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Highland Park Press (1912), 8 Apr 1920, p. 10

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FOR BALI ._ to loo unto. locu- 04 on High Ore“ aw Pram ‘A block not": 0! Innoor Club. All In- mvomonu in. WI]! no]! u om or uncle lou. ant“ payment down. hum on time. Joe Lucian]. FOR SA LP; ~ .\ w'cwu Mum (mum all modern mlpruvcnmnta 11H {1: frontazv. 9'"! N. Green Bay xwmi. Ad- dress “V. I’rmb ”mm 7 FOR SALE â€"- Kin-hen cabinet. 81- m, pun-- of {malt-um. Trl. KID-J. FOR SALE .â€" Englixh mach dog, up. 7 mos. old. Trick dog. Enquire at gress omce. A. C. Shadduck. gateman at North Share line crossing. Deer- path aux. Lake Forest or E. G. Shad- duck. Orvharzi <1. Libertyvilie. “1., owner 4 :3 6 FOR SALE ~ .\ w'cwu Mum house FOR SALE Three burner 235 “W“ thn unr. aim. «um. banjo with- nut cu». Apply I'M .\'. Sherman rd. before Friday night. 6 pd FUR SALE â€". Upright piano and bench. 875. Mm". he snM at nnce. Tu}. 265, 6 Tel. “6.." t} FOR SA LI‘ nflroad watqfl 1475. j p9 FOR SALE , Lum'rwr. 10.004) to 12.000 {2. n! whit-g pint‘. 2ft.x6ft. with Z‘VR' and flrmrin; Rrainnahln prkc. 136 N. Fm: 3!. Tel‘ SIX-R. Gpd yummgmmonsm. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US COALE SON PAGE TEN COALE SON Di Home N OW @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ma@@@@@@@@ @EEEEJE] FIREleSURANCE Bowman Dairy Company’s FRESH COUNTRY 30 TTLED MILK Buy a 18 Seat Fin: Sena just Milk 0r Fresh Country Bottled Milk FOR SALE M17 » 2! jeWel Walthum A1 condition. ('an EEIEEDJEEIEIEJE The Milk Finest Flavor "y pd 15“ Get housekeeping rooms in Highland Park or Highwood. (an furnish my uwn dishes, bedding. silver and linen. Te}. Ft. Shetjdan 149, Capt. Heath. ROOM WANTED â€"â€" A middle aged gentleman desires a quiet bright room with bath, June lst. with break- fast if possible. but not essential. Ap‘ ply Box 304; H. P. Post Oflke. WANTED TO RENT â€"< Bachelor wants rrmm.’ rivatc hmh preferred. mmmem-mg .une. State rice and locality. Addrcxs H. Press 1; CF. 4tf WANTED TO RENT fl House, flat ur unfurnished room for lizlt housekeeping. (‘all H. P. 34. SM LOST -_ String of pom-is between (Entnl ave. and High Schuol on St. Johns ave. Monday evening. V'tlued as keepsake. Finder please mtum to 788 Lincoln ave., Winnetka or Tel. Winnetka 68.5 6‘: pd FOR RENT â€" A five room com- pletely furnished bungalow between Glencoe and Hubbard Woods. Pos- session given May 131 to October. Address H. S. M., Box 218 Highland Park. Ill. ' 6-9 pd . FOR RENT ~ 5 room house furâ€" nished. 604 Skokie Ave. Call nfter 3 o'clock, from Mondty to Fridny. Tel. 692. 6 pd Tel. 1052 FOR RENT â€" Nicely rumish'ed room. Tel. 1116. 6 pd FOR SALE â€"â€" House of 11 rooms. 3 baths. hot water heat. Garage. On attractive corner. Would rent. terms '2 or 3 years. 3200 per mo. Owner. FOR SALE -â€" Large portable gar- ago. Has all of the desirable fem Lures~ of a permanent building and in addition it can be: taken down and erectwl by anybody. l‘ricv reason- ahlv. Arldrws H2, Press office. Tel. 544 FOR SALE (‘omplete furnish- mgs vi a thirteen room house. Ap- ply 117 Deerpath ave. Lake Forest FOR SALE â€" .-\ refrigerator to hold 150 lbs. of ice. In fair condi- tion. (all phone 984. 6 ‘3 vacuum cleaners. solid- oak mantle pierc- and other articles of furmture. FOR SALE â€"~ Delivery horse, for information Call (‘alvert‘s greenhouse, Lake Forest; 6 tf FOR SALE ,- One student lamp‘ 1 suhul walnut secretary and desk. FOR RENT â€"â€" 1 furnished room wummâ€"m BUY on BENT ngmn T0 RENT : ngh; LOST THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS Formerly the roadsides were lined with blacksmith shops to keep the workhorse: of the country shod. Now they are lined with garages to keep the pleuure cut repaired. “'iH the two ladies who 100k silk stmkings from tho (‘nmmumly Shop please return and saw- {ruulnlv as they are well known. 6 Notice m Housenhes Du yuu know whcrv I can get a man to assist with cleaning and garden work? Yes call up 475. 6 Whu wants an airwlulv pup for nothing (-xvept a promise [u In-nt the little lady right Tel. 123}. 6 SITUATION WANTED Nurs- ery governess. eduuuwl; Amvru-an Hospital training. Settle-d and relia- ble. Gumf traveller. Kindly S‘HLQ‘ full particularx Refs. Addrvss 31., Press 0mm. 6 “ANTEDâ€"Competent maid, gen- ('YII housework. Good couk. Refs. re- quired. 312 without cleaning. :15 with. Mrs. E. C. Divine. 400 N‘ Sher- idan mad. Phone 1323. 5 WANTED â€"~ Job gardening Ev day 12" huur by gardener uf seven 1.1.,” incal rxperiem-r. Sallsfflrtnry r-Cfrr» (-nros fulnished. A1Mrr>~ AL I;_ (‘__ I’m-5,5 ”951'. 6" DJ NU’I‘H'F. â€" Mm‘mu. team Work. I um pram kinds. Tel. Tim-M. T, F. a I; T pd. \Vc pay the highest rin- fur sec- ond hand or cast 03 cuthinz. \Vc also buy army clothing. Tq-l. Evan- >tun 1576, chargex revrrswi or send postal can! to H. Nukutin. x09 Demp- stcr street, Evanstnn. 1H. POSITION “'ANTEI) Expu'i vm-rd child's nurse wishes Heady vm» plnymem. References furnished. “'1“ leaw City if desinwi. Tel. H. P M“. ‘ h ‘Nl SITI'ATIUN WANTED First class gardener. Furnish references, Address Joe szik, 123 Beach \‘L. (Hencno. Ill. t'upd SITUATION WANTED Nurs- “'AXTED "73311111101! H-uplt', umk am! minim-r; best wages‘ vas. n" .guiH-«i. Small house. permanent pw >itiun. Unusual oppurtuniu'. Tr}. H. 1'. 11::. a pa WANTED . « [Cum-nun («1 “(wk “a”; “ages. :‘\:(\_3\Jnxil'_\‘ Mr» W. S WANTED , , Young ulrl fur bunk Inn-pin): and lypewrning. 7.1.3 (en- tral m‘rnuv. Melody Wumh .\'ur\(‘r_\' WANTED -» Ma) I". thuxu-Agmy vxpmirnm-d maid fr! uvm-ru‘, Lynx”. wark Small fanniy. Best “ages. Wrrki) Meaning; dam: .\1Hr\-s§ Mrs. Hiitidrn. Moraine? hnh'l ti pdfl \‘..:\.\'TI‘II) t‘wmprhvri! mm; to xa‘m ral‘t- ”1‘ garden and inn-.1; ami fur gym-mi wurk arnum! 'nnuw am} gruundx. Rvply R. PIN» thL'e, - yum. To}. H r. WANTED (i “Ia-(Ix Nursery H 715 Ventral avenue WANTED - house wnrk. $113 313'. .\'n washing. \\ :\.\'H‘.l) | hzumz-m‘. u\p«-x'1vnt.~ mi. Hump. Whitr wnh L'mu! I‘I‘frh'lh'vr. Position “pt-n May 1. Apply Mrs, Harare H. Martin. :M “aqflnux maul. Tt‘l. 5111 Lake FurrsL ii WANTED . ('nmpvtunt Inundrem f‘i‘x- days a Week. was. H-quirml. 293 ('Hztml avenue. Highland Park. T91. SITUATION WANTED POSITION WANTED I “'ANTEU - A 1 ‘lfit wnth vhihirn 24V {‘3}! Frulay, \VANTHD (hx lldrt'l‘. nt‘h-rr BUBBEIIS ANTflD :\.\TEI)V A [N buahL Apply P Ft. Shz-riviav- ANTED BOOTS MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED 7 AND WET OUR ree {:Pnr and A {Myth Mani '. 43‘]. Garth-m! ‘.. I) 1‘ l'up ail-eduh- pup for n-lml M H r: 4 n‘ imwinu and UH Mnnduy murnmn. Apnl 51h. 'tht- Merchants Ih-hvm)‘ 1'0. left two whet-ls thh us In hr equipped with suhtl tin-s. Tht-y \u-ro rushéd In t‘hivuuu by thr l'asquvsx Mutur Ex» press \nlnl t1rv~ wort npydneJ and the wheels “are returned to the Mer- vhants Deliwu (.0‘ hefun- (v p. m. the sanmc day. The Pasquesi Motor Truck fuught the snow laden roads {or over {our ‘huurs to reach (‘hicago and neturm-d the wheels on time, “hich further ' advances the vnlue of the motor truck ifor prompt freight and pack-3e deâ€" | livery. ADJl'DICATION NOTICE l’ublic notice is hereby given lhul the Subscriber Executrix of the Es- tate of Emma M. Montgmm-r)‘. dv- censul. will attend the ('ounty (our! of Lake (Emmy, at a term therouf In be hultlen at the ('nurl Huum- 1n \Vuu. kvszun. 1n sanl ('numy. 0n (hv hm Monday 1n .lum- next. 1920, when and wlmn- all person:A huvmg vlaxms Against said estate are nntifiwl and requested to present xhv Humr tn Haul (Tour! {or adjudication. l'alnH-r Al‘MullHKUlIH'l). And as the motor truck is nolving' the freight carrying problems oc- cuioned by freight congestion, 30? does the Centre] Tire Co" by its su-‘ perior service, solve the problem of: the moborist end make every road a safer road to travel. Tel‘ 1200 THE CENTRAL TIRE (‘0. SCORES I 4 lull-Illmluunuuummammunammmmaflamm@m lllllllllliflil!flflfl@flflfl@@E@@mmmmmHQEmamm@ Ir road to travel. THE CENTRAL TIRE (‘0. Qulity Ind Service 1200 8 Sheridnn Rd Tel‘ 1200 »-Adv fL BECKER BATTERY .SERVICE STATION )‘nU he in Knd \ iw',’ 1! will help to keep Han- Mm IriQ-(l our m‘ h-mpvr ‘\\ (WI A Warning to Property Owners In buying a staple commodity. such as paint or pig ir'on. it is no more than good business judgment to take advantage of the mod attracfiive “Her that presents itself. Similar prm-eedings in buying storage batteries have resulted in more (iissatisfavtion. loss of time, loss of mane)". than any other one factor Telephone 79 A like disaster may visit Highland Park, 111.. at any time. Be pro- “Ti“! and prepared. Your Fire Insurance Policy DOES NOT protect you against 1055 by TORNADO, WINDSTORM OR CYCLONE. The Insurance rates on this line nf Insurance are low. being about one half of the Fire Insurance rate on same building»? Building material and labor prim-s have gone up. Furniture and house- holtl supplies cost more. ('nst Hf replacements are from 40 per cent to 100 per cent greater than five years ago. You may have had enough INSI'RAN(‘E a few years ago. Have you enough now? It is better to decide before a Fire or (’yclone than to regret afterwards. Insurance rates are the same now as before the War. I represent several of the oldest, sthgeSI and best all American Insurance Companies writing FIRE. TORNADO, WINDSTORM and (‘Y- (‘LOXE INSURANCE. Insure NOW with ' On Sunday afternoon, March 28th, 1920. A TORNADO 'passed uhru the (‘ity nf Wilmette and other Illinois Cities destroying Homes and Busi- ness Property valued at severaliguilrh‘onsr0: dqllar} in the uwratiun nf mntor curs. For it” years the “kinda" Company has been supplyinfl batteries to those who dvmzmd freedom frum_the potty annoyances and 905“." "IQ“UP" (luv tn truuhlt'snmt' Hurting and lighting imtteries. EU} [Halli H )ezu‘» nf Maxim-mm is a I'H'm‘ti IN) other haHery company in the World p H' h (In th(‘ Thad and m1 an iden(lsâ€"~:uui th m Hn' correct size fur YUI'R ("AR. It will he an investment that Phone 31 \GAIN The Unknown Quality INSl 'R.4.V(.'E IN .4 1,1. ITS BRANCHES l'entral Ave. and Sheridan Rd. Highland Park, Ill \l‘l‘ When nu- ban-hall from the kid The new German governmen‘ will yam“ com”- m (hrouxh thy kitchen claim all the rifih to Viki! w Ga umdm: you can a! last be sure the mun people are mum-d but it won ‘t gang isn't standing on the curb-tom be bound by the pace trout! lint: spitting into the mm». Q ; it didn't sign it. JAMES H. DUFFY Telephone 57 C. B. HANSEN, Proptietor B'UTTER--EGGS--MARGARINES LOOK FOR '1 ms SIGN 1 at s ivhat «nun!» Finest Quality Home Dressed Poultry 15 St. Johns Avenue "9E5. Shore Creamery “SWAVM W. E. BECKER Highland Park, Illinois Hichlund Puk, Illicit kovAliARumm Hows deve indium Inmate: OPPOS gun: in flu battle 1» Forem and “19‘ CH, Royal Arnmum. ‘I red on ondny 1831 when the “S lhine B rs“ degree u-um of“ north sl conferred the degree on I Ch of twelve, m n u-n lmpi rive ml _ Yer. There I ('0an un bttwu-t-n L gonad d Highland Park w! comma 1 February mnth and 1 April th "oth. Mr. F H Can-en. n and Hermnr. heme} m for the Highland F 11 is beliefied that “PI. romoted to colonel in I ‘5 Action. but ho n n 050 job .5 he fully r Fitzgerdd, Wymnn. B! the ILA? knee-3mg kni “the“. an hard men doll-rs ' henâ€"Maria and (‘1‘ 1mm. 7 Park m pawl for at“ ‘embe Mty-ohe' (hum-Mi dol ghich c prompuy w twenty bl and w the meumi of keeping famihe toguher. In additioh amount ' don." m pad to m1 Miriam in! member: angina", ‘unmnglm High-Ind Park (10. who h transferred 1» “in!!! find u» twelve thouund m 1 to hen aria midinp here was hen-o! other Councils. nder been pronounced 11.; cent a em by the’ insurance 1 mmso‘ _n£ Natasha-ens, 1 (‘onnetticut' Vice Regent W J. 01 brand ’rltom Georxr Ruth pnnd omml'tu-emen Wendq ‘nd (1 n. W?" present and I :0 the joy‘ment n'f thv mod erdia‘ of Lincoln I ‘ounci is captain of the Boot am sud did hinm-H pl enh tonnvlmx of m doughnuts and “1' cl ’ ished by Means. Guyot “9 Visitor! im-ludlu 7 firqm Evansumenna film}: one of thr bout the)‘ Would rume mum. ant. mnury of High nril bfun been a Invmbl for furty one of .Lhe ‘1 rs of its exintrm-v and‘ to supph an} infurml deai Me .150 h“ on hnnd n1 (ahon nk: fur In) who uish Ll NUMB Ion Charles Buy in “Tho I Inte om] News Ind Sn] corned Tuesdly. “The Third cratio with a nouble Brent ('Allt. amnion-l New: and 1 corned demdly. Basie a (tale m‘ A Woman Who Union m. Magazine and Ch Thursday. 7‘ Sn H1 “Sen It Throulrh." The G TopK'I ! the Day. Celebrated 1y Ind Saturday. Nu unnersThnn heath.‘ u Meet ,Mondlp Ewe. 00 1 -0uned Feb 9 to ‘x'nénwmund l'urk .mmu ulll‘ \» a lu-nefit tuna m thl 1wlll-_ u-lds hxgh school Kym “mm M m‘c-ninx (Frldlyl. 1 fun g n hem-fit, mainly for 1.1 { purrhusmu new «~qu pm»: All l vlml {Im- will be mum km» l: mu Huehlnnd Purl any ave a‘huehall mm I ha! they will give M w the turn in mull by IM NlUrul). ;‘-‘ runnersThln heath.‘ I 9 great now} of nah». I. A, R. Wyhr: 83mm 1 M and .10” Mnhnm 1 ry (W Brynn! 1' Note! a! Ancil- No by l. A. R. I“. he will present t mm of picturgs LAKE FOR April 30m

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