10) per cent of the aggregah- 0f the pippgsal. Said proposal must be delivered tn the President of the (‘ouncil in open session of said (‘ouncil *at the time and place ï¬xed herein for the open ing of the same. Ell.- No proposal or bid will he ('onsid Highland Park and Trust Savings Bank Can‘t“ 850,000.00 John A. Bun-ell. President (My Addrw) Gentlemen (1) Because you know me, enter my charge :hc cost. $1.00, to me; (My Name) the copy everywhere (City) (2) Here's my dollar. Iwunt THE. COUNTRV Glmlum. Plcm send it to me 5¢ A Warning to Property Owners On Sunda) afternoon, March 28th 1920, A TORNADO passed thru the City of Wilmette and other Illinojs ( ities destroying Homes and Busi- ness Property valued at several millions of dollars A “He di'saster may i’isit Highland Park, 111., at any time. Be prO- tected and prepared. Your Fire Insurance Policy DOES N03: pr_otect you against loss. by. TORNADO. WINDS. ORM OR CYCLONE. The Insurance rates on this line of Insurance are ow, being about one half of the Fire Insurance rate on same buildings. ; . Building material and labor prices have gone up. Furniture and house- hold supplies cost more. Cost df’xleplacements are from 40 per cent to 100 per cent greater than ï¬ve years ago. You may have had enough INSURANCE a few years ago. H ve you enough now? It is better to decide before a Fire or Cyclone _t_ an to regret afterwards. Insurance rates are the same now as before th' War. ‘ ‘ ‘ I represent several of the old st strongest and best all American Insurance Companies writing FIR , ’i‘ORNADO, WINDS’I‘ORM and CY- CLONE INSURANCE'. Insure NO with Telephone 79 In a recent investigation among farmers the question was asked: “What helps you most?†One- third answered: “My farm paper.†They were abie to put a dollars-and-cents value on the advice they read. THE COUN- TRY GENTLEMAN is National; broad enough to cover the United States and giveaNation- wide vieWpoint; and at the same For about four months this' bank has been ~i1'rging the farmers hereabouts to read THE COUNTRY 'GENTLEMAN. We have. done it because we believe in THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. This Great National Farm Weekly offers actual money-making helps to those farmers who read 5t regularly and follow its advice. Its subscribers haire in the main become the most prosperous farmers in their counties the Nation over. And that is why we should like to see it in every farm home in our county} We r_nean it when we say: Read INSURANCE IN 4LL IT§ BRANCHES Central Ave. 'and Sheridan Rd. Highland Park, 111 ‘Di’e COUNTRY GENTLEMAN ' heroin providedd: " ' The Council rves the right to reject any or 1! d: if they deem it best for the pa ‘1: good. Frank L. ey. Commissioner Edvard G. ï¬ber, CommissQoner bids will be reached for the improve- ment of the roadway of First Street from a line t ehty-ï¬ve (25) feet southerly from d parallel with the north line of L urel Avenue extend- ed from the what, north to a line thirteen (13) f tnortherly from and arallel with t . south line of Elm lace, extendedufrom the west, ex- cept the present paved roadway sev- enty (70) feet Wfde in Central Avenue “meet any or al Eds if they deem it The Bonn-actor will be paid in best for the pu to good. â€bands, which bonds will draw inter- Frank L. ey. Commissioner eat at the rate of ï¬ve (6) per cent Edward G. aber, Commissioner} per annum. Arthur G. vm. Commissioner 3a a or bida must be ac- (‘ouncil of the City of Highland Park! 4‘5 Q NOTICE OF LmlNG CONTRACT ‘ _ASSESS EN'I‘ N0. 243 (.eunul of the .NOTICE IS ' EBY IWEN that bids will be received for the improve- ment of the roadway of First StreeL from a line t ehty-ï¬ve (25) feet southerly from ed. from the what, north to a line thirteen (13) f arallel with t . south line of Elm lace, extendedufrom the west, ex- cept the present paved roadway aev- enty (70) feet wl'de in Central Avenue at First Street, by paving with vitri- mi in...» .m a a“ "mi. [RJn i Port. ‘ of Hi hland Park‘ . d parallel with the 1 north line of L urel Avenue extend-' t hortherly from and i . All pro 1 'companietro by a certiï¬ed check pay- able to the President of the Council 1 of the City of Highland Park for the ' sum of not less than ten (10) per cent ‘of the aggregate of the proposal. Said proposal muat be delivered to lthe President of the Council in open ‘session of said Council at the time and place ï¬xed herein for the openâ€" ing of the same. No proposal or . cred unless accompanied herein provided. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bid; if they deem it best for the public good. . Frank L. Cheney, Commissioner Edward G. Huber, Commissioner Arthur G. Brovm, Commissioner (Youncil of the City of Highland Park bid will be consid- by check at First Street, by paving with vitri- ï¬ed brick on a it inch (6~in.) Port- land voment co cnete base laid on a three 43) inch llmestone mat-admin foundation all in‘ the (‘ity of High- land Park. (Youngy of Lake and State of Illinois, as a whole in accordance with the ordina‘acg-therefor.’ , Said bids will be received 'by the (‘ouncil at its ulï¬de in the City Hall, Highland Park. Illinois. until 5:00 o'clock P. M. onJhe ninth day of April. 1920. at which time and place lhe?’ will be publicly opened and rem. ' - JAMES H. DUFFY The speviï¬vaï¬ohs and blank pro We Mean It! name foc‘ ,THB COUNTRY GINTLuuN for one (State) time it is local enough to treat of methods and practices section by section. Subscribe for a year! It will cost you $1.00 for 52 big weekly issues-and many a farmer has proï¬ted $100.00 from hints in a single issue. If you say so we’ll charge your ac- count $1.00 and see that your subscription 'begins at once. We mean it! The proï¬teer will hold his head high just so long as we rate money above character. A cloudy day will not darken a sun 113‘ heart. America is drinking more tea. Well it’s got to drink something. Tommefll Enablished ms 25c ooooiooooonooooooooooooi‘ TEIJ‘ZPBOKE 831 gm. J. SHED" DENTIST 47 m. John Are-no . ELAN!) PARK ‘Lu! 0. ooopooooonooogooo Man’s Sf Deérï¬eld Township, / Election A Tali 410 so kc. Hm ~â€". bdâ€" â€ilkâ€"'1 JUNK 10 lb Dealér in SL Highland P: TWO For (‘oflmim For Air-ii \\‘.'_h‘ gm “MK 5611‘. How. FHY‘ ‘ We hat? rut xvr> “' ward {run ARTHl'R ALBERT ‘ 11:3 8. G JAMES JOHN F} imi'flr (“ch ha‘ $91 4x1 Invlhh Bn-u'n (Tn ï¬l JOHN R( Brawn straps. vi We ht lreéses. C from $5.5 (9139111 1! M ATTR For Tou- For To' “(A Hi Hi: Hi: H